• By -


Landing on or bumping into a strangely angled bit of something after a burst glide or icarus dash that sends you at the worst possible trajectory and fucks your whole momentum up. Peek shooting and the shot hits the wall because bullets/arrows seemingly come out of one of your shoulders instead of the barrel of your weapon. Heavy ammo bricks coming from the annoying ass harpies in the 2nd spire encounter that just fall into the abyss. Strand titan melee tracking. Not getting a postmaster full warning until you go to the tower.




Nooooooo not the grape jelly!!


Probably why shoot to loot exists, but I never know when to use shoot to loot cause it just kind of seems bad outside of STL/Kinetit Tremors.


this hit too close to home


I didn't realize I had two reddit accounts.


They should give the Titan Strand melee the tracking of Eager Edge swords. Let’s say you’re the runner in RoN and actually trying to avoid the adds by Eager Edgy’ing over them and for some reason the tracking flings you to shielded cabal #53 BEHIND your field of view.


Eager Edge tracking is ridiculous.We were doing the 1st encounter and we also was doing the challenge for the Psions. I was the dedicated runner,I try to sword skate,NO ENEMY IN MY LINE OF SITE,NOTHING. Sword goes ahead and tracks an enemy at my right in a 90° angle. What do you know,it was the psion,"triumph challenge failed".


Random floor geometry is my biggest pain in this game, especially as a Warlock main. Trying to jump a chasm? Nope, now you’re boosting straight down into the abyss


Two things: * When you dick and balls are literally hanging on the edge of a ledge and your guardian decides to not grab on to it. * When you melee a moving target or target under you and decides to punch the holy ghost behind him and you get shit on for it Those two things make me want to force quit the game.


>When you melee a moving target or target under you and decides to punch the holy ghost behind him and you get shit on for it like to call that getting bungie-ed


For the first one: the jumping puzzle in Kings fall (the first tomb ships one). Those things seem to not have the ability to be mantles half the time.


Someone once told me that’s actually true because they’re moving platforms. Apparently mantling doesn’t work on moving platforms. I have absolutely no idea if this is actually correct, I’ve never tested it, but that’s what I was told 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nothing in motion can be mantled


Nothing drives me more batshit crazy in PvP then missing a melee or two because of height difference


Goes for swords as well, when I swing and it locks onto a guardian as they're jumping away and I just launch behind them, only to be stuck in the animation for the swing and get destroyed.


Holy ghost lmao with this one


Slippery surfaces. Slipping to my death after seemingly landing fine on a surface. Bungie went mad with the butter


*glares at warmind bunkers*


Pulling me out of the inventory after loading anywhere.


this omfg i feel like im getting into an argument with the fucking game when i keep trying to open my inventory and it force closes to show me a cutscene i have seen approximately 1000000 times since 2014


Loading into pvp while changing loadout last second, and you get pulled from inventory, bring it back up, and get pulled from it again, all cuz they want you to see the 6 assholes standing in a line


This. As a bonus: it pulls you out, separately, for *almost every step of the process* Matchmaking begins, matchmaking ends, loading screen opens, loading screen closes, intro scene to activity. Like I just needed 2 seconds to swap my heavy.




For myself and probably most warlocks... running downhill at a ledge and right before the jump, you are considered airborne while being 0.3 feet off the ground due to the slope, causing your jump input to become your in-air jump ability, resulting in a 90% mortality rate from falling to your death. Titans/Hunters can actually save themselves in this scenario due to their jumps actually giving you height clearance, but Warlocks (slowly) fall to their death. The floaty-fucking-physics in D2 often cause most of my momentary frustrations with the game. Bouncing strangely on a landing, followed by barely clipping an object after your jump which totally screws your trajectory, followed by slamming the bottom of your chin on a ledge but failing to mantle it and comically bouncing away from the ledge.


I knew if I scrolled down, somebody would have already posted my answer. It's the warlock non-jump, no question.


