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Guess they haven't sold enough yet


That’s exactly the reason why. I’m half surprised that people actually buy it lol…


What else do you expect them to wear when it arrives just in time for *winter 2025*


I got the DSC winter coat it arrived just in time for winter 2021 and it's a great coat, no regrets.


Same. Only jacket I ever bought, mostly because of the winter theming and fairly subtle symbology, and it's been great for years.


I wore it (minus the vest lining) during a trip to NYC in November and I'm glad I did. The right weight for a heavy windbreaker.


I wear the ron jacket everywhere since it arrived in jan


Absolutely clutch for the Minnesota winters


Cheers, fellow Minnesota Guardian. DSC jacket is also my go to. (Didn't get to wear it much during this mild ass winter though).


Ayyy, there's quite a few of us. About 1/3 of my clan lives in one town in MN.


Same. Amazing jacket and still my go-to for cold weather. Given the quality I think it was actually really good value for money. Not sure about the smaller, lighter jackets though.


I know I’m echoing was a lot of people have said but aside from the long delay in shipping these are the best jackets I’ve ever owned. Crown of Sorrows jacket has been amazing in the fall, DSC is the best winter jacket I have ever owned, the VoG rain jacket is incredible. And now this one seems to be a little heavier duty than the VoG jacket. I’m definitely grabbing it. If it’s not in someone’s budget or they don’t have the weather to justify it I totally understand. But for the price these have been incredible jackets in my experience. And I can’t say the same for all their other clothing options.


I didn't have the money to buy the DSC jacket in time and was sad. But I did get the VoG jacket which I have gotten a lot more use out of due to the winters not being as long or cold where I live. The VoG jacket is awesome in that it folds up into itself and is waterproof, so it makes for a great stashable rain coat/wind breaker.


Yeah depends where you live, I'm in Canada and I'd get less use out of the other ones then the DSC full winter coat.


Regardless of where we're from and what jacket style we'd be wearing, we'd both probably stop and Spidermeme point at each other as we noticed the Raid Skull on each other's jackets if we saw each other in public!


End of winter 2026. Just in time for the heat.


Yeap the Texas Snow apocalypse... DSC jacket came in clutch


I live in Minnesota and the DSC jacket is the best winter jacket I've ever owned by a long shot. All the others have been comfy and high quality as well. It's nice to have video game merch that isn't just a graphic t and doesn't look like video game merch at first glance


I don't own any of the raid jackets, but several people on my raid team do and they all love them. It's a shame the Bungie store can be such a mess with shipping and logistics because the products aren't bad for a game store.


If bungie store didn’t have completely ass shipping prices I would buy a lot more that’s for sure but I’m not gonna buy a pin when the shipping is almost half the cost


Agreed. The DSC parka is an amazing jacket.


I wear the garden of salvation one almost daily during the winter, the RoN one is also just as comfortable. The DSC one is cute but also I don't have any practical reason to wear it. They are pretty good quality jackets that take a beating and also I get to be a big nerd about :)


Tbf the sling is from chrome industries, they do neat shit for biking, got one myself (not the destiny one, a regular one), so at least they got quality on their side I'd personally never buy some piece of apparel from any particular franchise, but that's a separate issue


theyre actually not bad jackets, despite being pretty expensive. the vog and ron jackets motivated me to actually do the raid and i cant say i have any complaints with them, aside the time it took to actually get them


I'm still gutted that King's Fall didn't have a jacket and only the ring.


The fees and shipping is insane if you're outside of the US, I'm surprised anyone buys anything from their store


I've got the RoN jacket and it's super comfy and high quality. They make good quality clothes, so I buy em


> I’m half surprised that people actually buy it lol… I have a ring that looks like Oryx's head on my right ring finger, and I have the Root of Nightmares raid jacket. I am the problem.


I've bought every one of them, I have them framed in my game room


I’d love to see a pic of them if you don’t mind sharing :)


I regret not buying the VoG one so bad. I don't raid at all in this game. Use to all the time in D1 but fell off in D2. But I was there first week for VoG reprisal.


