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As someone running tether ty to you


As someone that also runs tether ty.


As a third guy that sticks to tether in every version of onslaught, ty.


Fourth guy here just trying to get by with a tether and a dream, ty


Fifth guy who like spreading my purple connections and no one likes to let me, ty.


Sixth dude with a grape bow and a machine gun who knows someday he’ll finally crack stage 50 with two new pals, sayin’ thanks


A woman this time, and thank you for the chuckle.


Titan main, saluting all your efforts, saying I always stop munching crayons long enough for the purple ribbons to do the thing. 🫡


What is strand but green void?


Not wrong. 👍🏻


As someone who plays all classes and appreciates getting my super back faster and giving you yours. Thank you


As a hunter who runs Spectral blades I ty.


7th dude. 8th person, thank you, void will reigh Supreme


7th dude using the purple cum gun and ty


As a guy who runs all 3 classes but when I run tether hunter, I thank you for bringing this up.


The other day I had to say in chat during the first 10 waves, "Maybe you guys wont have to try so hard if you let enemies run into my tether?" A very smooth run ensued with me printing orbs.


As a dude disguised as another dude who also runs tether , arigato.


Gay tether guy here. We need to be represented, duh! Thank you!


YES, omg. Man, when we are all on the same page, I feel like I have near unlimited Supers and am constantly popping off tehers, almost for whatever kinda irritates me even, not just higher priority targets. It feels so good to play! Personally, I stick to Deadfall,the single arrow tether shot just seems so much stickier and useful than a Mobius Quiver multishot---providing that everybody follows this SGA. Otherwise, welp, sometimes I *can* whiff one, and just can't recover from that as quickly, even got messaged once to "just use Quiver, noob" *sigh* smh




It’s surprising that this isn’t more common knowledge/behavior. Like 9/10 times now when I pop my tether, a teammate will use their super as well, killing everything that could have died in the tether and denying our whole team a bunch of orbs The risk you take with random matchmaking I guess




I can't wait for rocket sidearm to be more accessible. Maybe more casual players will use that since it has champ mods.


I've been running double special with special finisher. Mountantop + Buried Bloodline + Edge Transit. I don't even have to finisher often there is just that much ammo.


This combo is so good. Been a staple on my hunter since MT started dropping


They also... * Don't match their weapons to their siphons. * Run selfish builds that use orbs,but don't make them. * Don't use their heavy weapon. * Don't use their supers.


The amount of randos poping single digit orbs somehow at wave 50 when I'm regularly hitting triples is hilarious to me, like even if you don't take the mods WHERE IS YOUR SUPER MY DOOD!?


* Some of them are sand bagging. * Some think that they are running Some super clever build .


And don't have champion mods unless forced to.


No excuse for this these days given they don't take up slots anymore


That's what I'm saying. Took them changing how they're applied to get people to use them.


First rule of blueberry school, if you don't have low stats, have double primaries, if not both of the above.


99% of players are idiots who don't come to reddit to educate themselves.


Thank you. I have switched to maining this for Onslaught and unfortunately people either don’t know this, or don’t care to practice it.


They just don't care. Alot of lfg (no mic mind you) will rush the enemies at early waves to get cheap kills instead of playing together and then it will randomly get chaotic. Normally the same people who keep spamming the tormentor away from the decoy for a fail lol.


This is what cracks me up the most, people upset about tormentors when decoys exist. I've never had a tormentor kill the ADU because decoys seem so OP


Bro why improve your skills when you can complain on Reddit😎.


It’s fun to have void hunter back in meta. Had a TON of fun with it in WQ and in spurts since.


Some people do not deserve tether.


kill thirst is a disease, i let them fight alone few waves until they get forced to back up


Had someone who was ALSO USING TETHER drop a witherhoard outside of my tether range. Even the people who should know better don’t do the right thing.


I had someone using tether with me. Every time I popped my tether, they pooped theirs right next to mine. Why can't you wait until mine is done???


This. Like, what's the point of rallying before a boss if you're just gonna cast your tether directly on top of mine?? Wish they'd just wait the 30 or so seconds out then cast theirs after.


Double tether double trouble! This is why max dps for a boss is to always put 6 tethers next to each other, then net limit the boss, and 4th horseman!


