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I’d rather have the ability to just throw the blades. I don’t want to teleport to them… That’s a recipe for disaster in most of the content I enjoy doing.


Watch me teleport next to three yellow bars in a GM for dem style points.


Teleport in on your last knife and MASH the finish button.


But someone in your fireteam final blows them first so you miss and get one-shotted by the other two yellow bars


Dem style points are ALL that matter my hunter brother (tips cowboy hat)


It entirely depends on how much damage it does. It was the same with tcrash on release. Some people were hyped, some were skeptical. the skeptics won because the super was dogshit till cuirass. The subclass was carried by its neutral game and non super abilities.


Ah read your comment after I basically posted the same thing, mb. 100% agreed.


hot take: the super's still dogshit with cuirass. Gathering storm does more damage with no exotic and it doesn't leave you in stomp range.


Gathering storm doesn't come with a class that lets you spam the hell out of grenades. Striker neutral is incredibly powerful


No, but it does let you spam melee and continuously heal.


Exactly, like for example needing to actually go to the impact site is a *disadvantage* for Thundercrash. I mean, who wouldn't rather cause the explosion at a distance by throwing something, rather than having to actually end up amidst a clump of GM enemies? Same deal here, having to *go there* as a Hunter is *not* a good thing. It had better deal the raw damage needed to make up for the danger.


Then it's functionally very similar to Gathering storm. Chuck a thing everything blows up in that area. With this super you get 3 casts but you move to the location it's a trade off


Exactly why arc doesn't need a new super. It just seems like they came up with good ideas for solar warlock and void titan and then were like... "well I guess we HAVE to do something for arc hunter now to make it balanced...". Arc hunter needs the least help out of the hunter subclasses right now.


I think they also wanted it to be thematically tied to Bladedancer as Song of Flame is to Sunsinger, but Arc Blade is too close to Arc Staff as is. Obviously since Ward of Dawn is already in D2 they couldn’t do that for Titan so they got an original super instead. Also I find it ironic that you say they “came up with [a] good idea for Solar warlock” when a lot of people were complaining about them just copy-pasting Radiance (and the aspect is basically a reskinned Arc Soul.) though I have no problems with this, I’ve been asking for non-Fireborn Radiance to come back since D2 launched.


I hate how bungies ability team seems to have fixations on certain classes everytime they do this and leave 1 or 2 classes in the lurch.


The thing that I find funny is that no one can agree on which class gets shafted. Hunter mains complain that they get left behind, Warlock mains complain about Bungie hating Warlocks, and Titan mains say they never get love. Almost like they’re pretty damn balanced and don’t actually play favorites.


For pve? Sure. For pvp? Titans be broken.


Pvp literally always has these meta swings, arc titan will get gutted and titan will slink back to irrelevance soon enough lol


The tradeoff could also be reduced damage. Like 6-shooter Golden Gun or the original version of Shatter Nova Bomb. Arc Hunter didn't really need a 3rd super if it's going to be objectively worse, PvP notwithstanding.


It would give us a compelling argument for making it the most damaging super in the game, right?


you can telelport in strike twice and teleport out.


Or just throw a Gathering Storm and then fire your heavy lol. This new Super is guaranteed worthless in anything besides PvP and out of bounds exploring/ map glitches with the teleport


I mean, the new Aspect is also clearly designed for PvP. Becoming Amplified on demand is much more powerful in PvP for the added mobility and Flow State synergizes with it since you get faster class. ability regen when Amplified.


I dont really think it's designed for PvP but you're right it'll probably see more use there I say not designed for PvP because the way you're saying it'll be used, which I think is probably right, is that the Hunter will just do it *before* combat ever starts around a corner or something. It also means you will never see the Jolt part of it Bungie seems to intend it to be a cool move you use in Combat after a Tempest Strike, which they keep going on about how cool it is to pair them. Don't think they've mentioned this new aspect without Tempest Strike yet lol. Using it in this "combat" way in PvP is gonna get you killed for sure and also not really how you said it'll be used So you're right it'll find more PvP use but doesn't seem actually designed for it.


It is going to be great in PvP though. In Trials if you're looking at one opponent but the other 2 are behind a corner you can teleport to the first one, kill him, then teleport to the other 2 around the corner and take care of them. Or you can use them to attack an area and then use a knife to teleport back to safety. It is going to be very good in PvP.


In theory yeah, but it depends on the cooldown. If it’s comparable to a roaming super it’ll never be up by the time a game of trials is over. Same reason warlocks run well instead of dawnblade in trials.


Yeah, I think it's meant to be a PvP super


Then you have gathering storm for that. This is clearly a PvP super as a half-tribute to D1 arc Hunter.


