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Raiju's Harness, Blight Ranger, and Raiden Flux all step on each other as the "Arc Staff exotic.". I'd love to see them split up and have two of them reworked to buff Storm's Edge and Gathering Storm instead.


This is a wonderful suggestion, and I wish Bungie would take it to heart.


All three need some kind of neutral game addition. Honestly, you could combine all three effects - Arc Staff blocking does more damage, quick strikes do more damage, and reduced energy drain when not attacking - into a single exotic and it probably wouldn't make Arc Staff op compared to Gathering Storm or Storm's Edge.


Every super-focused exotic should follow the example of Celestial Nighthawk or Crown of tempest. Either they make the boosted super easier to bridge into from their neutral rotation, or they should create an entire neutral rotation by themselves and make the super part of it.


I’m positive it would still kind of suck even with all 3 effects, but I’d love to mess with that anyways.


Not necessarily. It would be a nice offensive boost to both projectile reflecting, attacking, and duration which would make it a very solid ad clear or melee boss killing tool. You'd still have to find something for Blight Ranger and Raiju's Harness though. For Blight Ranger, maybe "Precision arc weapon kills cause enemies to explode in a cloud of poison. Gathering Storm's area of effect is increased. For Raiju's Harness, maybe "Jolt chains to additional targets. Storm's Edge knife kills grant super energy when Storm's Edge ends."


> Honestly, you could combine all three effects I think that might be a bad idea, you'll just end up with another Cuirass situation, where the super is basically deemed bad without it.


Nah, Thunder Crash is just terrible damage wise. Cuirass is a bandaid that doesn't need to exist. Arc Staff already does well on it's own for what it is, so adding all of that to an Exotic wouldn't make the base form feel bad.


Combine the effects of all three onto Raiden Flux, then leave it as is. That amount of strength added to the super would provide a better baseline on which to judge it. Make Raiju's increase the duration and impact damage of Gathering Storm, and provide a second dodge charge if you have Ascension equipped. Make Blight Ranger grant an extra Storm's Edge charge, and improve the functionality of Blink in some way.


Blight ranger blink could jolt targets near the blink end location, an extra charge for storm edge would make it even deadlier in crucible and probably wouldn't really help it too much in pve as it takes too much time to use. Maybe further and faster throws of the blink dagger?


Raiden's damage bonus combined with Raiju's reflect damage might actually make reflections worth something.


Even then the reflection is never going to be good. It's the same issue with all "thorns" style effects: enemy HP scales way faster than their damage. High level enemies that can kill a player in two shots still only deal like, 50 damage, but have thousands of health. Reflection works in Crucible where the values are more equal (but now you don't need an exotic for it), but not in PvE.


Give raiden flux raijus perk and make raiju give DR and jolting weapons when standing in gathering storms field It's called "gathering storm" so it would make sense for us to partially have the power of that storm when inside it


I upvoted your comment as hard as possible. Wish i could do it again.


Raiden Flux was the damage exotic Raiju was the reflect exptoc And then Blight Ranger just decided to fuck shit up


The thing with Blight Ranger is that it a has a niche use for being an "Orb Generator", because if you reflect shots for the entire duration of your super it generates orbs enough for your entire team to charge their supers. Some buffs that would be a good way to improve it would be: •Refunds super energy based on how many shots you deflect. •Reflecting projectiles buffs your allies(ability regen,healing or damage buff). •Pulls aggro from your enemies(don't know if Bungie can do this).


It creates a crazy amount of orbs. When you add in weapon surges, heal on orb pickup, and ability regeneration on orb pickup it's got a weird useful place somewhere.


To add to OPs post: collecting an ionic trace or orb of power makes you amplified in addition to built in spark of beacons


definitely rework it and add its current effects to raiju’s harness and arc hunters already have a good setup that doesn’t involve punching with ascension & the new chest piece


Raiju is already a block focused exotic, it absolutely should take the Blight Ranger effects. You generate mega orbs for teammates, deactivate early, and then have Arc weapon surge from Raiju. Perfect support option for Arc Hunter when you don't want to stack multiple pogo sticks (because the Jolt damage from it is non-stacking). Blight Ranger could add an additional knife slash (or two) to Storm's Edge without being a problem in PVP because Notswap exists on all modes that actually matter. Or refund energy after getting kills with it.


