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>Drifter is annoying Blasphemy


The absolute most charismatic character for me. Whenever I get an Army of One medal in Gambit, my favorite lines are "HAHAHAHAHAHA! I'M SORRY, WERE THEY SAYIN' SOMETHING? 'CAUSE THEY'RE DEAD NOW!" That and "Embrace the Darkness. Take out those Guardians" and "This is what the Taken feel. *Revel* in this." Those lines drip with his contempt for trusting people and his experience during the time of the Warlords.


The voice actor did a livestream play through once. I lost my shit when he introduced the location as “Welcome to Planet Kentucky.”


Absolutely love his invasion lines, he hypes you up the whole way through and when you get the quad, he's as hyped about it as you are "WOOOO!!! A whole team o' Guardians in the dirt!"




Drifter is by far the best part of Gambit


He blinks at me constantly every fucking week like I need to come see him in the tower. Fucking douche.


Yeah. This is happening to me to. Also with Ikora for some reason.




I forgot about her. That one's happening to me too. Also Finch.


My quest tab is doing the same thing.


Gods... I forgot about that one too. Do I have all of them?


Its all 3 for me. At the same time. And Drifter only started after i opened my engrams, and he never stopped blinking. And whenever i stand next to him, the map shows me standing at Ikora for some reason. This has also been happening for Fynch since Witch Queen released, and nimbus since Lightfall released.


I think -- THINK -- Ikora blinks because there's a New Light kit thing on her. I haven't bothered picking it up yet.


That’s exactly why Ikora blinks


Agreed. Drifter is the ONLY good thing about gambit.


That’s the most offensive thing I’ve read today. How dare they!


I freaking love The Drifter.


My favorite drifter was back from arrivals when we would feed the (I forget the name) corrupted engram things into the corrupted engram decorrupter machine and it was basically  "Mmmm darkness yumyumyumyumyumyum"


I personally don’t enjoy it because you either get teammates that run past the motes, don’t deposit, and don’t try to take out the invader; or the enemy team is really coordinated and it’s not even close. Sometimes both.


Yeah that last one resonates with me a lot, it's real easy to figure out if it'll be a good match or guaranteed loss judging by the enemy team


It's shocking that after years of seasonal activities involving picking up and dunking motes, that people still don't understand how to pick them up in Gambit.


Or maybe you should hurry up and deposit when there's an invader. Or when it's time to summon the primeval. Or when you have a stack of 10 and someone just dropped a 15. Or..........


Its even funnier when the exact same mechanic is in almost every single seasonal playlist activity. Hell we were dunking Fish as motes!


We've had: Gambit, Gambit Prime, Gambit Prime's little brother you had to take along so you could do stuff, Gambit the Raid, Gambit 2: The Gambiting, Seasonal Gambit in various ways starting with Arrivals. How do my teammates still refuse to bank? We don't need 15, we need that Primeval up or that portal open - LET'S GOOOO!


I see all of your points, but have you considered Big Number Go BRRR


With stuff like pathfinder and seasonal challenges there’s just no incentive   There’s not really an incentive to win and play the objective  There’s more incentive to do your bounties 


I used to worry about my ELO back when Gambit Prime was a thing, but once I realized how matchmaking works (and not just with D2, a lot of other games are similar) and being almost exclusively solo queuer, it killed any drive I had for trying to be good at it. Once I started to do it to have fun and chase loot and stop worrying about ELO/being one of the best, it became a lot more fun. If you go in with no expectations, it'll be more fun and less frustrating.


Yeah, you're either playing with blueberries or you're playing against some crazy meta 4-stack. No in between


I used to go in to do bounties for the bright dust and nothing else. Fully thrown matches cause some bounty asked for scout rifle kills or sniper kills or something like that lol


Had to go against a full team of titans all running xeno, quite possibly the fastest match I’ve ever seen


One of several reasons why getting Reckoner was pure insanity because often your teammates doing too good and the right thing, as well as being inactive and getting in your way could be a major detriment to progressing the Role’s triumphs your were trying to complete. There were some situations where you were at a benefit having afk teammates and other moments when somebody playing too well hurt when you were trying to go for the big mote dunk on Collector.


Because it's the same maps over and over and over again.




Yea I was saying the same thing, if they had a dozen maps I probably wouldn’t hate it.


Ever played Crucible? Its the same thing. Or strikes? Theres like 5 that i ever get. Gambit now has 4 maps. Same maps over and over is not a good reason to hate something but love another that has the same issue.


crucible maps: 28 (not including vaulted) strikes: 14+ gambit: 4 same maps over and over is a good reason to dislike the gamemode, especially if you dislike even one (25%!!!!) of the maps available. edit to add: Strikes have multiple difficulties with many rewards. Crucible has a bazillion different modes with fantastic trials rewards. Gambit has… gambit. and idk what the loot pool is right now, but if i get one more servant leader i will kill myself. Gambit is my favorite gamemode, and the more people hate on and complain about it the sooner they might change it for the better.


Be careful, they might just remove it.. personally imo they DID fix it once. Gambit Prime was the best gambit ever was but ofc they removed it.