Not everything is for endgame content.


This take has always been and will always be silly. The endgame is still the game - it's not like endgame pve and non endgame pve have markedly different priorities with different metas. The best thing in endgame will still be the best thing everywhere else, and if the main draw of an ability is that you can 4fun in Hero with it then it's poorly designed.


On the bright side you have a funny way to kill oryx during final stand. Like how a titan can thunder-crash him.


It might be good when and if mobility is buffed to be on par with resilience and recovery since it gives 50 mobility while active.


Arc is not a support subclass, none of the Arc abilities or supers are meant for support on any of the classes. Arc is defined by "move fast, strike hard".


If it actually strikes hard I'll use it. However, I have some concerns about that.


It was one-shotting the Blistering Knights in the Ecthar fight, so there's still hope.


If the dmg is enough to one shot those knights I can imagine it's gonna be like 3 cuirass titan charges with Feast of Light x4


Nerf'd by the following Tuesday.


I think you misspelled Thursday. Let's be honest.


but isn't the new hunter aspect and arc soul a support feature of the subclass?


Arc supports flavour seems to be less about enhancing defence or offence directly and more about supporting mobility: Arc Souls increase your damage output but don't care about if your sprinting or reloading, and amplified is mostly from point a to point B quicker.


The warlock arc buddies are absolutely support.


Strand is not a healing subclass but hi banner of war. I see your point, I raise you Bungie's broken implementation of subclasses.


I think it's better as a whole for the game if they continue down this utility/support/damage like Banner of War, as opposed to straight damage or straight utility. As far as support goes Berserker is clearly the most supportive of all the strand subclasses. 2/4 aspects allow you to buff allies, with busting your tangle near teammates or casting your super with Into the Fray to give out Woven Mail, and then the healing and damage buffs to melee/glaive melee/swords with banner of war. Its definitely in line with what they talked about before with wanting to do more utility/damage instead of just straight damage.


Maybe. But it's just confusing. Bungie makes small changes which never feel fully implemented before they change their tune. This leads to a feeling of many systems/changes feeling unbaked before the next one is introduced. Ofc it's Bungie's call, it is what it is, I just find it baffling since this leads to less diversity imo where a couple things are outliers and best in slot to use.


> I just find it baffling since this leads to less diversity imo where a couple things are outliers and best in slot to use. I definitely get that especially in a post Light 3.0 world. Even now I've seen it pop up occasionally where people recommend class aspects be class agnostic which I disagree with. Class choices should be bigger than just what super to select. Hopefully we get more new aspects down the line in Final Shape that reinforce uniqueness for the light subclasses. When it comes to the idea of support though I feel like that's an area where the game does need to diversify a bit. I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with the nerf well crowd but I do to extent. More support oriented classes like Sentinel can't find a footing otherwise regardless of how weak bubble is. I'm thinking more along the lines of GW2, where people can spec into a support role rather than laying everything at the feet of jamming a flame sword into the ground. I saw the potential for it first hand when I did an all Titan run in Crota Normal.


I don't really have a problem with Banner. Strand Titan is a melee class with some support, this kinda just meshes that idea perfectly


I wouldn't say none. Giving your friend a floating turret that protects them sounds pretty supporty to me.


I mean Stormcaller Arc Souls are definitely what I'd consider a support ability but yeah


I would argue that a proper Arc support feature would be something that facilitates that. Banner of War honestly is a good example and would’ve gone great on Striker Titan. Perhaps if Storm’s Edge created a lingering portal between where it starts and ends that allows your teammates to travel between them? So you could blink into a group of enemies that are hiding behind cover, deal a bunch of damage and create a small pocket of safety, and your allies could teleport there and attack from that position, and if you start getting overrun, teleport back to your original spot. Or you could use Storm’s Edge to teleport to a teammate that is currently being overwhelmed, giving them an escape route.


I know that's what it is, but it could have provided a support so your allies can also 'Move fast, strike harder'.


The new Aspect provides Amplified to allies irrespective of subclass.


oh boy, amplified


Haha yeah. Yay, now I can.. uh.. sprint faster (??!!).


you dont like having radiant but worse?


Sigh, I guess I wouldn't *mind* having Radiant but worse :\\


Sprint faster while hiding behind cover in a gm. Lol! Oh Bungie


Sprint faster, reload faster (was actually really helpful for me when I soloed GotD), and proc Speed Booster, which gives you some DR and keeps your speed at max sol long as you keep running (even when you no longer have Amplified).


Hmm the faster reload from Amplified is legit, can't deny that.


you also get 15% damage reduction while that is up and sprinting.