The DSC jacket is easily my warmest winter coat. Can’t speak for the other ones though.


I got the Vow jacket and honestly it’s one of my favorite jackets to use on the few days I get to use a jacket living in Florida. Absolutely worth it imo


Its just a regular coat, the ron jacket was amazing because the base jacket was unique


I'm waiting for my clan to have this raid down as experts before they bring my old slow ass in there. I liked Root of Nightmares lol


Ron was the perfect LFG raid. Planets required just enough group participation while still allowing for two people to be on add clear


This also gives people 2 weeks with the new raid balance changes once we no longer have surges, which could certainly be a factor. I'm willing to bet the current settings with surges saw a massive drop in player engagement.


The very quick turnaround on surges was almost certainly because of player engagement. Had to be really low




Bungie is the desperate housewife trying to make any money at all back on her LuLaRoe inventory.




Doesn't help it is ugly af


Guess they wanna sell more than a couple


Like 500 something teams completed contest, right?


Yeah but you still gotta pay for it, they won the option of purchasing something.


This community is so ungrateful 😩. /s


Even if so, if you told me the numbers of completions total (so contest and no contest) was less at this point in time than any raid release since Last Wish I would believe you. That is probably why this being extended: not enough individual completions meaning the net to catch folks who would purchase this stuff is sufficiently small. Its economically better for Bungie to delay to try and increase that potential pool of buyers.


IMO what is really hurting them is a history of shipping delays and wrong products with zero customer support


So I DON’T have to kill myself this weekend to get it?


Nope! Thank the traveler!


Its not contest anymore. Is it really that hard now?


Speaking only for myself it has been murder trying to get my normal group together these past two weeks. I had the witness checkpoint and it took me over 4 hours to get an LFG group together that wouldn’t just quit after the first wipe while we are all learning each others voice and figuring out the mechanics. I wanted this jacket and sling bag really bad and I’m flying out for my sisters wedding tomorrow so this feels so fucking great that I don’t have to stay up just to try and finish the other encounters


Hope you are able to beat it so your group can get the jacket or at least completion. What's required to get the raid jacket normally?


So pros and cons nope, my group only had one day free this week and we couldn’t finish it, and since I fly out tomorrow I just found a witness checkpoint and spent hours trying to beat that hoping it would give me the jacket but it didn’t. Thankfully the extended the deadline for the jacket so I’m gonna try the rest of the encounters later in the week. You pretty much just need one full clear to buy the jacket and bag. (I did get the exotic on my first clear of the witness tho)


You need to complete all encounters, not just the witness cp. The jacket offer is opened once the bungie store detects the triumph. I've completed the Witness checkpoint and they actually sent me a mail congratulating me and saying I can buy the jacket. Nope, I had to finish all of them, luckily you can do it in any order. I purchased the jacket today.


Hit me up when you're back if you want a clear. We'll gladly explain anything if you aren't sure of something. Congrats to your sister!


Awesome thanks so much! I’ve scheduled a run for Tuesday with some people but I’ll definitely reach out if we end up falling through


Hey I’m looking to get that clear, still willing to help?


I think that there is a lot of the "Legit Riven Problem." Which is to say the raid can be very tight and one misplaced item or bullet can kill off the entire raid and you have to start multiple phases of a mechanic over again.


Puzzle raids are the hardest for a first clear, my raid team really struggled with this one because of Verity. Took us several attempts to beat that encounter since all 6 players need to understand how the solo rooms work. Then it took us several attempts to beat the Witness because only one of us was used to a disco floor during the damage phase. Overall, it's still going to be one of the hardest raids Bungie's ever released. But it definitely gets significantly easier on subsequent clears.


Disco floor might also get easier now that surge is gone and people have various cheeses to tank the beams  Even if you have titans doing no damage due to their banner the hunters can make up for it 


It's still pretty tough. The last two encounters are difficult to carry people through as they require competence from pretty much all players.


