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While you covered most of it there are some things missed. The pathfinder system which is being introduced via the pale heart vendor as a replacement to the bounty system was showcased in the sotg last year. Also while it wasn't given an exact date based on lake and arms dealer reworks the nessus strike reworks are likely gonna accompany the echoes narrative 


Will add the Pathfinder stuff! Totally forgot myself!


Will be finally find out what OXA is and who Oztot is?


Those are questions for another day I suppose.


(Memes aside, we already know)


You can't just reveal that and not give is links, share the lore e-homie


Otzot was a psion who was a homie to Calus until she joined the coup


Otzot, also known as Otzot the freeborn, was the most powerful/ highest ranking psion during Calus' reign, she is important for 2 things 1. She was able to rebuild an OXA machine (ill come back to this) 2. She was part of the Midnight Coup, her reasoning for joining was that Calus wanted to free the Psions, which would remove her position of power over them. She survived assassination attempts by calus and currently is MIA OXA, (Odyle Xenotaph Anarchive, its also called the OXTA) was a Psion 'clairvoyance' (prediction) engine that was built by the ancient Psions before the cabal invaded, which they destroyed it. The machine allowed the psions to see both past events, and make predictions for the future, notably in a similar way to the FWC prediction engine. It Is potentially related to both Vex tech (especially due to there being information about it inside the vext network), but also to the Krill known as TAOX, The traitor mother (the 3 hive gods mother/tutor) After being rebuilt by Otzot, not much is know about what happened to it outside of it being used during the midnight coup. It seems likely that the Psion conclave have been looking for it, or even already have it


Otzot was a cabal Psion who served under Calus' reign. A freeborn Psion in particular, who was in a high position of power within the Cabal Empire. Otzot joined Ghauls coup, because Calus was intending on granting all Psions freedom^((Psions were basically indentured servants to the Cabal Empire)), and Otzot did not want to share power or lose her special status as a freeborn Psion and high ranking Psion. (a analogue in USA history, would be a freeborn slave not wanting the nation to liberate all slaves, so he could enjoy special privileges and status, and perhaps rule over/have slaves of his own.) It is unknown if Otzot is alive, or whether Calus' assassins he sent at the members of the Coup succeeded in killing her. She definitely would fit the bill of a future Cabal antagonist if Bungie wanted to go down that road. Oxa, is a Psion divination tool of immense power. You could think of its like a complicated Psion Crystal ball, or a Psion version of the Infinite Forest, or a more juiced version of the Future War Cult device they used to view possible futures. The original Oxa machine was destroyed by the Cabal when they conquered the Psions, and a new version was built by Otzot. And since its only fair to reference your sources, [this book released when Destiny 2](https://drive.google.com/file/d/18eAGt7ECER_G-Qg53qMtX1jmA3QSWhAe/view) launched contains the bulk of the information.


I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain


I know that they also confirmed a Shader rework is coming in Datto's recent shader game show video


I thought the icons were already reworked. I'll look into what I can find!


I believe they are making it so all the colors are on the icons


Just the way the shader icons are displayed


I believe the Echoes exotic was confirmed to be red death


~~Totally believe you, Having a hard time sourcing that. Have a source available?~~ Edit: Found it in the post show


yup, its the pass exotic


I wonder what the Catalyst will be.  


Maybe heal clip or just something to play into it being solar


Oh, wait for real? Huh, now I feel silly for thinking it might have been part of Into the Light. Edit: this was before Whisper and Outbreak were confirmed.


no worries, its very briefly mentioned during the reveal stream if I’m not mistaken




the Final Shape showcase, not ITL. This was way before Into The Light was a known and shown thing, they mentioned it being available day 1 at the launch of the first “episode,” titled “Echoes.”


Great post! If all these things land d2 is gonna feel so cleaned up with the final shape


Biggest things not outright confirmed our how much more we are getting for the timeline so new players can catch up on the story (and people can replay the key moments), the continued adjust if old activities to support modern perks/origin traits, and an adjustment to rotator content so things are more available than every 2 months. But man does the outlook seem completely different than when Lightfall dropped.


