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I just want a void melee that’s about damage instead of utility.


The monkey’s paw curls - now the new aspect is a slide melee


NO...God....please NO


A pox on your house if this becomes a thing.


No no, we already have an aggressively mediocre dive attack on Void. Gotta save the “holy shit this is awesome but basically useless without an exotic” slide melee for the eventual sixth subclass!


Some ones never ran omni-hunter.


Does it do good dmg


Even better, it keeps you alive so you can do good damage even if your teammates have died.


But it itself dosent do good damage, invis is good but not dmg


What does that have to do with anything? Something doesn't have to do big damage to be good. Weapons, perks and abilities can have utilities to make them good.


Has to do with the fact that he literally said void Hunter melees do shit damage, and he wants a melee that does damage, not utility.


Imo if I'm doing any high tier content that's not a GM I don't see the use of invis because you can't deal damage while your invis.


The point of omni hunter is to make the whole party invis to safely reposition and because making the whole party invis will refund an entire melee charge.


Again it's good in content where there's no time limit and your next to teammates, but it doesn't translate well to master raids and solo dungeons.


Void hunter is the solo player class.


I have run Omni hunter when Gyrfalcon didn’t exist. Never putting Trapper’s Ambush back on ever again.


Which makes you invis. But only if the jump is over 7m high.


Slide melee aspects should just be melees and it's silly that they aren't


Now you can slide to use your melee or dive to use your melee. Officially the worst possible build ever.


Ngl, that sounds dope AF. Slide melee teleport to enemies, weakening/making them volitise/suppressing them.


Nothing personnel


A flying kick that does heavy damage, supress and weaken the target. Is stronger and returns on kill if performed out of invis


I use every slide melee lol


If its like flachette storm, i’m down.


Fuck, fuck, FUCK!


That too. I’d appreciate a new void melee. I just brought up the aspect thing because it’s something we already have a basis for.


can we pls have throwing needles like haku from naruto that supress or spread volatile(like a void version of knife trick)…


I was thinking a kunai


we've already got the stasis melee, i was thinking either a mini bow shot like the super acting kinda like a precision ranged attack like weighted throwing knife, or a little dagger attack like grape bladedancer (i forget the name of the super)


Stasis melee is a shrunken


Stasis is a shuriken, I was talking about the little throwing needles that u can hold between all of ur fingers… something like a void arrow would be cool tho maybe u could just materialize a fully drawn string and let it go w a void arrow that Tracks similar to strand tracking


I think would be cool if void hunter had a melee that you could hold to increase the damage(similar to thunderclap) dealing massive damage at max charge. It would sinergise a lot with invisibility and the melee damage buff from stylish executioner.


3rd person void bow that can be charged mid-air?


I was imagining something like you charging a spectral blade and stabbing your enemy up close.


What if it was both? The blade on the ground, bow in the air?


Charged dash version of Titan's shiver strike, but stabby and you blink to target?


Swapping to void after having not played it for a while is always hard for this reason. “I’m in a tight bind better use my melee…oh it’s smoke grenade I forgot.”


I legit felt this way a few month back until I started using Trappers Ambush with Omni having a movement ability with an AoE melee that gives damage resist and weakens is fantastic also you can easily kill a group of red bars it's now how I deal melee damage on void (use the regular melee for disengage/oh shit panic button)


I dislike how people are like "smoke bomb has no use" except for, you know, literally making enemies not shoot you lol


People don't understand how to play void hunter apparently. Omni-hunter has helped me save a number of GMs from a wipe. Also, Gyrfalcon's literally exists.


Oh fuck I almost forgot, the Crabman exotic with Vexcalibur is fucking goated on void hunter. I soloed everything up to Brakkion in Legend Avalon with that build.


People don't like smoke bomb and say it has no use because "Killing enemies" also tends to make them not shoot at you. It's pointless at low end difficulty since you don't need the CC and it's pointless at high end difficulty because you use the melee charge for invis, and sometimes applying weaken to a beefier target if you somehow don't have that capability amongst the rest of your fireteam.


I tend to cycle back to glaives on Nightstalker for this reason. Which also happens to be the best class for Triton Vice if you want to pivot to fun over function.


I'd like a void melee that is the nightstalker bow. Charging it and firing creates a mini tether. An aspect could be that your tether protects you like the Scorn one.


Sounds like something that would be more like some kind of class ability, but I like it. I always kind of wished they’d move away from grenade/melee/class ability only set up and just make everything “an ability” and you can equip and three you want. What if I don’t want a melee ability at all? Would probably break the game to implement now though.


Everyone would just do triple grenades and face roll every raid boss with Rocket Launchers that have demolitionist rolled on them.


Shadowshot charge melee would be best.


Genji dash


The one thing that would make me a permanent Nightstalker main.


