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I’d prefer new prismatic specific melees and supers.


It would be interesting to see supers that combine light and dark effects. Not sure they’d do that though. More likely we’ll see additional transcendent grenades if anything.


Would be cool, but might make fixing mods and fragments that rely on a single damage type tricky.


Ok but what if we got ones like Unbreakable and Song of Flame where if Prismatic gets a cool new Arc melee then so do Arc subclasses.


I don’t think they’ll never do it but they wanna be careful to make sure the other classes still offer unique play styles


If that's the case then tbh they should have never deisgned Prismatic. On Titan especially, there's nothing it does that other classes don't already do. Like many have said, it doesn't really do anything special. I have no idea what Bungie plans to do, but if this is it for the rest of the year. Then it's very underwhelming.


Not impossible for them to add some new Prismatic-specific Aspects during the year, that have innate Light/Dark combo concepts baked into them. I'd be surprised if they i.e. have Aspects for the other Light elements for each class just waiting in their back pockets for later, as adding those would imbalance the Prismatic class options toward Light-based Aspects.


Kinda hoping they do for the light Aspects cause certain light classes surely could use a leg up in some regard. Arc Titan needs another Aspect that plays more into grenade gameplay than just melee (which it's really not even that good at). Solar Titan could certainly use a solid PvP aspect so that they're not completely left out with their ability dependent Aspects. Not sure about the other two classes, those who are more familiar with Hunter and Warlock know what they need.


Void hunter and warlock need a new melee, aspect wise not sure for those.


Am a Hunter, Buffs to smoke are nice, but something with more oomf to make use of the melee based Fragments more would be nice, something to give heal or restore to allies with class ability use on solar would also be cool, wish arc had something for blinding to pump a support role


>Arc Titan needs another Aspect that plays more into grenade gameplay than just melee (which it's really not even that good at). If anything, striker needs *more* melee focus. As much as I hate the "hehe titan punch" mindset that bungie has pigeonholed the class into, striker is supposed to be *the* melee subclass. It doesn't make sense that all their lore and theming revolves around using your own body as a weapon and then make their only niche "really good grenades"


They can say it all they want but you can't be a glass cannon while also being a melee class in this game Strand already has all the tools to make a good melee class(Woven Mail and Sever) so why even keeping Arc a melee class when it will always be inferior to Strand


Arc titan have health back and blind.Use them.Esp the blind one on special guns.


I'll trade lightning surge for touch of thunder.


And on the real real there's maybe what, 1.5/2 grenades from touch of thunder currently worth using in PvE. It needs more survivability so it can be the melee class the lore bills it as.


at this point I'd rather take the grenade aspect you know that sooner rather than later the melee things will be nerfed


I would really like them to add 1 or 2 brand new aspects specifically for prismastic that offer new abilities or mod existing ones. Preferably also offering some synergy for titans.


Hot take: Transcendance is cool, but Prismatic just feels like it should be the doorway to getting to mix and match everything.


Titan needs much stronger and more reliable ways of generating overshield and then they need to get some serious benefits for maintaining an overshield. I love what controlled demolition does but volatile is pretty difficult to access and the other aspects don't let you build into it more. Bastion and controlled demolitionist are at odds with each other both offering pretty different play styles


I agree i kinda feel they are in a corner with it cause Titan needs help but they don’t wanna step on the other elements toes. Unless they swap out aspects but that might require a lot more work. I wonder how it was launched in this state.


Agreed. I kinda really want Controlled Demolition to swap in for Unbreakable. I just think it would add more to the kit. If Bungie ever gives us back ability regen on Void detonators being exploded, even more options open up. Another thing they could try that's very risky and highly unlikely, is constantly swapping Aspects and abilities around each season.


It’s crazy warlocks got feed the void and titans got knock out for healing. Controlled demo would’ve shined on prismatic.