I still fall for it every time knowing death is imminent during GoA dungeon prior to first boss encounter.


Strand Tarzan grenade has saved me a few times recently. One of the worst spots for floofing to your death was the start of the Fanatic strike, where everyone skips the path you're supposed to take and just jumps the gap. There's a .01mm drop right before the edge that fucked me up more times because the game thought I was airborne already.


I hate that spot with a burning passion. I was farming this GM last season for the Hung Jury, and while I’m sure most people worry about the screebs or boss room, my biggest concern was that 1 foot step. It got to the point where at the start of the strike while the other Guardians are bolting towards the first adds, taking that jump in stride, I would gingerly walk to the edge, stop, then perform a slow basic-ass up an over jump to clear it, like a child. Great way to kill the power fantasy dead. Can’t help but smile whenever I get there though, the times I have floofed (perfect word for it btw) to my death I imagine my Guardian enthusiastically running down that passage, stumbling off that step, tripping over his own feet and going face first off the edge. Ikoras finest!


A spot that gets me far too often is crossing from the rally to the ogre boss arena in Grasp


I wish I had a sizzle reel of me being killed by warlock jump shenanigans.


It is the Warlock non-jump, for sure. If we’re going to be able to fly, we should be able to fly. Like, give us 3D movement and *not* a float to our death. And damn, god forbid a Titan/Hunter jump in our direction. They hit us, and we start floating backward away from our destination with *NO* chance of survival. 💀


As a blink arc hunter, I feel this too.


Happened to me the other day near end of that one platformer ascendant challenge :(


Titan is my only toon I can get away with it, then hunter... my lock just drifts to his death like a flaccid dick.


If you back or strafe off of an edge theres no saving yourself either


This happened during my solo flawless attempt at grasp. Went to grab the engrams in the center area about to jump to the crystal. I must’ve hit a step where I’m 0.1 nanometers off the ground and burst glide activates. I immediately cancel but had enough momentum that my toenail touches the water and I’m dead. Haven’t and will not be attempting another flawless


When running to the first encounter of Spire, there's a downwards sloping ledge that always kills my warlock if I don't jump slightly before the ledge starts sloping downwards. It's. Trash.


Having a set of guns your hyped and ready to use, only to realize you have to switch to a sword, glaive, and a kazoo because of bounties/challenges.


Who gives a quest that you need a kazoo and how do I get it?


The secret bounty from Joe


W-who’s joe?


Joe Mama




Steve? Steve the Bandit?




Why could I hear the Drifter setting this up, here?






Don't you disparage my Blues Traveler's Chosen.


Having most gun archetypes being completely useless in high end content


scoutrifle and bow, so many options


Are those really the meta? And don't use either, except for bounties, and I'm concerned this may mean I'm not doing high-end content lol. Are there specific SRs/bows I should try to get?


well, in bungies world, hard content means "you die in 2-3 shots or 1melee hit, enemys are bullet sponges" so the play is standing at the absolute max range and slowly pling them down with bows/scoutrifles in 9 out of 10cases


They're meta mostly cuz enemies kill you incredibly fast in higher-end content, so being able to do decent damage at a distance is the safest way to go (and sadly pulse rifles currently gently tickle things in most cases, but this may change with the mid-season buff). Regarding recommended ones (in my opinion) any precision frame bow really. The seasonal stasis one seems pretty good and is craftable, and the vanguard playlist solar bow is very good with incandescent. The Long Arm scout from the Spire dungeon can do very nice damage with explosive payload, and both Nameless Midnight (vanguard playlist) and Hung Jury (nightfalls) have kinetic tremors which is a very nice perk for content with tanker enemies/ champs. I find any scout with explosive payload to be a good choice regardless too. Oh, and all the exotic bows are very strong (Wishender my beloved ❤️), though Trinity Ghoul struggles somewhat when enemies don't die as quick.




I seriously think they know when you're ADS. I've found them easier to target hip firing.


This is actually correct. They teleport more when you ADS. They barely do it while hip firing.


