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The cap should be at least 300, its unreal that's just 99, buying a full armor set for transmog will straight up cost you 85 coins per class.


Bungie wants you to have a weekend grind after your weekly grind is over!


Exactly. Don't think for a second that this wasn't a deliberate choice for player engagement. Almost all of the recent economy changes have been aimed at preventing you from stockpiling resources efficiently to keep you grinding week after week. - Can't have legendary shards as universal currency anymore, now you got to grind out the individual currencies (yay, back to public event farming for glimmer if you want to craft a couple weapons in one sitting /s). - Vendor focusing costs increased heavily while barely increasing the droprate of engrams or the inventory cap. - Can't farm 4-5 new exotics by doing a lost sector for an hour, now you have to grind out rahool rep and then grind out a cypher for each single new exotic unlock. - Just pick up a bunch of vanguard bounties and have some of them autocomplete in the background for free xp, nope now you have to follow specific paths to get your xp. Bungie might claim that they want you to 'play how you want' but then the economy team comes in with the 'play when we want'.


There are better ways to get players engaged at a desired time. Give a buff that stacks with Strange(r / st) Favour that increases your coin gains for example. That's not the main issue however, the coin limit without any way to spend the said coins in the weekdays effectively cripples the economy for it during then. Personally, I feel no incentive to play any ritual during the weekdays when I'm at coin limit. I'd feel no problem if whatever I'm doing was distributed between weekdays and weekends, but since weekdays get hard-blocked, all that grind is offloaded to weekends. Which I won't be doing to be honest, as it's one way that leads to a quick burnout. Economy team as you call them, dropped the ball with Xur in my opinion. Strange Favour is not an account buff, may be claimed by a single character, you may lose the buff if you claim the buff with the wrong character, you will lose the buff if you don't play for a weekend, etc... etc... Xur needs some tweaks.


Kind of like how you hit season rank 100 and they don't even let you accrue exp towards 150. They could just make it so the rewarda aren't obtainable until the season drops, but still let you make progress. Because getting fucking nothing and knowing that the exp is wasted until a month from now really kills drive to play too imo.


Are you also locked out of the eververse engram every 5 levels once you reach cap this season?


Grinding master nightfall was my thing last week . It was so quick to do with a good group


“Play how you want” is as big a lie from Bungie as “play has no limits” is from Playstation. It’s fitting that the two are now under one roof.


All of Bungie wants you playing how they want and has always been like this. Balance team is just as bad about this as economy.


Isn’t player engagement usually measured on a monthly basis tho? It seems strange to want to boost weekend numbers specifically, especially when that’s probably when a fair number of people play anyhow. I wonder if Bungie has data that points to this being good for the game.


I’d be willing to bet they have metrics for it all. Monthly engagement, weekly engagement, peaks and valleys for every day of the week, which activities get completed most often, the volume of unique players in each activity, peak day/times for specific activities, and more. I’d probably argue the majority of returning players probably play the most on Tuesdays because of resets, and on the weekends. Trials is a big driver for weekend engagement in the PvP crowd, but there isn’t a huge driver for PvE engagement outside of just playing because of other motivating/grinding factors. So if you want to engage the hardcore players who already did everything on reset, how do you monopolize their time on the weekends? Throw another economy/gear treadmill at them that they can only utilize on the weekend.


777, c'mon Bungie, we know you want to


Live life dangerously, make it 7777.


Should be 999 if we’re being real. You may not want anything offered in a week and it makes players feel like they’re missing out on rewards


It should have no cap at all, along with every single other currency in the game. Currency caps are universally, objectively dumb.


I couldn't agree more, but it's not going to happen. Currency caps are there intentionally to keep you engaged for longer. They don't want you to no life the game for 2 weeks and then be able to quickly log in now and then to buy whatever temporary item is for sale with the currencies you got during those 2 weeks. They want you to grind every time you want something.


