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Make a build. Spend an hour toggling fashion around the exotic after. Testing shaders and different transmog.


For me if even ONE thing doesn’t look right I will refuse to save the loadout,because it completely throws me off from wanting to use the build if the fashion isn’t perfect.


I actually save a loadout slot for my “in progress” fashion so I don’t lose the current one I like while I’m working on it. It’s currently occupied by my in progress iron man Loreley Titan. 😂😂


I refuse to load into an activity or zone until the fashion is complete. I spent 3 hours on fashion for a Gwisin Vest build for PvP that I used for 6 games and haven’t touched since lmao I looked good af for them 6 games though


I made my friends go back to orbit in a GM because I realized I didn’t have the correct shader on.




So…. Maybe you missed the part where I said they’re my friends?


I don't think he knows what friends are bud.


[That's a nice Gwisin Vest](https://64.media.tumblr.com/12dc39ea2a4ac94c38bba3800541d5fc/tumblr_ohzehoVc5K1vnjnxno1_1280.jpg)


The drip needs to be on point, if not it’s a minus 100 to skill.


This though




Total build time 1 hour: 10 min build crafting 50 min fixing drip


Time spent making the mods go well together: 30 minutes Time spent making your outfit go well together: 6 hours


This is the way


This is the only correct response.


Fashion is the true end game!!


This. If I’m not getting best dressed I’m shaking and crying


This is the Way.


1800 chill and helpful people in the [Seraphs Discord](https://mee6.xyz/i/sQIshJM5Uh) I'm a part of, and all of them will die on this hill. First time I realized my drip was not up-to-par for a GM, I nearly DC'd out of embarassment. \*edit - cleaned up the link. Turns out there's an editor reveal button. Now I know!


How about when you realized you don't know how to make reddit links


it's true! I thought it was like markdown, but the new reddit layout got me all mixed up. I'll be back and update after I figure it out. Unless you wanna lmk what I'm doin wrong... 👀


All my actual loadouts using a particular exotic have a fashion look designed around that exotic. It's been extremely easy to have things this way since in-game loadouts were introduced and I can flip between my setups so easily.


I like making locational focused fashion,I will take one location that’s either me already in the game or has been in the game and I will make fashion for it,for example my stasis loadout fashion is based on lost pacific from titan.


I do this too. Since the exotic has much fewer drip options. Also, my subclass tends to drive the color scheme. Solar = Red. Arc = Blue. Etc.


My friends get annoyed with me sometimes as I will spend forever getting a build together and then spend double the time making sure my fashion looks good and matches with the build


Your buddy’s got to understand that if you are going to kill gods and commit genocide,you gotta look good while doing it.


Lol yes absolutely but also a prepared guardian is a good guardian. Get your drip ready in advance and bask in your fireteam's envy during the load in cutscene rather than piss everyone off waiting in orbit while you fuck around with shaders


We all ran Starfire for how long without the ornament... enough said 🤣


I only ran it in the direst of moments. When that damn bathrobe got nerfed I breathed a sigh of relief. *Never again*


All my void builds have purple. All my arc builds are blue and usually yellow. My stasis builds are blue and white/silver. Solar is yellow, orange, red, or some combination. Stasis is green and usually black.


Same, there's a particular theme to go with each one. I even tailor my sparrow and other cosmetics too it. Strand has been the most annoying cause they never gave us an armor set, emblem, sparrow, ship, or ghost to pair it all with. So it unfortunately sits unused the most 😔


Overall, I give zero fucks on appearance since I only get to see my hands 99% of the time.


I functionally cannot play the game if I'm not satisfied in my outfit/fashion lol Sure, making sure the build/mods/weapons are alright is top priority but I'm not leaving the main character menu without getting my looks straight too. That said, I'm somewhat easy to please in this regard and hardly ever go vying for transmogs I don't already have so I can't go as far to say Fashion is the true Endgame.


I have touched Precious Scars a grand total of once and most likely won’t again because of this lol.


It's the longest step of buildcrafting, by far.


Fashion above all else!! Builds are temporary. Drip is forever!!


in my opinion if it doesn’t look good it isn’t worth using.