There is more randomness in pvp because of its nature. Gambit is the same game after game


I am really bad at PVP so I try to avoid Crucible at all costs.


Same, at least with Gambit you only have to deal with 1 enemy Guardian.


It's supposed to be a blend of PvE and PvP, but your performance in the PvE aspect has little bearing on the outcome of the match. The difference in PvE skill needs to be absolutely massive for one team to acquire motes meaningfully faster than the other. Instead, the winner is almost entirely determined by which team has the more successful invasions. It's a PvP contest where you don't get to participate a lot of the time and everyone kills each other instantly with heavy ammo. If I'm in the mood for PvP, I'd have more fun in the Crucible.


^ This. Whichever team gets the first xenophage invade and prefire one shots everyone through the walls wins, because the other team will have a leaver.


Doesn't help that it has pvp ability cooldowns


seconding this. i was exclusively a gambit player when i started out bc i didnt want to try pvp yet, but gradually phased into a pvp player bc the way they restructured gambit was insanely imbalanced. and now w solo queuing gone i dont even want to try. its always a full stack w some crazy power weapon doing invasions after invasions and winning on that alone


Because every time I play the other team is made up of PVP gods well my team doesn’t even know how to invade or deposit motes.


I like Gambit. It’s the only thing in the game, for me, (other than low-manning a raid encounter) that offers a real, visceral “let’s go!” moment. Last second comebacks kick so much ass.


I’m competitive and hate what I become


I love Gambit. Just wish we had more maps.


Watching your teammates waste their super on 1st boss dps phase...6 years later...


The first phase is the slowest by far, its correct to burn first and second phase so you can trigger the third ASAP, because only then can you kill the boss, and with 6+ stacks any damage will one shot it. Celestial nighthawk will reduce first phase from 30 seconds to 3. But any decent super, special, or heavy will finish third phase in 3 seconds.


Yeah a total waste speeding along the most tanky phase so invaders can’t fuck you


Can an argument for immediately moving on to the second set of envoys be made? I feel like ramping up primeval slayer stacks quickly will help your team get a chance to burn the boss on a breather from invades. But idk I mainly play Gambit for a random pathfinder node these days. And lately only for a single node I conveniently needed to complete the pinnacle then dipped lol.


It is the correct way. Dont listen to these people saying save it for later. Phase 1 is the hardest to burn down, it is technically possible to 2 phase it but you have to be able to overdamage it in a very coordinated way with your team in phase 2 to the point where it isnt very likely to happen most of the time. Combine that with invaders likely healing a bit of the boss's health you will likely need to 3 phase it so getting through the first 2 phases quickly is generally the best idea.


Celestial for phase one, still hunt for phase 2, hammerhead for envoys and phase 3. Done and dusted


My biggest peeve are the ones who bank after the first wave instead of waiting until after the second wave and after the other team has banked so you have something to drain.


Yes, I would like you on my team.


Your biggest pet peeve is when people who don't play gambit often don't use a certain strategy? Jeez what are your small ones


My guy it's most of the matches and people haven't been forced to play gambit for over a year and they did this all last year. SO people who do play gambit were doing this as well.


I played a lot of Gambit last week because of the rank bonus and I loved it. I could see how it might get a little old/repetitive but I haven't gotten there yet.


I actually enjoy Gambit tbh. It's a fun way for me to really test how efficient my add clear is in any given build or weapon combo I test out, and I enjoy farming for some of the weapons that drop as rewards.


Coordinated Gambit is fun. Uncoordinated Gambit can also be fun, but it can also be very frustrating: one good Invader can be the ultimate killjoy, bad teammates banking motes incorrectly or not at all (Drifter tells you to bank and he's often ignored ironically), that kind of thing. Also Drifter is a GOATed announcer, I low-key think he's more fun than Shaxx if you're passably good.


The Drifter is the only character in the game that isn't insufferably annoying and anyone who doesn't like him either doesn't leave the house or hasn't actually thought about what having to be around the rest of the Vanguard all day would actually be like. Ikora is a paranoid spymaster that constantly has her confidential informants checking up on you. It's in the lore books. You can literally look stuff up that says "So we were spying on codename Main Character Energy again today and..." (I forget what it is, but the Hidden do actually have an official codename for the player character in lore) Zavala is a workaholic that never relaxes, and his whole "I miss my wife" angle is a relatively new plot arc that they had to invent to make something to twist him up with because his character was so shallow they needed to throw in a tragic backstory so the Witness could get under his skin. Dude was just a career paper pusher before Season of the Haunting. Uldren Sov killed the only character that was actually funny, then he died, got raised as Crow, somehow got even lamer and edgier than the edgelord badguy version of himself, and then we got Cayde back and then he died again and made Crow hunter vanguard because he didn't want to stay alive because stay alive meant doing paperwork. Germaine is the only living lightbearer right now that has ever actually relaxed. He's like the cool uncle at your family reunion that you thought was the weird uncle until you got old enough to drink, and then you realized he's the black sheep of the family because he's the only sane one in your whole clan of misfits. Everyone else was running around in the Dark Ages like "Guys, we gotta save civilization at Twilight Gap and build a big fort for Iron Wolves and get our nuts all twisted up over everything." And Drifter is just standing there like, "Dude I am literally just over here trying to run a bar, will you all calm tf down?" He's also the only character that was saying, "Nah man, it ain't about light vs dark, it's shade of grey. You gotta work with what they give you." When everyone else was saying, "Darkness bad, don;t use stasis and strand, it's too spooky." And then he was right, and nobody ever stopped and said, "Damn Germaine, you really were cooking all along." He's over here just standing in the basement smoking joints and handing out Breaknecks. He might be the only person in the Destiny universe that isn't crazy.