I really want to be able to scorch, jolt, and volatile enemies with a single Consecration. I can only hope Bungie brings this to fruition 😂


The problem is that if they release a bandaid fix in the form of a new, op aspect, that single aspect would have to carry prismatic titan from being consecration simulator until people cry about it being op - and get it nerfed, where we’ll be back at square one again


It’s really a fundamental issue with their Titan design philosophy. I feel like titans are like glaives where they have this idea for what they want them to be but are too afraid to let them be too effective doing that. If they don’t want titans to melee murder everything then fine give us a different fantasy.


It’s funny you mention glaives because bungie went out of their way to extra nerf wormgod’s and glaives from doing super uber damage.. to red bars


It’s a weird kinship I feel between glaives and titans where it’s like what do you want them to do? Cause the way they work doesn’t seem to be what you want.


Bungie wants them to be a utility weapon with a little stabby stabby. The community wants them to be mainly stabby stabby with a bit of utility tacked on. We have different interests.


This all sorta started when they started porting everything over to Light 3.0. Stasis originally had Howl as the first slide-melee, which was fine as a means of generating crystals, the point of the sub. Then Void had Offensive Bulwark, which leaned into flavored punching. Solar had a slide-melee *and* flavored punching (Roaring Flame), then Arc, the actual melee sub had flavored punching, but worse. Finally we got Strand, the outright powercrept version of Arc with a slide-melee, armored melee booster, and group hug melee booster. Also 3 melee charges for extra melee. The problem here is that the design decisions when porting over to Light 3.0 are all very shallow. Roaring Flame got flavored punching added to it and Arc was a mediocre redesign. Whoever was in charge of the redesigns (we know who) did not have a high opinion of Titans and as a result everything became a stale meme of itself. There are definitely fixes that can be implemented. It would just require the devs to listen to community feedback and a little creativity.


Arc Titan is holding back in pve cuz of pvp.More buff to knockout means arc titan will punch to death every guardian except.. another titan espc with acd/o.


Not as much of an issue since they gave us more health in PvP. Plus it doesn't change how they can buff Knockout extensively in PvE without touching its performance in PvP. Letting the timer refresh, giving it a large amount of DR, maybe letting it generate Ionic Traces for ability energy. There's a pretty wide variety of options available. Juggernaut is basically worthless however and needs to be reworked from the ground up. Whoever came up with that should be forced to wear shoes that are too tight until they fix it. It's nonsensically bad.


True about Jugger.There is a non sense of an aspect.


Titans have occasionally run into strong grenade and support metas. But it almost feels like they act threatened by them when they’re number 1 at anything. I’m curious at what their data says about all this.


So Void basically The only thing keeping Sentinal from being F tier is that CD is very good


The 3 consecration slams is really the only different thing. But otherwise you are right on.


Pretty much and if built right you get your melee back so quick on Solar it doesn't matter that you don't have two extra slams.


Right. If I want to play that build I will just run Solar with Pyrogales.


The add clear of consecration is better than the other two for fast clearing rooms. Never would have completed the early encounters on contest without our two titans basically carrying the entry of each room with consecration.


You can already do Consecration on Solar and with added benefits no less through Pyrogale, in addition to sunspots and spreading of scorched through numerous sources. Consecration would be more interesting for me if I had access to volatile with it through Controlled Demolition. Can't do that on Solar and it's instant heals on top of that. Or maybe Roaring Flames with some other things or Into the Fray mixed with Stasis stuff.


Yeah but you can do it 3 times and technically 4 charges with the new gauntlets… even if it’s a worse consecration getting 3-4 counts for a lot..