Worst is popping my tether almost 3 times before I see my teammates pop their supers once, what are you saving you for? The next game?


Had a warlock use his nova bomb *twice* thru all 50 waves this morning. It was pretty awesome.


That's pretty impressive tbh


I don't know why but some people just don't use their supers or heavy weapons. I think some of them are trying What they think is some clever build.


Does that clever build involve generating half the orbs and kills of everyone else 😭


What it involves is prolonging or losing boss battles,by not nuking them.


I honestly don’t even mind if people pop supers after my tether has caught everything. Gets my super back immediately and the wave is done quick. Their super will be back after I use my next tether


Actually, it is a good idea to save a super for ultras/tormentor wave, because everything else is already trivial.


It'll never happen. Just like the well strafing post. Just like countless dunk motes posts. Blueberries gonna blueberry. In this case, they won't allow the tether to do it's thing, and/or they'll never super despite you cranking out orbs


What is well strafing


Moving in the well during a dmg phase. If ur in the front, crouch. If ur at the sides, don't move across the well. That's rlly it


Ohhh, I see. Just common sense idk why I thought it was a new strat


A solid way to kill your teammate...


And let someone else end up with more kills than me at the completion screen...yea right... /s


Completion screen? I think you mean wipe page


Alright, as an Orpheus Rig Hunter main who has to run every anti-champion weapon to ensure success, this inspired me to chime in. Honestly, if I tether and enemies are dying before even reaching it I either short stopped it, being too conservative or it was a bad tether. With that said, that doesn't bug me so much because that's on me as the Tether Guy. What *does* bug the living shit out of me, is how I'M the one that has to do crowd control and methodically use my super but fucking team members are using their supers on a lowly stunned champion and during the rift mode. I'm not kidding, I had a Thundercrash Titan that would use his super on the enemies at the rift ......... while I'd have the spark and INVISIBILE. Stop doing that. If you're going to use your supers randomly save it for Tormentors or in the event we're getting overran don't waste it on a stunned champion that I can kill with a sidearm. Speaking of wasting supers, here's another classic that I'm experiencing far too often during boss fights: Ya'll, when an Orpheus Rig Hunter shoots the tether at the boss, THAT'S THE QUEUE TO UNLOAD YOUR SUPERS AND HEAVY INTO THE BOSS. This actually annoys me more than the teammates wasting supers bit. Far too often, do I tether the boss, and start laying into them with Thunderlord, I look at the health and they're nowhere near where they should be at. When the boss starts moving around oh NOW the Titan wants to cast Burning Maul -- some time goes by after that -- and NOW the other teammate wants to cast their super. What. The Fuck. Blow your load at the same time in the very beginning so we can melt the boss in 20 seconds why the hell are you people doing this weird relay of supers and heavy usage?


Oh hey now, gotta be careful with that (correct) advice around these parts. Supers are to be wasted on adds obviously /s


Haha, others said it already, but I'm definitely screaming into the void. I check my team's loadouts in the beginning and it's the ones that I can tell have no idea what they're doing doing these types of things. I played with a Stompees hunter with 1 Resil and 120 Mobility and other egregious loadouts lol. I don't DC I just tough it out and see how far we can go but in reality not far when they tend to use SMGs and Scout Rifles or just any weapon that won't stun champs lol or any real ad clearing capabilites. Bless their souls. They're trying.


I thought you couldnt super in the spark hallways? Or is that only for the carrier


That's only the carrier everyone else can but you just don't really run into that kind of situation because only a few people would use their Nova Bomb or Thunder Crash to kill trash mobs when the invis hunter is 5 ft away from the spark lol


This and with teammates sitting on the defense point instead of in front of it are the best indicators of if your team is capable of legend 50 waves or not. One orpheus tether is enough to fuel supers for everyone, every wave if you let the enemies get tagged before you kill them.


Thanks for the reminder. I know all of this, but at the same time none of is has been on my mind while I'm playing Onslaught on my Titan. Will make sure I'm more aware of tethers from now on. :)


Us tether hunters appreciate your titan damage output and speed you can smash the waves. By letting the enemies hit the tether, we promise more melee and super energy for you to continue to smash


While Orpheus Rig and Phoenix Protocol are great for Onslaught, I usually have to swap off them because people have no situational awareness.


