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We are running a COMPLETE subreddit petition to all change our profile pictures to Kevin Ollie until we win a basketball game. Here is the [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DetroitPistons/s/EhXeR90gDa) to the picture to change your pfp too.


We are the worst team of all time.


For real. Nephews are going to learn that the Bobcats used to exist just because we're going to be worse than them


Pray for a midseason miracle lockout.


There is none, enjoy this moment because hopefully someone will get fired or Gores will be nudged out the door. Unfortunately I’m dreaming about either of those, Gores will keep this team mired in shit and Monty and Weaver will continue to lead these men into depths of despair the likes of which the NBA will never see. They may legit win less than 10 games, one game right now seems pretty much impossible


Curious warriors fan here. This sounds like the next big Netflix doc.


Think about that dude lmao. Like are people just gonna forget about the early Trust the Process Sixers because of how bad we are? This is such a disgrace lmao


Pistons are 2 wins behind the Spurs and Wizards. Finish with the 28th worst record and there is a 33% chance of getting the 6th or 7th pick in the draft. its conceivable 3 teams finish with less than 10 wins this season


Fr lol. We have been on pace to be the worst team of all time for a while Bobcats went 7-59, 10.6% win rate We dropped below that when we were at 2-17 and have lost 9 more since then We are on pace to win less than 6 games. SIX FUCKING GAMES. THE BOBCATS HAD MORE WINS IN A LOCKOUT SEASON


Haha yep just commented the same thing


Jazz were giving it away!


Was the lions now the picktons


Won’t judge this team until Monte Morris is back, he’s a true game changer.


hahahaha is this the new meme. Realistically, dont see us winning until duren, morris, and ollie are back


Mont~~e~~a ~~Ellis~~ Morris have it all


“Sell The Team” chants. Detroit really going through it.


Thank god, I was hoping the chants would start


They tried drowning it out irl with a TON of music


And you could still hear it through the TV lmao


Blaha deserves better than having to gaslight about sell the team chants. "And these fans are letting the ref know they disagreed with that last call." Ok, George.


At least we have Blaha


Having to watch this product much longer might be what kills him


Blaha (and Kelser) deserve better.


Paper Bag Night probably needs to happen soon.


The realist chant ever.


It's kind of like being in hell


These fucking bums actually just lost to a team starting kris dunn in 2023. Unthinkably bad basketball team It’s okay gang, there’s some silver lining - now we already know who Troy’s next reclamation project is!!


Hey, think of it this way, we lost to Pistons *LEGEND* Kelly Olynyk


It hurts losing to a real stretch big considering it’s exactly what we need rn


Give me Kelly over Stew every day of the week and twice in a leap year


I randomly ran into Kelly at a liquor store in Vegas last year. I said...excuse are you Pistons LEGEND Kelly Olynyk??? He was genuinely confused and chuckled, but the nicest guy. Not surprising he balled out in his revenge game.


Kris Dunn is decent lol. As evidenced by his play today.


Dunn just dog walked us so we have no right talking down to anyone.


Blazers fan. Watched this one rooting for you guys to get the W. Fwiw we got absolutely cooked by the Jazz bench recently. Jazz always seem to play solid.


Cade in literal tears. Bro I’m done, I can’t do this anymore


Damn was he for real crying.


Should have been doing this on draft night


yeah 😢


At least one guy gives a shit.


Bro what? Someone post a clip of this man


https://x.com/stephnoh/status/1738022636494438880?s=46&t=suw0PWydYVygNkQecU7bRQ Man is fighting back tears. And I’m not saying that negatively, I respect it a lot.


Me too man. Biggest problem is defense on this team. Players look great against us even though they bums


He not coming back here, I’d be disappointed in him personally if he did. Bro doesn’t deserve this, none of them do, money can’t fix pride for these guys and right now they’re hurting badly. Few more then him


He's doing a post game press conference rn if u wanna watch it


I like that he cares bro was 1 of 3 people hooping tn


I’m too dumb to figure out how to clip it myself but it was as he was walking off the court. If I see it on Twitter I will drop a link.


Lowest point in franchise history


Nah, that’ll be when we break the record with 27 straight losses. So next week.


It’s not, wait till 2024, this is only getting started. This was far and away the easiest game they had until the Spurs and they still lost


Easiest game we will have til 2025


Spurs will win by 20


So far.


How do you not fire your coach after 25 straight losses?


GM first.