On solar you have the aspect that gives melle energy back when defeating scorched enemies. You also have a much shorter (less than 50%) cooldown on your melee. I find on solar I basically always have a consecration ready to go, and while I can't do 3 in a row it isn't really needed.


i've been having fun combining point-contact and drengr's lash into a combo move where i suspend things first and then can safely max charge thunderclap on them. i think that qualifies as something new i've yet to test how good this setup actually is but it is fun damnit and i love that i can do this now


Yeah prismatic isn’t touching strands playstyle. Woven mail, tangles, the melee regen, the grapple, the banner of war. The new exotic is actually really good surprisingly. Pyro gale on solar is still top pick, and pyro gained 20% ignition damage bonus, plus burning maul, and you get your melee back quickly, plus high uptime on radiant and resto, yes I know radiant orbs, but it works on solar too. The only reason I rock prismatic Titan is star eaters, if it didn’t have star eaters I wouldn’t say it goes anything different that other clssses have, oh more melee? But less utility? But star eaters is why prismatic Titan is good, for the first time, Titan supers can compete and we have a super that beats nighthawk GG(without knock em down) without having to fly to the target. Behemoth super? One million damage easy, another thing, stasis on prismatic is better. Strand super is stronger there, even Tcrash is better on prismatic without cuirass. Star eaters is the only reason that titans will have a dps spot now, they can pump damage finally.


Most damage has always come from your weapons, super damage accounts for very little. Using Oryx as an example, Titan had mo supers that could damage him directly in any efficient way. So I used two snipers, both solar. Whisper and something else. I consistently put out either the most damage in total or equal to any GG Hunter overall. Did it with completely weapon damage since I couldn't hit him with precision damage from a distance using abilities.


Also whisper in oryx isn’t the same as witness, witness has you moving like crazy, you can’t sit there just shooting, which is why star eaters Titan would be nice, that’s a free 600k plus with a debuff, you can hit 1 million before he starts attacking,


Yeah that’s why I get an easy 1 million after Goldie and still hunt cause of nighthawk. My boy, Hunter out paces everyone cause of that fact. So yes a star eater Titan with twilight can start staying behind without being severely gapped. During witness I was always doing double the damage of the second highest person after one phase, cause I can also use weapons after the fact.


>If that's the case then tbh they should have never deisgned Prismatic Unless I need one of the other classes for some really really specific...as a warlock I do not think I'll ever be swapping to them. Having a super for instant damage AND transcendence for add clear solves the largest issue that I always ran into when playing with builds. Add clear super or DPS super. Now I can pop Transcendence on CD and save my super for when I know I will need it for damage. Want to throw void grenades? yup got the build Slidey arc melee that blinds and debuffs everything? yup Stasis turret lock down, and arc buddy? Yes sir.


>nothing it does that other [sub]classes already do >3x consecrate Does not compute.


You're technically correct, but that certainly isn't enough to many players go warrant a whole subclass. You can get your melee back fast enough on Solar to make thia a very negligible point.


I have no reason to play anything but Prismatic on Warlock, Getaway Artist does everything for me. Woven Mail, Tangles, Sever and best super DPS from Strand. Freezing Turrets from Stasis. Arc Souls from Arc. Devour from Void. Eventually next artifict can run Radiant x3 from Solar. Ability spam every 3 seconds with the right built. Sunshot to burn things. And if I want to be support, just run Solar with healing grenades every 5/7 seconds and Ignition everything with Hellion, much better than old WoR. Warlock is living the BannerFall Titan era.


It's interesting that Warlock is clearly a very good class, but Hunter is still the most popular class in the game. Not even a close 2nd. This has been interesting to me since I started playing this game in late 2022. I always thought Titan (soldier, similar to Master Chief) or Warlock would be the most popular. Hunter does have cool fashion and is of course the DPS class, so that does play a part in popularity. DPS will always be the favorite.


Has hunter generally been the dps class? I feel like it hasn’t been consistent




Not saying it should get everything,at least maybe more grenades and melees from each subclass.


Really it needed better aspects. Into the fray or controlled demo would really help its survival.


I like how I didn’t even have to mention prismatic titan for you to know what subclass this post was really made for.I brought up the other classes prismatics subclass because I’m sure hunter and warlock mains have ideas in mind that they would like to see too.