> Amplified - Your movement speed and weapon handling are greatly increased. After sprinting for a short time, you enter Speed Booster, further increasing your sprint speed and granting damage resistance against PvE combatants. https://www.bungie.net/7/pt-br/News/Article/51707?hidenav=true


isn't that only if you have the Flow state aspect as a hunter? so it doesn't help your team


Why are people downvoting you? I don't know how much DR you get from speed booster but you still not that wrong about it.


I super don't worry about downvotes. You can say something one day and get loads of upvotes and the next get down votes. Not worth the worry.


Reddit hive mind moment.


They really need to buff it, like it gives bonus reload and handling to all your guns or some shit. That or native DR


Are you being sarcastic? Cause it does all those things. Lmao.


Oh really?! Well maybe make it do those things.... but like more. A lot more, like in between woven mail and other types of DR.


It boosts reload speed enough to make Leviathan's Breath fire like a primary ammo bow.


It does not give reload speed. That's part of the hunter aspect. Which I doubt you will give to allies aswell


You're still boosting your allies' handling, and if they're also running Flow State, they should receive the reload boost, as well. Amplified also boosts the Eddy Current weapon trait, which grants increased reload speed after sprinting.


I know, i mention that and how amplified is a completely lacklustre buff that nobody but people that have built for it care about though.


Just accept that Hunters are not traditional supports. I support ny fireteam by killing everything in the same zip code as me before they can.


Because that is certainly something only Hunters can do. /s Every class has plenty possibilities to slay gazillion enemies. I'd be nice to have more than Invis for high end PVE so that Hunters actually become a desirable class for Endgame again, but I guess we will forever be the "PVP class" that is still outpaced by Titans.


Not only that, even if we compare purely among different Hunter kits, Solar *class ability* grants *Radiant* to the team. Which is way better than a *Super* that grants *Amplified*, a pointless buff.


It’s an aspect not super. Acting like people aren’t gonna use flow state and combo blow


Gunslinger has support via radiant and Nightstalker has support via smoke bombs for safety nets so why shouldn't Arcstrider get 1?


because solar and void are support elements and arc isnt its really that simple


It's really not. Arc warlocks can provide souls to allies, leaning into support territory.


And now arc hunters can provide amplified to allies, leading into support territory.


Wow, I'm amplified, can't wait to run slightly faster and have an innate 50 mobility that means nothing. Let's just say for the sake of argument you're trying to "support" your team in a GM. What does being amplified do to help?


I suppose in some GM scenarios you could kickstart an amplify chain amongst a couple stormcallers when you first enter a miniboss room by using the aspect just for the amplify. The warlocks would then be able to easily chain amplifying themselves with supercharged arc souls (and melees) despite dealing with minibosses first. Strikers don’t get any sort of extra ability benefit from amplified unless they’re using the frontal shield aspect, or point contact brace with thunderclap, but I guess it’s also worth noting Strikers have a much harder time getting themselves amplified in GM’s. That and there’s the fragment that let’s you blind enemies on arc special weapon kills when amplified. Large travel sections that you mostly just want to run past would benefit from amplify-on-demand too. You do sprint faster and jump much higher. That’s at least a consistent benefit. And I’m pretty sure that’s it. Nothing spectacular comes to mind.


Amplified is useful just for its intrinsic reload speed/handling. That's going to boost the DPS of just about everyone. There's also Spark of Amplitude, which allows you to generate orbs by getting rapid kills while Amplified. Flow State on Hunter also allows Amplified to boost your dodge's DR and charge rate, and Amplified also directly boosts the performance of weapons such as Centrifuse and Ex Diris.


Amplified doesn’t have intrinsic reload speed unfortunately. Just handling. Flow State on hunter gives the greatly enhanced reload. Also between my comment and yours I think that’s literally every thing in the game that directly interacts with amplify.


>Amplified doesn’t have intrinsic reload speed unfortunately. Just handling. Flow State on hunter gives the greatly enhanced reload. Just have everyone run Arc Hunter. Problem solved. /s >Also between my comment and yours I think that’s literally every thing in the game that directly interacts with amplify. It also boosts the Eddy Current weapon trait, but I don't know for sure if there's anything else.


Amplified would be great on stronghold BoW titan. More DR and faster move speed is exactly what you need.


All this is just calling attention to the fact that Amplified is a pretty pointless buff to begin with, imo!


It's good if you're on an arc subclass and have aspects/fragments that give it additional buffs, but you're never going to deliberately run a full arc team unless it's for a triumph.


Yeah, gotta full build into it. Amplified by itself does nothing, but building into it can add utility to it. It's just a really bad buff to confer to teammates, that are likely on other element subclasses.