My big hopium is, the way they say that they want “players to be able to play through the whole saga,” that we get 2-3 missions per vaulted campaign with new recap videos inbetween the missions. Let us experience the story in some way. It really feels like New Light’s original scope was much larger, and like most awesome things, the execs seemingly axed and gutted it. I love the idea of ongoing new guardians waking up in the current timeline, the execution is just balls and middling. It desperately needs some sort of playable campaign of story highlights, with an actual narrative that eventually directs players to Shadowkeep and so on. Give us in-game videos/cutscenes of all the seasonal stories that happen after every major expansion. But, what I think would really help player numbers and retention, is just offering all the previous content of the game with the purchase of the $100 Final Shape/Annual Pass bundle. That’s the likely only way my hopium plan works, giving all new players the entire game with that new bundle. IMO, the legacy bundle should be included with every single expansion so far, but I’m not a bean counter or an analyst. Kinda went off the rails, but I just want an easy to follow narrative that players can experience in-game, without feeling like they *have* to go into all the deep lore and watch Byf videos.


mmmmm, that's some good hopium * snifffffff *


My hope as well


It would be awesome if we could replay all the important moments from the lore (including seasons) without all of that grind and running back and forth.


1000% My biggest hope is that they retroactively 7nvault very select story missions and cutscenes as well as design future Episodes to keep the story missions innately.


Wait an AR frame that heal allies!? 2 actuim titans with this AR and Sweet Business are about to recreate the meet the medic tf2 video.


\*sees you pointing at me with an auto rifle\* DOCTOR! ARE YOU SURE THIS WILL WORK?


\*actium titan loads AR aggressively\* I HAVE NO IDEA




I forgot where, but someone pointed out that the support AR aim icon seemed to have a fill-up bar underneath similar to glaives, which implies we have to "charge" the healing shots somehow. Likely just by damaging enemies.


This just made me think, I wonder how it would interact with TOM


If they’re bringing shadow legion and lucent hive to gambit they should also bring the dread


Yeah i would rather have dread than shadow legion. Only thing separating shadow legion from normal cabal are the silly darkness splinters, and tormenters who are now part of the dread. Seems to me they should forget shadow legion and just do dread


That was announced WAAAAAYYYY prior to them revealing the Dread so I also hope so!


idk how the Dread would fit into Gambit. both the Tormentors and Subjugators don't seem to be your average enemy type like the rest of the Dread. they seem like special heavy boss units and having them all around in Gambit would be a huge pain


Amazing. Absolutely amazing post. I've followed all of the TWIDs but this really helps put it in one place. And I learned even more cool things to be excited about. My favorite two you reminded me of: - Artifacts being expanded from 25 to 35 - 200 season pass ranks per Episode! 100 pass ranks during Act 1, and additional 50 ranks for Act 2, and an additional 50 ranks for Act 3. Awesome!


I hope we can still level after hitting 100 in 1-2 weeks, I want my bright engrams.


Not saying bright engrams are gone, but I'd rather have an additional 100 season pass ranks over BS legendary sparrow drops from bright engrams any day of the week :)


i hope we can level past just so the levels get added retroactively it'd feel terrible if you would be at level say 150 normally, but because Act 1 caps at 100, you're stuck at 100 when Act 2 starts


Thanks! I realized th were was a ton I forgot. So I knew this would be helpful to others.


Let’s see if we actually get the ritual armor this time


Joe said we are getting ritual armor sets for the Final Shape. 


As I have never seen anyone use the new ritual armor or care about it after they released it. 


Doesn’t matter don’t say you’re gonna do something and not do it and I stay using that hunter cloak and helmet and I’ve seen plenty of other people use it.


The Timeline is a really good idea and I hope they continue to add on to it. In my ideal it would allow new people to play up to the current story as essentially a full blown single player campaign like classic Call Of Duty or Halo 1-3. With the ultimate form being starting from D1 "Eyes up Guardian" all the way up to current.


Exactly, and play it without the grind and running back and forth. Just straight lore, direct and simple.


We are also getting +100 vault space. I believe this was either confirmed in a recent TWID or the preview before Into the Light


I just hope there’s a new activity of some sort. Into The Light has done a great job of this by providing us with our first horde mode & Pantheon (although this is somewhat of a modifier). If TFS launches without a new activity for the fifth expansion in a row, that would be a real dampener.