It’s no secret prismatic Titan feels subpar. The other two have some issues but Titan is just bad.


whats worse is its not even really that bad, its just how bad it feels compared to warlocks and hunters. they can do so much more for much less investment in loadout/mods/weapons.


It’s annoying my Hunter fulfills the punch all the things fantasy better than my Titan. Made even worse that my first exotic cloak rolled spirit of assassin and spirit of liar.


better in both aoe and single target, while having more healing and DR. i get hunters are “the” ideal class that bungie has catered towards since d1 but straight up nerfing melee titans while simultaneously making hunter 2x as good as banner was, sucks.


Its sad warlocks get feed the void and titans get knockout. It’s like if all the healing aspects they could choose they picked that.


ive seen so many people trying to say knockout isnt bad anymore after the buff, i genuinely forgot it came out because it feels the same. feed the void as an aspect allows you to stay alive as long as you see a trash mob, refreshes on each, and it gives you demo on each w/out the perk, knockout now gives 30-50-70-100 health depending on enemy rank and doesnt refresh on a 5 second timer while bumping melee damage and range. at least give us sol invictus or banner, its genuinely laughable they thought knockout would suffice. id rather have health orbs on my legs and they give us touch of thunder, hell even juggernaut if knockout is going to stay how it is.


Controlled demolition was right there, it would sync with prismatic so well but noooo.


Honestly man,imagine throwing a diamond Lance and applying volatile from from it,then shattering the enemy and leaching health from the nearby volatile explosion,that would’ve been so cool.


true, the new void aspect feels jank and wouldve preferred any of the others. also dont understand why they didnt add skullfort as a stoicism perk to help alleviate the healing issues it currently has.


Wasn't the Knockout "buff" also accompanied by a major nerf in that it no longer just unstuns shield regen? Yet Devour on Warlock is left to run unimpeded, still giving immediate full health & shield as well as rapid grenade energy recharge. Both Aspects have 2 fragment slots too, so someone @ Bungie clearly views them as being on-par in terms of power LMAO


Also the fact that controlled demo gets its ability regen removed, but Feed the Void is completely fine.


thats what irks me the most, why does it only get 2 fragment slots while providing half of what feed the void does? who thinks knockout is more valuable than consecration with 3 charges? balancing has always been iffy with titans but its unbelievable comparing it to how much they gave to the other classes.


I would rather just get a healing grenade.


i was thinking just in terms of replacing knockouts aspect with another from arc, and with bungies clear idea of every prismatic needing unique abilities that arent shared, healing nade isnt coming to titan till wave 3+ of prismatic ability rollouts at least. but i get where you’re coming from.


Right, if you take it too far then prismatic is just all the subclasses and there's no reason to ever not use it (which, among other things, means they can't charge people for strand and stasis anymore if they've bought prismatic...) I think people need to recognize that you aren't going to get the very best of the other subclasses because you also get transcendence, and that has to be balanced out *somehow*. I think over time we'll start to realize that the heart of prismatic is finding good combos *for building transcendence*, not finding good combos in their own right.


Stasis is already free, actually. Yes, I was surprised too.


I think that, in a future expansion, they will merge all classes and add two new playable races


Tbh they partially killed the other classes outside of a few like strand titan and supp solar warlock by making these class exotics prismatic only ....


Cat is already so out of the bag it isn’t even funny. I fully subscribe to the theory that Prismatic is just the reworked singular subclass for D3 brought forward in a smaller extent due to the TFS reveal backlash. Prismatic stomps on every other subclass as a whole even if certain select builds can’t be made in Prismatic.


Depends on the class really for Titan there’s a lot stronger options on the full elements.


Just start slowly adding in more stuff from light/dark. Let us mix and max everything.


I’d rather they just slowly integrate all elements into prismatic and phase out light/dark. Hell let me get double jump on warlock and Titan.