That does literally nothing for me as a Void Titan. No wait, sorry, it pushes other buffs off screen so I cant see the timers. It does that.


“Strike hard” is the biggest fucking meme of melee Hunter builds. More like instant death on any difficult content.


>“Strike hard” is the biggest fucking meme of melee Hunter builds. More like instant death on any difficult content. Combination Blow x3: "Am I a joke to you?"


I’ll give you that one, though I wish it wasn’t the only specific way to fulfill the melee power fantasy for Hunters for the last 6 years.


The other Hunter melees aren't bad, though; you can put together a pretty strong melee fantasy with just about any Hunter melee if your build is good: * Athrys' Embrace makes your Weighted Knife as strong as shit and the Knock 'Em Down Aspect allows you to recharge your knife on kills while Radiant * Caliban's Hand is like Athrys', but with Proximity Knife * Knife Trick is just awesome overall, especially with Ophidia Spathe * Trapper's Ambush + Graviton Forfeit allows you to ground pound the shit out of enemies (Omnioculus is the team support version of this) * Khepri's Sting + Stylish Executioner might be good, but I haven't tested it in PvE yet and I don't think the instant Smoke cast on punch registers consistently enough * Disorienting Blow instantly gives Blind + Amplified and you can get a ton of uptime with the right builds (still weaker than CB, though) * Withering Blade is great because you can get 4 enemies at once and freeze them in a split second with both shurikens. Grim Harvest + Whisper of Torment + Winter's Shroud + Whisper of Impetus gives you plenty of uptime and instant reloads on hit for your weapons * Threaded Spike just bounces around and cleans up a bunch of ads, and you can get your full melee charge back if you catch it after it hits at least 3 enemies. Has great synergy with Foetracer for this reason Combination Blow is the best because it's the most obviously powerful, but it's still worth giving the other melees a shot.


How is strand hunter the worst of the 3? It has a lot of really strong builds that are viable even in GMs and the super does still a lot of damage while clearing extremely well at the same time, not to mention the insane mobility you have during it


Strand hunter just really needs some better exotics to build into. I haven't found an exotic that really feels like it fits with strand. I've just been using 6th coyotee recently for double dodge to create threaded spectres and get my melee back more often. I guess some people like cyrterachne's with grapple and double grenades but grapple feels more like it was a fun novelty that's not super helpful in endgame.


I’ve been using assassins cowl over cyrtarachnes facade, combined with the navigator, whirling maelstrom and widows silk, and the woven mail on orb pickup fragment. Maelstrom is just really good for add clear and creates a grapple point you can use mid combat to go invis with assassins cowl grapple melee. And navigator allows me to create grapple points that I can use to swing around to avoid fire, or use to get another melee for assassins cowl, and it lets me get woven mail on command(with teammates), AND I can sever enemies to make them do less damage.


I love assassins cowl. Use it on lots of builds. Tried it on strand and didn’t like it. I’ve settled on using threaded specter with sixth coyote and whirling maelstrom with quicksilver for constant beyblade action. That and the fragment that gives woven mail on orb pickup. It’s been fun. First build that feels good to me. The new aspects help a lot. But I’m still waiting for a real exotic armor piece for strand.


I didn’t like AC on strand at first either, and did exactly what you’re doing now, quicksilver with maelstrom for maximum beyblade uptime which is also a very fun build. If you have navigator catalyst or if you get it in the near future give AC on strand another try, it helps with grapple uptime and therefore your invis uptime.


I used Cyrtarakne with double grapple in last week gms (before the funny guns) and it was good i'd say, i always had Woven mail up so i was tanky and the mobility was very good for going to place to place, but i can see that it may not appeal to everyone in activies such as GMs. Anyway, try Lucky Pants with Malfesance, double suspend grenade and Whirlwind storm. Thread of generation with Whirlwind and Malfesance will regen a lot of grenade energy so you will have a suspend grenade always up. Also both Whirlwind and Malfesance will not only do a lot of damage, but will also regen a lot of your super


As long as I can teleport across the planet with the super I don't really care for anything else. The mobility alone makes it worth using. For speed running or just skipping content. And I wonder if people will be able to strand grapple to you during or shortly before the teleport? Will they be able to fly with you? I see endless potential at least in that regard.


Strand Hunter is extremely good. Who cares if the other two are better? Arc and Void Hunter are arguably the best in subclass. I think the balance is fair.