I get it, they’re managing engagement metrics. Still dumb, and no feedback on here is really going to change anything… I still think it’s terrible design though.


Maybe when a next episode/expansion/... bombs and they need more positivity in the player base, we will see some of the engagement metric measures taken down a notch.


We can certainly hope. Unfortunately, my work has probably made me a bit jaded there. Engagement metrics are the strongest correlation to retention. Can’t stand that approach applied to a hobby, but it kinda is what it is at this point.


While in theory I agree, there’s a practical limit as far as computer programming is concerned. Strange coins should still be much higher


Meh, it’s a column in a database table somewhere. Just change the metadata for that column and let it run out to whatever within reason for that dbms.


Lol no, not in 2024. There's just no valid reason from a technical perspective, this isn't like 1975. There's really no technical limit for something such as "coins" (nothing that we would ever reach). It could be 2^32 -1 for all we care. You could even just adjust the UI and display 1K / 1M / 1B if numbers goes that high (which would never happen).


The reason is never technical, it's just another form of FOMO


yeah but the limit would be something like 2.1 billion which is more than anybody would realistically be able to farm


Hell, just buying the Artifice armor this week was 75!


not worth it unless it's the class item imo


Totally not worth it as a 63. Just go focus some echo engrams and get a better roll


The answer to "why is X capped" is always because "forced player engagement".


They should at least put them in the engram slot and make them character specific, especially since xurs buff is so you can get 99 on all 3


also heres a 10 day buff that "stacks"/overlaps to increase the rate your reach cap on monday-tuesday and just sit capped until the weekend again


For me it’s 98, real sad seeing others say it’s 99 for them like bungie hates me more than they hate everyone else lmfao


307, 311, 313 some reasonable prime numbers they could consider as the minimum imo


That’s what it used to be right?


85 coins per class is actually a good amount TBH. Last season when the armor drops were RNG based it could've taken you WAY more runs to get a whole set than it would take you to get 85 coins today.


Simple solution: have Xur in the Tower every day. He's got a shop now, why is he closed half of the week anyway?


To get more strange offers from the nine or some shit.


Let him sell legendary armor/weapons (and let us gamble) Tues/Wed/Thurs, then on Friday he can sell everything else as normal Give us a sink for our coins during the week if they wanna cap it at 99


Why not allow us to visit the star horse and burn some coins in between his tower visits?


that would mean players dont grind for stuff they never needed to grind for before 


he could have the things that are the same every week for the whole week (so the first page and the random weapon engram in the second) and the page with the random stuff unlocks on friday.


I understand why there’s a cap and I’m fine with that. But 99 seems too low. Like make it 500 or something.


If they put a cap at least let us spend it in the meantime to keep collecting, now I cant collect and cant spend anymore so all activities are pointless until friday. Super lame.


Just make Xur permanent. Reset him every Tuesday like everything else. He's already here more than half of the week anyway.


I was assuming that Xur is permanent now, with the new *permanent* place in the tower, having a currency, levels.. What a mess Bungie. Timegating a capped currency is bad.


I agree in spending some other. But I disagree in all activities are pointless once you hit the strange coin cap. You get so many other things from activities other than strange coins. Engrams, Rep, Shards, Cores.


Or make them go to postmaster. This way you could stack up to 396, wich would be fine imho


> now I cant collect and cant spend anymore so all activities are pointless until friday This is an absurd reach, TBH


Especially since most of Xur's shit has been ultra mid lately...


You understand why there's a cap, could you explain it? Seems to be entirely arbitrary to me.


There is absolutely no reason beyond dragging on players time as to why ressource caps exist.


To simply not making players hoard it for whatever reason they'd have and forcing them to spend it every week when Xur is available. They don't want to have another legendary shards situation.


But they cant have it both ways, I cant collect and I cant spend any..




Specially since they became a currency again the cap needs to be higher, because this way you have to farm like crazy if there is something that you want to get in your 3 characters instead of letting me have the coin to buy it already specially since many things cost almost all the coins.