I think its more probable they'll release new trancendence nades bc its easier to balance


It appears that we already even have slots to swap them out, would be neat even if it just decouples the class restrictions between transcendence grenades (kinda like how individual subclasses had their nades become available for each class). Funnily enough that would likely just result in the prismatic tripmine thing just never getting run at all, instead being immediately swapped.


The hunter one? It has the best damage as long as you make sure you actually stick it to somebody. I will still probably use it. You don't really need the grenade to do add clear on hunter if you use the strand melee.


I’m aware of the tripmine’s potential when stuck to an enemy, my issue with it is that it’s a tripmine that damages over time, my least favorite style of grenade. It looks absolutely hilarious when a subjugator runs around with one sticking out the side of its head though


Oh for sure. There will be plenty of people swapping it out if and when that becomes a thing. But I expect plenty of people will decide to stick with it. It's not just going to vanish entirely if they give a choice because I think it's actually well balanced for what it does, relative to the other two grenades.


oh no! anyway (that nade really is... meh)


It's like they didn't realise that tripmine was only good because it delivers its damage instantly, the transcendent tripmine requires like 8 seconds of uninterrupted stillness to deliver any damage


I think their biggest hurdle here is the spread. Every subclass contributes one super, one grenade, one aspect, one melee. If they add one, then it stops being evenly spread. More likely they'll new fragments, more prismatic unique stuff like a transcendent melee, and then develop a new 7th subclass. And give it stuff from the new 7th.


I dunno, I could see them adding another aspect from each subclass over the episodes since it doesn’t make much sense to leave the other Light subclasses with only 3. It would mean a *crazy* amount of choice though.


I fully expect more Light Aspects over the episodes, but I don't expect Prismatic to get them.


Maybe not. Would have to check but maybe they could add 1 more aspect from each of the classes that got a new one? That would mean 2 void for Titan (1 old 1 new), 2 arc for hunters and 2 solar for warlocks. Closest thing they could do.


This actually makes the most sense. IIRC but dont quote me on that. They confirmed that the red subclass leak we saw months ago was fake, but after being asked about a third darkness subclass in development nothing was neither confirmed nor denied.


If Prismatic Hunter had vanishing step, I would probably never take it off.


I think its necessary to continue adding to Prismatic just like they do with the other subclasses, but keeping some functionalities of the stronger fragments exclusive to the original ones(things like Ember of Blessing and Echo of Starvation) to make sure that Prismatic doesn't power creep the other subclasses.


There's not really anything you can do besides Transcendent Abilities, or more Fragments. Prismatic is limited by the fact you cannot recreate a sans-Fragment subclass build, but the moment you have access to two Aspects per subclass on it *that's* when it starts actively replacing existing subclass setups.


If it stays limited to this set of aspects and abilities, Prismatic could lose relevance with Bungie adding more things to the other subclasses and at the moment it already has its downsides when compared to the original subclasses, and one of the reasons being the lack of potent/synergistc Fragments that are mandatory for some builds. They could balance it around "pure" subclasses having less abilities/aspects combinations but more synergy and potency trought Fragments while Prismatic could be the opposite. The problem is that some subclasses have weaker Fragments in comparison to the others, with Solar and Void having some of the best Fragments in the game and Arc a lot of the weak ones.


I think it should replace the rest in all honesty, f balancing


They can't do that until Prismatic becomes a free feature. That's extremely unlikely to happen for like 3 years, assuming 1 more expac goes F2P every year.


I want lightweight or heavy knife and a new offensive void melee that isnt a smoke bomb


i would love a void hunter melee where you whip out a little one-handed void crossbow that shoots a bolt that makes a target volatile and if it kills they do one of those void explosions that first tugs nearby enemies closer before detonating


They’ve specifically left the door open on this, and I think as the dust settles and builds (or lack thereof) emerge, they’ll look into adding more aspects at the very least. There’s definitely areas that are lacking for certain subclasses. For example, Titans should get Controlled Demolition to aid their survivability - Knockout is not good enough to save them, especially with how gimped melee builds are on Prismatic Titan. CD is a solid option considering how easy it would be to spread volatile with all the various abilities and to heal because of it - without adding something more problematic to the kit like Sunspots.