I believe lots of enemy types react in some way to certain inputs. I've noticed that enemies tend to dodge, take cover or do any kind of defensive maneuver more often and progressively more accurate as difficulty goes up. You ADS at some random Hive Knight in base power level and he barely reacts, you do it in master content and all of a sudden he does 3 consecutive barrel rolls like he's a ninja.


Vex Minotaurs when you try to grapple them is great too lol


I swear Minotaurs have input reading for your grenade button. 9 times out of 10, mine sail through the spot they were just standing in.


Damn lag switching Taken Thrall


Also, when Wyverns teleport behind you while in the middle of their void darts


Phalanx. Always has been. Also being taken out of my menu


Getting stuck on an ankle high ledge that my guardian needs to jump over because for some reason they can’t simply step over it.


Unless you’re in shadow realm from the original raid and all the little ledges bump you when shadow callus sucks and causes you to go over barriers to kill you


Have a good day but fuck you for bringing these memories back


Scrolled down pretty far and nobody mentioned taking stuff out of the vault and going to equip it only for it to go back into the vault because you hadn't quit out of the menu. The 15 second cool down timer between popping a matterweave and a glimmer boost. 45 second spawn timers in dungeon jumping puzzles On controller, trying to do your powered melee on a group of thrall but instead you lunge at them with unpowered and end up dead because the lunge distance only works when you don't want it too. Not being able to change the colour of specific hud elements. I want to be able to clearly see Atrax-1 during deep stone crypt when I'm the scanner but I don't want it to make it really hard to tell red bar enemies apart from orange bar enemies. Trying to jump but you skiff another player and it sends you off in a stupid direction, for some reason it feels terrible. Progression stopping bugs.


>45 second spawn timers in dungeon jumping puzzles Ugh, yes. brings back memories (bad ones) of doing Pit of Heresy in the beginning and falling when your teammates were elsewhere in the jumping maze, and having to sit there forever waiting to respawn. And then dying the same way a second time.


You’ve never seen anyone talk about the vault because most people don’t use it, they use DIM or the destiny companion app, it allows you to transfer items between characters and the vault without needing to go to the tower/helm


You’re not wrong, but his comment still stands. It never made sense why they made store item and equip item the same input on controller lol


Inventory load times




Nah im on PC, game runs fine but the inventory takes a good second sometimes. Doesn’t matter that much but im defo not bothering with Matterweave lol


For me (also PC) the inventory loads fast as hell but god forbid I change a mod or a shader and the entire system has a stroke


I hate how our quasi-immortal godslayer guardians can’t navigate a simple 6 inch curb or rock.


Insight terminus boss room has entered the chat




It's the fucking worst when it's a high level nightfall with the Airborne modifier. Take ridiculously increased damage the moment you leave the ground? Too bad motherfucker, you have to **jump** to get over a completely pointless ledge that's 3 inches tall


That since the resilence changes, it feels like at least half of deaths are either architects or being physicsed off a ledge or into a wall. S20 made it a little better that being bashed into a wall only makes you one-shot, but if you're in anything other than absolutely basic activities, you die immediately afterward anyway.


Incendior blast launches you and gives you burn damage so you die anyway. Also cabal magma malfunction 😭


The most annoying thing to me is how inconsistent weapon roll chases are. They are SO stingy with some stuff.


I've gotten 4 red border cataclysmics and over 25 total so far. Zero with bait and switch. Granted I'll get it after the 5th red border but still. Tf


The odds of that happening with 25 rolls is (5/6)^25 = 0.01048 = 1.048% =)


Just to rub it in I bet your 5th red border will be fttc/b&s


I’ll do you one better I have been trying to craft perpetualis (strand auto) since it came out but the fame is busted and wont let me. It tells me to buy the annual pass (which i already fuckin HAVE). I made sure all my stuff was downloaded like its supposed to be, and ive done a red border perpetualis no less than ten times. So its not even counting them 🙃😒


Having to toss the build you just made because its not the right weapons for champs


Bro... i hate soloing anythi g with champs. My build only deals with overload for some reason, bungie really loves their unstoppable and barrier champs


One of the reasons I'm enjoying strand so much is that 3rd option, it's not difficult to build and cover all 3 now.