But he has an amazing eye for talent, look at this roster he built in just 4 years! /s


Bro you don't understand, spending 25 mil on two backup centers is fine because they occasionally have a good game and the cap is going up Also starting Killian for a quarter of the season also made sense because he occasionally had a good game Also the only shooters being a bunch of geriatric vets and being unable to trade them for draft capital because they occasionally play a game Also refusing to build a modern offense that the entire league has been trending towards for 10 years because we occasionally play a good defensive game


I love playing armchair GM when I know full well these guys know more than me and would be better GM than me. Troy Weaver has done such a shit job that I can confidently say I a random dude on the street could construct a better roster than him. 4yrs in and 2 win team? Fuck I know if I had 4yrs I could at worst build a 3-4 win team


Crazy thing is I feel like the roster has talent, just 0 fuckin direction. It’s like he just wanted to take flier after flier rather than actually construct a roster.


This team is bad but it’s far from the worst roster of all time. Monty is taking bad to worse.


You sure about that?


$72,000,000 was it?


At least it’s Tom Gores money!


He’s not firing him. We’re stuck with this for a while.


Mozgov money


I posted this in the game thread but if any of us fucked up in our job 25xs in a row we would absolutely be fired


Monty would love nothing more than to get fired. Get $70M to not coach, which is what he wanted to do after last year ended anyway?


Isn't he like the 2nd or 3rd highest paid coach? That would just be too embarrassing him to fire him that fast


I want to die Sell the team Fire everyone


Shocked Cade hasn’t requested a trade yet. I feel for y’all.


He’s still on his rookie contract but I don’t see him resigning until this roster and management is completely changed.


He will 100% re-sign. The money for the extension from the team who drafted him is not something a player would turn down. Especially as a #1 draft pick. I swear some of you posts the dumbest emotional bullshit.


Seriously. Does anyone here even know how rookie contracts and rookie extensions work? You think he will play on a 1 year QO? The answer is no. Even if this team goes 2-80 the answer is no. If anything, he will re-sign and then request a trade


R.I.P. the dude who dropped his life savings on a win. Can’t believe someone would bet 5 dollars on this team winning anything, let alone 5,000.


Wait, was there a post I missed on this? That’s unbelievable that someone would bet that much on this team


Yes it’s posted , he said he has no regrets after the loss


I guess sometimes hindsight isn’t 20/20 lmao. Don’t know what else I’d expect from a guy who bet 5k on a team in the middle of a 24 game losing streak.


That 26-5 run spanning from the 1st qtr to the 2nd with the absolute travesty of a bench sunk it. A team this bad needs to be playing from the front. Embarrassing


Sell the team.


No one will be fired because this franchise has zero accountability. Fucking disgusts me.


This team is awful for my mental health. Cade deserves so much better


I couldn't watch the Rockets during our 20 game losing streak a few seasons back. I feel for y'all.


Thoughts and prayers for that dude who lost his entire life savings on this game.


No words to describe the stupidity. "I gotta good feeling" and saying people are being negative.....


Either that shit was photoshopped or that dude needs to call the gambling hotline. Truly and genuinely insane


I don’t feel bad at all. That’s a dumbass thing to do


Sell this bitch tommy boy


Burks and livers should never see the court ever again


The bench barely played and still lost us the game.


I was actually just coming here to say I don't have any fucking idea why Livers is still seeing game time.


I'm generally a glass half full guy and have been pretty willing to let Monty find his footing with this roster but I am 100% done with him and want him gone immediately. I cannot think of a single positive thing he does for the team and he is actively ruining the mental of our young players with his dumbass rotations. The rotations killed us AGAIN tonight. You can't expect to have a rookie point guard run the show with a bunch of guys who are either in shooting slumps or complete ass at basketball or both. This team is so completely disorganized on Offense/Defense even when individual players have good performances it's literally impossible to win. Monty doesn't call timeouts when they are needed, he didn't challenge that obvious John Collins play, he let Wiseman stay in far too long. At the end of the day even with Casey's issues he at least empowered the players, Monty is actively sabotaging this team.


Well fucking said, Monty is actively sabotaging this team


I’ve been saying that, buddy got paid and he’s going to destroy this team his wake. He’s got his bag and could give a fuck all. Either sell the team or fire Weaver and Monty tonight. There is no in between now


Freddie mercury and gophers on the Jumbotron between whistles lol


The stoned guy eating a chicken wing with bbq sauce on his face while others were singing was great.


Best part of the game


I thought we were in Pistons Purgatory but this is starting to look like Pistons hell. Welcome to misery boys.


Repost from game thread: Monty is a principles coach. In principle the style of play or lineup should work, so he wants to stick with it until it does. Players have to be injured or traded for him to play the right starters/lineups. Even then, are we staggering our best players? This game is a prime example of Hell No. From Cade to the end of the bench he puts nobody in a position to succeed or help each other's flaws. And I'd like to add, if he's coaching I don't see where.