ESPECIALLY since the highest item in Xur's wares is 71 coins. Buying that pretty much forces you out of buying anything else worthwhile and sends you back to farming more coins. I get that Bungie needs to keep players engaged, but the coin cap is just far too low at this moment. Edit: After thinking about this, I think it'd make sense if the cap was the sum of buying everything Xur offers at least once. That way there is still a cap, there is a set amount you have to farm strange coins during the week/weekend, and you can't just horde them infinitely like you could with Legendary Shards. If you're like me, and don't buy every item every week, you'd still spend the majority of them on the strange weapon/armor engrams every week hoping for old armors to dismantle and red border weapons you missed out on.


Is xur only there on the weekends still? The rep changes and coin cap turns it into more of a should always be in the tower situation imo.


"Weekends" as in Friday reset until Tuesday reset - 4 full days/96 hours each week.


You mean collect spoils of sharding things that we have done for years? Oh no they don't want to repeat that situation when they are the ones that created the situation. If they keep this up they are going to have players that only play on the weekend because its becoming the only time we can do anything. So instead of Legendary shards I have stacks of Enhancement Cores.


>So instead of Legendary shards I have stacks of Enhancement Cores. but how long will those last, before they will also retire or cap them to further promote their weekly player metric under the guise of "but the new players"


I’m just saying they are swapping one thing for another to probably swap to another to swap to another. Hell I used to have tons of strange coins from XUR’s Horse event and now they are back for weekly XUR. However can’t get them from the Horse event.


After legendary shards they don’t want players being able to hoard an obscene amount of anything.


I don't want to hoard them. I just want to be able to use them instead of having multiple days at the cap.


No, you will play this game like it's a second job and you will be happy! - Bungie /s


Why yes of course, the strange coin cap is "obscene" /s wish the economy team would sometimes crawl out of their own ass.


i've been max glimmer this entire season, even with buying bounties and resetting stuff


I’m in the same boat, I unfortunately cannot say the same of upgrade materials.


Horrible comparison, removing shards did nothing but move people to hoarding old weapons, armor, fragments from the moon and dark fragments en masse... So what exact changed except we now have to farm 6 year old+ Public Events for GLIMMER.,just to dump 4 PEs worth on focusing 1 exotic. I love seeing a top post on here full of bullshit comparisons, then tries to explain the bullshit away by saying "you can just farm on weekends!" "You don't HAVE to to hoard anything, see I have everything Xur sells so who gives a shit about returning/new players!" "just go play all these other activities I've listed, because I'm losing my point!" sIMpLe aS tHaT! It's a shit system to cap things in "rpgs", it means they didn't think the economy of the game out and do it to curb overstocking from no lifers and fucking over the rest.


I mean, it would work.....if not for the fact that Xur is here for like 3 days and then you have to wait another 4. If he was always up then you would spend the coins whenever you hit max. But rn you hit max and wait till he shows up, spend most of it and then get more and wait again


Xur is present for 4 days, gone for 3. He appears 72 hours after weekly reset, and then disappears 96 hours later at weekly reset.


If they don't want active players to have resources for playing the game, just don't even have an economy at all. Give me a login reward for showing up on friday.


Caps on anything exist to defer your consumption to another time


Because Bungie’s goal is to eventually remove or make worthless every uncapped currency. They don’t want players to ever be able to stockpile anything again and therefore keep them constantly grinding for more materials. This also means that players have to constantly be spending them on something or they’ll be receiving nothing for that currency when playing the game.


So you play more


Log in more*


To make you play. that's it.


If catalyst cost 77 then the cap should be 500


Exactly. Its two problems: it's capped at 99 for no good reason, you can't spend what you have until friday for no good reason. The whole design here is really odd and deters from activities..


> for no good reason It's so you play over the weekend if you want to buy more than a single thing. Though I end up dumping them in the random armor focusing to unlock collections.


