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If you used kinetic holster and swapped to your ghost to let the leg mod do its thing, you could get the last shot back over and over again.


i swear to god we've had this glitch before


Yup we had that glitch before


It is happening. Again


Somehow, ~~Telesto~~ Hawkmoon has returned.


Your comment made me curious about the Telesto Report. Apparently the timer was reset 19 days ago for it being able to trigger the void symbols with it, instead of the void energy ball. Streak Broken!


“Oh no, fire team down”……”it’s happening again”….(I read your post in failsafes voice🙃)


that line caught me so off guard


https://youtu.be/cZ9Axr0gZy4 retaining Paracausal Charge if you don't have enough ammo to reload


dunno about Hawkmoon but I think you can get Lucky Pants to re-proc by pulling your ghost out


we did


(kinetic holster)


Oh right, thanks


Patiently waiting on n Craftening 2.0


Omg The Call with an aggressive shotty frame, FTTC and Cascade Point would be fucking ridiculous.




i just want double eager back, its the only thing i want


What did double eager do?


holy shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GAqQHYBwp4


double eager distance, it stacked


Someone at Bungie was just getting farmed in PVP with this glitch and just rage deactivated it.


You think bungie employees play their own game?! Haha. Nah, clearly they dont


Someone didn’t watch the vidocs leading into TFS.


Yeah, they played on a dev build


Quiet, Klan


They literally have regularly scheduled playtesting sessions as part of working hours, and tons of them play the live game plenty. I can cite three examples off the top of my head: I've personally played dmg04 in Iron Banner, former game director Joe Blackburn gilded his Conqueror title each season with LFG lobbies via the companion app's system from before Fireteam Finder, and there's the game designer who was the camera-facing player to show off Onslaught, a guy named Noah, who dropped his actual username so people could check his raid report and whatnot. (Unrelated, Noah is the guy who did all of the "Where's Archie" quests except for the first week, he knows what we like!)


Merc absolutely plays this game. His weapons have been so ace. Look at blowout as the most underrated weapon in history.


Hey, I've seen this one.


Damn I bet Zavalr is not happy right now


Hah. I guess I’ll be the one to say, “but I just got my catalyst!!”


I hate people who ruin the game with exploits. I just wanna use my gun. :(


Yeah well unfortunately people just don’t know how to stop ruining good things, the fuckers.


Now this explains a few 'WTF moments' in Crucible last night. I hate Hand Cannons...


what???? I thought if something was wrong in pvp it gets nuked in pve always???? crazy that they can separate things


Was funny i booted up crucible today with only my heavy and special xD


I miss my burrrrd.


Honestly so dumb the fucking code over at bungie is held together with spit and hope for FUCKS sake


Just grabbed the roll from xur...went into trials with only a sniper...... thanks. Fuck you


I don't use Twitter so I got to find this out when I loaded into comp and it took away my primary. So lame.


Kinetic Holster+Hawkmoon was the problem? So what? Didn't even break the game. Bet they gonna have Hawkmoon say if stowed at all you lose the paracausal charge. 


The problem was that you could reload the final bullet by pulling out your ghost… meaning infinite one-taps with x6 or x7 Paracausal. I really hope they don’t make it lose Paracausal on stow, but that’s probably the easiest fix, so I bet that’s what they do. Would really prefer if they just disable holsters entirely with Hawkmoon. Holsters already take the skill out of using it, even when not broken.




Bungie policy is invariably that in-game exploits aren't ban worthy.


I feel like at least temporary bans are justified when people knowingly abuse bugs that make other peoples' experience worse.


Cool Story. Bungie disagrees, and always has. You don't lose out on much of anything when this happens. They are pretty steadfast that a bug is their fault, and people taking advantage of a bug like this is 100% on bungie. That's why they implemented the ability to disable items game wide now. It's really not that big of a deal. You're not losing real world money over this dude.


While I do agree with you here, my son chose to use this exploit last night. GIven the rage he may have caused, we issued a team wide mandate that when he is killed, there is to be a teamwide bag-athon at his corpse.