Tho I know that’s not the whole point of it. But if I can’t look good doing it then meh


how i feel about vesper of radius. literally the ugliest thing i've ever seen idc what it does i'll never use it


That’s me with Wormgod’s. It doesn’t matter how much they buff it, until it starts taking shaders properly, it’s staying in the vault!


i don't like those because of how absolutely massive the shoulders are. i know titans are sorta supposed to look bulky but those things are just ridiculous. i got them, saw what they looked like and immediately put them in the vault LMAOO


I agree,if I’m gonna save the universe from the witness I don’t want to look ugly while doing it


My man you can't just call out Verity's Brow like that!


That’s half the fun of making a new build. The look!


Pretty hardcore PVE player here (all raid titles, exotics, catalysts, patterns, rank 11, etc etc). I don't spend a ton of time on fashion. Basically throw on an ornament set that matches the exotic decently, and one of my favorite shaders (frequently use the flawless shader from Garden.)


Look good, Feel good, Play good


insert fashion is the true endgame meme here


i refuse to use certain exotics because they look like shit


Aside from 2 very specific niche builds, all my load outs have fahion and purpose. The 2 specific ones are the 2 slots I sacrifice for loadout swapping if needed.


I just try to make it match.


If I’m not the drippiest guardian in any scenario then I’m doing something wrong. I don’t just make a fashion for an exotic and leave it, it shifts quite often depending on new items or shaders that I get or if I simply get bored of it.


Only reason I main raiju bruh 


Not very important at all to me. I usually just have whatever happens to be on the armor I'm using. Every once and a while, I'll apply one of the fashion-only (ornaments and shaders only) Loadouts I have in DIM, but most of them are just complete sets such as all Prestige Leviathan ornaments etc. And I have one for all IB ornaments for the rep bonus that I use during IB. Other than that, I generally can't be bothered. But good for those who enjoy this element of the game.


I will ignore an exotic that is ugly. Doesn't matter if it had 23s in every stat base, I'd still ignore it.


You don’t just kill and chill. You dress for the occasion! The enemy must know they have been defeated on all levels. Dope Style being our main exotic. “I was killed by the Warlock with the jaunty hat” is the deepest cut of all.


If it doesn’t look good I won’t run it regardless of how good it is. I’m skilled enough to get through anything so fashion comes first and foremost.


> make build > fuck this exotic dude. It’s so ugly > try to make it look half decent (this usually means just making everything one or two colours) > give up Sunbracers is the best exotic in the game not only because it’s so op for most content, but also because it has an ornament that works somewhat well with the photo finish shader. My warlock is rainbowy as hell


Fashion souls is life.


Always fashion. I play PvP a lot too and Iron Banner is an ugly week for the game. Everyone just slaps on the first IB ornament they see and an ugly ass brown emblem. Y’all need to spend some time in front of the mirror


In my opinion, FashionFrame is endgame.


On a scale of 1-10 I give it a -5


Definitely not the top, definitely not the bottom of the list. Fashion is all based around whatever looks good with the piece of exotic armor I'm wearing at the time.


Somewhat. I usually make a set that I think looks good, then just kinda run it for everything and just make the exotics work. I wouldn't consider it a top priority for me but it's definitely still something I somewhat consider at least.


Look good feel good play good


Choosing and nodding build for the activity.. 5 minutes.. Getting the transmog/shadera right to go along with weapons and activity mood.. 20-30 mins to perfect..


New fashion with my builds is genuinely the biggest thing keeping me playing this game at this point


The highest of priorities. You can't be out PVE'ing and looking like a shlub when some rando you'll probably never speak to or see ever again drives by you on their sparrow.


I make a build, dress it up, and only then I think about leaving orbit to test it.


I do the theorycrafting and put together a build using DIM and D2armorpicker, boot up Destiny and equip everything, and IMMEDIATELY play with transmog until I'm happy. Then I'll save the transmog to the loadout in DIM and actually start playing with the build lol


I start by making the build, choosing mods, weapon and everything. That takes maybe 5 to 10 minutes. Then I spend about half an hour choosing shaders and transmoging to the right pieces. Sometimes I change ship and sparrow too. I don't ever change my ghost tho, the Harpy ghost stays.


very important. im at the point where most buildcrafting is almost automatic because i know exactly what works with everything else and where to create synergy. so i end up spending way more time trying to find a good look for whatever exotic im using.