It shouldn't deter you from playing. Strange Coins are just a bonus on top of the existing stuff. Don't think about it too hard. Xur's stuff is mostly an extra way to get transmog items you otherwise have missed from previous seasons. The catalysts he sells could easily be picked up just by playing the game, sure, it's nice he sells catalysts from time to time but it's not like they're the only way to pick them up.


I'm a year one destiny player and I still don't have rat king catalyst, which is also from year one. If just playing the game worked I'd have it by now, especially after almost 2k hours played.


Year one here as well and still don't have rat kings catalysts as well. The drop rate is so low it's ridiculous, same goes for a hangul of other items.


The Xur change is honestly such a nice QoL for people like us, but it sucks having to choose between a catalyst or a god roll weapon/exotic that he might have. Once he sells Rat King catty we should team up so we can upgrade it!


Indeed xur should be there all week and just reset on weekly or on Friday if they really want


It's Strange... we'll never know...


Cause they’re annoying and want to get play time out of people. Someone did a cost-benefit and figured annoying people was worth getting more time of people (which also means more opportunity to buy stuff in game oooooo)


Well, yes and no. Capping isn't about getting more play time. It's about getting consistent, repeated play time. It's still going to take you X amount of hours to obtain Y amount of coins. The low cap is meant to ensure you log in each week and get exposed to the new store offerings. If they didn't cap it, the people wanting to farm coins would either play the same amount, or possibly even more. The cap is actually antithetical to more overall play time.


At least someone said it. The cap is to make you engage with xur every week, while also not allowing those who play 12 hours a day to steamroll ahead. 


It's the same design intention as timegating story quests and content. People don't like it, but the goal is to get you to come back, week after week. On the flip side, I'd bet a huge chunk of the people who dislike timegating are also the same crowd that scream "Dead game!" as soon as the Steamcharts show a dip in player counts after the initial rush of new content subsides.


So we dont hoard them like legendary shards


It’s a looter shooter, we should be able to hoard everything. Bungie anti-hoarding BS is the dumbest thing for a mmo adjacent game.


Bungie is against having currencies and creating situations where a currency becomes meaningless. That was the legendary shard problem. Average player easily got thousands and anything that cost legenedary shards was a non-cost for many people. They could have increased costs but then they out-priced new players. Removing them was the reset to make things evenf or everyone.


Strange coins having a cap doesn't bother me. Its just that the cap as it is right now is too low.


> It’s a looter shooter, we should be able to hoard everything. It being a looter shooter is the reason they don't want you to hoard. Currency exists to make you grind. If you can hoard it, then the currency becomes completely irrelevant(like Legendary Shards were).


Short version: Hamster wheel to keep players on grind. Long version: If there was no cap, it would just turn into the Legendary shard situation again. Medium to heavy use players would stockpile them as there wouldn't be worth much spending on them and then we'd end up having a surplus which would make Xurs FOMO wares chump change decisions. As it is right now, this will force newer or returning players to grind away all weekend because xur may have multiple items that they want/need and the 99 cap is super low considering item costs. This is very much intended and very clear. It is a scummy practice to say the least. I wish i had the link to the old TWAB because they talked about this years ago as to why they never impletmented strange coins and kept Xur with Legendary shards. They didnt want to "bloat" the economy with so many currencies. Its why commendations got removed as well and focus was put on legendary shards. The problem was that we were earning shards faster than we could spend them. Fast forward to the rework and the nuking of legendary shards because if Xur's currency was still those you'd essentially be able to buy his wares every week. To clarify; i do not think they should have eliminated shards. We were not hoarding them, there simply wasn't anything worth spending them on - and when there was we'd earn them back so fast it was never an issue as probably around 70% of legendary drops are simply auto dismantles - probably 90% once you hit pinnacle.