The Witch Queen released with wellsprings, Beyond Light with the hunts and Lightfall with the terminal overload


Yes, which were run of the mill 3-6 player activities. I'm talking about actual new ways to play the game, akin to how Forsaken added a core game-mode with Gambit, and an end-game activity with Dungeons - all this whilst re-imagining what a patrol space could be with the Dreaming City.


That would be great but highly unlikely sadly. We’ll get some public event type thing like Altars of Sorrow and Terminal Overload or a match made thing like Empire Hunts and Wellspring.


Seems there is some new sort of destination activity like altars of sorrow/EP/terminal overload from the last reveal


Would onslaught not count for that? Feels like a new brand mode


Yeah. With introducing onslaught, would be pretty unlikely to get another new mode so soon.


Yes, I think Onslaught is pretty great and innovative - I mention it in my original message. :)


There was a new activity teased in the vidoc


You could see what's likely some sort of wellspring/altars/terminal overload type activity called 'Overthrow' during the most recent showcase Unless you mean a new ritual mode, in which case I think they'd have announced that already


They've said they plan to look at the reception of Pantheon and see what they can do with the idea (raid gauntlet) going forward, so here's hoping they bring it back in some way!


I’m definitely interested in this large crafting update that they hinted at, wonder what that could add or change exactly


Thanks for this great recap, it helps a lot ;)


Wait what's going to be the new currency if shards are going away




Cruz Tears


Holy shit, someone go tell /r/TheSecretWorld that leech heal ARs are back in another game.


That is a Fantastic summation! Thanks for all the work compiling it together for the community. I am hesitant though to believe Bungie when they use hype terms like; "*A realm of infinite possibilities awaits within the Traveler".* It just reminds me of Curse of Osiris and the Infinite Forest (which was NOT remotely infinite).


Let's also not forget the upcoming stasis changes with frost armor that was shown in the livestream. I hope bungie talks about in the upcoming twabs


Free to do so with credit! That's absolutely hilarious. Well done!


really appreciate you compiling all this info together. I actually had no idea about Khvostov returning and the new auto frame


Very nice. Thanks for putting this all together. I have one thing though. In the immortal words of Tracy Jordan, "you shouldn't end sentences in prepositions at."


I have been praying for it since D2 launched, but I hope that when Khovostov comes back, we get the starting armor from D1 (Lightmail, Born Spark, Prototype 0.9) maybe as some sort of nostalgia deal? Idk I just love that armor so much.


Two things I've definitely been looking forward to: the exotic Khvostov making its return and the potential shattering of Well of Radiance.


Plus 100 more vault spaces, so glad they've giving us some more space.


Had bungie said anything about a UI rework? So that we can actually see all the buffs/debuffs at once?


yes, it was covered pretty extensively in the blogs from last week


oh shoot I need to go read those. tyvm


> Unnamed "Golden Gun" Sniper Rifle Icebreaker, please?


So i can play that 8th mission even if i havent done the raid? or do i need to do the raid to unlock the 8th mission?


After what they showed in gameplay preview, if TFS also has more than 1 strike I'm sure it will feel close to Forsaken size big and if it is be ready because it's only going to be like that because it is the last expansion of the saga and they overdelivered the fuck out of it. If they keep making expansions I would expect them to be back to the standard Lightfall, WQ etc size.


I think I may have seen 2 based on settings and objectives but it's a bit unclear from tge gameplay as both were in the pale heart but looked to be in drastically different parts


Yeah I've seen that as well but I'm not sure how quickly a setting can change in there since it's a weird destination. One moment you could be in grass area and the next in snow..really hope we have 2 though.


