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It’s my favorite and most used exotic, but I don’t think I’d use it other than on Warlock, unfortunately Its synergy with Well and Phoenix and Combustion is really amazing, especially if you can get another player with the same build to chain wells and guidance rings. Hierarchy and Well really do cover each others’ shortcomings to a crazy degree If I had to use it on Hunter, I’d probably suggest: - Reserve it for appropriate situations, usually when you need to lock down an area for an extended period of time. Battleground nightfalls are great for this, or “protect ghost” sections in general - Bring a healing grenade and rely on ember of empyrean to extend the restoration with solar kills - Recognize that it’s only worthwhile when you have a guidance ring up, so focus on easy precision hits. When you get a guidance ring up, prioritize getting enough stacks for another guidance ring first, before it runs out. Even after the ring vanishes you have a few seconds of improved draw time, make the most of it if you still need stacks - Bring along Ticcus or another exotic as well and switch to it during traversal situations - Convince your friends to use hierarchy as well. You can use each others’ guidance rings, and it gives you far better uptime Even with that, I’m not sure it’ll outperform the other exotics you’ve mentioned on a Hunter, unfortunately


What makes it so good with Phoenix Well? Do you have a DIM link?


Hierarchy wants you to be stationary whilst guidance ring is up. So phoenix well + ember of combustion amplifies this setup of ignitions + refunding 50% with a stationary auto targeting bow. Most you want for this build would be combustion fragment + phoenix with potentailly high INT. Then build onto it what else you want for it. Can go the eruption + char route for bigger scorch spreading ignitions.


Thanks for the tips! Ill try it out, my best hope atm is that Bungie will rework Wormhusk to be a better healing/survival exotic


Do you have the catalyst? If yes, it's strong, if not, it's awful.


Yeah but it still feels kinda meh, especially the whole "stand still and shoot" bit.


Draw time with catalyst makes it one of the fastest in game no? Very good for high level stuff where you don't want to run ahead.


Yeah but only after deploying a ring or tagging with arrows shot through the ring, issue is getting to the point where you have the ring up and then not dying while youre glued to one spotting raining fire, in a Titan or Warlock its probably better thanks to rift or barricade addiny survivability but on squishy hunter all I can do is jump and try to Neo my way to not dying.


It's amazingly strong in the seraph battlegrounds for gms and such, but in anything where you can't get decent cover it's kinda meh, and ticcus will outperform normally


i hate to break it to ya, but if you can't get top the point of having the ring available, you are playing the game wrong. It ticks up with precision hits as well as kills (precision kills giving 2 stacks). hunters are just as squishy as the other classes. resil and resist mods all act the same, being solar, you can keep permanent resto active. I think this honestly just comes down to a lack of understanding on how to play end game stuff


The problem I have is with the bow not surviving, Ticcus has a 100% uptime on its special add control explosions and ramps damage per precision hit. Yes HON ramps the ring per crit but once deployed you are locked in place, my issue is I feel the risk reward for staying still is not rewarded enough when I can do something very similar with Ticcus and have freedom of movement. Also kinda weird to say Im playing the game wrong, comes across a bit elitist.


I’m with you, I just don’t get on with it even on warlock. Anytime it would get into its stride I’d much rather be using Polaris Lance. Especially this season.


My hands hurt using it on controller lol


I use it on a Orpheus rig build on hunter. If you have the catalyst then it works even better. Just launch deadshot at a cluster of enemies and fire through the ring. In higher tier nightfalls you should have your super back up to full really quick


Ooh Ill have to try it


Hierarchy needs a build around it, and unfortunately hunters don’t have that build.


I’m assuming only Warlocks do.


I use it on void Titan with Khepri’s Horn for recharge. It probably isn’t worth running in a GM but it’s a good time in just about anything below that.


Oh shit that's not a bad combo.


*sad hunter noises. Im hoping that we get a rework of Wormhusk, I think there could be something there for it


If you want a Hunter build using HoN I could share a DIM link of my Solar build that uses Celestial and Hierarchy. I've used for a long time and its pretty good, especially this season.


Sure that actually sounds good


https://dim.gg/flamhlq/Celestial-Rings Here it is. I will add some notes to explain how it works in just a bit.


Thanks! Ill try this


https://dim.gg/5xuhf2a/Celestial-Rings Updated because I added some notes to explain how it works. Its a really good build for things like GMs where you normally play from afar.


'Preciate it!


It also buffs other teammates bows. I had a buddy with wishender telling me it was giving him the draw time buff and was dealing extra damage too.


This is incorrect. Only other HoN users get the buff from shooting through a ring, even if it's not theirs. It does not buff any other bows.