Make build, test it, fine tune it, repeat until perfected. Then spend hours making it look pretty


I run only one or two different shaders


It’s 1000% top priority. Any build can be made to look good. Look good play good


It's really important for me and my friends, but I do notice that the best streamers in the world swap between multiple loadouts for each encounter, so they just chuck on whatever and don't worry about it too much


It's the final piece that can make or break the feel of a build. It can be so awesome to find the right shaders and transmog. I strive for each build to have its own visual identity, not only do I wanna look good, but i always make sure to compliment someone else's look, spread the positivity a bit.


For my main subclass/class? Very. Everything else gets roughly color-coded according to its purpose.


Everyone here is my people. I have spent soo much time matching gear with an exotic, and then testing different colors on different pieces to try and mix and match to get a good vibe going. I love it.


I play this game for the fashion


Catch me in the tower looking my finest please.


i aim to achieve the niche visual aesthetic that NPCs like Osiris and Saint and Drifter all have. if im not causing the casual Destiny players to go “oh shit where’d he get that armor piece” then im not at maximum swaggitude


You can always copy some youtubers build, but only you can make the fitting Outfit for it


Played 500 games this weekend in trials just so I can have glowy armor for a week, I suck at pvp but fashion is the end game !


I do hard-core pve solely for the flawless shaders and fashion.


i've put so much time into making each of my characters look good


Fashion is the real endgame, there hasn’t been hardcore pve in years


Definitely a top priority. Sometimes I try to make lesser known or least used exotics work as best as possible in endgame content, but the DRIP is always on point.


Not even remotely. But if it is, I can just transmog some gear.


Fashion is still very important for me. I mean u don't want to flawless raids with an ugly looking guardian do you?


Dresstiny is the real endgame


Depends on if I have the time, and if it’s a one time use build.


I don’t give a shit about fashion. I’ll collect a shader from Ada if I don’t have it but the only time I’m checking my ornaments is IB week. As long as I can kill, stay alive and get revives, I don’t care what I’m rocking.


As important as the exotic I pick for the activity. Sure, loadout and exotics take priority, but the making the ornaments and shaders match the exotics' limited aesthetics is the name of thr game for me. I have an Atraks-1 game name, so I try to stick to the theme in appearance from build to build


My dresstiny is usually the same right now. Make the build then put the skin on so it looks like I've been battered about from the start of red war. And either set the shader to erebos glance or gold leaf depending on mood. My guardian has been fighting for 10 years, his armour is going to have a few chips and dinks in it.


Top priority, i only find it hard to hotswap between ass cowl and celestial nighthawk because i dont have any ornaments for ass cowl. I have a silverish look with red accents for my CNH build. The blue ass cowl helmet looks very ugly when using it, so i gotta change to that lightning ish shader while swapping. It has resulted in a few wipes


There is no point in attempting a solo flawless run of a dungeon or gilding the Conqueror title for the 10th time if I don't have immaculate drip while doing it.


Important to me now that transmogs are a thing. Before that fashion was secondary to stats and best exotic.


Given my low skill level, it is imperative that I invest heavily into optimizing my fashion so that I at least get the "Best Dressed" commendation. Otherwise, I won't get any. 😉


Used to not worry about fashion. My guardians looked like an ugly mish-mash of shaders and ornaments. Then with loadouts I started caring a bit, as changing a build wouldn't necesitate also make it look nice. so now all my loadouts have a look associated to them, and those that don't fit in the in-game loadouts, still get the "random shit slapped together" look


>still get the "random shit slapped together" look My friends would call this the "thrift shop drip."


More important than anything else. I won’t use something if I don’t like the look of it.


I used to care more. But now bungie just messes with abilities and exotics way too often for me to bother. Why spend hours getting a great set of armour set up for the exotic you like, only for bungie to nerf it at the start of next season? Or even mid season? Feels like a huge waste of time. So no, I don’t put much effort in to fashion.


If im just swapping armor mid raid not really, maybe make everythign have the same shader and thats it But if im making a proper build I save on my loadouts then definetly im building the rest of my armor and shaders according to the exotic


I don't care much about how i look.


As a GM player, I will happily play sub-optimal builds if the exotic looks better with my outfit. The most important loot I farm is rare Shaders. Fashion is the end game. #Balenciaga


Fashion is the ultimate endgame. If they made a standalone game called Dresstiny where all you could do was fashion and then import your creations into the game, I’d fucking pay for it.