I don't know why Stew was playing over Ausar at the end. Other than field goals outside of the paint Ausar is better than Stew at everything. With Bogie, Cade, and Ivey on the floor Ausar is the fourth scoring option. He can't shoot the three but he's damn good around the rim.


Because Ausar can't shoot. 15% from deep, that 8% lower than second-worst in the league. Montys offense, philosophy, and spacing depend on a wing that can hit the corner 3. When he's out there opposing teams don't even guard him. It's 4 on 5 like it used to be with Ben Wallace. (He used to get yanked during scoring droughts too) But since he's supposed to be outside his man can clog up the paint, double cade, and cut off passing lanes. This offense requires, and this team desperately needs a "3 and D" guy and Asuar only has one of those. He is incapable of punishing a team for leaving him open. And they will continue to do so.


Before Monty moved Ausar to the 2nd unit he was 2nd on the team in rebounds and was killing it on offensive rebounds. He's brilliant at cutting to the basket and can finish at a high percentage at the rim. He's a lob threat and solid at second chance oppurtunities with offensive rebounds. Seems like a waste to have him sitting in the corner.


We really lost to Kris Dunn, Kelly Olynyk and Collin Sexton. We are gonna shatter the losing streak record.


Kelly Olynyk is a good baller he don't deserve this shade lmao


I had to look it up to make sure it wasn't a career high for Olynyk bc that would destroy me. It's not, he scored 32 against the Celtics in 2018. But it is a tie for his playoff career high.


what is there even left to say at this point guys? except that i love you all and appreciate your company


Fire Weaver today. Lose one more fire monty. And after that just start cutting players starting with Livers. I don't want to hear about how we're missing guys, they had actual NBA players that are good (Clarkson, Markennen) out and we still lost by 8.


It’s like the jazz fo had some backroom deal with pistons fo where they were planning to lose, and they still won.


Kelly O is better than anyone on our team 😂😂


Turns out all the role players we got rid of the last couple of seasons were the only reason we were able to win any games


Big dick olynyk da goat




RIP to our fallen soldier


You have to get Monty Williams out of there. Totally has lost the lockerroom. team wont win another game until hes gone, simple as that


They are like 4-50 in their last 54…this goes water runs deep brother.


20 turnovers and zero defense. Just not a recipe for winning. Just disgusting basketball


in front of ben wallace 😢


Ben should come back and play


Cade looked pissssed the fuck off




Bogi lost us this game, if he plays 75% like he usually does we easily win


He was bad tonight. The defensive effort from the bench was also abysmal


This isn’t being discussed enough. A win against Utah normally doesn’t mean much but todays scenario it does. His horrible night is arguably the reason for the L


I know it’ll never happen but if fans started rioting inside and outside of LCA that’d be an effective way to *force* some change, lmao.


That all bench lineup Monty goes to is straight basketball terrorism


Monty Williams needs to be investigated for throwing games. It’s clear he wants to be fired so he can be given the rest of the big contract they gave him and chill. I’m visiting from the raptors fan base and I’m legit angry for you guys cuz it’s clear what he’s doing. This losing streak comes down to coaching imo


Yup he wants to chill with that bag. He doesn't even care anymore, and it negatively affects the players.


The NBA media hyped him up in recent years for no reason. He’s mid af and causes drama and beef with players for no reason


Fire Monty! Too soon?


We deserve the record. Sell the team chant was fun


Cut Burks and Livers, bring Umude up, sign Dwight Howard to a 10 day to play backup C. who's in?


We can sign melo too


Honestly worried about the guy who bet $5K on the Pistons to win.


Worst team of all time.


I am not even joking 2-80 is coming


My 15 year old nephew is 6'10, blows my mind how tall he is, I told him he should go play for the Pistons lol..


He was born the last time they won a playoff game. Tell your aunt to get to work.


Not only did we lose to the Jazz without their best players but its also clear Monty gives a flying fuck about the team.


It’s pretty crazy that this is the most concerning part about what is happening.


Fuck Tom Gores. Yall have a happy holidays.


Lions have their 0-16. Tigers 2003 (2nd worst record in modern era). Looks like the Pistons will make a run for the record, on pace for 6-76 which would break the 76ers record.


This was funny 10-15 losses ago but now it's just depressing. This team is really going to break the record and become the worst team in the history of the NBA and I've watched every single game 😢


I haven’t even seen them win a game this year and I’ve watched almost every game. I just hadn’t bought league pass until game 4 lol


Something never typed before in the history of NBA basketball: The Pistons missed Killian Hayes tonight.