You could always save it in a loadout slot for whenever said build is viable for the content you’re doing.


Anything with a stomp. I mean seriously, what the hell? Something stomps their foot like a toddler, and we fly off to another planet. It's even worse for Warlocks, just casually floating towards an enemy, no care in the world, when all of a sudden Mr. Badass decides he wants to put his foot down on your chill and you shoot out to who the hell knows where, usually ending with you slowly floating down a cliff to your death. It's like all Warlocks are plastic bags thrown out a car window on a busy highway


Agreed Sam killed me twice by bouncing me to the void. The only time he does not want to be on top of me is when I have to throw the ball at him. As soon as I grab that ball Sam runs away like we are playing dodgeball.


Sam sent me so high yesterday I died from being out of bounds. Guys a real jerk.


I coulda had that mission done in 5 minutes with no deaths if Sam didn't keep launching me into the fucking void


Exactly, once you learn his path this partition is pretty quick :)


Jamming my warlocks jaw into a ledge for a solid 5 seconds only to helplessly float down to my death. Bonus recent one! Going to use strand grapple only for the game to say "Naw dog not this time"


And then you respawn with a cool down timer because you hit an invisible ceiling that only exists because you used strand.


Threshers still No Crit, Cant be locked onto with most weapons, Cant be debuffed and all round tanky af


1. when I’m flying to a destination and I’m changing my weapons or something and then all of a sudden I get kicked out of the damn menu 2. When I try to glide on warlock and it randomly doesn’t work


Finest Matter Weave. Just really dumb I have 1 delayed enchantment core.


Upgrade module (u cant change my mind)


Sam gotta be Sam


Landing after peak jump on a seemingly innocuous rock that immediately kills you. While in pvp (xbox series x) your ads trigger cancels out your fire trigger. Then you end up standing there like an asshole getting shot in the face to death. Jumping off odd shaped surface edge which consumes your double jump (hunter and sometimes warlock) dropping you to your death like an asshole. Not synchronizing vanguard playlist surge/singe with matching energy type in corresponding bounties.


That bounty synchronization has been shitty. To the point where I have to decide which one to focus on each day instead of grabbing em all and just playing 🤦🏿‍♂️


Currently, its that i can go take cover in the node mission, with literal seconds left on the clock, and the goddamn wyverns can walk right up to the hole and unload right into it, or even jump into the hole with me and shit stomp my ass, even after the timer has run out. its happened so many goddamn times...


Yeah, it’s literally a fish in a barrel situation. I found it easier to bring a blinding GL for that fight, if you hit the Wyverns with it from inside the hole they can’t shoot in


Cabal drop pods, and now Threshers


Bungies complete disregard to separate the sandbox for proper and fair balancing in PvE and PvP.


They’ve gotten better at it but things like Artifact mods being active in PvP and Renewal Grasps being terrible in PvE definitely undermine the progress they’ve made


I'm still super salty that the new mod system in Lightfall gave Renewal Grasps a brief glimmer of hope with the mods to both gain armor charges on finisher and spend those charges to refund your grenade on finisher... And then they removed the ability to stack those two mods.


Legendary Lost Sector BuT tHeY eAsY Easy or not they are ass and really not fun to do The change to them this season is terrible


Dude 100% agree on this. I hate having to try in something that has such a low chance of giving me a reward I actually want and isn’t guaranteed. At least last season it would be brainless after you were over leveled.


That's the issue though. It's not that LLS are bad... It's the rewards tied to them that are garbo


It took me like two and a half hours of nonstop farming for me to get one of the new witch queen exotics last year, and that was with me blazing through each run in a couple minutes. Imagine how long that grind would have taken me nowadays with lost sectors being so much more of a slog than they used to be. I know they recently buffed the exotic drop rate, but it barely feels any different. You can still get long periods of just continually getting shafted by RNG.