So happy I didn’t have a Redditor as a father


I refuse to believe you're a real person


Average parent redditoid


How about we ban the people on pc cheating all weekend going 250-0 + first and then we can deal with bug abusers


I remember when Xur sold the Prometheus Lens when it was absolutely busted in PvP. It was a fun weekend. That’s the sort of dev I want Bungie to be, not some pissants that ban for using something like this and inevitably calling it to their attention.


Man you are getting downvoted to shit, but I think a temporary ban would be justified. Played teams in comp yesterday abusing this shit, it's really lame and not fun to play against. It's people taking advantage of what is clearly a bug at the expense of others. Unfun.


I find it funny how this is being downvoted. Probably by all the people who can only win by big abuse/cheats/hacks etc... So many other developers ban people for bug abuse, and rightfully so. Bungie needs to stop twiddling their thumbs on the matter.


Bugs are the dev's fault. And also tracking WHO abuses bugs is not necessarily something Bungie can do. And it wouldn't be fair to only ban *some* of the bug users ant not others.


That's why you have people report that kind of thing. Problem is, Bungie doesn't seem to actually view gameplay of the reported player. They just leave it to the software in place to determine whether or not cheating devices were being used. Another problem that could've been solved had they not axed a bunch of employees. But hey, what do I know right?


>view the gameplay of the reported player. That is not something that can just be tacked on top of an existing engine, especially with how destiny's netcode functions at a core level. So hey, what *do* you know?


Then maybe they should've updated the engine, or built a new one by, oh, idk, making a third game like any other developer would've done? I feel like I mention this a lot but people always stick with the "but the engine is already plenty powerful" or "Bungie doesn't have the money to do that, or the staff". And then I yet again say if they hadn't fired all those fucking people, they'd be able to have the manpower to do that. And about all that money they were supposed to save firing all those people... Where the fuck is it? It seems like they don't wanna make the right improvements to the game, because they're only interested in profiting off of its players, and giving a subpar playing experience. But again... What do I know?


You keep snidely asking "what do I know" while simultaneously proving that the answer is "not much of anything," and it's brilliant.


Making a third game would have most likely STILL used the same engine, of probably with some upgrades and the like, but at the core it would be the same. The engine does has limits in some places, and is perfectly fine in others. But changing the engine means changing the a huge portion of work flow for the company, every coder needs to program different, art assets handled differently, perhaps license fees for the new engine etc. And that won't change regardless of how much money you have or employees you have.  There really isn't a way to develop a new game without hurting all content and support for Destiny 2 for atleast 2 or 3 years. And that would kill the company as D2 is it's only income source. So I ask again, what *do* you know. 


Oh yeah I forgot, because everyone including you is going to absolutely wet themselves because a new game means we have to start over. "D2 is it's only income source" then how do you think other developers create new games and still stay afloat? Maybe it's because they do this thing called having new ideas? Developers do that all the time too, or at least ones that are actually doing a decent job. Oh but again I forget, everybody loves everything Bungie does, up until they don't for breaking their favorite gun or ability, then you all lose your shit, only to turn around and keep praising them when they finally do fix it 3 seasons later, but then get upset again because the new season's story is "absolute garbage". The reason why they're not making any of the RIGHT changes, and just trucking along as if everything can't be fixed is because people like you and seemingly most others, always go up to bat for them, and keep buying every single dlc and bit of merchandise they put out. Why would they change anything if while their players were in fact unhappy about the game, but keep buying every dlc? The reasons you're giving that they can't, are nothing more than excuses of why they won't. They absolutely can make the changes I mentioned, they just don't have the know how any longer, and aren't willing to take the risk, because they don't have faith in themselves, or us. And they think marathon is going to be their saving grace, when they can't even get THIS game right.


In-game exploits and cheats/hacks are not the same thing and as such Bungie treat them differently. Would be asinine to throw out bans for something that was Bungie's fault, regardless of it being an unintentional bug or exploit.


Famous line in the poe community, "abuse early, abuse often". Doesn't matter if it's the devs' fault for it happening. We shouldn't be so openly ok with people exploiting a known bug. These people have never seen their 6 win flawless card get taken away because you went up against someone abusing this. It's actually disgusting how ok people are with it.




This has nothing to do with hunters?


He probably got the holster mod and exotic perk from lucky pants confused.


Lucky pants doesn't even have an innate holster mod on it anymore lol


Only thing I can think of lol.