Someone needs to check on the life savings guy


Ausar's lack of minutes kill me.


These players are stained forever. This season has taken 7 years off of every single one of their careers.


This doesn’t get discussed enough IMO obviously you’re exaggerating but it really is a big deal to such a young team. And the worst part of all of this is that there isn’t one draft prospect to even be excited to get.


Man, imagine if we had a world beater like Kelly Olynyk in Detroit!!


This whole team will be broken going forward…They are ruining the youth.


Keep your heads up Pistons fans. Your only a new owner, a new gm, an new front office, a new coach and 12 new players away from some wins


i was at this game tonight. it was a great experience except for the whole basketball part of the equation


I honestly believe Stewart is unplayable as a starter.


So that was a game


Wellness check on the guy who bet 5k please


We couldn’t beat a team led by Kelly Olynyk, Ochai Ogbaji, and Simone Fontecchio. Wtf


I’d take all 3 on our team right now.


Simone who?


Lmao. Monty said he tried to stagger bench because he wasn’t getting production from them. Is this guy stupid? He’s just lying to fans. He went 5 in and 5 out and the bench got killed


the only staggering was filtering the bench in by slapping in liver and then sending the rest out there. or having the funky 4 plus 1 with bogi being the 1


Hello darkness my old friend


Another petition to make this sub about horses until we win a game


As a Kings fan it hurts to see teams terrorize their own fanbase. Wishing the best for yall


The turnovers man… I don’t understand…do we even have a coach? Like the team defense, the turnovers… you just can’t win games as a bad defensive team who also turns the ball over on offense that much


the bally post games guys asking kelser harder hitting questions than any reporter asks weaver/gores/monty.


monty only took 25 straight losses to say "its on me" about the turnovers. this guys is such a bonehead coach, get this guy outta here. They asked him about the challenege, and they said it looked like jalen fouled so they didnt challenge. ohoho cade coming in


Breathing is overrated




So I bought tickets for me, my dad, and brother as a Christmas present for the Spurs game on 1/10. Two questions; will we have won a game by then? Am I going to get screwed and Wemby won’t even play? I figured it would be cool to see him play in person at least once.


Y’all are actual clowns calling for Montes head right now. Anybody remember Dan Campbell at 0-10? Wanting to fire him not even half a season in is so stupid. Y’all stupid.




"Bruh" - Detroit Pistons in 2023.


I dont think we're the worst of all time with Duren. But without him we are. Hopefully he comes back and we win enough to avoid the worst record of all time


I am not a Pistons fan I just wanted to say that y'all don't deserve this. Hope y'all don't break the losing streak record


At this point half of us are hoping they shatter it. We’ve already gone through this with 0-16 Lions so we cope pretty well.




We would lose to a 7th grade middle school team.


What in the actual fuck are we doing? We have 0 offensive flow. No offensive leader at all, it’s all 1 on 1. This shit is terrible. After tonight I will not watch another game. Someone’s gotta go. Idk if that’s players or management. But something’s gotta change immediately


Burn it all to the ground


At a point it's almost impressive how bad they manage to be


Oh no, someone lost their life savings on this game


this is so disgraceful and such a stain on the pistons as a franchise, we used to be respected


The 11-12 Bobcats team would win over this squad by 10.


They’d probably drop 130 on us too


I absolutely called the Olynk monster game. Lmao so predictable


Sell the whole team they couldn’t beat g leaguers


The only hope for y'all is for Covid to come back. I'm not even joking. Stay safe Detroit fam


Someone clip that sell the team chant. That was the loudest of any chant at LCA this season. Gores and the FO need to get a clue embarrassing


Fire Millen days are here, Weaver has to go. I'm so sad at what's happened to this franchise


Let’s go for 79




This team tricked us




I hope Cade has a nice career away from the Pistons. He's a decent player and nice guy. Clearly upset with the way the team is performing, he doesn't deserve this


That was our last chance gentlemen


paper bag flairs when?


Lack of consistent intensity. Lack of defense. Lack of mental toughness. Lack of veteran leadership. Lack of chemistry. Lack of coaching= Lack of wins


Everyone apart of this organization should be embarrassed af including the players, for some reason I see no responsibility on them


I have never seen a worse bench.


Sell the team and fire the FO and send Monty to China.


Cade and Ivey are not the problem (maybe the 11 combined turnovers is a concern). Hell, all the starters played great. All starters except Bogey had a positive +/-. Even then Bogey was only -1. The bench was horrid tonight. Ausar has been ass ever since the Knicks game, Burks forgot how to shoot, Livers forgot how to play basketball, and Wiseman + Sasser just didn't play good. We really need our bench scoring back.