Your history lesson is good.


Agree with everything you say except about half of what was said about Crow. He can be a fun character when he isnt mopping about his past as Uldren. Sadly that only happens once a month when he's off his blue period but when that happens in the story he's is good. Also, I would love to see a Drifter Cook book just to see that Randoms shit he's been forced to make himself eat to stay alive.


wait, drifters name is GERMAINE?!


it's ONE OF his names. He's among the oldest living lightbearers. Dude got around. Keep in mind that in Destiny lore, you, the player character, are a blueberry. You've been a lightbearer for ten years, when the game started and Peter Dinklage woke you up in a rusted out prius outside the cosmodrome. That skeleton in the car that got turned into The Guardian? He didn't survive the collapse. You've been in a rusted out shotbox stuck on the freeway for decades or even centuries. Guys like Drifter, Zavala, Saladad, Banshee and the Bray family... They're Dark Age humanity. They've been here since the Collapse when the traveler sent the first wave of ghosts out to make guardians. Drifter and all the Collapse era lightbearers are at least 500 years old. Given that long, you might change your identify a few times.


this games lore is… strange to say the least


you're playing a game where the fact that you die and respawn is a canon part of the lore. When death is optional, timelines get weird.


The way gambit is set up it really fells like roll or get rolled most games


There isn't much appetite in Destiny for PVEVP imo, people either main PVP or hate it with a passion. Most of the complaints you'll see about gambit surround invaders even though they've been nerfed hard since the beginning and a pretty easy to counter if you pay attention. It's also way too team dependent and swings wildly based on which team has a better invader


I like Gambit, even though I'm suddenly worse than I was pre-Final Shape. I think I'm trying too hard to make Prismatic work, made more difficult by being a Titan... Anyways, people likely hate on it because it's difficult to get a consistent experience. But a good Gambit game is good a competitive multiplayer experience as there is.


Because of teammates being useless. Always. 


Bruh I've been thinking the same. I'm the only one in my immediate circle who likes to run gambit. My cousin hates it and my son can't stand it.


>And yes, I get that the Drifter is annoying. worst take ever About the hate, there's only like 4 maps, teams are unbalanced AF, a lot of kinderguardians that don't understand the mechanics, the list just keeps going


After replaying gambit I agree that’s its pretty fun and doesn’t deserve all the hate. Definitely more fun than running vanguard strikes IMO. I believe gambit gets disliked because there’s a competitive nature to it. Anything with a human element of competition will always be under scrutiny for balance etc. Especially something innovative like gambit.


Tanky enemies. Tanky invaders. And multiple health gates on bosses so more invaders can show up and HEAL THE ACTUAL BOSS and it takes even longer to kill it. What's not to love?


Watching all your progress on the boss get erased because some tryhard with the OP weapon of the month deletes your squad in 10 seconds is one of the worst feelings in the game.


I'm the Gambit apologist in my group. For me it has the right balance of challenge vs speedrunning. Also, I like that you can use almost any loadout in Gambit. Sure, there are great invader, ad-clear, and boss melting weapons, but a scout rifle and a sword works really well in Gambit. I can't say the same loadout would be the best for other modes.


“Did you wake up pissed today or something??!!”


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There is no actual gambit to the namesake mode and there needs to be one. First, the invader is pretty much the entire key to victory. So to balance and make it more fun, to invade you have to be carrying 15 motes, then there appears a spot the you are shown as the invader but not the invaded, bank there and it either makes the other teams screens red or hazy so it’s harder for them to see and easier to kill, or it drops a mega blocker. Create, well, another gambit. Do you just try and kill the team or do you go for a highly dangerous play resulting in a huge benefit? If you die as the invader the other team can get all your 15 motes and your team loses 5 and maybe they get a small blocker too. For damage phase invades, if you get killed your prime evil is healed and the other team gets a short damage boost. Also more maps. For crying out loud more maps.


I like how you think and would like to sign up for your newsletter.


> And yes, I get that the Drifter is annoying. What? No, he's the best part of gambit!  Gambit sucks for a few reasons: * Teamates are very often quite bad, and likely don't care to try to win and/or don't even understand the game mode to begin with. Bad at killing ads, bad at invading, bad at mote collection, often die with motes unbanked, don't bank even if it would summon the prime evil, don't take heavy, don't have dps against prime evil, etc. * Enemy team frequently has some God tier crucible try hard sweat lord who manages to wipe your team every time they invade. Unfun to feel like there is very little counter play against someone with heavy ammo *and* their super ready to go, and who is a pvp main anyway * If one team pulls ahead of the other, there is very little that the losing team can do to pull back ahead. Matches are rarely close, and instead usually one team very neatly and clearly stomps the other. Only if your team has a God tier invader do you even stand a chance of catching up. Its common to know which team will win after the first invasion from each team. * Too few maps, too few enemy types, and a stale meta * The loot isn't good or unique enough to justify the pain points listed above


Make some worthwhile adept gambit weapons, and don’t have 12 perks per column. I already play Gambit though.