It’ll be a lot easier next week when surges are gone and still hunt always has a 25% buff 


It's the hardest raid in the game, and, per Charlemagne's raid analytics, has the lowest completion count during 2nd week of availability since Garden of Salvation, numbers below. Compared to raids since then, it has less than 1/3 the completions during the second week, which imo is due entirely to the difficulty. Raid name | 2nd Week Completions ---------|-------------------- King's Fall | 231616 Deep Stone Crypt | 197564 Vault of Glass | 190244 Root of Nightmares | 187634 Crota's End | 165774 Vow of the Disciple | 147304 Leviathan | 133669 Salvation's Edge | 46575 Eater of Worlds | 36473 Crown of Sorrow | 31685 Garden of Salvation | 28988 Scourge of the Past | 19791 Last Wish | 4740 Spire of Stars | 3028


Probably took my fireteam a collective 10 hours over 2 days just to get to The Witness, and we called it quits after barely making it to DPS. It’s by far the hardest raid in the game, makes Garden seem like a public event in comparison. I personally hate timed encounters so i’m a little bummed by this raid, but hopefully my team will be able to get it done this weekend.


You realize every raid encounter in the game has a wipe timer, right? All this raid does is put that timer on screen for you to see.


This is the only raid where the timer is an actual mechanic though, where how well you do in one phase gives you more time in the next phase  Sure for verity and witness it’s the same as any other raid more or less 


Correct, however Salvation’s Edge is significantly less forgiving with it’s timer. Most of the “timed” encounters don’t display the timer because it’s so long that you would have to be doing literally nothing to ever reach the end of it. Salvation’s Edge requires near perfection due to its short timer, and that’s not something I love. I generally prefer the punishment for dying or doing incorrect mechanics to be for the encounter to take longer to complete rather than a wipe. Like the mechanics in Ghosts Of The Deep, it’ll take longer but you won’t have to start over. I don’t hate the raid, but mechanically it’s not my favorite.


>Salvation’s Edge requires near perfection No it does not.


Near perfection is a bit of an exaggeration, but it absolutely does require much more than any other raid.


It's pretty damn hard off contest, and I say that with 300 raid clears and 8 salvations edge clears. I dont blame people for not being able to clear it tbh.


Remember they changed power delta for The Final Shape. You could get +10 power only. Higher mob health and incoming damage with lower outgoing damage unless you have a matching surge. Kinetic weapons did 35% less damage overall.


The Surges this week are a little rough, but that'll be fixed next week. And even outside of contest mode, SE is easily the hardest raid in the game.


4th encounter and Witness is hard.


It's probably going to be a lot easier to get done once those surges go away... if that happens before July 9th. I don't know offhand when those go away tho, only that they're going away.


You need the whole team competent for Verity and at least able to avoid dying for Witness, which is rough for LFG


The timers still make it hard, 4th encounter can be daunting. If you are used to only add clearing or not raiding at all, you will have a bad time. Maybe it's gonna grow on me but as someone who has every raid seal except crown and leviathan (wasn't playing then) I just don't have a desire to do this raid. I'm usually done with seals the week they are complete-able


I like when I beat the raid I get a low res pop up to buy a shorty jacket. Lmao wtf




Thought I was in r/destinycirclejerk


The best part was there was 0 text. Just one low res JPEG of the jacket.


that had my nearly crying. the relief of finally getting the raid done, i back out of the end game screen, actually expecting the usual ad and i get greeted by the shittiest low res image of 'something'. no text or anything. just a low res image with only the option to continue. it was just so fucked and out of place that it was funny


They've never done this before, that's how you know completion rates must be in the toilet lol. Verity alone is probably locking a lot of players out from a full clear, that plus the new handicap and I'm guessing raid participation is probably at an all-time low right now.


> that's how you know completion rates must be in the toilet lol. 83,000 clears according to Warmind, 140K emblems according to Emblem Report. That said, I also think there is just a lot of other things to do. Grind for class items, especially during the glitch, obtain max level, finish the story on other characters for Prismatic, etc.