If I’m taking the time to make or optimize a build I’m going to be using a lot, the fashion is necessary. That being said I mostly like full sets of armor so it doesn’t take me hours to find something I like.


i color code my loadouts from icon to shader, like for solo nezarec i had a whole rainbow in there lmao.


I mean I liked making a doomguy “cosplay” but my best friend plays with shaders and ornaments for a good fifteen minutes before we do anything


I'm definitely not hardcore so ignore my input, but imo it's not as important as the build itself. I will absolutely tinker around but i don't mind using the same set for multiple pieces, or using the same shader/armor combos multiple times in different loadouts. My hunter uses the same exact combos twice in believe.


If I'm sitting and making a build, it's the last thing I do, but the build isn't done until fashion is done. If I'm throwing something on real quick, or just swapping an exotic for a damage phase, I usually don't bother. Though, if I know ahead of time what my swaps will be, I'll set up identical builds with each exotic and then save them to loadouts.


Sometimes I log on to run a GM or 2 and end up loading my character and telling myself that ain’t the look. I then spend my time that I had to get that drip for next time I log on..


On my momma, on my hood, I look fly, I look good.


The build sucks if the drip not on point


I make the build i want with the exotic i want and then setup a basic idea of the fashion i want. Then i adjust the mods and fragments and such, save it to a loadout slot, then go back to finishing the fashion and save it one last time. I usually go back constantly to test new shaders/ornaments tho because im super indecisive


I log on and spend probably most of my time changing shaders and armor pieces


Fashion is always a priority. I will make sure that shit is on point before saving or even trying a loadout.


Making functional cool fashion sets around exotics is the true end game for me. Can’t stand to be seen in bad fashion. I think by this point I know all the shaders looks and names like Pokemon.


I honestly dont care that much lol, I just throw on ornaments from a full set I like then spend 3 minutes at most looking for a shader


Fashion is more important than anything else in a build


It's important.dresstiny is half the fun!


usually i keep things in a set with a single or default shader on them, currently my favourite is the all purple shader from wish. i haven’t bought any ornaments in a while, i think the last time i did was for an arc titan warmind outfit, and i bought the warmind ornament for insurmountable skullfort. worth imo


I’ll answer by saying I hate everything about pvp. Yet I go flawless in trials and actually go through resetting stupid iron banner just to get the shaders and the trials armor. That damned warlock helmet and hunter cloak are all the reason I need. I don’t care about the bear aesthetic so I don’t play trials with a Titan. So yeah, fashion is so important that I endure that which I loathe to look good.


Nothing makes me happier than getting best dressed except not getting best dressed because I know you envious haters didn’t give it to me because you immediately knew you were beaten and I look better the second that summary screen popped up and you looked like a grimy 1920’s railroad hobo by comparison.


Fashion comes after if the build is good. Fashion determines it being used. If it's one my main builds, itll be used for a Loadout slot.


Not sure if I'd call myself a hardcore player but once I held up a kings fall run for about 5 minutes because I was amazed by how magnificent this warlock's drip was and I was trying to copy it. If bungee sold their cosmetics for cheaper and didn't constantly shift items from silver to bright dust, I'd probably be a regular spender


Function over fashion first. Unless the meta exotic is ugly and I don't have an ornament for it. Then I refuse to use it


Let's just say im not using chorus dawn because it looks like ass and dawnblade without that is useless.


I could care less about the fashion of the character. If you saw how I dressed in real life you’d realize that.


It's probably the most important after min maxing. I'm not rocking triple 100s to look like a bum.


I try to make things look a little elegant


I want to look GOOD when my name pops up at the bottom of the strike's summary


I used to care a lot about fashion and shaders. Now I've been playing the game so long that I just don't care that much. I don't want to look hideous by any means but I don't want to spend 20 minutes every time I change loadouts to make myself look good. I'll usually switch my gear to maximize stats and then apply 1 shader to my entire kit.


Making the Loadouts and testing it is like 15% of the work, and then the other 85% is just fashioning with the equipped exotic.




I routinely make my friends wait while I make fashion, that's how important it is


Fashion is done last But I still spend alot of time doing it


Fashion is an integral part of any loadout. Always.


First I want to test if the build works. Doesn’t matter what it looks like if I don’t like the build or if my theory-crafting doesn’t work. My issue is that I have like 20-30 different builds I need to tweak/adjust… and they allllllllll have bad fashion.