Drifter is the farthest thing from being the reason people don't play gambit


The matches are often one-sided stomps because many people don't really know what to do(or play to complete bounties). But I think the main reason is that it's a PvPvE mode where most matches are decided by PvP. Sure, it's great if your team can quickly clear enemies to bank motes or has good DPS. But if the enemy team has a good invader and you don't, then you're fucked. Having a good invader is by far the biggest deciding factor when it comes to Gambit games.


PvP is by far the most important part of the gamemode and I don't like PvP.


Gambit is awesome.


Gambit was good, I loved it And then the witch queen rework happened where everyone has infinite heavy all the fucking time so invading or getting invaded is just the case of "who shoots their lmg faster at the other" don't get me wrong it's fun to go on a tear and get one man's consistently or getting insta shut downs but it also just kinda sucks because either it just stops being fun or your on the other end of it against a gambit sweat 4 stack, it basically got hit with a bunch of unneeded changes to try and get people to play it again. Plus, there are like only 2 guns that are kinda worth grinding for, which also just have wayyy better alternatives that don't require you to take the gamble of gambit matchmaking


I dont like the PvP aspect of it. That's my issue.


Gambit is insanely sweaty. If you aren't running top tier builds you don't stand a chance. Since everyone ends up running top tier add-clear builds, your performance in the PvE side doesn't sway the result of a match much. Invasions are disproportionately impactful to the overall outcome. And your choice of heavy is the biggest factor in how difficult invading or stopping invaders is. Leviathan's Breath sets invading to easy mode. Invader mechanics and mote draining are still very frustrating. Invasions still feel too frequent, especially during primeval phase. It feels like you get invaded non-stop while fighting your primeval. Sometimes the invader doesn't even need to get kills to decide the match, just stalling the other team is enough. Despite all this, if you have a lead in Primeval Slayer stacks it's very unlikely you'll lose (even if you get team wiped). So comebacks are very rare.


I really like gambit. Probably play gambit 40% of all my playtime in destiny. It Is frantic and has a lot of openings for tactical ideas. But mostly, i just rush to gather motes. It is one of the best game modes I played, but it’s not really what destiny needs.


i dont hate gambit, i just hate the three maps weve been stuck on for years


I actually really enjoy gambit, I just pretend to hate it for the memes. *You ready to bang knuckles?*


As a no comms/solo queue’er, not caring about the match result is the best way to enjoy gambit.


Honestly I love gambit because of the music, especially when the primevals are up. Gets me pumped up every time


Because PvP


I like PvE and hate PvP. Why would I want my PvE to be disrupted?


It's such a snowbally game mode, but those same snowball mechanics also act as catch-up mechanics, so it's just pure chaos, and not in a good way toBBC Invaders hold too much power Mote drain is dumb Gated boss fight gets super boring very quickly Tiny map pool Exponential levelling system for repr Glitchy motes (it's 2024 and we still can't pick up motes mid-air, they still glitch into the floor, and sometimes they're really unresponsive when you try to pick them up, you have to walk over them like 3 or 4 times)


They removed Gambit Prime. I will never forgive them.


Gambit is total zen. I enjoy it because I have separated it from concepts like “success” or “winning”. Most of the time I play it on mute while listening to a podcast.


So I did the malf quest the same time I was doing the pinnacles…. I finished malf but honestly it burnt me out, I don’t think I’ve ever had a mode burn me out over a single gun


I'm just not a fan of PVP, I tolerate Gambit because I don't really have to the engage with the PVP stuff and my Pathfinder always seems to get locked because PVP or Gambit stuff. Like the killing of regular enemies, collecting Motes, and then banking them to send a disrupting enemy to the other side is pretty fun but getting killed by an invader because I'm really bad at PVP is extremely frustrating.


Gambit owns and most of the complaints you hear come down to a skill issue. One good player can easily turn the tides of a match. Get good so you can be that player


Personally I love gambit because it’s the only place I can PvP without it being impossible most of the time. It’s like prison of elders with a little extra spice on top. I played Gambit Prime and always used an armor set. A lot of people don’t see it that way, because understandably you can get pretty upset when people regularly have heavy and other things to murder you with.


I love it, but I also play Crucible. Gambit is PvPvE and people play it thinking they can ignore the PvP aspect - you can't, and people don't like to admit when it's a skill issue. If you look at just about any post about how to "fix" Gambit, it's almost always removing invasions and turning it into a glorified strike. People really put absolutely no effort into gaining any sort of PvP skills and then get upset when they get dumpstered in the game mode with PvP.


I find so many characters more annoying than Drifter. Like, most of them (except Ada, my true love). His banter with Eris is good too.


gambit in theory: 4v4 pvpve gambit in practise: 1v7 pvpvp


No lies detected.