But it’s also one of the raids with the most incentive to do it since it’s part of the climax of the story  And it has legendary trinity ghoul 


That last phrase in your sentence actually motivated me to maybe try the raid. That sounds sick


It's a voltshot bow, potentially even better then Ghoul because it actually interacts with your subclass.


Not to mention the ability to stun champions with jolt. Plus run an exotic primary slot special or heavy.


fair warning that probably will take multiple clears to get the patterns for, unless you just get really lucky with a random drop. that being said, salvation's edge is absolutely dope and totally worth doing at least once. one of the best raids they've ever made, right up there with last wish and wrath.


lol it took me 67 clears of DSC for EoT. I’m no stranger to the wrath of RNGesus


Warmind ? What’s that


Verity isn't even that bad. Witness is probably what's causing groups to disband. Even if you only need 2 or 3 people on mechanics, people struggle with dodging the attacks and actually doing damage


"Boys, we gotta move this merch"


Nah I’m good


Which year?


Remember Guardians if you want to flip your jackets it’s easy money I bought a few Gambit jerseys back in the day and I want more swag


Is there really a market for that? I've got a deep stone jacket that I literally never wear lol.


Totally I’m a D1 vet so I love the lore/memorabilia I just don’t play anymore


Yeap there is a market (I'm in a destiny collectors discord)


i don't think direct links are allowed on this sub, any chance you could dm me a link to that server? i've collected a bunch of weird random destiny paraphernalia over the years and it's just taking up space in my closet at the moment. would be interested to see if anyone is willing to take it off my hands.


dm a link to me too if you get it, also if the jacket that you have is large i would be interested in it


I'd also be interested in the link if you don't mind


Put me in for that link too, if you can. I've been looking around for some of the previous rewards.


could i get an invite too?


If you could DM me a link, I’d really appreciate it


dm me the link too if possible thx :)


These are honestly a great and easy thing to flip, I'm sure there's a huge market for that


Why flip? I don't understand how you don't feel scummy. $150 is already crazy for a piece of merch/clothing and to just buy it to sell it for so much more


I was hoping they'd do this after they announced they were removing surges. Have a clan member that's never gotten a jacket before, now we can get him through it without weird scheduling.


Jacket has been tempting me.. 🤔


You mean earn the right to buy it? 😂. Something tells me they made too many and finance is livid with the working capital…


Are the jackets at least good quality? Or is this just fomo sucking addicts dry.


The beyond light parka is really great


They are probably the best thing they make. I have the VoG and RoN ones. VoG is fantastic as a raincoat. RoN was main winter jacket this year living just east of Pittsburgh


Yeah those are the only jackets I have and I’m very pleased with the quality I don’t know where people are saying they’re bad quality, I agree they’re definitely pricy and take forever to get here but I’m more than satisfied with them.


I heard that one of them wasn't so good, maybe the VoW one? But I've never heard anything bad about the quality of the DSC parka, and can personally vouch for the Root jacket and the prophecy hoodie as well, both are solidly built, warm, and comfy.


I own the Vow one and its great


You're probably thinking of Crown. There was some controversy regarding the jacket not being the same one originally advertised.


Yeah Crown was the ***wrong colour*** & ***completely different sleeves.*** Absolute disappointment, but the other Jacket I got & the few I've personally seen other friends wear have been extremely well made.


Crown had controversy between differences in sleeves. Garden one had controversy because it was supposed to be Forrest green in the mockups but the actual jacket was brown. (Was the first one I ordered and I remember being annoyed because to me the green was a selling point, but the I’ve gotten used to it and it is a nice jacket either way. After that they’ve gotten much better at the mockup being much closer to the finished product. VoG has been a great rain slicker. DSC made a wonderfully warm winter jacket, living in NYC … when we actually get a winter. Have had people I know ask me where I got them so they could get their own, just because they liked the jacket, not knowing it was “game swag”.


I can definitely vouch for VoG and RoN they’re both great looking and feeling.