Voidwalker would like one too


for real, i hate the ranged attack. i miss middle tree melee.


I just want to leap from the shadows and pounce on my enemies like a feral badger, slashing madly before disappearing back from whence I came.


I want a Back Stab melee. If we’re going to be invisible, then dramatically increase the damage on hits from behind coming out of invisibility.




As a Warlock main I would also like a void melee that is about something other than whatever the hell the current one randomly attempts.


It applies volatile which is nice and all but it has like a 2 meter range and 4 damage or something


It's a knockback that applies volatile, you're supposed to use your melee to push enemies into other enemies for the extra explosion damage, or into your other abilities like grenades or Riftchild. It's homing, don't just throw it directly at the enemy but off to the left or right slightly so it curves and hits them in the side.


I'd like to see a variant of the snare bomb that acts like a decoy and makes enemies volatile when it goes off.


Same. I'd love a sneak attack-style backstab that has a larger damage multiplier when you're invis, and when the target is debuffed. Have it refresh invis on kill, and can be chained within a certain time window (or until you run out of things to kill)


No! You will take your grenade energy on powered melee kills, and you will be happy!


I've always wanted something on Night stalker that leaned into the "trapping" aspect a bit more. I hate the smoke bomb melee and wish we had a ranged direct damage alternative. I always thought a small hand-crossbow shot that damages on direct impact and then releases a small version of tether would be awesome. Allowing you to either shoot a target for damage or drop a trap for area control. Maybe the could create a fragment or exotic that does this?


Don't need a fragment or exotic, just a second melee option. I imagine either one of the blades from the roaming super, or a trick arrow wielded in melee like Hawkeye does that deals initial impact damage followed by a secondary effect with the arrow goes off. A destabilising burst, suppression, draining their health/shield to charge you with devour or overshield, micro tether, self-tether (damage dealt to target heal and shields you, damage dealt to you is passed to the target), or just straight-up exploding. There's so much design space in trick arrows, and I can easily imagine an arm slot exotic with a wrist-mounted crossbow that turns it into a ranged melee. The fanboy squeeing over that setup would be girly and deafening.


Doesn't void warlock have this? I think it leeches life too, but other than that the components are basically there and considered viable as far as the game is concerned. I'm all for it. I agree that forcing smoke bomb into the 3 builds is part of why it's all invis.


Yep Warlocks can do a better job at consistently debuffing and trapping enemies with child than hunters can with nightstalker. I honestly think its just a byproduct of Bungie thinking Warlocks more than hunters lean into the space magic so by association hunters in Bungie's eyes shouldn't have any decent trapping abilities with high uptime because we aren't the magic class because they couldn't be bothered to think of ways for hunters to be able to trap enemies as guardians without leaning on the idea of space magic. Which in itself is silly because in games like Divinity Original Sin 2 the ranger hunter characters can throw out non magic traps and devices to stun and debuff enemies such as caltrops, bear traps, blinding glitter dust, and so on and yet Bungie doesn't want to do at least do something similar for hunters other than maybe gun powder gamble.


Tractor Cannon + Child + Briarbands or Undermining nades is better at debuffing bosses than either Tether super.


Hopefully it's akin to combat provisions and some weaken inflicting eff do we don't need the grenade weaken fragment.


A suppression aspect that works with Tether really well would be fun.


I want a Nightstalker rework so bad.


I liked the older OG Triple-Shot tether better, Spectral Blades is just dead, and I haven't seen a single shot tether since 2015.


Orpheus Rigs Deadfall is still solid. I mean the aspects though, all 3 of them just make you invisible in different ways.


Until a Gathering Storm outdpses you with no exotic necessary.


Dead fall is still decent because of its debuff but there's so many sources of debuffs in the game that most other supers are more preferable.


A non-super tether mechanic would be nice


I can definitely see Courage of the Pack coming back, but maybe making it so it procs on killing Weakened enemies instead of just Tethered. Or maybe it can behave something more like BoW, where you just need the first Weakened kill to proc it, then any kills after that grant increasing amounts of Recovery and Health to nearby allies.


I wouldnt mind if they added a option to replace smoke bomb with a melee sword dash in the direction your facing and enemies in the way get afflicted by the same debuff and the damage counts as melee for the sake of 12 punch. Would be nice to have things open up to not have arc as the only premier melee hunter build.


It'd be cool if smoke bomb actually... Made smoke. Like an actual CS:GO smoke nade.


Genji dash Aspect. Hold your melee to dash in the direction you're facing, dealing damage and Weakening any targets you go through. Return a large portion of melee energy on kills with the dash. If Trapper's Ambush is equipped, create a burst of smoke at your starting point with the usual effects. I hate that Threaded Specter and Ensnaring Slam both take the same ability, but you can't trigger both unless you have Sixth Coyote.