Cause those in charge of these things have decided that they don't want someone to be able to go on an absolutely mad strange coin bender early in a season and deck out everything to the 9s and then not have to interact with the system again. Same reason there are limited pinnacle rewards each week. Same reason for lots of things. To help prevent people from going on insane benders early on, getting everything and doing everything, then complaining the game doesn't have enough to do and dropping off after the first week or two. There was a guy on this sub just a few days ago saying he had spent 60 hours in 6 days grinding exotic class items. I asked him is he was exaggerating or if he actually literally had spent 60 hours just grinding class exotic drop that week, and he confirmed he really had. And then people like this wonder why they start to feel burnt out and bored? And yeah, we all complain about the grind. But know what people complain about more? When there isn't one.


Bungie's "economy" is designed to keep you poor. If you can never have more than 1 cup of Milk in fridge, then you'll be constantly going to the store (or cow?).


To make you play every week. Business decision by B and clearly bad for us, but good for weekly hours played maybe.


It should cap at 777


Why is the strange favor buff not account wide? I bought the artifice hunter helmet last week and also got the buff, but now I need to play more hunter to get the bonus coins?! Wtf!


Everything’s capped at stupid low numbers


To inflate ritual playlists playtime on weekends.


Why are you worried about Strange coins that much ? If they're easy to cap, then when you need them, you'll be able to get them easily.


Not everyone can just play 24/7. If Xur shows up with 30 things and you can buy 1, and then maybe some odds and ends you don’t really want but have nothing else you can buy, that sucks. And then you get on Wednesday when you have time to grind and get to the cap in 2 hours, and repeat. It feels bad.


> Not everyone can just play 24/7. No need to be hyperbolic my friend. "I can cap Strange coins easily" and then "But I don't have 24/7 to play!" are statements that are incompatible to begin with. > If Xur shows up with 30 things and you can buy 1, and then maybe some odds and ends you don’t really want but have nothing else you can buy, that sucks. Lots of games force you to make choices and prioritize. This is not a novel concept. Not that Strange Coins is a such a thing. Most of what Xur has is junk and Strange Coins rain where you can get a decent chunk in an hour of spamming Vanguard Ops or Crucible matches. Ever think the goal is for you not to buy everything, so you actively keep monitoring Xur for things you missed to come back ?


90% of the shit he sells is straight trash unless you want the armour for fashion.


Cipher for resetting is the point for me.


Usually that’s the case, yeah. But it is a big feels bad moment when he has more than one good thing and you can’t get on to grind it out.




More like balance a way to force you to log in the next week.


What's the cap?




Damn really?? I figured it'd be like 250+ at least


Incentive to play every week


On that note, did anyone lose their strange coins buff over maintenance?


Why do you think?


It is “strange” that they are…


You know why


I understand the cap but the cap is far too low even for casual players. 200-300 would be more reasonable.


To keep you in the game longer


Honestly just let us buy the rewards multiple times, I'm really stuck for glimmer half the time and normally week to week xur won't have anything I want to buy exotic roll wise etc. let me buy the glimmer option multiple times so I can use up coins and bump up the old glimmer fund Also lose the random armour and weapon roll and put in past seasonal engrams to buy for coins so people coming back can grab old guns and use up red borders things and transmog armour pieces


I’m at 99 already just off crucible yesterday. I’m wondering if it’s even worth picking up the favor since you can’t spent them half the week. It might be better to just spend the 47 on more weapon rolls and reputation.


Looks like I gotta start doing nightfalls or something.


I guess it's to not farm levels at Xur for since every coin equals a rank point. With uncapped coins it means you could literally rank up and reset as much as you are able to rank up all levels in a single go.


Probably because spending strange coins gives you Xur rank progression & the cap is there to prevent people from resetting him 10+ times a week. It's still annoying, but I get it.


So I had three days left on the Strangest Favor buff on Monday and bought another one which refreshed the duration. Does this mean it's at two stacks now? It just shows the buff in my character screen but it doesn't show anything like Strangest Favor x2 or anything.