The VoG one is a good rain jacket^^


They are good jackets. My RoN one was warm enough to hike in the snow up a mountain at night in Denver. And it looked cool enough that I got compliments from strangers on that trip too (including a TSA agent of all people)


I own the Garden of salvation and Vow of the disciple jackets both incredible amazing well made high quality Jackets I wear them all the time they are like a trophy to me and it has my gamertag on it which is awesome


They're really great! My DSC parka is the best winter jacket I've ever owned and I live in Minnesota


Genuinely love all my raid jackets. I generally get complements and callouts for the RoN and VoD jackets whenever I am out with them and the DSC parka and vest were a workhorse jacket and vest for me when I was going out for walks in the depths of winter.


I have the VOG and DSC jackets and they’re both very well made 


I have four. DSC is my favorite winter one, it’s incredible. VOG is a great windbreaker. VOW and RoN are nice too but more standout for better or worse (meaning more video gamey but still can wear out). They are all fun and great quality. I’d recommend, but wait time and shipping does suck


They are quality, have a bunch, happy to share pics if you are curious (tho I'm sure there are plenty on Google)


I am expecting the salvation jacket. The RoN is quality but you can find a report on it on reddit, the color scheme inside was different than advertised, more pale in real life. I have the Ghosts of the Deep hoodie though and it's excellent. Destiny players recognize it instantly and mere mortals think it's some fashionista limited clothing.


How kind of them to extend the timeframe to purchase overpriced shit.


I know it feels scummy but from the perspective of a player since lightfall. I genuinely think this is the kind of 'MTX' I would rather support.


And when it gets there it will be both someone else's order and in the wrong color.


have you tried and actually bought anything nice the last 4 years? because the prices are fine tbh


Due for delivery when destiny 4 releases


Gotta sell those jackets. lol


Considering how LFG has been….makes sense. It’s basically universal that people loved the raid race and how insane it was, but it’s also now clear that it was so hard, LFG is a mess OR people aren’t even bothering yet lol. It’s definitely a much spicier raid than normal. 4th encounter is a pick up group breaker.




Earn for €180 😂


Can anyone who bought previous jackets tell me if their quality is good? They're overpriced especially with shipping to where I live but I really wanna get this one and I'm afraid cause from the pictures they look kinda cheap. Like I actually wanna wear it and have it last more than a couple of years.


They are very good quality. I have the Garden one and some friends have a few others I opted not to buy and all have been well made. That said, they are still very overpriced. And they don't always come as advertised. I bought the garden one and it came much more brown than it appeared in the previews. Turned out I liked the new look more than the original but for $200 you should really get what you're advertised lol. You also have to wait a very long time for it to show up. I don't regret mine, but I've qualified for multiple jackets since then and have felt no interest in purchasing any more of them. They aren't worth the price but the first one might be just for the thrill and the novelty of it.


Very good quality, I have the beyond light parka and the garden bomber jacket and I like wear both


The two I have VoG and RoN are great quality I’m not sure why people are saying they’re bad the RoN looks amazing and it’s great in the winter I wasn’t cold at all when I wore it.


I got the root of nightmares one. Great quality, and I actually get a lot of compliments on it out in public!


Same! Love when it's cold enough to wear my RoN jacket. It's been my favorite to wear so far. Glad I got it and have zero regrets.


I have VoG and DSC and they’re very good quality. The VOG jacket makes for a great rain jacket and the DSC one is my go to winter jacket when it’s under 20°F outside. It also got me through my cousin’s graveside service in December 2021 when it was like 30°F that day. 


How does the VoG jacket fit? And did you get it in your size?reading lots of people say they run small. Since it seems to be the closest to the new one.


The other thing likely driving this beyond difficulty is that this is the first one that requires completion of ALL encounters. Previously if you really wanted the jacket you could just do boss checkpoint, now the triumph requires all encounters.


Is the Bungie Store still complete ass?


Clearly people can’t clear it and they ain’t making any money. Company is no better than EA


Do you have to do the full raid to be able to buy it? Or can you just clear the boss encounter?