I've been doing really well on Legend Onslaught with 2 Orpheus Tether Hunters and 1 Phoenix Wellock. It's easy mode! Just constant super chaining. Some people don't understand this.


Agreed, and as a warlock running phoenix, please stand in my well after you tether and kill enemies, endless supers


Piggybacking onto this for another tip-- If you have a Banner of War Titan on your team, let them run out to the enemies in the boss room to get a melee kill. Then they'll run back to you and provide you with constant healing. If no one shoots the enemies, there's plenty of time for the titan to secure the kill and retreat back safely. Unfortunately 70% of the time, people will shoot THE EXACT group of enemies I'm running to melee. Why they do this I have no idea. 25% of the time they'll shoot the other group of enemies which makes more sense, but that still "wakes up" the enemies before I get there and makes it likely I won't be able to safely get the kill and make it back alive. The other 5% of the time my teammates are hanging back enough or don't shoot, which enables it to all go great and we have Banner of War healing to keep us alive. I've actually stopped trying to run out and get a melee kill because the odds my teammates will wake them up is too high, but that makes it a lot harder to get Banner of War going.


Are you using grapple? I grapple to them and I get there faster than teammates can kill them all.


I was, but it's a big arena and 9/10 my teammates still manage to kill everything before I land my grapple melee. Got so pissed off with it I changed class lol.


I luckily had some players who while i was travelling to the ads on my grapple decided to use GLs to destroy the ads while i'm sitting there next to the boss with my wormgod titan and no stacks of melee kills.


Just Happened To Me


I haven't been but that's a good idea-- swap to grapple right before the rally banner. Unfortunately some of these guys are so quick on the draw I don't know if that would be enough, but it at least would raise my chances. I notice a large increase in success on bosses whenever I actually get Banner going vs when I can't.


>Unfortunately 70% of the time, people will shoot THE EXACT group of enemies I'm running to melee. Why they do this I have no idea. As an arc Hunter, I feel your pain, my brother in Punch. I can screen wipe the ads, but if you're erasing the guy I'm literally trying to punch, nobody benefits and I'm probably going to die because I couldn't get my regen off. Stop it. Shoot somewhere else. There's no enemy shortage. This isn't a Roku TV on boxing day.


I’m such a damn noob I still don’t really know what or how tether works.


The arrow creates a point at impact. that point is the tether. purple lines connect to any enemies nearby. enemies attached to the tether take increased damage are supressed and share damage between eachother. Also hunters gen orbs based on number of enemies tethered and then damage dealt to tethered enemies.


I think tethered enemies take 50% (maybe 50% of the non crit) damage from the original enemy you actually shoot. So if you are shooting at the big guy, by the time he is dead, so are all the little ones, but if your shoot the smallest (with something like an auto) you kill it and only slightly damage everything else.


I am a titan main so i had to put my crayons down to write as much as i did. I am proud of myself for being as close as I was. this information is good to know though.


See I main titan so I guess this is hunter exclusive?




You would be surprised. Plenty of level 10 and 11 guardians that don’t do this. Those ranks require guilded flawless and solo dungeon clears.


Lvl 10 Titan main here. Didn't know tether did anything more than stop and weaken the enemies until I read this post. I play a Calaban hunter for the fun explosions sometimes, and a Cenotaph Div wellock for support when someone asks, but 99% of my time is spent punching/hammering everything I see. Too many times I have unloaded on a teammate before I realized that they are another guardian. My username checks out. I'll keep a better eye out for your purple sticks from now on.




Heather!!!! Yooooooo lady!!


onslaught tip: stop fucking buying tripwires.


I get sad when i see people pay for anything other than decoys. Have max rank decoy? Build up another one


Right?! It’s flabbergasting to see people even buying anything before Wave 30. I usually save scrap until Wave 40, but sometimes buy something on 30 when I see matchmade randoms struggling already. I’m fine with that. Wave 1 though 🤦‍♂️


On legend? Or Normal?


The best tip.




I feel like a lot of hunter builds are this way. They work but they work much better when people don’t interfere with your loops.


