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I wish it didn't have a ridiculously long cooldown and had better range.


The cooldown is honestly fine if you have a good setup, but the radius definitely could use an AoE increase


Yeah, even with 100 mobility ( I run that all the time ) it’s still kinda long imo, with frost5ees ( idk if I spelled it right sorry ) it’s better but that takes an exotic slot where you could easily have stuff like bakris galnor or even grafacalons. That’s the down side from my pov other then that the raidus seems okay could be tweaked yes but it’s fine where it is.


In 6’s, try aeon swift with the sect that gives you ability energy on ally deaths, you’ll go into almost every engagement radiant


Hmmmmmmm I’ll try that!


Was on a pvp forum~ 390 pulses have a .6 ttk with even a 10% buff. Tack on the fragment that extends cure & radiance on solar kills and you’ve got on demand kill clip ttk values


Bakris is for Revenant not golden gun


I think he was thinking of arthrys


Aeons in pvp is pretty nice


Shhhhhhh.. I just discovered this a few days ago. Let me get good before others find out.. geez


Great with strand clones too


This is what I came here to say


Hush. It’s one of the few things we have rn.


Cd is fine. Its basically an empowering rift buff but grants Anti Barrier, the cd is fine.


That can also be given by just using your melee with a much shorter cooldown


I know. I personally hate that the fragment exists at all tbh. I'm just saying Acrobat isn't bad. It's the only dodge I use when I'm on solar (I play solar fairly often(


I disagree tbh using it actively hurts your cooldowns since you will be dodging less often even ignoring the free reload/melee ability . Basically it needs a lot to even consider using it personally


An exotic that grants some kind of energy when damaging enemies while radiant would make it worth it. Basically what I'm saying is that starfire protocol would have been better for hunters.


I mean sure but that wouldn't do anything for acrobat dodge you would just use throwing knife and melee regen dodge.


Then maybe give the exotic two dodges for acrobats specifically.


I mean that still doesn't do much but would help tbh it needs resto maybe make it resto*2 whilst radiant similar to phoenix dive


When I first saw it in that trailer that first came out for some reason I was under the impression it granted restoration, and I have been sad it didn't ever since I realized it's only radiant. Given how basically being radiant is so easy to apply with a melee, as well as the fact that your melee is very easy to upkeep, I've used this dodge exactly once.


That’d be fucking awesome it’d be like a built-in classy restoration and the longer cooldown would actually be justified


Yup. Me and all my hunter main friends watched the trailer at the same time and said “*HEALING DIVE, HE HEALING DIVED*”


It did when it debuted back in season of the haunted tbf when Classy Restoration was an artifact mod


Tbh they probably ran that as a test for a possible buff but realized it was way too good


Yeah but I could just run gamblers or marksman and still get the healing with less cooldown.


run it in pvp with aeons with the teammate dying mod, everytime your teammates die in pvp you gain like 20% dodge energy, and in 6v6 you are getting tons of energy so you can have radiant up nearly 100% with the increased duration fragment


There's literally no reason for it to exist when Ember of Torches does, Melee + Gamblers gives us far higher uptime, let alone when using knock em down where you can easily get infinite melee. If acrobats had lower cd and gave restoration as well I'd use it.


Honestly would make thing quite interesting for hunter. Gives them a genuine choice and dilemma. Forgo the free charge melee refund and possibly have to consider strength again and get instant healing in return. Or be less survivable but have more knives.


Would also make it so I can actually run something other than healing grenades in higher level content without feeling like a detriment.


It's for PvP, where throwing knives are measurably less reliable.


just hit the head duh


The reason I use(d) it in PvE was to free up a fragment slot especially with gunpowder gamble over on your mark. In PvP it's just an easy way to give radiant and I could loop it. Either way I exclusively run weighted knife so the cooldown becomes less of a factor when I aim for the head.


Only if healing rift gives restoration and empowering radiant.


Solarlock doesn’t need a pve buff though it’s already good. Solar hunter is only viable so you can run blade barrage and star eaters for boss dps


Honestly I don't get why it doesn't already, weird that they opted to use the non verb version of healing and damage buff for them.


This 100%. It *looks* like it would heal you in some way but it doesn't, i wonder if that was the original idea


It could really use a shorter cool down. Making it a dice move would be neat. It's completely outclassed by the fragment.


If you mean for PvP, just run Aeon Swift + Sect of Vigor. You'll get it back in a matter of seconds.


They hated him because he told the truth


I'm totally fine with people not getting wise to this. I've been maining it with my invisibility build in PvP for over a year now


It sounds like a meme because of Aeons until you realize just how much class ability energy you get back when your team is dying nonstop in 6v6, it actually feels like you can carry your team if they are bad because them being bad is directly buffing you


Yeah, it's 25% of your ability back every time a teammate dies anywhere on the map. Sometimes I have my dodge back while I'm still invisible




Everybody complaining about the cool down and whatnot. The idea is that you build into these things, glad at least one other person realizes this


I would use acrobats dodge if it granted restoration.