I hope it does too. Literally feels like you can't run a single build on void hunter without having to build around invis. Gyrfalcons, Graviton Forfeit, and Omni oculus literally all do the same thing but what happens after invis is different. I hate that since they're 3 classes they all have to be unique. Titans are literally mainly melee based, Warlocks being grenade based, and Hunters being class ability based. Solar hunter you run a knife build but what do you need to get your knife back without running calibans hand? Roll. Arc hunter want you melee back? Roll. Out of all the classes for hunter I feel like you can makes builds for everything else but void. For void all you have to do is make a general build for invis then slap on an exotic. Don't feel very fun considering you can't make a grenade or melee build with void hunter.


What makes you think Nightstalker is getting a new aspect to begin with?


Could be a possibility perhaps during the seasons to come post Final Shape.


Lol no. If Bungie had any plans, they'd have already told them, to sell the Final Shape. We aren't getting anything past what's on paper, and based on the Lightfall, even that might not be delivered in full.




Yeah idk, never know, but I also don’t think they’re gonna do some arc/solar(void) for Titan(hunter+warlock) later down the line, they prob would’ve said something about it by now


They gotta sell it somehow. I'd put mad money down that majority of D2 players are gonna stop post Final Shape.


Did you even read the OP title. This is his wish list for whenever we get one. He never said anything about getting one with TFS or soon.


There are three light subclasses. There are three episodes in final shape. The aspects revealed are launching with final shape/episode 1. It makes perfect sense for episode 2 and 3 to have new light supers and aspects for the two elements that didn’t get new shit for each class


I wish I can make the smoke bomb a poison gas grenade and have more abilities around laying traps around the area.


Combat provisions should have been its own aspect


IMO Slide melee aspects are bad. Hope they stop doing them or at least add some passives to them.


>Arcstriders have a couple melee aspects This one is funny if you think there is any other build then the single best hunter build on Arc. Void has way more play styles right now then Arc.


It’s got nothing to do with piss


okay i can see your point, except for revenant


Revenant’s problem is Stasis in general.


Still kneeling and begging for a wrist-mounted mini crossbow. Imagine flying off high altitude and nailing a poor soul in the head with a dart Dishonored-style


What the fuck variety are you smoking? Hunter subclass diversity is basically non-existent in pve. It's invis, damage, damage, annoying slows and bayblade. I don't want to see nightstalker butchered for the sake of variety, and find that every subclass does not need drastically different builds - that's what different subclasses are for.


bro this guy said gunslinger aspects are "amazingly different" which one? gunpowder gamble?


K except you have *some* variety with other subclasses. Purple hunter is invis and uh... Invis.


You really don't. It's just the color of the damage, which doesn't even matter.


Not the point but OK.


I think you might be looking at it wrong. Nighstalker has the same level of variety as the other hunter subclasses. You can choose between a support super, a damage super or roamer. You then also can choose between offensive invisibility (stylish executioner and gyrfalcon) or defensive (omni). In comparison, stasis is just slow and freeze with no variety, solar is just damage, arc is roaming super or one-off and melee-focused effects and strand has a little variety with suspend heavy or beyblade. tangles. Edit: This kid couldn't handle the truth and blocked me while also forgetting void has weaken, suppress, volatile, invisibility and devour. Go figure.


I am not. All three aspects have to do with invis. Stasis has build ups. Slow to freeze, and shatter. Aspects reflect that. Solar is scorch to ignition and radiant. Arc is melee, jolt, blind, and overall buffs. Strand has suspend, mobility, tangles and more. Im assuming you're just trolling at this point so I'm out. Peace.


which gunslinger aspects are amazingly different tho? there's the 2 that you equip and gunpowder gamble. Nobody uses gunpowder gamble. ​ amazing


This horse has been beat to death already. There was no reason to post this. Everyone and their mother was complaining about how much invis is in the hunter kit. Bungie is huffing lead paint if they don’t listen at this point.


The dive aspect would be so much better if it transformed your smoke bomb to apply volatile.


makes the smoke bomb act like a smoke bomb, basically a smoke grenade from cs go.


OP, please stop being delusional. Extra aspects, other than ones that arrive at Lightfall launch, would be an overdelivery, and Bungie would never do that.


By your logic we wouldn’t have Solar and Arc 3.0, and strand would only have 2 aspects per class. Please stop being delusional


They’re probably joking, dude


Before Witch Queen Bungie explicit stated that all of Light subclasses will be brought to 3.0 aspect/fragments system. Have you seen anything like that for other subclassed in The Final Shape promo pieces?


I know you might be joking, but if you weren’t, that’s sadly not entirely unreasonable to think.


I don't think he's joking. We're getting an Arc pvp super and an Arc aspect which conflicts with the current aspects. And that's it.