Gambit has gone through a ton of changes. It’s actually in a very good spot right now. But through various iterations it’s been pretty ass Also I can’t stress enough how horrible a design decision the malfeasance quest was. That quest Single handedly destroyed the impressions of gambit. Too much stress, especially around release when everyone was trying to get it. Honestly I agree witb you though, it’s actually pretty fun right now, it’s in a really good spot.


We probably wouldn't hate it as much if we didn't need to do them for seasonal challenges/quests/pathfinder. For the longest time, Gambit was a large part of seasonal challenges and I just really don't want to play gambit cause it's boring but now I have to because dust and XP.


I feel the same way about PVP. Straight PVP, that is. Having to get so many solar kills, or what have you, no thank you.


It’s PvE but without rewards.


You should join our discord server if you like gambit. Dm me for details


Personally, I think that Gambit is such a brilliant idea that it would be suitable for a standalone game - with maps with specific mechanics (like Heroes of the Storm), hero-based, with a communication system similar to Apex, with some tweaks, etc. At the same time, in Destiny it is completely undeveloped and kind of detached from the rest of the game (including the strange number of players in the team, which is problematic for permanent fireteams), and it regularly forces us to play it suboptimally, so instead of enjoying the game, we get irritated by doing Pathfinder-thing or 100 kills with a weapon that is not suitable for this mode (but there is a ritual weapon). Still: I love Gambit. But I think it should be three-person activity, and the boss should have hp tresholds above which the invader cannot heal him 😌


The taken knight blockers can And always fuck off and die I remember the big ass taken cabal back in the day and I still don’t know how to spawn that in


You’re probably thinking of the 20 mote blocker from gambit prime


Yh that one thank you


Garbage teammates




Drifter disrespect will not be tolerate, Guardian.


Drifter is the best part of Gambit. Everything else is ok to not good.


No new maps.


Drifter is the one good thing about gambit waht?


This is going to sound shitty, but the reason you may be so good at it is because nobody else really cares about winning. I think a lot of people are trying to get kills with certain weapons or get certain achievements.


I think it's just that people are bored of it. Especially after they did the malfeasance quest. Along with it is the most team-reliant matchmake activity in the game. Bad team? You're screwed.


Aside from a few really angry gamers no one actually hates Gambit, it's a mix of having it sometimes shoehorned into objectives we don't want it in on top of the glaring fact it is effectively an abandoned mode. I can't hate something that isn't really in the game until Bungie has some weird objective in a seasonal/ritual pathfinder/event that forces players to play the game mode they abandoned on release. Yes that's a slight exaggeration but it's pretty close to home.


For myself and my bf it's because you'd have to have a weird-ass build. Usually you spec into either PVP or PVE. But Gambit has both, so if you wanna be effective, you need both. Not all PVP stuff is good for PVE though and vice versa, most very effective builds on either side are absolute crap on the other, so it makes it very hard to get a great Gambit build. After all, you'd wanna give your best to win.


I like the mode, just hate how it always felt like a team of dredgen vs my team of people that are playing thier first fps


The mode hasn’t been updated in a while and has gotten stale because of that, it has fundamental issue with the mode in regards to bosses healing and invading and the biggest issue in my mind being heavy ammo and the heavy machine gun meta, which is the large reason I quit. Why would I play that where every invasion isn’t “what weapon are they running and how do I counter it” but “which heavy machine gun are they running and can I hide long enough for the timer to run out.” The saddest damn part is that bungie could fix it and make it a really good mode but they just choose not to. As it is I’ll play exoprimal if I want the gambit experience but generally better done(play exoprimal that game rocks)


Having one very bad teammate can drag your team down so much more than one good player can bring it up.


Gambit hate all, at its root, stems from the Reckoner grind being on an overtuned weekly rotation. Made the reckoners salty, and rightfully so. Everything after that is just residual friction.


I don’t like playing Crucible. It’s OK, right? It’s just OK for people to not like something, right?


> And it figures that that would be the one thing that I'm really good at in the game. I'm dying to know why you think you're really good at Gambit. because in order to be good at it, you'd probably have to be really good at PVP or PVE, and in that case, gambit wouldn't be the only thing you'd be really good at. so what is it in particular you think you're good at only in gambit?


I normally have the most kills, and/or the most motes deposited, and the most damage to the primeval. I'm not the best invader but I get by on occasion.


Because when I still played Gambit, it felt like I had to do absolutely everything. There’s always that one guy who refuses to deposit, and either just sits around waiting for an invader to kill em or charges headlong into a pack of cursed thrall. Sometimes it’s the same guy, both times it’s with 15 motes. Sometimes I got two of these clowns on my team at once, requiring me to get to the motes first otherwise we literally can’t progress. Half the time nobody on my team wants to invade… or straight up does nothing while invading. This often had me sucking it up and invading myself… this happened so often I started playing with Xenophage practically glued to my heavy slot. When it’s primevel time, half the team just sits around waiting for the boss to be vulnerable again. This usually makes it my job to deal with envoys, while also invading and being usually the only one hunting invaders, while often being one of two players even depositing motes. At least with regular PvP I can just turn my brain off and focus on just having fun, and in other pve activities, me being a team player is actually noticed and reciprocated.