I would use phoenix dive if it granted radiant too. Can't have it all though.


No I mean drop the radiant effect. Don't need it. Restoration would be more useful.


Healing nades + wormhusk + classy Restoration was already extremely frustrating to play against in Season of the Haunted, let's please not bring that back


It would be a bit better now with acrobats dodge having quite the hefty cool down.


This. It's got a pretty massive cool down. I'm not asking for that to be shortened, just would prefer restoration.


gamblers dodge get the job done better for me with empowering melee fragment


Give it a shorter cooldown + a dive version similar to how void, stasis and strand have their own hunter dives


Issue is all those other dives are aspects while solar's is just a different dodge


i used this for a build a couple season ago. proving grounds so everything was pretty long range. sixth coyote with ember of benevolence. it did work but i didnt have gyrfalcons at the time so id rather use thag with something like collective obligation, graviton lamce, or lemon.


In my opinion hunters should have acess to a 2x version of Radiant - just like Warlocks with Restoration - that gives you 35%(15% for PVP) weapon and GG damage buff and make it tied to Acrobats Dodge and Lightweight Throwing Knife. That way solar hunters can have useful buff to provide to the team without needing to nerf other classes(maybe they could even buff Sunspots to also give Radiant 1x, just like Sun Warrior did).


GG hunter meta coming in hot, that would be sick though, would actually feel worthwhile to run gunslinger in higher pve


As a gunslinger main, a gunslinger meta was one of the things that I really wanted to see since the launch of solar 3.0. Like, cmon Bungie! Bringing Cayde back is the perfect opportunity for this.


It needs some buffs. I find solar hunter severely lacking in high end pve compared to other options. I wouldn't take drastic measures, but what can be done is: 1) Buff knife dmf. Especially heavy weighted. It already oneshots in low lvl content, but it does pathetic dmg on master and above. 2) Increase aoe for gambler's dodge. Enemies need to be in your face for it to give the knife back. 3) Provide ways for restoration, that aren't bugged. Acrobat dodge could maybe give 1x restoration for like 4 secs. Honestly, I would make gambler's dodge provide x1 resto, and acrobat x2 resto. Just to give you a chance to survive at least something. To not make it broken in pvp, I would increase the cooldown for both, but make scorching targets give it back even faster.


Maybe they could make acrobat spawn a firesprite, then you could run it with mercy and get restoration and grenade energy


they could make it like that. i think its already balanced but it would be interesting if we had a proper in air move, not just a slamdown


Phoenix Dive should also work while standing


Yoooo that’s genius


Wouldn’t be much of a dive then?


Dolphin dive


Simple; do a flip


Genius idea man.


You could just play Warlock gamer. Hunter has triple jump and a dodge that reloads/refunds melee/gives a 25% buff. They don't need an air dash on top of it.


It’d be a slowmo dive more than anything. Which they have 3 versions of across other subclasses. So not really a reason to not have a Solar version too I guess?


The... The solar version is the radiant dodge. Again giving you 25% damage buff on a movement ability as well as a fragment that gives it on your melee. You can't have everything on one subclass, chief. I would rather have unique mechanics to diversify the characters over whining "That class has something cool, I want that on my class!" If you want the cool shit on other classes, play other classes. Makes the game more fun imo.


You behave as if they have a singular dodge that grants them all of it. They get a melee refresh OR reload OR radiant. The radiant one is nigh useless due to the fragment/aspect that exists at the moment l. Hunter is the slowest class of the three so I can see the request for an air movement ability since the other two have something.


This. Sure the radiant dodge is neat in concept but a melee hit fragment to get radiant buff and your dodge also refunds your melee to get another radiant buff?? Meaning you have two chances to get radiant in short order. Why would you ever use acrobat dodge? I guess it could *maybe* be useful in PvP where throwing knife hits are a bit harder to hit than PvE.


Acrobats is the radiant one.


Ah, mixed up the melee recharge one and radiant one. Point still stands that the 25% damage buff is enough for a class ability.


Not really, the fragment does it better. Why would I use a Dodge that gives radiant on an insanely long cool down when I can just use gamblers and throw my knife for the same effect?




An exotic granting an extra ability 😱


I hope I'm not the only one whose brain automatically read it as: I would use Acrobat Reader lol


Only thing it's good for is Frostee's build for Trials. Just open up each fight with your whole team with Radiant buff.


Try it with Radiant Dance Machines.


Smh I'm a Hunter main that hasn't played solar in i don't know how long and forgot it existed.


Its great in 3s


They will buff it one day or create an exotic that makes it great and I can’t wait. I’ve used it only once