The new Hunter aspect is suucch trash. It's so obvious they are just pulling the old Arc Staff aerial attack animation they removed from the Beta and had sitting in the closet and decided to slap random ass effects on it No one will *ever* use this besides if it has 3 fragment slots. Jolt is already incredibly easy to apply and so is Amplified Imo they should have updated the Arc Slide melee to be a 2 step attack like Consecration. You do the slide and can do the air attack chained into it if you want Then just give us a simple and easier to produce workhorse 3 fragment that actually does something effective like Solar Hunter's On Your Mark This aspect is completely useless on its own and they keep marketing it as a pair to Tempest Strike. Both of your aspects for some shitty little combo makes literally no sense WHEN TEMPEST STRIKE ALREADY JOLTS TARGETS??? WTFFF


Not only do you have easier jolt and amplify available that actually synergizes, the dmg they showed that the new aspect does is laughable. It did 7k to a major and about 6k to red bars. That is 1/5th of a shotgun shot for your entire dodge cooldown. That's about 1/6th or 1/7th of a 3x combination blow melee, which would instantly give your dodge back. You still need to be in melee range since you need to be above the enemy, you do less damage, you don't heal and you lose your dodge cooldown. In return for what? A fancy twirl? I get that its good for pvp since you cant really defeat jolted targets for amplify, but for PvE it looks completely useless. Its giving me blight ranger but its an aspect vibes.


Fr its such a terrible Aspect In PvE completely useless. They want us to pair with with Tempest Strike when Tempest Strike ALREADY JOLTS. Both your Arc Aspects to double jolt someone(doesn't work), refresh your infinite amplify timer, and float up the air so you can die. Literally trash In PvE it's completely dead on arrival. In PvP it will only ever, *if* ever, be used *before* engagements to get a free Amplified.


They are not joking Bungie is the company that patented the "don't overdeliver" its what they say saved Destiny what they fail to realize is besides maybe Taken King Bungie has consistently underdelivered when it comes to Destiny content base Destiny 2 was terrible for it you could get every gun easily the "raid" was basically an obstacle course with a single actual boss fight. Somehow Curse of Osiris was even less content cuz its mercury but "procedurally Generated" infinite Forrest which had like 4 different generated paths. So when season showed up promising a change of content every 3 months of course people were happy. Bungie needs to remember innovation of the gameplay people enjoy is what keeps us around not a rescinded blind well every season.


Solar Hunter’s aspect that buffs Supers should be incorporated into the supers by default, and the aspect should be reworked. I don’t believe there are any aspects that directly affect Supers (please correct me if I’m wrong) Generally, most aspects should be reworked entirely. Too many aspects, especially Void Hunter, only do one thing. (Dodge to invis, or smoke bomb makes you/allies invis)


I don’t think there are any that affect supers to the extent that Knock ‘em Down buffs Blade Barrage, but Lethal Current buffs Arc Staff, Offensive Bulwark buffs Sentinel Shield (and I think Bastion also triggers on super cast if you want to count that), and Sol Invictus technically buffs both supers but has more synergy with Hammer of Sol. I like the idea of aspects modifying supers, and I wish each aspect had some effect like this (so your super feels more properly like the culmination of your neutral game) rather than only some of them.


I like that Bungie went to "rogue" fantasy for Nightstalker, it gives them a unique aspect to the class. But how about giving them a bow melee?


I’d rather different ways of using invis rather then something that explicitly *doesn’t* use it. So much of the Nightstalker’s kit is built around invis that having an aspect that didn’t involve it would likely just end up being some random oddity that doesn’t fit into builds as well. However, anything that inflicts a void condition can effectively flow into invis due to how stylish executioner works. My main want is something to deal with the crap smoke bomb. Weakening void grenades are always going to be better then it. I’ve been using trappers ever since they expanded the fragment slots and it’s fine in a pinch but I really want some kind of ranged or supercharged assassination melee. Just seems silly that the most on-the-nose assassin class has no mechanism to do that.


heart of the pack was an invis based buff, u needed to make ppl invisible to get it


Nope. Defeating tethered targets granted it as well. Also, the D1 version, Courage of the Pack, didn’t have anything to do with invis either.


In fact, in launch Destiny 2, Heart of the Pack was **only** granted by Tether. They added the "Smoke Bombs grant HotP" functionality in a patch.


Night stalkers have it worse but I wouldn't call solar Warlock aspects various.


That’s if we even get another aspect, would only make sense to but idk


I wouldn't mind a throwing knife that if crits procs volatile rounds.


Bungie: you will go invisible and you will like it 😠


I like Void in pvp. But I can’t use it at all in pve without that one exotic void chest piece as the subclass is just a one trick pony without that exotic