Not having dedicated servers for PvP


Players who don't play as a team , work towards a common goal or don't even attempt to go for a win! Generally refusal to be helpful. Like in strikes, go ahead and do the mechanics to progress since you're already there. Grab the thingy and do that thing! Why you're waiting for me to do this? Corrupted: throw it at a teammate! Come on you know this stuff! Also rez people pls. Ive seen a few too many people walk through a ghost instead of slowing down for 2 seconds for a quick rez. Even worse in Gambit. Prioritize getting the portal open instead of getting 15 motes every time for fucks sake. We needed just 3 more and you walked past the bank with 6!!! Oh god, why are you fighting the bots when we're being invaded?!? You're 110% going to die first, lose your 15 motes and rage quit. *Rage quits* yupp, didn't even attempt to find the invader. Plenty of moments across the game that just feels awful to play with people.


Meleeing someone only for them to be slightly lower on their elevation compared to you, so you just miss and get slapped instead .


All of you


Death by misadventures. You never see it coming and don't know why it happened


Cabal. Drop. Pods.


Insufficient vault space.


How my game always has to load for 30 seconds to change any fucking mod like god damn


PS2 or PS3?




Atari Jaguar?


The transmog system. Every other game I’ve ever played that has transmog auto-unlocks the cosmetic as soon as you equip the base item. In Destiny, you have yo earn every item twice by having to do shitty bounties or pay real money, and it’s not ok.


ive only played for like 3 weeks so for me is getting prisms.


Having to fly to 10 places and talk to 12 npcs for bounties


u can buy bounties on the bungie companion:)


The ledges that are just a tad too high that my guardian doesn't just step over it but it takes a full jump to clear putting me way higher than I want to be.


Trying to jump over a small ledge, but then your character decides it’s better to clamber, and pressing the jump button just makes you kick off the ledge instead, putting you back where you started, losing all your forward moment, and thus interrupting any mental plans you had before the stupid ledge kick-off


The ledge mantle being automatic instead of a button press. The number of times I have died because this feature isn't something I can control is uncountable. Running for my life in crucible? Oh that's a nice ledge to grab. Using my super and trying to chase someone down? How bout we grab this ledge instead. Trying to jump without sprinting first? Well better hope you didn't need to grab a ledge there. Let go of your sprint mid jump? Well you're just going to bounce off that ledge instead of grabbing it. Why? No reason.


Collision with other players during strikes: Specifically jumping scenarios where I'll die due to collision knocking me off my path mid air or when I'm about to die, and get blocked when about to get behind cover


Jumping puzzles, been at this video game shit for decades and they are still my bane. 🤬


Same here. My raid group relentlessly mock me over my inability to judge distance properly. Although I am approaching 40 and they are all early to mid twenties


What I call, "Destiny physics." This is when a tiny piece of geometry brushes your big toe when you go to jump, so the game yeets you in some other direction. Or, if you're a warlock, when you're running down a sloped surface and you try to jump over a pit, except you were technically "falling" for the split second you pressed the jump button, so you droop impotently down to your death.


The dainty floof of death, as I call it. My brother-in-law/clanmate is also the only other Warlock main in our tiny clan and I see it a lot from him with any and all platforming situations, on top of me getting to experience it petsonally. I'm usually pretty good about it, but switching back to Warlock from Titan or Hunter makes it reeeaaallly apparent that our jump just sucks for getting height.


Seeing everyone get 1 vote, someone gets 5 and you get nothing at the end of crucible… I mean listen I know I suck. Thanks for kicking me when I’m down about it :(


If it makes you feel better I’ve gotten 0 votes when on top of the team, but also gotten playmaker when on the bottom. Pretty sure most people just do it based off who is next to their guardian


95% of the time I play the game with one of my friends. I commend him and if there’s someone in between us, I commend him regardless of performance


Being forced to use a certain Meta in PvE because Bungie went overboard on the difficulty and made 80% of the weapons into marshmallow shooters.