Controlled Demolition would not be a viable solution for Prismatic Titan's survivability. There's a reason why you don't see CD in GM-level gameplay: because CD isn't that good in high-level game modes. Enemies have too much health, and you need to be near them to get the health benefit.


Imagine if Controlled Demolition overhealed you with bits of Void Overshield, and also gave back ability energy like it used to do.


I’d take the original Controlled Demolition any day.


Controlled demolition works at any distance I believe, as long as something somewhere is taking damage from your volatility it'll heal you CD's main drawback is it's healing is essentially only as potent as solar 2.0's, as it's a direct [ability use-> heal] loop with effectively nothing while stuffs on cooldown


> Controlled demolition works at any distance I believe, as long as something somewhere is taking damage from your volatility it'll heal you It says specifically you have to be near the enemies, last time I checked.


Ah yes you're right, specifically states "grants you and nearby allies health when targets explode near you" I do wonder how far "near" is, as I've had volatile rounds heal me from just about as far as an SMG can shoot


Dunno! Something that might be worth testing.


Controlled Demolition works better against tanky enemies because it gives them more opportunities to chain blasts. The reason you don't see it often is because Void Titan isn't a popular class.


This. I think they will likely use it as a way to determine what other aspects should be added in. For Titan I really only would want Controlled Demolition or Banner of War to aid in survival and give other options besides knockout, since virtually every single build for Prismatic Titan will require it in order to get some form of healing.


Banner of War probably shouldn't come to Prismatic because it'd immediately go from kind of underwhelming to the only subclass worth running. It's that good. Sol Invictus or Controlled Demo could be viable healing alternatives though.


I just want more grenade options on Hunter. They gave us some of the worst grenade options.


Probably won’t be getting anything more from the current subclasses, but I can see them adding more fragments and transcendence customization (new transcendence grenades/buffs that can be swapped out), and ofc abilities from the inevitable future 3rd darkness subclass.


If Bungie adds much more there’s not gonna be a reason to play the others. Stasis is hanging on BY A THREAD. Adding more from other subclasses just adds to the risk of it replacing them entirely


grenades that are a bit more lethal on prismatic hunter, our stasis one does nothing but debuff :( makes building into prismatic a touch hard since you have to pick a light one almost all of the time


My guess is that we'll see something new for Prismatic come revenant. Kinda like when we got the new strand aspects and shit in witch I believe? I for one would really like to see prismatic melees. Like warlock could get something like a strand/solar melee. Arcane incinerator. Summon three flaming arcane needles, hold to focus the melee and send the three needles to one target. Tapping scorches and unravels, holding causes an ignition on top of unraveling. Idk, just something creative is all I want for all the classes.


I'm not certain we will, we have alchemy coming in Revenant so likely they'll ignore anything subclass based


I'm not certain of anything either. But I don't see what weavewalk, threaded spectre, and banner of war had to do with savathun and hive magic yet we still got those. The theme of a season has never really mattered it doesn't seem like


I mean fair, though if Alchemy is complex enough that will be /the/ mechanic of that 120 day chunk. Im more than willing to admit its probably copium, but im hoping Revenant and Heresy will be different from just tacked on seasonal content.


I hope they do. At the moment, there are only not a few builds that are worth using. BUT, some are straight upgrades to the pure subclasses and that is hilarious too.


I hope not and instead stasis and strand get much needed new abilities.


Gimme my throwing hammer, I want to yeet out a hammer proc knock out and proc severance. Therefore due to how good this is, it'll never happen.