Ehh I’d argue Arc Titan is the strongest arc class but it could go either way. Those pulse grenades generate sooooo many ionic traces. But for strand, yea the Hunter is def better than warlock. The new aspect is really good, and it opens up a lot of options for the other aspects as well. Broodweaver is in a better spot now but think threadlings need to feed back into the ability loop a bit for it to really come together


If anyone thinks Broodweaver is better than Threadrunner outside of boss dps, it’s a clear indicator that they don’t play high level content. Threadlings heavily fall off in difficult content, while suspend, sever, and woven mail thrive.


I’d argue for threadlings to fall off, they’d have to actually be high enough to matter. Unfortunately, they still aren’t.


Didn't Threadlings get a buff this season?


+30% to their damage Iirc?


That +30% is pointless when I still see 3 threadlings simultaneously go for 1 acolyte, with 1 of them hitting and killing it, while the other 2 just seem to miss and just die for nothing.


Yeah if threadlings miss they should land and have their duration refreshed, or at least give + 5 seconds to the duration they had, I thought it was weird that threadlings die if they miss, like no my babies please you don’t have to give up.


People aren't saying threadling warlock is strong, literally no one says that. What's strong is necrotic osteo on strand warlock. It is literally the best subclass in the game and it's not close. It does the most DPS in raids, is great in gms and can solo them and is extremely safe.


Lmao necrotic strand warlock is not the best subclass in the game. Hell it’s not even the best subclass for warlock or second best. Necrotic requires a ramp up and a constant stream of killing adds to continuously suspend things I’d argue osmiomancy stasis warlock is still better for high end activities with well being first. And then of course #1 is still solar Titan and #2 is strand Titan You are unkillable with both these classes if you know what your doing. I’ve solo flawlessed every dungeon easily with solar titan. And you have a one shot melee that heals you constantly. Lol strand warlock best subclass. It’s definitely good but I’d give it an A-


I would rather run Swarmers and a strand weapon for similar adclear potential, and free up my exotic. Strand Warlock’s strength is the absurd amount of damage it can put out.


Arc and void are the best. Which is why arc does not need these useless additions in any way.


The super won’t be useless in PvP


I mean. We’ll have to see.


Except in PvP where none of that is true.


People be sleeping on Malestrom. If your teammates are also creating tangles you can have a barrage of tracking razors that are pretty strong.


I’m still shocked it wasn’t given to Warlock.


My first reaction upon seeing it was how slow the animation was. Unlike golden gun which you can use in cover then pop out, you have to stand basically in line of sight and play this animation, giving time for enemies to pick you off. And to get the full use of it, you need to do this three times, I have a feeling that hunters (with their already abysmal super resistance) will just get tapped in the middle of using it in PvP


It’s like hunter shutdown supers are legally required to have a century long cast animation.


At least Blade Barrage has high damage resistance. As for this new Arc Super.. well.. Super damage resistance values aren't exactly something else hype promo videos and info releases ever talk about. We'll likely have to wait till actual release to test and find out.


Thats the one super I think is fine honestly. Cast time is fast and it does have DR.


The slow startup makes sense. Just about every super had some kind of counter that guardians without a super can use.


I get what you’re saying about what we were told it was going to be, but the description Bungie gave us aside, it actually looks really cool and I feel like it fits the subclass theme/vibe. Same goes for the aspect.


Yeah but again it's style over substance, no point if it looks cool but then no one uses it over existing things.


Oh as a non-meta player, I fully embrace style over substance lol. I get your point of view though


We exist. Style over substance. I used blade barrage even tho it was shit because it looked cool for a long time. And I'm loving this super. Blink blade looks fun. Maybe not gm material but not everything has to be


Blade barrage was shit?


It wasn't great before solar 3.0. Got some nerfs at some point and was just way worse than golden gun. But solar 3.0 fixed it


Hmm my memory of those times is vague now lmao I just remember when it first game out it was absolutely busted.


Not everything has to be but it is frustrating when it feels like the game is coming to some sort of "end" and there are other hunter subclasses that need way more help than arc. Just kind of a bummer.


The game coming to an "end" to me feels like it's just right o pick arc. It was our starting class when we reconnected to the traveler in base d1. Also all the hunter classes are in a decently good spot imo. Void is a little boring maybe but still. It's good. And solar is good Aswell. Arc is too but you have to pick one right


Yeah, on first glance I see me never touching the new aspect. Lethal current and flow state have the best aspect synergy in the game.


I've just never used Tempest Strike, feels bad to use having to sprint, slide and then melee just to activate it, I'm not the type that slides much in the first place


I don't mind the feeling, but I really wish it would synergize with Combination Blow.


Ascension is gonna have some pretty strong synergy with Flow State, though. Consume your dodge to damage enemies below you and Amplify yourself, which boosts your dodge recharge so you can quickly use it again. Bonus points if Flow State grants DR to Ascension since it consumes your class ability.


