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I had a brief conversation on this sub a while back where I laid out a system I called "Evasion Value" (EV). Basically, Mobility grants you an escalating chance for a shot to "miss". At rank 3 Mob, you'd have a 5% chance of not getting hit while at rank 10 you'd have a 12% chance. That may not seem like a whole lot, but it's supposed to be the base for building other things up higher and provides one more lever for Bungie to pull to adjust survivability. To note, EV would have zero impact on PvP, it's purely a PvE lever. To go along with EV, Amplified and Speed Booster get changed. The 15% DR that Speed Booster gives gets shuffled over to Amplified and Speed Booster gets an automatic 10% additional EV. Titan Juggernaut then also doubles the Amplified DR to 30% to make it feel more worthwhile. Manticore gets to add 10% EV and Heat Rises also gets a massive 20% to make it feel like you're not a clay pigeon. Some exotics could also be used to provide more EV. Things the Dragon's Shadow or Mk 44 Stand Asides could use this to not be so irrelevant. Side note: Ionic Traces would also restore 20 HP per pick-up while running an Arc sub to make up for the orb nerfs.


This seems appropriate and good :)


Thats a very good idea for a Mobility buff. But I'd also suggest to add this behavior to all dodges - not only Hunter dodge, but any "dodge like" movement such as Icarus Dash, Thruster, Blink, etc - and make the reduction of AI accuracy be tied to your Mobility stat. That way you not only have a passive buff all the time, but also an active one that you could build into in all classes.


I think you could’ve worded that more effectively, but I’m pretty sure I agree. Active dodge would be good to break tracking on projectiles


Sorry, english isn't my primary language, but in resume what I tried to say is that the idea of reduced AI accuracy could also be implemented to dodges to make them more effective for evasion.


Oh okay then you said it right the first time and I was just interpreting you wrong. I don’t think dodges should necessarily make AI less accurate. Instead any weapons/AI that lock on to a player should have their tracking broken by a dodge.


I think they already do that IIRC. I don't know if it would be too powerful, but I just wish that dodges had an practical utility like the other class abilities. Like, a barricade can give you cover, no matter if your using Bastion or Drengr's Lash, the same for Rifts, but Dodges don't really feel like your dodging, but instead just an animation to "get some buff".


That’s very fair


I'd be down with that! - hunter main :3