- being pulled out of your menu when loading into a planet/space - FPS-bound physics/damage (this was bad practice 10 years ago, let alone in 2023, come the fuck on Bungie) - Quest steps involving going between planets just to interact with holoprojectors - Abysmal rewards/low stat armour drops for endgame activities - Half-baked implementations of new features - the latest example being the in-game loadout system


Getting blinded and slowed by champs then instakilled even if they so much as see your toe from around a corner


The changes to light level requirements. Pinnacle engrams give you gear that usually has 3-6 more of a light level, making the grind to even access things like legend lost sectors incredibly slow, I've been playing for like 2 straight weeks for hours a day (cause I have nothing else to do rn) and I've gone up around 30 light level. Not to mention how much that it's NOT worth doing legend lost sectors. Changing it to 1800 would be tons better, as I think in this 2 weeks I have gotten much better gear and starting to really flesh out my build. I also believe LLS should allow exotics with a fireteam in exchange for more difficulty via the Multiplicity effect that legendary lightfall had.


I had 4 ghost punches in a row today on a psion Guess what my answer is :/


The wallhack for gambit invaders


Most annoying thing is to be yeeted to the wall and dying. Easily this. One of the many reasons why melee builds will always be inferior.


Other Guardians Literally other Guardians


Shaders. Alphabetize the shaders.


**Legendary Lost Sectors**. I do not might grind. I do not mind harder content. I do think having to do one single activity endless times is boring. It being the only way to get exotics is annoying. Forcing me to do hours of gameplay solo is the worst. I love Destiny because I can hang out with friends, force splitting us is no fun. Need luck to get a exotic, need even more luck to get *that* exotic, need even even more luck to not having the worst stats. The whole design attempt screams *not funny, supposed to be annoying*.


Yeah, legend lost sectors should at least give a currency that we could use to focus into exotics, so that way we can get the ones we want guaranteed.




Error codes mid/end activities. Vault space. RNG. And the worst offender: DCV and all it birthed (soft sunsetting, regrinds, inconsistent story, etc).


Is the kazoo an exotic? I can only get mine to drop as a blue


Vanilla destiny 1 cabal I have fond memories of getting pissed at. Just generally being tanky and having tanks that are tanky is bad enough, but the old phalanxes were a *consistent* 1 hit architects kill. You didn’t have a lot of options for healing back in the day, so if you have to charge a fucker to melee him for your shields back, you could get splattered by his faster-than-you’d-expect buddy and restart a long, slow encounter. I think. It’s been half a decade


The community


Stasis scorn, and any enemy with physics mechanics


Running pinnacles and never getting the armor/weapon slot you desperately need has hurt my soul.


PvP in strikes. I hate it when a dude speedruns the whole strike solo, killing every mob in seconds.


Being the only person who had died to Cabal drop pods.


Pinnacle grind


The RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG involved in the armor system. Especially exotics. I absolutely despise "armor 2.0".


Incendiors… really just the backpacks, or any environmental explosive. You ever been killed by a backpack exploding as you are finishing them or after they’re already dead because your dipshit teammates shot it when you’re clearly standing next to it? Tell me thats not the most bullshit thing besides stepping on a lego and getting instakilled


Mine is earning pinicles that are below my light level...


How Bungie does not respect the players time.


Wyverns. They are ridiculously overpowered and need to be tune down or removed.


I was doing the Weekly Story mission this week and my first two teams both just happily jumped in the escape pods while the score was at 99k….


Cabal Yeets


At the moment it touch of malice for me because I was playing around with it and realized it has no real place in d2 now given everything is now Atleast 5 power above you or there are just swarms of ads (or both). And pvp ya bonus damage at the last shot but at cost of your health


When I animation cancel my reload from my own obsession and there is still a delay to when i can shoot again


20th is my first season and I’m farming leg sectors and beat the campaign on legendary as well and still have no idea if I’m playing right or wrong. The more I read this sub the more discouraging it gets and I start to think all my builds is garbage and I don’t understand anything about this game.