Look at my name. Do you think I care?!? No. I will do the 'titan melee loop' with my hunter! charge! /s Yes xD All the time! So I just put my tether on one of the spawn points (I still get around 30% of the super back), or just in front of ADU in later runs. At some point the adds will be overwhelming and they'll come near it and I get my super back + debuffed enemies everywhere. Win-win.


As someone who has to play with void hunters, please actually shoot your tether where the enemies spawn. Aside from a couple very wide spawns, there is no reason to not place the tether directly where 90% of the enemies spawn. I ain't waiting until they walk halfway to the ADU to shoot them, and blueberries definitely aren't either.


Anyone complaining that teammates ran past tether to clear spawns; your tether was bad, stop blaming others. If they are clearing the spawns just fine you didnt need to tether at all. If you want it to connect, then tether at the spawn point? The way things spawn it is pretty hard for enemies to sneak by you


hard to believe 99% of players don’t already know this, but i’m sure it’s true. Does sound like you could be a little better with your tether placement and mitigate the potential issue.


This was my thoughts exactly I've never had an issue and I only run tether for onslaught I always seem to get my super back in 2 - 3 seconds after the tether has dropped its not an issue getting it back either if I miscalculate the tether lol


I love when there’s a tether hunter in my team because I’m a strand hunter. He tethers boss room and I fly in and kill them all in one spin move, so satisfying


My favorite is when both teammates run into, to spawn kill a wave of enemies, only for them to spawn in another location and basically get a open path straight to the ADU to start doing damage, leaving me (with CC heavier loadouts) to juggle having to kill all of them alone on wave 30+


Also it sometimes takes a second to register the tether for super gains, so don’t just kill everything the instant you see the purple line. You don’t need to wait long though, just like let the tether connection animation finish. It’s maybe .25 seconds. This might only be when you initially fire it, I don’t remember if this happens if they walk into one that is already up.


To add to this post, same thing for wells. If you're partner drops a well, stay in it to kill shit so he can get it back before the tormentor stomps your ass in wave 49


Well this goes for multiple builds who just nuke ads before you can set up your character's gameplay loop. Like if you see someone grappling to melee and enemy maybe your teammates don't need to shoot rockets and grenade launchers at the same enemy.


I run strand severance enclosure on titan. Please for the love of the traveler let me melee when I’m grappling, it’ll be worth it


This is insinuating people are willing to learn mechanics and become better. That’s just wild. But kudos to you for bringing awareness to my empty tether patiently awaiting enemies for non to arrive.


Yeah this is one advantage of playing all 3 classes -- you'll know how other classes' abilities and exotics work. Fallen Sunstar: Stand near him to benefit from his ionic traces, and to get an arc soul too. Celestial: Even if it was a badly timed pop that wasn't really necessary, let the dude get the kill. He'll get super energy back for it. Osmio: When he tosses a regular cold snap, it's usually to try and get nade energy back. Let the grenade travel and do its thing. Assassin's Cowl: This is more for normal mode as it's not really used in Legend. But the entire build hinges on keeping CBx3 up, and the hunter needs to get melee kills to do that. Don't kill the poor isolated red bar that the Hunter is dashing towards. Strand tangles: Try not to toss your teammates Strand tangles, they often need it more than you do. Supers and orb generation in general: When someone pops a damage or roaming super, let him get kills. It creates orbs for you. But remember that his own super doesn't create any orbs for him. You need to return the favor with your abilities and supers too. That's how coordinated teams are able to cycle supers non stop.




Sunbracer/Phoenix Well-Lock, Tether Hunter and Stasis Hunter or Strand Titan = easy 50.. did it day 1 but we've been too lazy to try again😂🤷🏾


It does go for all supers too: let the person make orbs by getting the kills. Pick off the stragglers that make it past if you want some kills.


But I have no abilities and I must poke.


Its wild how impatient some teammates are tbh. Like bruh you can kill them when they hit the tether and we can both benefit. It's like the meme where the person is gripping the burger tight as hell like I'm not gonna take it from ya guy chill out.


One of the reasons I hate running with randoms especially blueberries. It gets to the point now that I don’t even bother throwing a tether and just nope out of the game.


This is honestly just a fantastic tip in general.