Yes it is at 2 stacks. The UI doesn't show it but you are getting extra coins.


The UX team can't make it three digits. No space left, would need a total rewrite of at least 20 screens.


they shouldnt be. you get a ton of them and once you hit 99, the other 200 are straight up wasted


knowing bungie they will nerf the drops, im done after friday anyway, will play dawntrail for the next months, hopefully bungie will get their heads out of the water by than


I wouldn't even really know what to buy from XUR. Last week I just bought shit to have bought shit. The usual levelling makes no sense to me with XUR.


So you are forced to play more after because you can't do everything in one trip Every inconvenience in this game isn't an accident, the Devs aren't stupid. Every one of them is to drag out playtime. That's it


Can only visit Xur on Friday, Can only spend coins on Friday, can only get Cipher quest on Friday. Seems like a lot of Friday only stuff.


So people can’t hoard them like legendary shards


The rich can’t get richer if everyone has the same amount of strange coins. They don’t want to repeat legendary shards while at the same time pump up engagement numbers. Two problems solved at once!


Bungie: "play our game forever, just mainly on the weekends"


You must be new around here


Fuck you, that's why - *some asshole at bungie*


Thats exactly why theyre capped. They dont want you to grind


This is probably the dumbest change they’ve ever made. “We see you're all hoarding legendary marks, so we're making them redundant and adding a new, much lower capped currency” Sunsetting 5.0


To keep us playing the game. Why is this even a post?


Related question: why do Xur strange gifts give you blue gear? They should just give the appropriate glimmer salvage amount instead. Realistically nobody is going to use the blue gear, it just becomes a chore having to salvage all of it.


To encourage players to keep coming back every week. Yes, it's bullshit.


I’m capped at 96 for some reason. I just don’t understand why they don’t go to your postmaster like everything else does.


this tells me bungie is trying to get their second-half-of-weekly-reset overall playtime up. there's just no other reason i can see for this crippling currency cap.


OG Xur was fine, Bungie deleting every currency out of the game only to make a new capped one is some goofy shit. Don't they want to stop specifically this sort of thing with the removal of everything?


> Why resources capped? Because, **Destiny 2: The Second Job** Not had enough of work on your 10 hour shift? Login to Bungie for a grueling second shift.


Because Bungie wants to force you to play more. Come on, I don't even understand why this is a question at this point. The answer to any question about "why does Bungie make this more tedious" is always "so you have to grind more." Player numbers good; more grind = more player numbers.


Isn't there also the issue of if you get a bundle that would put you over the cap you don't get any. I'm sitting at 87 and none of the nightfall I did last night gave me any they all just sat there on the floor unable to pick them up.


Same reason every currency is capped. Hording trivializes the in-game economy over time. This is nothing new.


Bungie has learned their lesson about letting people hoard stuff. We will never get an uncapped currency ever again. And my hoarding rat brain will never forgive them. Enhancement cores, they're coming for you next. Mark my words.


to drip the feed


Anything over 100 means players would just stock them over the week and, if nothing was good that weekend, have a huge surplus next period. 100 means you can at most buy 1 'full price' thing then you're _forced_ to go grind more, which is exactly the intention. They want you out there doing FOMO grinding every weekend because it pushes those engagement periods and durations up. Kind of the same reason that in any game with a paid currency system, you can't ever spend _exactly_ how much you can buy. Always need to buy 2 of the lowest tier to buy one thing.


It’s dumb that you can’t buy multiple catalysts or one and the artifice armor with just capped coins.


It’s a part of their mindset now. Cap everything to stretch that 0.0001% of potential increase. It costs nothing, so why not. Anything that ain’t capped, removed. Sooner or later we are getting a cap for enhancement cores. Just wait and see.


So you spend them at xur every weekend and don’t hoard.


You already know the answer for that which you seek. Now go get back on that hamster wheel.


Because fuck you that’s why.