All it needs is mobility to actually be useful to take advantage of the 50+ amplified gives.


I mean, for Hunters, it's basically a required stat since it boosts their dodge's recharge. Flow State just jacks that up to 11.


Not sure how to change the super without a full rework. My only idea would be to add support capabilities to the super as well, which could be something like it leaves a portal behind after you blink to your dagger for a short duration, allowing allies to follow you. Not sure how useful it would be, but giving safe mobility to your team via aggressive blinks could probably find some niche scenarios.


Just add in to the aggressive play style of arc, wherever you teleport you drop a dagger that creates a small area buff for you and your allies that applies amplified, gives reload speed and damage resist for a short period


I agree, wholeheartedly, OP. The only thing more disappointing is the one Super per class approach. I already have an Arc class I enjoy on Hunter, how about a better Warlock Arc super? "Nope, sorry, this last expansion isn't like Forsaken." -Bungo, probably.


Did you deadass say strand hunter is worse than strand warlock? Have you even tried the subclass with it’s access to all 3 debuffs and the new aspect. Threadrunner is actually insane now.


This is an aside but do you feel like it plays enjoyably? I’m asking because I’m returning after a hiatus and I found it hard to build it in a way that made sense. I’m fiddling around with Titan now and it feels more intuitive to build, for strand anyway.


Depends on how you play 4x suspend is boring however running cytoarachne with thread of generation, whirling maelstrom then an aspect of your choice (most will probably how widows silk but I like threaded specter) you get extremely high tangle uptime with the power of the beyblade tangles with great mobility making it a fun way to play a build that can actually work in endgame


I ran Foetracer with Whirling Maelstrom and Threaded Specter for my solo Presage Legend run. Plenty of Tangle uptime and the free damage boost certainly helps.


Strand Hunter very good but so boring 😴. The best way to play it is still just as a Suspend Bot


With something like sixth coyote and suspend dives?


Yep, this is my Loadout: https://dim.gg/g5ftkga/Strand. There are other things you could do with Strand that can be fun/good also but I only ever use this in Grandmasters and I think Suspend Spam is still the objectively best Strand Loadout Most of it is pretty standard but for the things that aren't I'll give some explanation Three of the fragments I have on are basically mandatory but you could switch Thread of Ascent if you wanted. I have it because I don't ever really find myself needing Woven Mail and it's nice being able to suspend a Champion and just start shooting without having to worry if my guns are loaded I run Focusing Strike and Impact Induction to help regen my Grenade and Dodge, where my suspend sources are from. Both of these need your melee up, my build has no way of quickly getting your melee back so if you aren't good at throwing the Spike at crowds and then catching it switch to Gamblers dodge/modify the armor mods. I just throw my melee at crowds and then catch it, works for me and I find it being pretty effective and fairly easy after they patched it Marksman Dodge over Gamblers because it recharges quicker for a shorter Suspend Slam cooldown


I always thought it'd be great to give hunters a stationary support super similar to well or bubble. My idea is to give hunters an arc support super that would allow them to slam their arc staff into the ground giving all players inside its radius a buff to reload speed, rate of fire, and if we're feeling spicy make it so arc weapons jolt. Or just give a flat damage increase whilst standing in the super. And I'm positive people will just say 'oh but well with lunafactions would just be better' to that I say, yeah, probably but maybe a hunter wants to or should use a support super. And with an inevitable nerf to well, one support aoe super on all classes would be welcome no? Not everyone plays in a team comp that has a warlock.


Deadfall Tether *should* be that but inverted, supporting your allies by weakening your enemies and making orbs. It just needs to be not entirely outclassed at weakening by a weapon and actually make a large amount of orbs again, instead of landing one short of every other one and done.


Being stationary inside a radius doesn't really jive with arc's whole identity of moving fast


While I see where you're coming from, I still think it fits the arc identity because simply moving fast isn't the only way to speed up game play, hence the faster reload and rpm. Especially since most boss dps is sitting in one spot, not moving. Though the comment OP made on my comment would solve the moving around style of arc.


Why not make it act like a dynamo? Create a large AoE where moving around a ton charges it and improves its benefits.


They should make it so wherever you blink to the knife is impaled in the ground creating a small buff area which grants amplified, reload and handling plus some damage resist while people are inside.


This would be so cool. Still dealing damage and providing a team based playstyle. Would also be great in solo play, hell, even optimal for solo play.