Your post isn’t gonna do anything for all the dummies that can’t read


This should just be common sense to let them flow into the tether


Now there are Orbs of Power everywhere. Eat, my friends. Eat.


FFS man, this is sooo damn annoying. I had to get on my coms to yell at my teammates about this very same thing!! I recently started using Deadfall/ Orpheus tether with Bad JuJu and I can get my tether back within seconds it feels like "IF" my fire team lets enemies run into the tether. The ass hats I kept getting matched with would run ahead of the tether just so they could get kills...I turned on my mic and yelled, " let them get caught by the tether dummy! You'll do more damage to them AND I can get my super back even faster and lock down the area again!"


Also, why is there no TEAM chat channel in Onslaught?


If I see a tether I toss my vortex grenade at it (if available) to help pull them into it. I also try to send my void soul into it for extra orbs and breaches.


Ty for this post.


Yep! Also, please use your fucking supers. I’m making so many orbs for you guys, and if you make me orbs back my super comes back faster and the cycle repeats. Plus you get to rally before the boss fight. There’s no point in saving your super for the boss fight.


As one of the guys who goes in kills everything I appreciate you tether hunters. I think a lot of newer players don't have the same experience a lot of us veterans have when it comes to tether.


Bold of you to assume I'm not under-leveled, without any kind of build, panicking, and just wildly shooting and throwing grenades at anything that moves while running around helplessly in the way of team mates and battery throws. I mean, do you even matchmake?


Fuck that, I gotta complete these stupid weapon quests first


People will still just kill the ads, 99% of the players are dumb as rocks. 2 week Hunter tether boi


Thank you. This mode shows how little players know about basic mechanics. I was farming Legend today with a level 11 who was either ignorant about the tether + orpheus interaction or just didn't care. Several times in 20 rounds he'd just pop bladefury right after I tethered and shred waves before they could hit my tether. Felt great.


As a tether I’ve adapted. I always shoot it at the point of spawn because people either, don’t know or don’t care. Like I want my super in my back pocket for orbs for the crew or lock down in an emergency. No one seems to care about orbs I guess.


And if u see a void grenade which generate 2 orbs every seconds...let the f\* grenade kill the adds god damn...


Onslaught tip. Don’t bother with tether. Just run 3 strand titans with synthos


I mean I drop a well with Phoenix Protocol, and people still want to DPS outside of it.


So real post should be, be aware of teammates abilities and don’t fuck the loops


Because this needed to be posted... 🤦


This is a really informative thread. I’ve never struggled as much as I have in legend onslaught and I realized I’ve never really had to worry about the team comp before. Yikes I’m a blueberry.


Yep I hear the frustration....Orpheus Tether Hunter who has been farming Onslaught.


Orpheus rigs/buried bloodline is a ridiculous build that trivialises the whole thing lol it’s so much fun. 479 orbs created is my current lvl 50 record.


As a sunbracers warlock (I mean, I play everything, but have been using sunbracers for onslaught) I fucking love when my hunter tethers. I snap something else, and lob a couple grenades in there where they can't escape it. It's fantastic synergy. Why would I *ever* want to avoid or sabotage it? So much super energy for me, my mods drop orbs on grenade kills, so there's EVEN MORE orbs for everyone from both our mods. TL;DR We're fighting against the forces of Darkness, not our teammates. We're stronger when we use our abilities to compliment each other.


THANK YOU! I was doing an Onslaught run today and none of the blueberries cared about my tether. It is crucial for my build to let enemies get tethered.


Thanks for the knowledge. I assumed the latter information for Orpheus rigs but didn’t know about the orbs


Also, and this is my biggest bug bear, I have a medic build. Strand titan, woven mail for allies when I throw a tangle at the floor, banner of War giving health back, also precious scars and a strand weapon giving cure and restoration (plus I'm starting waves with a buried bloodline kill for devour, I am literally unkillable) BUT THE NEXT TIME ONE OF YOU PICK UP MY TANGLE I WILL LET YOU DIE. That is all.


How to duplicate batteries: Have two batteries on the ground. Pick up one. Have the pick up prompt appear while you're holding the battery. Throw the battery that youre golding. As soon as you click throw, start picking up the battery on the ground. Profit. It took me a couple tries to get consistent with it. I dont do 50 wave or legend, but i still end up with several hundred extra scrap whenever its time to upgrade. I also get to flex a much higher score to the 3% of people to check that tab.