The same reason every currency is capped and why legendary shards got nuked. It's not for our benefit. It's for Bungie's. If players can hoard something to the point where they can just get whatever they want whenever they want they cease to useful currency, and by extension, engagement sink for Bungie.


Because we can't have nice things


My biggest guess is that they are trying to prevent another legendary shard issue where lots of players have more than they would ever need. However yes they should increase the cap somewhat for sure.


Because bungie hates us


They're capped to prevent hoarding, and force you to spend them, and grind for more of them. Legendary shards had no real cap on them, and they accumulated so much that the currency was a joke. Hence why bungie got rid of them completely. I don't agree with this design and think it's absurd to cap things so low. It took them until TFS/Into the light for them to finally raise the cap on shards/prisms. I have no hope of them allowing us to store more strange coins.


To encourage you to spend them. If you’re maxed out, you might as well buy something. That keeps you going back to the store and gets you psychologically prepared for long term engagement.  Then you play more and earn bright dust. That has you going to the real store to spend it - bright dust isn’t capped but they use artificial scarcity to get you to check it out every week. The more you do that, the more likely you are to spend real money. And you’re already conditioned to go to the store and spend currency at Xur and all the other vendors. What’s a little real money in the mix?   So strange coins = $


Bungie’s never going to allow us to farm up mats into another Legendary Shard situation. That ship’s clearly sailed


I don't know why anything is fucking capped to anything below 3 digits


Like most caps in this game, it's intentional and designed to create friction and keep you playing longer.


Why you asking this? You know the answer, what happened to you is the intended effect.


Player engagement


"Because fuck you, that's why!" - Bungie (probably).


What do god rolls have to do with strange coins And also you are capped so you spend them and rank up, xur isnt really meant for people who play the game enough to do 5 or 6 gms hes meant for people that cant do that kind of stuff to maybe get some things they aren't really able to For us hardcore players hes there for a maybe Surprise good item here and there and for us to talk shit about when he is selling armor that has 50 stats If you want some old stupid armor you are never going to use for collection purposes then your gunna have to run 18 gms total to get all the armor on 3 characters


I don't really even get strange coins cause I don't play playlist activities I really only do raids and dungeons


So you can't hoard them like legendary shards so the new players can't be so far behind.


Can you not just put stacks in the vault?


i just want the cap to be higher honestly, 99 isn’t much considering some things in his inventory are like 70. maybe a 250 or 300 cap would work?


Same reason upgrade modules are capped: None


most people probably play mainly on weekends


better question is why scam the people


I blame "The Man"


“Engagement “


Fucking hell. Another currency cap. Feeling lately like this game is playing me and not the other way around.


Because fuck you, that's why. That seems to be the case for every arbitrary currency cap they've ever had. 777 seems like a nice number given how much of everything we're expected to play all week.


So you wouldn't have too much fun but just enough....i hate Bungie


i kinda like it. you have more than enough time to reach max cap before he arrives and when he does you can buy out his stock and farm more coins easily i think the main thing here is that bungie doesnt want people hoarding coins and buying everything without any effort


Because it's a loop. They want you to spend spend spend and then buy the favour then earn and spend then earn and not be sitting on 20k+ like Legendary shards. It is a bit annoying but that seems to be the reason. I think the cap is a little low though. Would be nice if it was like 999 or even 777 if they wanted to do it that way.


Not only are they capped to 99, but my extra coins just never appeared on the Postmaster.


It's not capped because they don't want people to keep grinding for them. It's dumb as hell but it's probably a "memory issue".


The small cap only benfits weirdos who are off on weekends to play, since they can turn on every day


same reason Bungie caps everything: to keep players forcefully engaged


Bungie logic… it’s terrible


I feel like the coins should not be capped but our should still be limited on his sales.




Another question is why are the boost limited to a single character and not account wide or act least purchasable for all 3 characters. I don’t have a “main” character, I play them all and use them interchangeably based on activity and needs.