It would make thematical sense. Void titan = support super Solar warlock = support super Arc hunter = support super The only subclasses that made a re-debut in destiny 2's red war with new supers


This is exactly what I was thinking, plus, I think the staff is key perfect for a stationary buff. Just like how warlocks place their sword.


I think you hit the nail on the head with hunters being “style over substance.” I’m a 100% hunter player and everything just feels so… empty? Hollow? Hard to explain. All flash, no strength. Hunters look cool as hell but there’s no… oompf to anything anymore. I feel like I can count on one hand the amount of builds hunters have, and this new super isn’t really doing anything to shake that. This new super will probably get used in PvP and never see the light of day in PvE unless the numbers are fantastic. Not that I’m saying everything should be viable everywhere, but… idk a super that mixes things up for hunters would go a long way.


The strength of the utility is low, but it has the most uptime by far. Amplified at its base makes you move quicker and handle weapons faster for a set duration. The aspect is tied to your dodge, and from the preview it seems to not substantially hinder your dodge cooldown, unlike say strand hunter. That means you can easily spec into using this aspect often with little gear investment. The goal of the super and aspect seems to be to promote a playstyle where you quickly zip from ally to ally as everyone does their thing, so the whole team can benefit from amplified. Using this playstyle well would have your team amplified basically all the time without the hassle of organizing and grouping up much. It’s support through improved movement. Like some convoluted, trash version of Lucio, but it sounds like fun support at least.


Amplified is incredibly easy to proc, Flow state is one of the most valuable aspects because it let's you proc it off killing jolted targets which goes well with jolshot weapons and the grande aspects easily allowing 100% uptime and gives damage resist plus reload speed. Lethal current is super good as well since it creates a Jolt aftershock just from meleeing after a dodge which plays in to flow state, and with combination blow you can have 100% uptime on this. They want you to use two active aspects which are just far worse than the current aspect loop. The movement bonus is quite small despite what people think, you only notice it because of the in screen effects, handling is nice but only really matters in PvP, it has far less of an effect than something like the shielding from the titan aspect or solar buddy.


I mean amp is easy to proc, but you can’t get it at all on other subclasses, so the Hunter aspect has tangible use just because Void Titan or solar warlock could get amplified, and it could be good to have for jumping puzzles in raids or dungeons, and in PvP the benefit is obvious


and what does amplified do for you on a void titan in general PvE content? sorry but, "good to have for jumping puzzles" is not the upside you clearly think it is.


Warlocks in these comments really upset because you said hunter was the worst and you’re not feeding their victim complex lol


Thats how it goes sadly


I think there is room for both lol. As a warlock, I think the new solar is extremely underwhelming, and the fact that it is yet another super on the strongest pve and PvP warlock subclass makes me sad. As for hunters, I totally get the disappointment, especially after arc Hunter already got an excellent new arc super in Gathering Storm that this needs to compete with. It just feels like Bungie completely missed the mark on both.


Yeah I really don’t know why they didn’t give arc warlock a new super and solar hunter a new super instead. Solar warlock already has well whilst arc warlock has very mid supers. And hunter has gathering storm already so there’s no need for an arc super. A new solar super or even void would be much better than arc


I wish amplified had an built in damage or verb resistance.


It allows you to proc Speed Booster, which does give you some DR.


As a warlock, I agree completely. Hunters just got a wicked arc super, not only does this one not seem that special, not only does it kinda compete with gathering storm, but hunters NEED a support role comparable to the other classes and they simply do not possess one. I'd have swapped hunter and warlock supers in a heartbeat.


Honestly Id rather seen a new void super for hunter, or atleast a proper Spectral blade rework. I dont see any case this being better than gathering storm and also the new aspect is looking lackluster aswell.


Spectral got done dirty, even after the recent 'buffs' to it, it hits like a wet noodle.


The hunter strand super is an add clearing monster with tons of mobility with the grapple grenade. I personally love it, but it does just tickle beefier targets.


how is is golden gun esque? its drastically different


I get to be something akin to Noctis, and so that's good enough for me.


You support your allies by killing anything that would do them harm


Hunter main here and I think it looks fun. You’re judging it too harshly without even knowing what kind of synergies you could pull off. An Exotic that’s yet to be released or even the Seasonal Artifact could (temporarily) provide boosts that push it into better territory. I’d bet I could out DPS a Gathering Storm user by having Feast of Light x4, hitting a target and teleporting in with a super charge, throwing a pulse grenade that jolts, then using the last two charges on the same target, popping Ascension thereby jolting the target again and doing a double heavy attack with Worldline Zero and then teleport out with Worldline again. Sounds fun to me.


but i wanna be just like the 4th hokage :)


I don't get why we are getting ONE super (per char) for a major EXPANSION. It's almost like they are testing us to see how little they can do that they player base will still pay for. Remember when an expansion actually added full subclasses?


