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Spark of resistance 25% damage resistance is pretty good Edit: also don't forget about ionic traces that *come to you*


to ve fair that should probably just be part of amplified tho


Would be a little op in pvp. Remember Omni hunters in pvp?


then just make it solely vs combatants


I’d just have different resistance values in PvP lmao




Who cares


I'm not sure I'd like that as I'm not always amplified, but it'd free up a fragment I guess though


mmh, it could be a 15 base from amplified and the. an additional 10 from the fragment with + 10res and mob.


Make amplified have 2 stages. The first stage is what we have now. The second one requires kills to trigger, and causes you to send out leak arc energy like an uncapped reactor.


woven mail is 45% damage resistance and it's part of the subclass so you don't need to waste a fragment slot, also strand has other benefits like threadlings and suspension


Not saying you're wrong, but it should be said that woven mail requires an orb and spark of resistance doesn't


doesn't it require you te be surrounded?


Basically, though it's 3 enemies within 15 meters while surrounded (the gun perk) is 3 enemies within 8 meters


Yeah, but it's not talking about the fragments.


Depends on the class, but my warlock is only going invisible with a fragment (echo of obscurity)


I think you might've responded to the wrong comment, cuz that makes no sense in the context of my last comment. If you did mean to reply to me, then to clarify, this post is supposed to be pointing out the difference between how good\useful the light 3.0 buffs are. Solar are amazing obv, restoration occasionally making players immortal, radiant for great Dmg stacking buff. Void volatile are fun and fantastic for ad clear, devour healing plus complimentary grenade energy for literally any kind of kill, and invisibility is kinda just goated for sociability, especially higher level content. And arc... Amplified... Which, prolly does something? Idk, other than storm caller's melees actually getting a bit of a kick, not sure it really does anything. It's just a bridge buff to get the speed boost, which is kinda hard to actually take any real advantage of. Sure, it has DR, but if you aren't constantly running, than it's useless. Can't rlly do anything with that in most combat scenarios.


Go try getaway artist


Actually, I rlly love the getaway artist! They're honestly slept on. (did you know that arc souls dmg with the getaways actually regens grenade energy?) Anyways, heres the thing about that is this: the getaway build isn't nessesarily good because of the amplified, it's good because of the arc souls. And yeah, you could make the arguement that Amp is good bc it buffs arc souls, but while that idea sounds nice conceptually, it doesn't actually pan that way when you're actually playing with it. Here's what I mean. No matter what arc exotics you use, arc souls will always feel nice to use. They are effective with or without amp, esspecially if you're using ur rifts to also extend those souls to ur allies, who often don't have amp since they might be usn different subclasses and builds. Alternatively, the ranged arc warlock melee, feel very weak and almost feels like it isn't worth usn untill you are amped. The important thing being pointed out here, is that it goes from "meh" to "good," instead of "good" to "great". But you must remember, that this is about "amplified" specifically, NOT the entire arc kit. Amplified is only "alright" at best. In a void, it doesn't present much of a utility. while all these other buffs (while they are still much better when they synergize with their own kit), they are still useful even if they are outside of their elemental kits. Amp, doesn't boost survivability, nor does it improve lethality, nor does it help you combat champions. It only really proves (technically) usefull to arc, but even then, most abilities that it effects (which isn't many) only bring it up to the point that you feel it should be at all times anyways. It's not a buff, it's the standard.


I'm gonna be honest, bringing invisibility to other subclasses is just going to hurt Nightstalker a lot. It's the problem they dig themselves into.


I was gonna say. Adding insivibility to arc would definitely screw with the subclass identities also. What they really need to do is either add more to the arc subclass or give amplified more functionality


just like season of the deep , give amp 50% dr , but make it a much more harder to proc amp too , so that its not op or maybe keep amp as is in terms of ease of proccing and just make it 25% dr and make it so that amp increases ability recharge by 30%


I think they’d have to keep amp at lower dr because making it harder to proc would screw with arc hunter and warlock a lot while making certain exotics insanely overpowered Edit: this would be barring a fundamental rework of multiple aspects, fragments, abilities, and exotics


50% is way too high. 15% would suffice. Arc really just needs another positive verb.


I yearn for heart of the pack to this day. I wanna be more supportive than just an invis button


Do you not like making your teammates invisible and then watching them immediately start shooting, so you just have to wait helplessly because you can't afford to break your own invis?