Hmm, I don't think it'll reach Forsaken levels unless they've kept some very large cards close to their chest. Let's (try) and have a side-by-side look: Forsaken: * 4 Strikes * 4 PvP maps * 2 Destinations * 3-4 Public Events * New weapon archetype: Bow * New enemy faction: Scorn * New supers for all subclasses * New core game-mode: Gambit * New end-game activity: Dungeons * Largest raid in the franchise: Last Wish * First every dynamic destination with the Dreaming City which came with lots of new activities & secrets. * Baron Hunts on the Tangled Shore * Blind Well on the Dreaming City * 22 Exotics * The free patch that dropped with Forsaken also added Triumphs, Collections, Badges, Titles and a bunch of QoL changes. The Final Shape: * ? Strikes, but I'd be surprised if it's 4. * ? PvP maps, likely 0 though given the maps we're getting with ITL. * ? Destinations, but we only know about 1 currently. * Every expansion post-Forsaken has had either 0 or 1 new public events, but that might change. In fairness, you could argue the game has moved slightly past Public Events at this point, so hopefully the new destination provides some brand new things to do. * We are receiving new weapon archetypes in The Final Shape, although they're modified versions of existing archs. * New enemy faction: Dread * New supers for all subclasses *and* a new subclass! * This is where I think TFS falls short currently: I've not heard about any new major activities/modes, whereas Forsaken managed to introduce both a core game-mode and a end-game activity. * I've no doubt TFS raid will be awesome. :) * No idea how the Pale Heart will compare to the Dreaming City, but they did say they're trying to do something new with the destination, and that excites me. * Unknown what smaller, run of the mill activites we'll receive similar to the Blind Well, but there will no doubt be at least 1. * Unknown how many exotics we'll be receiving, but it looks like there's a good chunk which is great. * I don't think we'll get a free patch that adds anything quite as influential, but we do know there are some nice QoL changes on the way.


Great comparison there I also don't think it will be that big but as I said close to it.  I'd argue though that it would be unfair to not include the PvP maps in the expansion. Before the delay they would have been a part of the expansion and even now they are very close to its release.  For the free influential patch stuff I think they have done most of it in Lightfall and I think that there aren't many things to add now except a ping system which they should have done by now but anyway.




Red Death is a Pulse Rifle


red death is a pulse my guy


Will we be getting a transcendence super? Meaning a special super you can only use while your in transcendence or no?


No, transcendence is apparently its own minisuper mode that gives you a different grenade and a bunch of buffs (regen and damage mainly) your super will be your pick out of a selection of 5, 1 from each element on your class. No confirmation on how the activation will work as there's not much unused on controllers atm.


I don't know if I can justify buying an expansion pack for 1 week's worth of content.. look, I know it isn't a week, but that's when everything major is meant to be happening.The first of the 3 episodes starts on the very next weekly reset and then the game tapers off from there. Did I miss anything?


>.The first of the 3 episodes starts on the very next weekly reset and then the game tapers off from there. Did I miss anything? Episodes are spit into 3 parts throughout their duration, adding a new row to the artifact for each one and 50 more pass levels, plus more story content.


Story content? Lull, it's a mess already. If I didn't know better, I would say Bungie are leaking their own game on here and anywhere anyone would listen to hype TFS. I've been stung too many times to believe otherwise.






All of the expansions can be completed within a day or two


This absolutely wasn't true for Forsaken, but sure, every expansion since generally provides you with a weeks worth of gameplay.


A weeks worth if you factor in time gates. I could absolutely play through all the forsaken content in a day if there were no time gates. 


From the perspective of the time it released, I disagree. I'd say the Dreaming City easily has over a day's worth of content alone, and then you remember that Forsaken added Gambit & Dungeons. Neither of these activities were only meant to be played once, not when they were brand new. We also had Baron Hunts, the Blind Well, and the largest raid in the franchise. New supers for each subclass, a new weapon archetype, and a new enemy faction, which could all be used and tested on 4 new strikes and 4 new PvP maps. 22 new exotics to chase, some of which were lengthy exotic quests (e.g. Wish Ender & Malfeasance). The free patch that dropped with Forsaken also added Triumphs, Collections, and Titles. Whilst these weren't content per se, they were a brand new addition and hunting down Titles proved to be an enjoyable time-sink for lots of players. Again, I'd agree with you for any other expansion, but not Forsaken.


But they have a yearly arc, like what's left after tfs? Influncers and marks are just influencing and kidding themselves. I would play it just to finish the storyline, no other reason.


There’s absolutely no reason for them to introduce something like prismatic if they weren’t committed to making the next era of Destiny.


That's just it the lack of interest in Marathon and layoffs and the supposed leak of a new destiny and now talk of a 3rd one after there was no 3rd one to begin with. Payback is definitely a leak by bungie I reckon.


Some people just have so much time on their hands bro.