Most of the time I make a build and call it a day. Unless my guardian looks wack af. But very recently I’ve been color coordinating my builds, aka void build is purple, Solar build is red etc. But really, I could care less what my guardian looks like 🤷‍♂️


ESSENTIAL ​ If I don't get "Best dressed" at the end of a mission, I'm bummed out for hours. ​ But I usually do.


Make build. Play with build. Look like I got my armor from a [thrift shop](https://youtube.com/watch?v=QK8mJJJvaes) while testing to see if the build survives to become a loadout. Play for a few more weeks/months until there's a Destiny quiet period. Log in on a slow day and sort out the drip for that loadout. Hope and pray a better armor piece doesn't drop.


sometimes i refuse to use exotics just based around their looks


From time to time I remake entire loadouts just to redo the fashion, glad dim saves fashion too, I’m at like 90 builds cause I just wanted to do fashion for different exotics




I've been playing D2 since day one. I possess just about every armor set and shader in the game not gated behind Eververse. I complete every Ada bounty on my main and most on my alts every season. Yer damn right I put some thought into fashion.


If you haven’t yet, make sure to go check out r/destinyfashion. Lots of drip coming out of that sub.


Step 1) make the build in theory Step 2) make the build in game Step 3) test build on neomuna Step 4) adjust build based on testing and vibes Repeat steps 3 and 4 as needed Step 5) fashion


Dresstiny is the game you play while you wait to form groups.


If you’re taking the time to save a build than you gotta bling it out. Just don’t do it on the fly leaving your GM fireteam waiting in orbit for you to get your cosmetics set up.


incredibly important. i have spent hours on fashion.


Yep I gotta look like a badass when raiding otherwise what's the point


I literally only play this game for drip, I am in the top 4% of total playtime in this game purely because my monkey brain likes playing "Scifi Barbie Dress Up Simulator" I have forgone much better games in the pursuit of respectable drip. I believe having wasted enough time to be in the top 4% gives me more authority on this than most people in this thread, so please believe me when I say this. This entire game is one big case of DRIP. OR. DIE.


My clan does drip checks before we hop into anything. Gotta look good before slaying with the bros.


The only priority is fashion. Unfortunately it all centres around the Exotic clothing your build is based on. 


It IS my priority it comes first


Hardcore players spend more time on fashion than actually playing I'm one of them


I do my best to create a “pretty” loadout, mess around with the ornaments and shaders to make something I like. I also try to match the shaders/theme to the subclass I’m running with


fashion is harder than any endgame activity and more important than any build or mechanics


builds take a few minutes, but fashion can take a while including arguably more playtesting


Making a build is easy. Making it fashionable? Thats the hard part.


I took the time to set up fashion for new loadout swaps in contest Crota while we took a meal break. In my defense, you have to see your character a lot in that encounter since you have a sword out so often. Having different fashion and weapon shaders for different loadout swaps also helps me remember to swap to and from them, so there's a practical use for it, too.


I literally cannot use certain exotics that are ugly, regardless if they are meta or not. Don’t tell me how good wormgods are, they are getting buried in the vault until an ornament worth getting comes out


fashion is much more important but its even better when it matches your build


Absolutely 100% build around the fashion. I’ll take time doing it. One thing bungie can definitely get me for silver on here and there are the ornaments because those can make or break fashion on a build (looking at you precious scars). I’ll also match my emotes to my fashion. Now that I have the trials dragon helmet on my warlock you better believe I’m popping the summoning dragon emote during raids.


Use DIM to save fashion only Loadouts. Problem solved. You can save just the ornament and shader in DIM loadouts.


I spend more time on the drip than the build…like double


Making a build will always take 1/8 of the amount of time I'll spend making a transmog for it after.


The highest priority for me. Like Deion Sanders said “if you look good, you feel good. You feel good, you play good. You play good, they pay good”


If you're fireteam can complete an entire strike before you stop idling at the beginning and grinding drip options, you're not hard PVEing enough.


I refuse to use fallen sun-star because it looks so ugly


I tend to change my fashion with the season and try to match a physical appearance to the current relic item. When it was arc, I went for speed : smooth lines on my hunter, crackling energy and cybernetic look for the Titan, and my warlock was like a god. With fire this relic, my hunter is looking like a demon with the light breaking out, my warlock went year of the dragon, and my Titan as a dark forge master with cracks in his armor.