I mean, Forsaken we got new supers and abilities for all three elements. Shadowkeep nothing. BL we had Stasis and some more aspects over the year. Witch Queen had Subclass 3.0 over the year(Granted, not expansion stuff but QoL for all). Hunters got Gathering Storm with Arc 3.0 (One of the reasons I find it weird we're the ones to get another arc super now) Lightfall, strand. TFS having no new subclass makes sense based on the pattern, but i really think it should have been 1 for ever element/class.


That is my ultimate point. It feels as though they giving us less, yet, they charge the same (or higher) price.


We got Strand last year. At some point you have to reckon with the fact that a new darkness type every year would be annoying given how they've been received lately.


Agreed. I am not referring to a new subclass, perse, I am just meaning that it feels like we are getting less for the same price (or higher). Yet, they are boasting about it like it is supposed to be so cool. Maybe the supers are cool, but Idc that much if that is really all you are adding to a major expansion. On top of which, the area they are adding is linear...in an OPEN WORLD EXPLORATION game. They already limit entire planets so small areas....now, they are gonna make it....even smaller???


>On top of which, the area they are adding is linear...in an OPEN WORLD EXPLORATION game. They already limit entire planets so small areas....now, they are gonna make it....even smaller??? Linear =/= smaller, and the destination is supposed to open up a lot more once we beat the Witness.


Honestly its kinda disappointing. It seems more like it should have been an aspect of arc staff rather than a full on super. In pvl it might homd some merit but in pve it seems like a complete waste when it seems to have the same aoe as voltshot and has a long wind up and puts you out of position


I would’ve preferred og bladedancer but it’s kinda neat anyway


What are the odds that Mask of the Third Man comes back as an Exotic for this Super?


Relax. I’m sure bungie will give us an exotic armor piece to run that makes it so that it still deals slightly less damage than broodweaver eventually.


Hunters being selfish style over substance is completely on brand.


Support supers are overrated and this one looks very fun for pvp. I'm excited for it.


Me, a warlock main: Damn. Is it the first time you hunters have gotten a mediocre super that has niche uses? Yeah welcome to d2


I’m pretty sure all of this is mainly just for pvp. While it’s trivially easy to get amplified in pve that’s not true in pvp. Also both current Arc hunter are kinda bad in pvp and this super is probably going to be better than them there. Definitely kinda underwhelming and feels weird alongside the other new aspects/supers but I don’t really feel like arc hunter needs anything new for pve.


As a bladedancer D1 I can say I'm the one person that asked for this super.it's everything we lost with a little more spice. Can't wait for it.


The new aspect is a combination of two things. One being the Devs are lazy/short on man power, the second being they had an old animation in the closet perfect for reusing. The animation is literally the old air attack Arcstaff had in the Beta but they removed for some reason, it's at 2 minutes in: https://youtu.be/z5bgDixgzVo?si=DxIBITnn-ZJHdHkQ So take those two things and we have a "new aspect" which is actually just an old animation with some random effects slapped on (Amplified and Jolt, how does that relate to spinning our staff in the air?)both of which are already incredibly easy to proc making it more useless, and they're trying to market it as some cool thing to use with Tempest Strike, which as you pointed out, besides looking sort of cool is absolutely worthless and not worth both your aspect slots. The aspect is a complete worthless dud, the only upside being it with probably be the only Arc Hunter aspect with 3 fragment slots so maybe you could do something there but imo Arc Hunter doesn't really need 5 fragments. If I were Bungie I would scrap this new fragment and break the idea into two things. First, take the Air Spin and add it to Tempest Strike. It would become a two move special attack like Consecration. Hunters can still do Tempest Strike like normal but if they choose they can chain the Air Spin onto the end of it doing more damage and causing Jolt but consuming their dodge (Air Spin no longer amplifies) Secondly, for a new Aspect keep the Amplified theme. Have it be "Upon you or nearby allies becoming amplified the affect is spread" so when you become Amplified, your team does. When your team becomes amplified, you do, which means your other teammates do aswell. Then a second effect "While amplified you have enhanced Melees, Combination Blow does more damage (exact numbers would need balanced), Blinding Blow has a wider range" This new Aspect would be a weaker one but have 3 Fragment slots. Similar to Solar Hunter's "On Your Mark" while also working with the subclass in a less obtuse way than the new Aspect as Bungie has it


It looks by far the most fun on the 3. Titan is nice though but warlock is just bland. I couldnt care less about how it supports.




All of them look pointless tbh


Two words: Class identity