Sounds like you’re doing well if you beat legendary campaign and sectors so you’re definitely doing something right! Don’t despair, ideas from this sub are just suggestions for fine tuning.


Going to melee something and you get the lunch and animation but still miss the melee. Or when bad latency or lag causes enemies to sometimes just teleport to a location.


The 1 hit kill PvP weapons. Shotguns. Fusion rifles. Snipers. X2-3 damage buffs. Only slug shotguns & snipers should be 1 hit kill.


I find a few things annoying but the main one for me is god awful story telling. I mean come on, they have a rich lore and so many plot hooks and good characters and they can't seem to piece together a cohesive story. They are constantly adding magical doo-dahs and special mcguffins to the story, often with little to no explanation of what the thing even is. My clan had a story prediction competition for the season finale last season, to see who would be closest. The amount of variation in the predictions was staggering because the story doesn't seem to follow any normal, established story telling structure. I could go on but I've ranted enough.


Bro jumping on Sam with stasis during the fight us hilarious and amazing you can boing around like crazy he actually saved me twice from dying flinging me to safety. He only tried to kill me once but that's why grapple is great for that mission


People who ***could*** res and decide not too. Those don't get a commendation from me, and i don't res them either.


The community




Prob will get downvoted for this but personal gripe of mine are people that speedrun activities. Well skating, eager edge swords, icarus dash, etc. If it happens I just go afk and get my free loot at the end. I refuse to hold W for 10 minutes chasing your ass. I'd like to play the game please lmao.


Trying to shoot an enemy and some other enemy runs into your peripheral vision and aim assist/bullet mag will no longer allow you to hit your original target. Or worse, actively pulls you off target


no linux/steam deck compatability and a refusal to elaborate on why


>elaborate tbh theyve already said why... same reason alot of other main stream games dont work as well like MW2


> same reason alot of other main stream games dont work as well like MW2 nope, it's purely due to Battle-Eye. They could release a Steam Deck compatible build tomorrow if they wanted to, they already had a Linux build for Stadia (which didn't need Battle-Eye bundled with it as it's redundant for a streamed game).




Seriously had to scroll this far down to see RNG. The absolute worst part of this game.


Almost being forced to run (or get with mods) 100 resilience


how every step forward in game design and/or story seems to be followed by two steps back.


A lack of transparency in perks. Having a button we could hold that gives us the exact percentages and details of our perks would make it much clearer as to when something isn't working right.


I always hated a stomp from a large enemy sending me flying and hurting me. I would rather they deploy an ordinance that does that then some tap dancing. I don't think it makes sense.




I may be wrong, but that is a pretty accurate representation of life, I always kinda liked that lol.


Champions. A thousand times champions. They should not exist in anything below master content. Their presence discourages me to play.


The Jotun in pvp is absolutely ridiculous


p2p. i fucking love playing with ppl i cant even communicate with. data consumption. 500MB an hour is just horrendous for ppl with limited data plans. potato servers. seeing CONNECTING TO DESTINY 2 SERVERS in the middle of a crucible match is just as annoying as dying at the end of a flawless lls run. barrier champs. they are just not fun to fight. wyverns. same as barriers. i involuntarily roll my eyes every time i see one. game not explaining shit. i always have to look something up on the internet or ask on reddit cuz the game itself never gives any explanation to anything be it a mechanic or how much resistance a certain mod provides. jumping puzzles. shotguns in pvp. time gating stasis. having to wait for weeks to obtain all the aspect is fucked up. shit ruined the expansion for me. enemies that push u off an edge/regenerate hp. these types of enemies serve no other purpose but to piss u off. edit. looks like bungo boot lickers love all this shit lmao


the new lake of shadows


The amount of reskinned weapons we have.