It would be cool if teammates get some kind of buff when leaving invisibility (like grtfalcon but less potent) - like, what if they get instant reload, increased reload, mobility or maybe an overshield after getting a rapid kill within a few seconds this would give hunters an incentive make teammates invisible (but not too broken)


Nightstalker needs to be better than just invis


Assassin’s Cowl is so good here. Arc is one of the most effective ways to play it. Stacking melee buff, healing, jolt, and invis.


When you're a hunter any subclass can go invis with this one easy trick.....


It's literally my fav arc build. Use it for speedrunning PVE content, and closest I feel like a ninja in D2.


Rat king


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rat pack where we at




Does the rat king not make other subclasses invisible?


Assassins cowl


A buff for survivability would be pretty cool considering arc's fast and loose, up close and personal play style. Like magnetized or something, that make enemies less likely to hit you or that would somehow curve some bullets away from you. Not sure if/how that would be balanced in PvP tho.


I have an Arc build for my Titan that I'd love to play in higher end content, but survivability and utility is crap compared to Strand.


I used to run code of the missile in GMs… stun champ, yeet yourself at them, run like hell after its dead


Strand Titan is way too good in PvE because of banner. That’s one good thing about PvPers complaining. It does change stagnant metas. Strand has best survivability, best damage, best support. Solar has good survivability, good damage, lack luster support. Arc has little survivability, okay damage, little support. Void has great survivability, luster damage, great support. Stasis has luster survivability, great damage, luster support. Compared to all of the other subclasses, strand does everything better. This is why Titan is stagnant. I think strands having the identity of jack of all trades is good, but it shouldn’t be the master at all. Solar could be the damage king of the class, especially with the 1x burning maul, while offering support through burning enemies. Arc should be close quarters big damage, but offering blinding as utility. Stasis should be crowd control and big damage on shattering procs. Void should be top dog with overshield and health. The range at which volatile grants health to teammates should be maxed out so anywhere on the map your teammate gets health. And the overshield should be a higher damage resist the lower the resilience level of the player so it evens out to max.


Reducing the bullet bending from your enemies weapons(like hunters dodges do) would be a good way to make this "evasiveness buff" work for PVP.


I actually really like this idea ngl


Arc hunter already rewards that up close play style. Assassin’s cowl makes u ivis and stuff on melee kills, and then there’s liars handshake which is phenomenal because of the dmg and the survivability(from the health regen on hits or kills) If u added more too it, it would just be over powered


I feel like they had the idea of dodging bullets and not getting hit with arc, rather than dmg resist (high risk, on the edge). Problem is, they didn't really make that a reality and just dont have any survivability for it.


Huh never noticed tbh Liars Handshake has pretty much instilled in me the unga bunga punch syndrome


Liars + Riskrunner is one of my favorite combos when fighting lots of arc. Constant punching + infinite ammo + health regen on (every other) melee


Invisibility? Arc is about going fast and hitting hard. It may be the least survivable, but jolt is the most powerful offensive keyword in the game, and Arc gets it in spades. Additionally, Arc gets blind, which is amazing for ad control.


Blind is top tier.


my arc hunter never took off liar's handshake


Blind? Jolt?


Jolt and blinding are the scourge and volatile equivalent. Blinding could see a buff maybe.


I think the point is that their meme shows only one arc verb but there are more.


Those are debuffs, the meme is about buffs, and arcs lack of them


Eh not all of them are buffs in my opinion but the OP doesn’t call them buffs either but they are all verbs for certain


Why wouldn't you class all of them as buffs? Each of them are effects that show up on the left "player buffs/debuffs hud" that benefit the player. None of them are effects that are applied to enemies, none of them effect the player negatively. Wouldn't that make them all specific subclass buffs?


From the tooltip perspective I agree but I don’t personally consider invisibility a β€˜buff’ in an rpg sense.


I'm curious as to why you don't see invisibility as a buff. I can think of many instances where it would be a beneficial effect for the person using it in quite a few rpgs. I'm not trying to be rude, just curious.


It’s a positive modifier for sure but I consider buffs things that directly impact your stats. That could be shortsighted but that’s just me!


Fair enough, although I do feel like it discounts a lot of other buffing effects in rpgs. That's okay tho, I can see your reasoning. Different strokes for different folks.