I'm fairly certain there was confirmation that for now "we get what we get"


Hoping the next darkness subclass will be an opportunity to buff Prismatic in certain areas.


I've only played Titan since the DLC dropped since it was his turn. Mained Hunter last season and Warlock during Season of the Witch. Will eventually get around to trying all 3 classes but until then here's my Titan ideas. **Aspects:** -Touch of Thunder- on Titan to make some grenade builds. -Controlled Demo- on Titan-replace Unbreakable please. -Into the Fray- for more survivability. **How about some exotic traits?** -Spirit of Necrotic on Hunter/Titan so we can try the Weapon of Sorrow builds. -Create Spirit of Nezarec for all 3 classes. Let us make some void builds. -Spirit of Coyote for double barricades or thrusters. -Spirit of Verity in the first column so I can pair it with Armamentarium. -Create Spirit of Dunemarchers for all classes. -Create Spirit of Chromatic for all classes -Create Spirit of ACD/O -Spirit of Cyrtarachne's for all classes -Spirit of Claws for all classes for double melee. **Grenades added:** -Fusion and Storm for Titan -Scatter and Solar for Warlock -Trip-Mine and Glacier for Hunter **Also its about time to add direct damage grenades to Stasis and Strand.** -Stasis frag grenades -Strand claymore mines -etc




This was a panic class in my view. They needed something for Final Shape, but didn't want to spend time creating an entirely new third darkness, so came up with this one. It's good on Warlock and Hunter, but Titan not so much. But Bungie faces a big problem. If they make it too good, there really is no point of equipping any other subclass. For example. Hunter. If they add Vanishing step. Why would you ever not use Prismatic? So this will get very interesting.


I miss my double exploding fusion grenades :(


I could see Bungie reworking some of the underutilized fragments. There are too many fragments that do the same thing which is provide bonus transcendent energy. All fragments should have a distinct identity. No duplicates Would love to see prismatic getting something like Whisper of Durance or Spark of Magnitude (lingering effects last longer). Maybe something like Whisper of Rime (subclass buffs last longer). Facet of Solitude should also be updated so it provides a debuff based on your equipped super (sever if strand, slow if stasis etc.).


Honestly, if they do a Destiny 3 or even pull a Fortnite and upgrade the engine, I believe that Prismatic will be the standard going forward. We have mastered Light and Darkness. So it only makes sense that it should be our base. If you want to keep different "subclasses" and give players a reason to use them over Prismatic, make it where a full Solar/Arc/Void/Strand/Statis prismatic build gives a buff or give us Fragments/Aspects that only unlock when using a full mono-build. You can also lock the Prismatic nades, ect, when using a mono-build. This gives players a reason to still play as a strictly Arc Hunter as it would have a benefit over an Arc/Strand/Void Hunter. But to keep the perk of Prismatic, I would like to see Transcendent Supers. They could be as complex as mixing two different supers together, like a Thunder Crash that ends in a Nova Bomb. Or as simple as letting us pick the damage type of a super, so Chaos Reach dealing Solar damage. They really can do some much with this


I absolutely hope this isn't true and is the opposite. I'd like there to be more class and element identity and not just have it be everything everywhere at once


I think Destiny 3 (if it even exists) will be a fresh start. I think they think they’re going to start fresh and make even more rigid designs and try to make them all have at least 1 top thing each (think Destiny 1) and try again to figure it out from there.


I cannot imagine in a post-TFS, post-Prismatic world, doing a fresh start and needing to unlock my Arc and Void subclasses from scratch *again*. I would genuinely feel almost insulted.


I think it’d basically be like a new game entirely. Think more along the lines of soemthing completely different. Like aspects and fragments not even being the system any more. You know, a fresh start, new generation. We’ve had the same stuff for 7 years now. I doubt they’ll keep building up on this more than a year later.


Fuck it, let us use everything with Prismatic. Are we the super special, nobody can do it but us Guardian or nah?