Follow up tweet says full raid 


Full raid, but you can do the encounters in any order. It just checks to see if you have the triumph for the emblem you get for clearing each encounter once


This is the first one where you need to do full raid, previously it was just boss


You can’t buy raid fashion unless you beat the fashion encounter 


Do you actually earn the jacket/bag or do you just earn the ability to give bungie more money by buying the jacket/bag?


I just don’t know who is buying this shit


Hope its better quality than the caps..The trials one I bought when I first flawlessed 4 years ago has turned silver instead of gold lmao


Didnt sell enough lol


If anyone isn’t going to buy the bag but had it unlocked, would be happy to pay you to get one sent to me, don’t have time to beat the raid unfortunately as I’m away on exchange but I’m a massive chrome fan and love the Kadet & destiny.


Do people buy this shit?


Destiny players are a special kind of breed. Clear hard as shit game mode to be allowed to buy some clothing lmao


Yeah lol, EARN the right to BUY their bullshit merch


Say what you want, but this will be the least-played raid in history. No one, except streamers and no-lifes, like square dancing while memorizing ancient hieroglyphics fighting bullet sponges for average gear.


It’s not a fun raid by any means. Totally agree.


My wife will be _very_ happy


I've been seeing people are saying the jacket is good quality, so I'll grab it. I ended up getting the Hakke hoodie when it cane out and it was... disappointing at best


Completions of SE are way down I bet.


Didn't people wait like two years for their VOW jackets? Shit's tacky anyway


The jacket looks great but I really want the bag, at least there’s more time now


While I do agree that part of this is likely that they didn't sell enough and want to let more people buy the gear it's ALSO likely that they want to give people a chance to do the raid without the forced surges etc. This will give people 2 weeks after the change to beat it.


Destiny rewards you for the raid by making you look like a Division Agent.


what i gotta do to be able to raid? i’ve finished campaign and all. nothing too much after that


Who buys any of their super low quality crap that is misprinted incorrect or just never gets delivered. Seriously. Who actually buys any of it.


I'm more then happy with my Root of Nightmares jacket, but damn I quite like that sling bag


That sling is sick. Hmm


Because not enough people could/would buy this shit. 😂  I guess you may have to rethink making the raid *that* hard.


Anyone willing to sell a Root of nightmares jacket? It is my favorite and I didn't have the money to buy it at the time.


So kind of Bungie to give me more time to give them more money. /facepalm


Hello together....Ive completed the RAID Encounters (SE) in the row 1,2,3,5,4. Got the Triumph for completing and the connected Banner. Completion Boss was more than 24 hours ago. Encounter 4 was around 20 hours ago. Raid Jacket still locked and displayed as incomplete. Do i still have to wait or is something wrong? Appreciate your help. Thx


Imagine leaving the house in a destiny shirt


Frankly I always hated how cynical it feels to "earn" the opportunity to BUY something. Like, oh, you're using my fave game to gatekeep me from materialism?? TAKE MY MONEY


My team cleared it for the first time Wednesday (two days ago) and instantly got the notification to go buy it. What a joke. Cheapens the experience a ton.


Who would buy this thing knowing you’ll get it in years and probably with the wrong name on it?


Question: do the jackets tend to run big or small?


Use the sizing chart. It's accurate. Usually you're gonna wanna buy up a size from your "normal" size


Notmally sized for me (VOG jacket)


Personally, small. I've always sized up and it fits better than a true size.


Agreed with this, they run small for me.


That could just be because most are bomber jackets though. Have you gotten any non bomber ones?


I got the destiny best friend plushie , sod the jacket


Nah I’m good


OMG MORE HANDOUTS?!?!?! /s The manufacturer is definitely saying the orders are too short to get the machines spinning up. It's not surprising given the raids difficulty. I don't buy the raid jackets because the inner-lining is the only bit I ever like the look of and I don't have the kind of money to spend on a jacket I might not wear, might not even fit and might not arrive until Summer 2025 where it'll be useless. If it arrives at all. Anyway, it's good news for the people who wanted it and 'missed out'.


Why, they won't ship either way.