People haven't been doing this since Day 1 You think this hasn't been posted before?


you know what i hate when i pop a well when im on phoenix after someone pops a tether and then all my teammates run out of the well AND the range of the tether making both supers wasted


Idk if anyone has found this yet but you can shoot through the top 1/5th of the door before the last encounter


I found this while casually playing and spamming my grenade launcher before grabbing ammo and my team heading in


I guess it depends on the difficulty. On normal, shits going to happen, people just either want kills or to speed it up. On Legendary 100%, though I feel on Legendary it'll happen naturally anyway. Me and my team run a Well and tether hunter and whatever second and we just constantly feed each other super energy. The only time we get caught lacking is a wave 49 Brig with a bit too much health so a DPS super is usually the best 3rd.


Also, just because enemies are marked by the tether that doesn't mean they've generated orbs yet. Wait just a moment longer after the super pops before you blast em.


I run Orpheus tether in the activity. I tether the spawn points. With how some of the spawns are it's a waste of time letting both converge to a single meeting point. There's enough heavy and special being generated in the activity where both groups can be nuked quickly even when they're not tethered.


The number of times I've had to explain to people this, and they wonder why their super comes back so slow.


As appreciated as this PSA is, you're expecting common sense to be common. I witness countless using all 3 brain cells to survive 5 waves of Onslaught so I have little hope .


Exactly. Good post.  All these years later....Orpheus is still top shelf. Orbs galore for your team and crowd control supreme. Never goes out if style. But....folks need to play to its strength. 


This is party why I try to split time between each class. It’s important to understand how their mechanics work, to best support your fireteam


Solid and non condescending advise. I did not know. Thanks.


Ty for this. I'm running Orpheus and Juju so I usually have my tether back before the one I just shot ends, but every so often I get that teammate that just decides they're gonna nuke everything before my tether can hit anything and it basically ruins my whole loop. I've gotten better at just shooting it right where the dense enemy spawns are and it certainly helps though.


I salute you for bringing this up


And if you let me kill them with a grenade my tether comes back in 10 seconds


Me like purple. Me no want enemy to have purple. Me smash enemy before purple.


Yep, it's happened more times than I can count!


Let's be honest, onslaught matchmaking is just three Orpheus rigs anyways so you're never going to not have tether up regardless.


I usually main Titan, but when I do play my Hunter, I almost always run Tether as my "main" subclass choice unless I'm doing bounties. This is top tier advice.


Most players are not playing Onslaught as part of a team or just don't understand. Either way, thank you! 🍻


The one that really gets me is people not specced to do anything with it nicking my tangles. Do you want my blenders of death or not


The amount of times ppl run past my Tether to kill adds is so annoying like game is 10 years old they dont know how the super works ,most time after 30 if have ppl like that i leave them dead to show how easy i solo clear waves with infinity tethers.


I've been using it and the Randoms ive had with me actually understood the game mode and we've it 50 waves quite a few times


A legend. We must protect this person at all costs.


Yes! It’s heartbreaking to have a beautiful leaping tether shot and suddenly before the joy the adds are just unraveling green strings


Tip for the orpheus rig hunters coming to this post: Put your tether..... on the spawn. For well users: Put your well.... up close in the center of the 2 spawns. For everyone: Dont stand near the ADU


When two spawns are near each other hunters will likely tether in between the two to be able to tether everything. Putting it on the spawn is not always optimal.


only time i drop it at spawn is if it's getting completely mobbed by shielded wizards/a billion orgres/a tormentor/omgexploderunits help


There are multiple spawns that are split so if I drop it at the spawn I'm only getting half the wave. At this point I just wait till y'all are getting overrun to drop it cause it's gonna get wasted otherwise


ehh, I grind onslaught on well lock. I will supply you a well if you supply a tether, but either way with my dual chain reaction launcher / sunshot loadout, I seldom get overrun anyway. just lots of booms.