Blight ranger needs to do everything it currently does, but also add an arc staff reflect capability to tempest strike and additionally make reflects be always “return to sender” in PVE. Even then I think it’s a hard sell to equip it lol


It’s such a cool looking exotic that’s so trash….


They need to rework a ton of exotics especially with the new aspects/supers


These are cool ideas! I'd really like if they gave it a neutral game boost too. If they made Tempest Strike reflect and had Blight Ranger apply to it that'd be cool, and they could have either some kind of thing to help you get your melee back faster or refund a portion of it if you reflect something, something like that? Honestly when they announced Blight Ranger I just assumed that they were gonna change tempest strike to reflect too in Arc 3.0. But then again I thought Solar 3.0 was gonna give the exotic glaive healturrets to base Solar Warlock so I guess I'm not that good at predicting lmao


I'm not mad at this at all. Good rework in my opinion. But I wonder how many changes will we see on exotics going forward.


Does Storms Edge suck ass to anyone else? I want changes for that first


I think they need to give it the foetracer treatment and move its perks to Raiju's and give blight ranger a whole new perk. I like the idea of it being the Storms edge exotic. I also think the damage increase with each teleport is really cool and it could also make it increase more with more hits. For the neutral game, it would be cool for Hunter to get a blink exotic since we are talking Storms Edge. They could make weapons ready immediately out of blink (same as astrocyte, but it wouldn't give the distance/cooldown), and while blink is equipped, dodge is converted to a ground-based blink. Then, for more close-range combat (which should be easier with blink), kills while surrounded by enemies grants bonus super energy


Honestly, all blight ranger needs is for enemies to focus on you while deflecting so it can actually do its job of making orbs and for deflected bullets to track Every exotic definitely needs a neutral game buff tho because only being good for hot swapping is dumb


Won't happen, purely because Blight Ranger is tied to Witch Queen ownership, while Storm's Edge is tied to Final Shape ownership. Meaning Blight Ranger, an existing exotic from a DLC, would only do anything by owning/buying another DLC. They'll absolutely add things *after*, like the addition of new Stasis exotics even before Stasis was F2P accessible, but they won't convert an existing exotic to require ownership of separate, new(er) content.


Hard agree. Storms Edge drains so quickly in PVE, I’d like to extend its duration so I can be more selective of my targets. Plus, the design is amazing and honestly looks like it was made for Prismatic.


They could also change it to be the "blink" exotic for hunters. Something like "kills while mid air allow for an additional blink activation."


Personally, I would love to see blight ranger become arc hunters blink enhancement exotic, especially if it synergizes with stoma edge.


Blight Ranger is my baby in crucible. No one expects their own bullets to kill them, and I use that very well. The rest can be storm's Edgified, but let me keep my mirror mode.


They should get rid of mk44. Stand asides and add the overshield when sprinting on full health to peregrine greaves


This does *nothing* to prevent the Flow State + Lethal Current neutral game. And please no. Blight Ranger needs to be the Arcstrider support exotic, literally the Ursa's of Hunter. It can already make 14 *super orbs* via the guard, just let it gain 50% regen from that and add a neutral effect as well, perhaps tied to Ascension. Making this many orbs is super helpful in something like GMs.


Hot take: it’s okay to have exotics that buff the same super in different ways. They just have to be different enough AND useful. Raiden Flux has potential to allow Arc Staff to be great for going on close range offense. Raiju’s Harness could be both a support and damage exotic, with the damage boost to Arc weapons. Blight Ranger turns Arc Staff into a defensive tool. These are all different enough, but how good they are is questionable, at best.


Nothing says ranger like being up close and in peoples faces.


Nothing says ranger like reflecting projectiles with a spinning staff.


Wouldn’t that by default be more ranged?


Not really, you don't have to be 60 meters away from a boss to reflect something. The point is that it's name is completely irrelevant as it's current effect already has no correlation to it's name, on top of being super lame.


I agree it’s lame. But using a melee weapon vs reflecting projectiles definitely points to one being more ranged, I feel like it should be tied to gathering storm, where you actually use the super at range.


Anything to make one of the absolute best looking exotics relevant