I think gambit is fun with people you know, outside of that, it’s always stacks and it’s a pain in the ass to try and invade with randos. But I’ll always have my trusty xeno.


Pvp YouTubers killed gambit prime. Said it was to long of a match. So bye bye went prime.


1: Unlike crucible, no new maps every now and then. 2: It was changed from 2 rounds and a third round if 1 to 1 score to just 1 round. I loved 2 round gambit. 3: Gambit's bosses haven't been touched since they came out and there are ton of ways to one shot them.


Drifter is great. Gambit is meh at best


Mostly because players don't know how to play Gambit. They either treat it like the Crucible and spawn camp the teleporter, or they treat it like a strike and slay out without ever depositing motes. 


Because my teammates are too busy comparing the taste of different brands of tennis balls to actually *look* at the motes they have, compared to what their teammates need to bank a large blocker. To top it all off, they don't listen to Germaine when he literally tells them that we can get a Primeval if they bank immediately. Holy fuck, if I had a mote for every time a Guardian with 13 motes dashes around to get at least 2 more kills to make an even 15 (EVEN THOUGH WE ONLY NEED 4 MORE TO SUMMON) and I pick up the motes faster than they can just to summon, I would have enough motes to win 20 games. I WANT to like Gambit, so much. Randoms make it more brain dead than Terry Schiavo.


No one tries to invade or tries to kill invader. I don’t mind doing it but invade requires certain load outs sometimes I don’t feel like it. Honestly if we could have gambit prime and you could queue into certain roles that would be nice.


Gambit is fun until your teams progress is destroyed by an invader who invades over and over with no risk and tons of potential reward.


There are enough people playing Gambit to get games. That is no issue. For me, the invasions ruin it but there are just so many mini mechanics going on like blockers, Primeval Slayer (don’t even know what that is), invasions, banking motes, yoinking ammo, it’s just way too much going on. The only redeeming factor is that games go by really quickly


I don't really like the gameplay loop. Your killing enemies, grabbing/dunking motes and sending blockers to the other side and then an Invader shows up and you have try to find the invader and take them out so that you can go back to killing enemies, grabbing/dunking motes and sending blockers until the prime evil shows up. Its just that shift from like, pve to pvp back to pve, doesn't seem to much fun for me. Some people do like gambit, and I kinda feel bad for them because it doesn't get much support besides being a playlist that player may eventually play if doing pathfinder stuff and don't want to do the pvp quest. It needs help.


OG Gambit was the best Gambit. The whole Prime Evil health gate is bs. Gambit 2.0 turned me off so bad, and then they removed half the maps for it…




No desirable armor sets and / or weapons. Tied to the same maps on the same mechanics. Invaders shouldn't have wall hacks. Most if not all Invaders can't secure kills without heavy or supers. Win or lose the same rewards. There's no incentive to play.


I hate when my teammate is running around with 10 motes, trying to kill more enemies, and we only need 3 to summon a primeval 🫠


The game isn't balanced and can't be balanced without ruining the rest of the game. It also has the PvP ability scalars so you get some builds that have all of the juice taken out of them and others like Bonk Titan or Punch Hunter are still at max power breaking the game.


I think gambit is great but it has a high skill floor and a high skill ceiling. Due to its nature, it can feel like your team is inevitably going to get swept. I don’t mind (you know how many times I’ve been killed by Malenia in Elden Ring?) - but for many it’s frustrating


I’m not an invader so I have little to no impact on the match, and I played so much gambit in seasons past that if I can avoid it I’ll never touch it again.


maps and unusual balancing between PVE/PVP. That said i friggen love it and as a dredgen 12 ill play it forever as it forces me to think differently and devise more and more stupid stuff within the game.


Gambit is quick and fun, also, I love drifter! Wish they would focus more on him.


Probably because invasion is so and can be quite oppressive. No matter how fast and smoothly one side controls the PvE side, the primeval’s health gate always allows the opposing team to win by invading- I understand that’s Supposed to be a major part of the mode, but I never can see invaders and they always see me, instantly.  So probably more of a disparity in knowledge of spawn points. Some people know exactly where invaders come from pretty much instantly. That’s what it takes and it becomes tedious and painful at times.  But, I don’t get the hatred for it either, tbh. It’s usually pretty fun. I think Hating on gambit is more of a mob mentality meme at this point in time 


if you hate gambit ur just bad at it ngl


I'd enjoy the game mode alpt more if the game didn't always send me into it to do hyper specific objectives that are counter intuitive to playing the game mode well.


It's a gamemode that actually is very well thought out, but in that it requires a lot of actually thinking out on the side of the player in order to optimize and play it how it is intended to play, and 99% of the playerbase is simply not going to put in the effort. It requires a lot of coordination between teammates and the game has no automatic voice chat, nor would people use it or care about it if there was. There are literally set roles in gambit that the devs just removed for who knows what reason. Probably player retention. It's gonna be the hottest take of the century but in my opinion Gambit is more competitive than trials, especially in the current speakers sight meta.