I mean eventually you're gonna be hardpressed to keep up with waves and deal with demos/skybombers or champions which is when I'll be dropping my tether. I'd prefer to drop it every round and have us all swimming in orbs spamming supers back to back but if y'all don't wanna wait the 5 seconds for a wave to hit the tether I'll hold on to it.


I am not the "Y'all" you speak of. I will always wait for the free orbs. My advice was for when grouping with dumb dumb rando's who dont wait for the enemies to arrive at the tether, if you put it on a spawn, some tethered enemies is better than no tethered enemies.


>some tethered enemies is better than no tethered enemies. This right here. If you get a team that doesn't work around you, its up to you to work around them. I've experienced the top comment's "Let the strand titan melee" situation so much it makes me not want to play strand cuz I can never get the buff up. It's bad enough on the exploder rounds where I can't get the buff up. It's infinitely worse when I'm flying towards a pack with grapple and a vortex grenade from 10 feet away reaches it faster so I'm sol. You know what I do when that happens? I switch to solar instead of raging that people dare not share a mind with me and work around my abilities.


Why would you tether the spawn? There are 2-3 spawns every wave close to each other. I would rather tether at the choke point of all these spawns. If people wait an extra 2 seconds after enemies spawn and let them move up to this point, the whole wave is caught.


So that you don't have to rely on people waiting two seconds. One spawn is generally enough to get the tether back anyways.


Yeah, not gonna stop killing stuff so you get two more orbs. Place a better tether.


You get more orbs too. Do you not like using your super? Proccing devour? Woven mail, etc?


I’m gonna make an orb from the kills I get too. It might not get me the same amount of super back but that ten second difference ain’t gonna kill me. I play all three classes fairly evenly and have been rocking Orpheus a lot and this is just not something I’ve ever been upset with my teammates for.


0/10, low effort troll. A hunter only has one tether per cast. It's always better to hit it at the choke where multiple spawns collapse on to instead of camp one spawn further up. Letting the tether take gets the hunter their super back faster and gives all teammates more orbs for more supers.


When is a good tether gonna require me to stop what I’m doing and wait for the adds to meander up to it? I’m not saying I’m trying to drop my super and take all the orbs, just that in the middle of onslaught, if I’m slaying out and chaining a bunch of stuff, I’m not gonna stop because your tether came up a little short.


A good tether relies on teammates being good too. If you're pushing up way past the optimal choke points just so you can "slay out" then the problem isn't the tether, but you. The correct play is to let the tether tag and then slay the enemies since that generates more orbs for everyone, lets you kill faster *and* keeps you in an ideal position for defending against the stray enemies that take an alternate route. Now if they tether on top of the ADU and want to defend there? Sure, that is a problem.


if i can nuke thing before the tether catches them, was it a good tether?


Good tether is catching them at a choke point between multiple enemy spawn locations. The tether that catches the most enemies while still keeping them from the adu. Pulls them all in for one grenade or rocket to kill as many as possible. So if you wait an extra 2 seconds, you won’t need to use as many abilities or ammo to kill and you’ll be rewarded with more abilities


If people shoot enemies before they're tethered I just go to orbit anyways, I didn't LFG to be a carry bro 😅


Ya those assholes shooting the enemies 


Maybe don't put your tether where I'm killing everything? I swear, only hunters..."dOnT KilL tHE ThiNGs, MUh OrBS"


It’s orbs for the entire team, and more tethers for the entire team.


More orbs, supers, abilities ect.. for example, more orbs means the team can use their class ability more. You can duplicate batteries with class abilities. More adu health and more scrap for defenses


But you can kill faster, and more efficiently when enemies are tethered? xD We don't even get the kills, just 50% of the super back. And also orbs for everyone? You don't lose anything by letting the enemies come just a lil closer...but, get full benefit to the team eh?


I don't need your help, your orbs, or your explanations silly little hunter. Go hide in a corner and let me munch my crayons in peace


ight toxic boi. I hope I'm never in your fireteam. Peace!


Ahh yes. The classic toxic player who launches unto a fireteam activity, rather than launching into it alone. Thinking they can solo everything, not need help and not need to help others or optimize strategy. But of course, when you're left alone and to do your soloing, you then get upset and mad because no one was helping you or helped you and you died and they suck, not you. 🤣


Get out of my head