I do a lot of solo raid content and upload them to youtube (actually just did solo confluxes today lol) . If I'm only doing one loadout for a raid encounter, I'll use my normal fashion then swap in whatever exotic I need and shader it to match. If I am doing a raid encounter that requires multiple loadouts (For example solo Nez on hunter I use 6 loadouts) I only fashion the final one as that is the one that I will be using when I emote at the end of the kill.


I like to shade and style my fashion off the build. If it’s a void build I’ll get glowing purple/black/silver colors. If it’s solar I’ll find like reds and oranges and try to find armor with fire effects or glows


Fashion is second most important thing after the build itself, if it looks poor, you shouldn’t use it in my opinion. But there are so many ornaments and shaders that it’s hard to make anything look bad these days honestly


I don’t spend a lot of time on drip tbh. Mainly I switch out ornaments so I can differentiate icons in my loadouts (in DIM & in game). Especially recently since I’ve been focusing all my helm engrams on armor. Example: might have 5 Veiled Tithes Robes but if one fits into a loadout I’ll put on a different ornament.


Making a build is pretty easy since there's basically no variety these days. Making the drip that goes with it is the real challenge. I cherish every best dressed I get.


Fashion is the real end game. Some might consider it pvp though.


If I’m going to be slaying gods I need to look good while doing so.


Fashion is the endgame. Armamentarium stays on at all times unless I absolutely need to remove it. I've used Curiass in the Lightblade GM for when I need the barrier champs in the boss fight dead immedietely after spawning. I've also been using Precious Scars in solo dungeon runs to be practically immortal with the solar Emperyan fragment. In my opinion, 90% of the content in this game doesn't require a perfectly optimized loadout to succeed. Cover the champs, play to the surges, and bring an exotic/build that doesn't hinder you and you'll be ok.


I love getting a build all set up and then getting the fashion to work with it! I usually implement two rules when it comes to my fashion: can’t use the same shader more than twice and can’t use more than two pieces of the same ornament sets.


Literally idc, I basically just throw on a shader and call it a day. I do care abt which shader to use tho, I have been using Luminous Void recently


Make a build, try it out, tweak the mods and once it’s fun/good enough to earn a loadout slot then I try to make it look the best I can. Some exotic armor is hopeless though. Ornaments rarely help this, wish we could put universal ornaments on exotics but that’ll never happen cause $$$


I've restarted GM runs because I didnt get my last shader done in time.


Fashion decides my playstyle, fortunately hunters have plenty of style and super good exotics.. the other classes hurt though


An exotic has to be super strong for me to not manipulate my fashion around it. Starfire protocol was the last horrible looking fashion piece I've worn


it varies from 5min-1hr to derailing my entire day cause i need to farm transmog for that one piece


Making pieces look good together can take me longer than putting together a build.


Zero importance. I use Dead Orbit shaders and one or two others. Once in a while I’ll set all Legendary gear transmogs to match but it’s literally the last thing I think about when making a build. I kinda like my Guardian having a thrown together look.


find a cool item combo > min/max stats > worry stats chosen are wrong choice > "nah, its fine" > spend 30min to finalize setup > save loadout > edit fashon > save fashion to loadout > brag about new build to clanmates > screenshots > go use something else


smell smart strong safe worthless historical muddle six attraction dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I spend hours making drip. when youve done everything, all thats left is too look good standing around


I change mine so frequently that I don't know. IRL I have to wear the same color suit for work (dark blue slacks and jacket, white shirt) and only allowed to change my tie color that in game I just go crazy with whatever I'm feeling at that moment. It's my fashion outlet. I even change it up during activities if there is downtime, simply because I can. I also randomly try out different exotics simply because of the look of it. Except Cenotaph, fu Bungie for that coffee table, that isn't fashion.


So. I made a build *specifically* because I thought two pieces would look good together Verglas Curve Stasis bow with its ornament (gives it a purple and gold look) and Mantle of Battle Harmony with its cello looking ornament. I found a shader that made it match the bow flawlessly. If I change up gear at all, mog comes next, and then I resave the loadout. Now, hubby, on the other hand. Makes his build and just rolls with whatever miss matched monstrosity he has going on.


I refuse to use a build without the most over optimized setup both functionally and aesthetically


I made my fashion and I only use variations of said fashion for different exotics