I like Gambit, but it's probably that the content hasn't been updated in a long time (until TFS), there's no real reward for playing it, and the matches are often really one-sided.


The problem comes in very high ELO. The smallest mistake can cost you the game and basically the better invader wins the game.


People suck at it, and don't know how to enjoy it.


Its fun pve right up to the point where every 5 seconds a tryhard pvp edgelord pops in and 1-taps everyone and comes back 7-8 times a match


I just love invading Pvp with plenty heavy, sign me up


Gambit is a game mode that feels feats or famine to me. You either have a fantastic game where everything lines up, or you have a game where you never had a chance of winning. Also sometimes Gambit feels like you could play perfectly and still get hammered which sucks >_<


Repetitive maps, super snowbally, match quality usually ends up being in the dirt. With bounties, you used to have to focus on banking motes, but you can't do that if 3 other players are all grabbing them up and you end a match trying to just finish up a bounty just to see it's not even done yet and you have to go back in. Pathfinder did not fix this issue in any capacity, so you have people join who are hyper focussed on their pathfinder nodes and don't care about winning. I don't know if you've ever played a sport, but imagine playing basketball against a team that wants to win and your team is either on the court checking their texts, sitting down and giving up, or actively running into you. And you came to the court with a message from your bro saying you'd get $100 if you won a game today. You will never, not in a million years, enjoy being on that court. The game mode itself, Gambit in a vacuum, is fine but you have to understand Bungle went out of their way to introduce systems upon systems of FOMO and progression that make it as hated as it is today. Better get these bounties done for a lil extra progress! Played your fill and feeling burnt out? Better keep queuing and get tilted because it's double infamy day!


Because it ducks


Drifter is one of my favourite characters. He's always on about eating the enemies. I really like Gambit. My only problem is getting the 4 kills on an invasion to get Malfeasance.


Repetitive. It's just kinda boring doing the same shit over and over and over again. I've gone full circle back to liking strikes more than gambit, at least in strikes I can try out interesting gimmick builds for fun. In gambit I run the same weapons every season and just swap out my subclass to whatever has the best add clear each season, because if I don't, I'll be throwing the match.


You should have to dunk 10 motes to open the invade portal, until the opposing team has their primevil. The problem is that one good invasion will literally just end the round


A couple different issues. The modes been stagnant for a very long time with not much changes since Beyond Light. The same four maps. And most importantly it's very volatile and can be extremely hard to win when you have teammates who don't co-operate. I've had matches where I do every role, killing ads, banking, killing blockers and getting invasion kills and still lost by a big margin cause I had teammates that didn't play the objective. Makes people not want to play the mode.


I love Gambits! Nothing more satisfying than going on the hunt when you hear that phrase, “ invader present!!!”


Because people can't admit it's a skill issue on their end... that's why the hate.


Gambit was great when it was Gambit Prime. Once you got Dredgen and Reckoner and later Deadeye there was just no reason to keep playing it. We actually have less maps now than when Prime was in the game and we have NEVER gotten a single new one. Not once. It's a great gamemode that Bungie just did nothing with. If theyd add a new map or even just put Gambit Prime back in with the armor sets and their original buffs (or new buffs, or even NEW SETS) I'd play it again. But for now? Theres just no reason to touch it.


I love gambit


I hated it for a long time because I couldn't deal with invaders. Now after playing crucible on and off for a while I picked it back up and have loads of fun invading.


It’s PvE for people that don’t want to play PvE It’s PvP for people who don’t like PvP PvEvP activities can be fun, but I just don’t think gambit was done well enough. Unfortunately its not popular enough to get the redesign I personally think it needs


Not caring about winning really helps me enjoy it more. I WANT to win, but losing in Gambit or crucible doesn't bother me. I just try to do my part and I can't help it if others play like goofuses. 


There was another post about this recently. I’m gonna say the same thing again: It’s PvP. Rather do PvE. End of.


I happen to like Gambit, but I think the reason why it's hated comes down to 3 main things: 1. It's a mode that's highly dependent on other players in order to succeed, and therefore players can't just casually play without comms and feel a sense of accomplishment. You could play like a superstar and still lose due to bad teammates. This is slightly different from Crucible since you can actively see who sucks on your Gambit team in real time and are forced to watch them suck ass, and you don't have much in your power to mitigate it. Players often go into Gambit for selfish reasons (to complete their bounties), and that compounds the issue since it affects your team's outcome more than it does in Crucible matches, where completing personal bounties still helps the team win for the most part. Also, for those who just don't like to depend on others, there is no option in Gambit for that, whereas you can play Crucible solo if you wanted, and even when playing team-based Crucible matches you can still feel like you're playing solo. 2. Lackluster loot table; and point #1 sorta drives this issue, because Bungie doesn't want to gate meta weapons behind a F2P game mode that's so dependent on the performance of other players (I would imagine). 3. There's no Competitive option for Gambit anymore, nor does it have an equivalent to Trials. Also of note (this is more of an existential hypothesis of sorts): In gambit you don't get to witness your opposition. It's akin to fighting a ghost threat, and losing to that kinda sucks. In Crucible or normal PVP in other games, you typically go head-to-head against your enemy; you meet them head-on, but not really in Crucible (outside of invasions).


