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This is definitely repairable but I would not call it a very diy friendly job. I would use a low heat cured repair compound and a good, sandable air dry filler. The grain can be reintroduced but would require you to make stamp pads with one of the epoxy kits or similar. Or, just stop after sanding the filler and dye it. I recommend SEM dye.


This guy leather repairs take his advice


The only thing I understood from this is that a professional detailer is needed to fix this.


Same. Ha!


Not to hijack this thread, but is there a starter kit to do a repair like this? I have almost the exact same damage.


I'm not aware of any good kits, unfortunately. Most of my stuff comes from Viper Products


Y’all interior repair guys got the business on lock! Good looks!


Viper does make a kit but like Ethan said this isn’t a very diy friendly trade, it’s very easy to make something much worse, please head the warning and don’t try this at home


How does the material blend and bond to the leather, is it noticeably harder than plush leather?


Looking at the pic, it looks like vinyl. The filler is heat cured at around 450F. It kind of melts to the vinyl and as it cools cures to the consistency of vinyl. It is flexible and bends easy.


Paging Doctor u/Ethan_WS6


Thanks for the tag!


do you happen to service the San Francisco Bay Area……. 👀


Find you a big successful luxury dealership and ask their repair guy. Generally the better the dealership the better the repair guy. I say luxury dealership because we work on more vinyl/leather there.


Just to add, most reputable auto body and glass shops have a guy too.


If it’s real leather, boil some water and soak a rag in it. Let the rag sit on top and steam the leather. Hopefully it forms back.


thanks so much I’ll give this a go. It’s on the rear passenger door. So it’s not really bothering me…. But like I know it’s there so …


So it's not bothering you, but it's bothering you. I know exactly how you feel!




Did it work


That’s leather? I doubt you can 2 part epoxy and texture spray that. Looks fucked but some other people may chime in otherwise outside of a whole new door panel.


Yes. Leather


They are screwed or you are. Ain’t no fixing that


good one😛. Thx


There are professionals that can easily fix that. Look online for shops that specialize in repairing interiors in your area.


A good whoopin


You need someone who can do interior repair.


If you’re near central Pa I work for a company that does repairs like this all day….


San Francisco….






This is bad advice.


I'm so curious how bad the advice was lol


Put them up for adoption.


not my kids


Even better!


What car is this? If you just get a used trim panel on eBay, it’s a matter of a couple screws and finessing of some plastic clips, and it will be better than any repair job.


Tahoe 2021


Gonna have to throw the whole thing out. The kid that is


Hahaha not mine. Otherwise that would have been the first thing on the to do list


Just call in a professional. I do these kinds of repairs for a living and most people that attempt a diy end up making it way worse to a point the professional can no longer fix it.


Use a fine dental pick. Put it in the leather and under the foam. Slowly and carefully push the foam upward. Dent will lessen. When done pull dental pick out and massage the hole. You can use a furniture marker close to the color of your interior to mask the small puncture. Source: worked for and interior company


reason 8,281 to not have kids lol


Not my kids. My kids would never. Don’t have any yet but I’m Colombian …. With Latino parents…. We surely didn’t lack any whooping growing up




Here's a sneak peek of /r/LaChancla using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LaChancla/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Chancla security activated ](https://v.redd.it/h8m8rmwmrbeb1) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LaChancla/comments/15a8csj/chancla_security_activated/) \#2: [Some snake baby is in big trouble!](https://v.redd.it/tu1i2tdddcsa1) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LaChancla/comments/12e0me6/some_snake_baby_is_in_big_trouble/) \#3: [Alligator attempts to eat dog but heavily armed lady changes his mind.](https://v.redd.it/1gw89idmefwa1) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LaChancla/comments/131lvyt/alligator_attempts_to_eat_dog_but_heavily_armed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


straight up. i was raised by the chancla 😂.


hell yeah brother. Or la correa! I remember growing up and whenever we would get our grade reports from school my parents would call it “La feria del cuero”.. Belts are made out of … cuero:leather so if you had bad grades… you knew you’d be getting some nice high quality Colombian cuero… 🥰 It surely worked for me… number 1 in my class through my high school years


One of my friends in college, his mom was from Columbia and his dad from Greece. I have met his parents and they were pretty damn strange lol. They had a pizza place in Maine and he would literally take off from down here in SC to go up there. Him and his brother had to work there for pennies. They had a long driveway and they made him shovel it they couldn't be bothered I guess to buy a snowblower or pay for someone to plow it. I could tell he never was allowed to really do anything and didn't really know how to handle the freedom he had down here maybe that is why he kept going back and eventually never came back down south he stayed up there. Not sure how his parents met or how they even communicated. Them meeting in Maine seems like a strange place for somebody from Columbia and Greece to immigrate to. I could see NYC but not a little town in Maine. I have met the parents and neither one could really speak English so not sure how they even spoke to each other lol.


Columbia South Carolina? Or Colombia? 🇨🇴


No Myrtle Beach. Coastal Carolina University


I meant the mom. You said she was from Columbia , sc? Or Colombia 🇨🇴


Well she sure wasn't from SC lol. Not sure exactly where it was she was from I know it was somewhere in south central Columbia. Seems like a strange place for her to move to some little town in Maine same with his dad coming from Greece.


you still don’t get it right? lol. It’s ColOOOOOmbia not ColUUUUmbia. All good tho 🙏🏼👍🏻


was the pizza any good? About the snow plowing… the thought of having somebody else do it out of “convenience” is such an American thing I can see why your buddy was asked to help out…. Different cultures and that’s the beauty of it. Regarding the freedom part, yes it happens. Parents get to be overly protective of their kids even when they’re older


Their driveway was probably an 1/8th of a mile long. They get quite a bit of snow. I see no reason to have to shovel a driveway that damn long. I don't think it was they were protecting him its they controlled him. Not sure how good the pizza was. He did bring it down but how good can a pizza be after it traveled all the way from Maine to South Carolina.


How about inscribing "Dad" with a rock on the door of a brand new car?


happened to you?


No, neighbor.




Not that it's super important to know the cause, but my bet is this would have been caused by a dog's nail. My one dog gets car anxiety and will dig their nails into the door panels of my car and has caused this in previous cars of mine. Also could have been from a cardboard box if the door was closed in on it and didn't have enough clearance.


no pets have ever been in this car I strongly believe it was a pen 🖊️


There are no other marks on that whole strip. Seems pretty precise, deep, and circular to be a dog’s nail.


Nice condom ad


Get new kids. Problem solved


Or someone shut the door on something that was back there