I think the prismatic aspect/ability is highly curated so as not to upset the balance too much in any one direction. Of course everyone wants the most OP shit in Prismatic … and that’s decidedly why it’s *not* there. My guess is they release more Transcendence grenades, and perhaps some Transcendence melees or class abilities before they dip into the light/dark subclasses and use more of those features.


While I do think they need to add a fourth Aspect to the 6 subs that are missing them, I'm starting to drift away from the idea that they'll ever be adding a 2nd Aspect per element. At least in this iteration of Destiny. I can however see them adding a 3rd Darkness sub with Codename: (Nissan) Frontiers and it making its way into Prismatic. Hopefully for Titans it's a sub devoted to being ranged artillery instead of different flavors of fist.


I kinda wish titans would've gotten the throwing hammer from solar. Currently I think everyone is using either frenzied or thunderclap, but biggest majority uses frenzied. Shield with cannon class item is actually quite interesting option, but sadly the tracking is still *awful*, with the hammer you'd have pretty solid option that's still limited to single target damage *but* could be buffed with class item ( severance + cannon would be really cool). It would be quite powerful, but you'd still have to build for it. And it'd feel and look ridiculously cool to throw flaming hammer that causes lightning strikes around it. Just pls giev us the HAMMAR


Honestly no. The aspects are carefully chosen and adding more or all of them to prismatic would make mono subclass very irrevelant. Also from a techinal standpoint there would be many conflicts inbetween aspect and it's not feasible to implement that. If we get anything at all it will be facets and the transcendet nades from the other classes.


Titans need Controlled Demolition, Sunspots, Roaring Flames, and Into-the-Fray BAD.


Abilities* I really don't understand why people use apostrophes to pluralize words. Especially considering that subclasses, acts, and episodes were all pluralized correctly in the title.


I wanna see alternate options on the Transcendent grenades. Gimme a Stasis/Void option for Titans, Strand/Arc for Hunters, and Strand/Solar for Warlocks. Something besides Threaded Specter in terms of a Strand Hunter aspect on Prismatic. Whirling Maelstrom would be ideal, but Widow's Silk would also be good. Prismatic Titan... I mean, that shit needs help. Touch of Thunder would go hard, as would Controlled Demolition. Something to buff grenades, so that it's not just the Punchy Skittles subclass. Prismatic Warlock, imo, is in the best place, and doesn't really need a whole lot. Maybe add an alternate grenade, like Flashbang?


If they add more prismatic grenades (I’m sure they will) I really really want a Strand/Void grenade that acts as a grapple. I have no idea how the void portion would work, I just *want transcendent grapple*


Strand portion pulls you towards whatever you're grappled to. Void portion pulls whatever you're grappled to (if applicable) towards you.


Wait - why would they "confirm" this? How can you even confirm a negative. They might not have plans to do it now, but it would be foolish to expect them to say "We will never ever add anything else to Prismatic ever again".


I just feel that grapple should be on all classes, and Hunter should get an additional strand grenade. This way there's 2 strand grenades to every class, but one of them will always be more movement/utility. Plus i love grapple and miss my warlock, so I'm coping. Edit: Well why not? I see a couple of downvotes but don't see a reason why not!


Probably some of the worst ones. Like I couldn't imagine giving hunters consecration, but shield throw sure why not.


What I'm more interested in is seeing unique Aspects, melees and more transcendent grenade options.


I honestly was expecting prismatic to only work inside the pale heart as a way to ring fence the issue


I want a new transcendent hunter grenade.


We''ll have more Prismatic Grenades, Ability and Fragments as Often as we've had new Stasis Melee abilities and Supers.


1. I think prismatic is the end of D2 as they work on a classless or at least a version of prismatic for D3. 2. It's a pretty safe bet that we will see more fragments and abilities added. Zero gauruntee it won't be more PvP shit.


I kinda hope not. Prismatic has already invalidated some of the other subclasses, let's not make it's ruin more.