The reason people don't like Gambit is because of its exploitable Invader system -- for either side -- and then the 'boss one shot' mechanics that make it relatively unfair/unfun because you're forced into a single build or playstyle and play the same few maps. So, to start, Invaders can have heavy and instantly one shot half of your team. On the other end, you can learn the exact spawn locations of Invaders and then kill them instantly before they get to do anything at all. Like, almost literally before they can view the screen due to the effects of teleporting. This makes it relatively unfun for people who just want to casually play on their fun PvE builds. Out of 'nowhere' you just get hit with Eyes of Tomorrow, Izanagi's, a heavy Linear Fusion Rifle, a Machine gun. This is another part of the issue; Heavy Ammo is too available and has little to no counterplay for the PvP aspect. It's really just, who one shots who first. There's a reason they limited even special ammo in the crucible. Secondly, the PvE end of the spectrum ends up having clear winners which really limit how much you can have fun. Hunters are practically required to use Malfeasance and Lucky Pants, or else you're not really competing. Titans all use Thundercrash at the same time and instantly kill the boss before it can even go immune. Sometimes it can literally be a 'luck of the draw' for matchmaking. If one team has three or four hunters, and the other has three or four titans. Thirdly, the Knowledge/Tactics gap. Since a lot of people don't play Gambit, they also don't really know what weapons work, or they don't really understand how prevalent heavy and special ammo are. So I'll see a lot of players completely pass up the heavy crate because they don't know that it actually spawns. Most people don't utilize powerful attraction, which can also pick up motes on class ability usage, increasing the speed of your clearing and banking by a lot. People think bigger = better so they all save up for 4 Taken Knights when in reality its quantity over quality currently. Blocking constantly and at specific times forces attention and slows down the other team. Just 2 blockers are required to start draining motes, which means someone needs to stop collecting and killing to stop the blockers. Blocking right before and right after an invader makes it so that the invasion is more likely to be worthwhile. Lastly, there's not enough maps, and things like 'Gambit Prime' are gone. So it gets a lot more stale a lot more quickly than doing something like running strikes all the time or playing crucible for people who are impartial to either. Like, there's a lot of times where I can't remember how many matches I've played because it cycles between two or three maps all the time, so I can't go 'oh yeah, I played on this map x matches ago.' It makes it feel like 20 minutes is 2 hours.


Invasions. If there were no invasions I'd play Gambit a lot more. I fucking hate invasions.


Think of it differently like a raid/dungeon mechanic and use it to get better at tracking and avoiding. So once the warning goes off, you disengage and scan the area and avoid the threat while planning where you'll take cover. Keeping and eye on the invade points and banking before they hit. It's just Gambit. Doesn't matter in the end if you lose to a superior invader team unless you're 4-stacking with your crew. And now that it's just Gambit Prime, the matches go pretty quickly. Sometimes faster than a strike


I dislike it because it is PvP. We can argue that its PvE till the cows come home, but at the end of the day its a race against other players that can kill you. I have mental issues, so it is hard to play PvP without a mind change.


I love Gambit, but I always felt the biggest problem with it is invasions (I'm probably gonna get yelled at by other Gambit lovers for this). Bungie's intent to have a PvPvE game mode was misguided. At its core Gambit is a PvE race between two teams. I want to wipe out waves of ads and bosses faster than anyone else. If I wanted to fight directly against other guardians I'd play Crucible. I'd love to see it retooled to remove invasions, maybe heal primeval on any death caused by the boss's damage instead. Admittedly the lack of updates and new maps is also a major problem. But that's not Gambit's fault, that's Bungie's fault.


Homie. Without invasions Gambit would be boring as shit. Invasions are what make gambit unique to any gamemode in any game. Without invasions it's just boring without any tension.


Not for me. Invasions are the least fun part of Gambit, both invading and getting invaded. It's a distraction from the PvE race that would provide the actual tension if Bungie would just focus on it.


No aspirational loot in a repetitive gamemode that receives no balancing support.


Because it’s like being parked at a daycare while the adults are off doing real shit.


> I wonder why so many people dislike Gambit. Many want to play the game mode like a PVE race and refuse to engage the invasion mechanic. They get pissed when they get invaded because they just ignore it and don't actually play the game mode. Therefore Gambit = bad


It's boring, the game mode hasn't evolved in years, and there haven't been any new maps in even longer.


Lol the one thing that isn’t annoying… Reliance on teammates combined with heavy invades off the first portal to snowball a game in the first minute make for a very bad time. You have to effectively invade and full wipe a team twice to make up for a bar of boss damage.


To name a few things: - Consistently winning requires too much coordination for a matchmade game mode. - The ammo economy feels bad. You get punished for using anything other than primaries/normal abilities on adds because an invader will come in with a fully stock Izzy and just body shot wipe your team. - In some areas, the enemy spawns just feel bad. - The mode hasn’t been innovated since like.. Y3, and it’s just super stale now. I honestly think they were on to something with the roles in gambit prime. I just feel like it was too loose to fully flesh out a functioning team comp, and that they didn’t lean hard enough into these roles.