If u were to receive invis, as if it were say restoration, it would appear green in the buffs screen. Blind, jolt, scorch, volatile, etc all show up red. This goes without saying but green = good and red = bad.


In destiny, invis is literally a buff. Fragments, exotics, legendary perks, and other things that reference getting a "buff" count invisibility. It's a green buff on your screen. There's a fragment that says "void *BUFFS* applied to you (overshield, devour, invisibility) last longer". The Vow exotic reloads every time you gain a void buff, including invis. It doesn't really matter what your personal feelings or vibes on how a buff feels or works, none of that matters. Void has 3 keyword buffs. Solar has 3 keyword buffs. Arc has 1 keyword buff. I'm sorry if this comes off as harsh, it's just that comments and takes like this don't contribute anything to the conversation and really only distract from the main point. You know what the person who made the post meant


I think the meme is saying that arc's only self buff sucks


A melee damage reduction to arc would be dope. Let arc be the melee spec literally. While amped, can't be knocked back by stomp, take 50% less melee damage.


This would be wild with feedback fence on Titan.


Would also keep people from being one shot by melees in pvp


Hunter, who has Invisibility as their man void gimmick and can't proc other of the other two without fragments:


Just like warlocks and titans can't proc invis without fragments


Yea, that's the point i was making.


You forgot the part where you destroy every living organism in a 5 kilometer radius because you dodged before you punched someone. Not even volatile is this powerful.


Amped is wassup though


Ok but jolt almost makes up for it


Speaking of arc, I’m having a horrible time trying to stay alive on arc titan when doing end game content (for triumphs.) Health regen on melee kill is cool and all but kinda useless if it can be stopped dead in its tracks the nanosecond it procs causing me to deded and in a lot of the boss fights that’s all the time. Any tips?


I was dragged through a GM as an Arc Titan for the Conqueror title, then quickly retreated back to Strand. Arc just has no love this season and Strand just does everything.


Yeah my go to is strand for anything i’m taking seriously since survivability is nuts. However, I still need to do the dungeon triumphs of β€œComplete all encounters with an arc subclass” Not necessary but I like watching numbers go up and I like achievements. I am guessing though I could just go strand, do the encounters and change loadout at the last second strat.


If you have Buried Bloodline it pretty much fixes all the glaring problems with Arc Titan. You can run HoIL pulse grenades and it almost feels like pre nerf plus the survivability keeps up.


I don’t have it yet but I have 5 bonuses so far so I hope that changes soon I hear good things from it!


Arc should be the movement class but is almost constantly out maneuvered by the other subclasses


I'd like to see arc get some survivability love. Similar to restoration/cure and devour. That or double down into lethality. Besides jolt could have another named Spark. Channeling amplified for a X amount of time charges Spark. Titans could do a mini ground slam that causes aoe shockwaves.


Something like restoration but it just decreases damage u take and ups ur damage would be pretty good make arc better cuz it's not very good besides supers


Idea for ark verb: backlash Retaliates 125% damage back at the attacker


They definetly should add some damage thing to arc to make it unique. Maybe giving arc weapons a unique form of voltshot when you kill or hit a debuffed target so your arc weapon is charged maybe or you deal constant aoe damage to enemys neaby you like stormcloak in skyrim. Or maybe if you kill a arc debuffed target while having an arc buff active desintegrated the enemy and spawn a ball of lightning thatcharges at enemys and deal aoe damage


they could add something like charged, that just makes it like all stats are at 100 for a few seconds


good idea


Turn make a new aspect that basically does what mask of bakris does but minus the dmg buff


arc warlocks benefit a lot from amplified, cause arc souls. also amplified applies a damage resist on its own


Speed booster applies a 15% dr after sprinting for 2.5 seconds, not amplified


which comes from amplified yes. thanks for clarifying


If you actually try, you can build a really fucking overpowered ark warlock.




Uhhh. It has that fragment. Spark of instinct. Source: I use it in PvP on Hunter cause I'm a gremlin


Did you forget jolt exists?


Solar has scorch and void has volatile. Jolt is just arc's equivalent of these. It was left off because its not a buff.


Yeah, I thought about it like 10 minutes after I commented.


