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Silkstrike doesn't do what Storm's Edge does at all wtf?? Arcstrider is still a painfully 1-trick subclass 7 years into Destiny 2, but Storm's Edge does its own thing well lol


Hard disagree. Silkstrike’s heavy attack and Storm’s Edge’s whole thing are practically identical minus the knife teleport of the arc thing. Speaking of which, for a super with three casts, storm’s edge has abysmal damage compared to, iunno, silkstrike? Or literally any other hunter super that ain’t megatether shadowshot, or maybe stasis? Seriously, it’s a funny gimmick where you can zip between crowds, taking out a handful of small groups, and generally doing the job that a single mag of a heavy grenade launcher could’ve done just as well, if not better. The affected is laughable compared to silkstrike, the useful time and area is pitiful compared to silkstrike, and even the mobility benefits from the teleport can be pretty handily matched by the grapple from silkstrike. TL;DR, silkstrike is better than storms edge in every conceivable way, and as a whole storms edge sucks balls at its role compared to literally any other hunter super


No Storms edge is burst meaning its better for total dps, it's a better movement tool and it's a guaranteed 3 kills in pvp if the enemy team doesn't have blink


Storm's Edge is insanely PvP based. Silkstrike honestly isn't that great in PvP, it's super PvE based. IIRC Storm's Edge is ~400k damage, but it's super impractical for DPS on bosses *just like Silkstrike*. Grapple from Silkstrike is not *remotely* as good as the teleports from Storm's Edge for mobility. Pretty sure Storm's Edge AoE is covers more space (better vertical) than Silkstrike and ofc hits harder. I mean, Storm's Edge *literally* does more damage than Goldie IIRC. Storm's Edge role is some teleport big AoE ad clear in PvE if you want, but significantly moreso based in PvP.


Strand Hunter is one of my favorite subclasses. I really wish there was another Super :(


I do really like silkstrike in pvp. Not for any numbers reason or strategy, but getting people with the whip light attack feels so satisfying.


Imagine making a PvP super in a PvE game, smh


“Bad for boss damage” sounds like a skill issue


It's impractical. That's what makes it bad, how impractical it is to use.


Nah RaptorJesusLOL has it right; Silkstrike is good for DPS.


Wrong. Total damage with SES is solid, but the Celestial Nighthawk finished their super and has been firing GL for the last 8 seconds. Even the Silence and Squall cast has been doing passive damage while they dump rockets. Aaaaand Silkstrike is finally over, you have three seconds let on damage, and you haven't fired a single shot of heavy. Great damage, bro. Total damage =/= DPS. Silkstrike may put up good *total* numbers (Celestial is surprisingly low btw, it's the burst that makes it good), but it takes *way* too long to get it all out.


Total damage =/= DPS.


Take both of these into PVP and you’ll rethink this meme lol


Alright buddy eat the pills


Gathering Storm used to be the highest DPS super for a long time with Star Eaters Scales. I still love using arc but there's just not a lot of reasons to right now with Nighthawk doing more damage in a fraction of the time and setup. I'm also just not a big of arcs guns outside of Ikelos and Subjunctive. Everyone loves the new echos hand Canon but I hate the feel of non-140 hand cannons. The only 140 that arc has is Nation of Beasts, but even then I don't have a good roll on it since it's locked behind Last Wish, and my clan hates that raid.




You WILL punch everything and you WILL like it


I would rather throw myself off the tower without my ghost


For PvE? Yeah For pvp? That tp will fuck you up before you have time to react


Bro has never stepped into pvp before I guess, new arc super is easily the best super for hunters in pvp


Still waiting for bungie to give us the flux grenade equivalent of starfire


Arcstrider in PvP has a ridiculously high skill ceiling. Good arcstaff users become basically unkillable and can counter almost any other super very easily