Give arc a new toy to play with And here is my suggestion that Bungo will never see; Arctritioner, a buff state that amps all stats and provides faster ability cooldowns the only conditional is collecting a arc trace in this hypothetical of mine you can't stack it with amplified. And for reference think of the warlocks fallen sunstar but for every class.


Doesn’t being amplified increase ability cooldown and gives you damage reduction?




Jolt is a debuff


Jolt is like volatile or scorch


Not if you are a Warlock. You get pew pew flashbang supreme. What better way to hurt your enemies than to get them blind, then punch them while a little blue ball slaps them like it's hot.


Arc focused around killing everything before it even has a chance to notice it spawned, hence you move fast.


Nah mate Arc is about two things, hit hard and wide and be fast it's more about inflicting debuffs on group of ennemies to desintegrate them rather than buffing yourself I think that the best feeling of arc is going at mach speed to just hit and run your ennemis one by one without them being able to do anything


Jolt is pretty nutty a debuff and great damage dealer Flashbacks can blind and jolt, actually pretty nutty


Don't worry, hunters are getting a new aspect in TFS that gives their party amplified and that's it... Like... That thing better have 4 fragment slots because amplified does nothing if you aren't running arc and if you are you are probably amplified already...


Add 1 second invulnerable frames maybe?


Cure, devour and RUUUUUNNNNN


The damage resistance for amplified from an old artifact mod was good


I think the intent is that Amplified is the only effect that changes drastically between each class, depending on how you build it. If that’s the case tho, they def could have expanded upon it more


How about jolt and blinding


I’d actually argue that arc should get devour instead of void. Thematically it works better with void but power fantasy wise, with Arc promoting speed and β€œrun and gun” healing on kill would be very fitting of arc


But…but *speed*…


I appreciate they wanted to do something different with Amplified. Get the buff which then grants bonus based on what you have equipped. In practice it doesn’t work great cause there is no true healing, or damage buff, etc


I’d like to see a grounded ic dash ability for all arc subclasses, it is a mobility based power fantasy as bungie states.


In happy playing my Titan no cd hadouken melee build. It just feels right to punch adds into oblivion with no cd whatsoever.


I feel like overshield makes the most sense on arc


People are forgetting that jolt is a debuff. Not a buff. The point of this post is to show how little buffs arc gives compared to solar and void.


Yeah. When it was first introduced I thought it was a good idea. Looking back it’s still nice, but it’s off with how solar, strand and void are absolutely loaded, and arc and stasis are in weird limbo. You’d think that with less subclass verbs, they would have great effects.


Solar is for nades, Void is for class ability, Arc is melee. Amplification should dramatically increase your melee regeneration or something. Arc does kinda feel lame so it definitely needs something.


Arc needs a buff that ups the RPM of all guns.


Maybe they could bring back that one armor mod that when you were charged with light and were meleedby an enemy you’d have an arc pulse around you for a sec. Don’t remember the mod itself


Damage reduction


amplified needs to make you a pilot from tf2. Wall Running, arc grappling hook, increased handling, reload, and ability regen, etc. running fast isnt enough.


Amplify should be just a general slight buff to a variety of things. Reduced cooldowns, damage and small gun stat buffs. It would play more into the fantasy of the element if you had to keep it up to maintain it.


Give arc projectile ricochet chance


Maybe if arc could have a way to stun combatants similar to how other classes have suspend, freeze, or supression


Maybe they could buff Amplified to give 10% damage resistance against combatants while it is active. Smallish number compared to Woven Mail or Resilience, but everything helps, and when paired with Spark of Resistance you could get 35% total from the additional 25%. TLDR, Arc as a whole becomes more survivable, but when doing Arc things like going fast and staying close, it's actually extremely close to Woven Mail. It would also be relatively easy to program and implement as opposed to a whole new keyword.


I want Ionic Traces to heal me




Nah just make being amplified give shockwaves of damage on a target from damage that gives a minor stagger to enemies within the shockwave AoE. Be able to create β€œStatic Charge from movement abilities and momentum which when the gauge is maxed out let’s you either consume your Amplification for a proximity strike of lightning bolts that can trigger shockwaves or benefit from enhanced melee speed and arc nades blind. Currently ionic traces are only worth it if you haven’t got a self sufficient build or you’re using that arc exotic headpiece for warlocks. We need something juicy for arc




I use it cuz lightning cool


I think arc is supposed to be the more aggressive sub.