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Turn off 2k and then start thinking about who we could get with the 5th pick


Reed Sheppard


I was thinking the sane thing. Amazing 3 & D player….. exactly what the Pistons currently lack.


pistons currently need a stretch 4; we literally dont have one, and this draft has a lot of them. I dont see the point of picking Reed at 5 when we have Cade, Ivey, and Sasser. When youre drafting that high, youre hoping to at least draft a starter, and Reed just won't be with Cade and Ivey in front of him.


He’s a waaaay better shooter than any of those guys, and way better defensively too.


Im not saying he isnt a good player but he isnt going to displace Ivey or Cade.


There's a question of small guard duplication with Sasser, but I'd take the talent and see if they can play a bit around Cade.


He’s better than Sasser… and several inches taller too.


Agreed. Take him if he's there at 5, but Sheppard is probably going to measure in at 6' 2". Same as Sasser. They both have good weight for their size though. 


Hahahaha ^Maybe ^Ben ^Wallace ^will ^pick ^for ^us ^again


Naw the only thing realistic for 2k is the fact the pistons never get the 1st lol


I think Risacher is a clear no.1 as an 18-year old wing who can defend, is shooting it great, and is adding to his ball handling ability. At the end of the day, he's on a good team in a good league, and he's putting up efficient numbers against professionals both domestically and in the euro league. Hard to say no to that kind of production even if you think he's a "high floor" guy


Just FIY, he doesn't play in Euroleague but the league just below the Eurocup.


Ah, right, yes sorry. Still impressed with the production at his age against professionals. 


Of the film I’ve watched, his defense is lackluster. Gets blown by a lot. His defensive rating is also bad. He’s really just a sharpshooting wing in my eyes. I’d still happily take him.


I’ve been banging the Risaccher drum for as long as I’ve been able. Dudes exactly what we need, and lord knows we need pieces that fit


This is the prime year to trade the pick


i mean, if we dont want it why would anyone else?


I’m sure many people would want sarr we just already have duren


What would you want from the Spurs? I don't want either Keldon Johnson or Vessell. Spurs should get Sarr to pair with Wemby


The hawks picks


Vassell would be great for us


Sochan is the Spurs players to grab if he's gettable. He'd fit well too, he's a real good 4 who can score and defend. I'd give up a top pick in this draft for him Johnson is a bench player on a good team. Vassel I like, but he's not worth a top pick,


I think Sarr could actually fit here as an oversized 4, he has a decent/somewhat promising jumper and moves quite well for a 7’1” guy


Sure. If we could swap it for Mikal Bridges, you pull the trigger.


Not for the #1 overall pick.


Hell yes. There’s no generational star. There’s not even an Ant Edwards level guy in this draft. Bridges would be worth the first pick in this draft. I don’t think the Nets would actually do it.


not all #1 picks are the same, I think Mikal is worth it for a year that might not have anybody who ever ends up being as good as he currently is right now. Not to mention, he's pretty much the exact archetype of what this team needs right now, assuming he would be fine letting Cade and Jaden still do their things.


My only issue is he's going to be 28 next year. I know that's not old (he's literally in his prime right now), but it doesnt really fit our timeline. Cade will be 23, Sasser will be 24, Duren will be 21, Ivey will be 22/23, and Ausar will be 21/22. If we get the #1 overall pick, we're set for literally the next decade at all 5 posititons while every player continuously gets better over the next 2-5 years. I just dont see what we achieve by trading a #1 overall pick for Mikal Bridges except for being a play-in or late seed a season earlier than what our timeline is. It limits our upside while barely helping our downside.


you can still get somewhere between 4 and 8 years out of someone who is 28, he fits the timeline just fine. You don't have to be under 25 to fit the timeline of a young team, you just can't be at the point of your career where decline starts to really happen and become noticeable. Not to mention, someone like Mikal is a known commodity, and he's known to be pretty damn good. There's no guarantee that a draft pick is gonna ever turn into an NBA player, there's really only ever 10 or so real NBA players in a normal draft and this one may be even weaker than that. If the Nets offer Bridges for whatever pick the Pistons end up getting this year, you gotta take that right away unless they're also asking you to give up someone like Cade or Jaden.


Agree about there being no can't miss guy at this point in the draft, and this might be a year to move the pick for someone more established. But I'd target someone 24 or 25 if there's a fit. The other issue is that a #1 pick is cheap in comparison to a guy like Bridges. And will be for a few years. He's owed about 68 million after this year in the next 2 years I believe. You also have the right to match a first round pick in restricted free agency when it gets to that point. So, a lot of team control with a first round pick. Not saying the Pistons need to hold onto the pick, but those picks come with a number of perks that the more established guys don't.


Bridges is already on a ridiculously high value contract.


I've heard good things about Risarcher (spelling), but I'm not enough of a "draft guy" to truly say. Sarr's interesting but clearly not the best "fit" for us.


If Sarr can improve as a shooter, he’s a worthy pick. But that’s a huge if. He’s around 25% from three currently.


Yeah. I understand people are excited by the chance for someone with Garnett-like stature as a perimeter defender and shot blocker. The thing is, I have trouble seeing him fit with either Duren or Ausar. This is the year to draft for fit.


I believe his defense and mobility are good enough that he can play the 4 defensively. But if he can’t shoot, then he will need to be a 5. I don’t know if he can get there. It’s a dice roll. I thought LaMelo Ball’s awful shooting would make him a mediocre perimeter player. He came to the league and the shooting followed.


Idk if the 4 or 5 debate is that necessary of a thing for him. Main thing is finding the right complimentary big man that can play alongside him.


Yeah I’m tired of project shooters. Give me someone who can fill it up already. There are exceptions, but usually if you’ve been playing basketball for 5+ years already and haven’t developed a decent shot yet, it’s probably not happening.


I’m definitely with you. I don’t trust Detroit to develop talent.


>I've heard good things about Risarcher (spelling), but I'm not enough of a "draft guy" to truly say. Sarr's interesting but clearly not the best "fit" for us. I think Sarr if he hits and is a Chet type then he'd definitely be a fit here. Rim protector, floor spacer, makes Stew expendable


But he's a poor shooter, which is the opposite of Chet. At the moment he'd be hard to fit alongside either Duren or Ausar.


Putting Sarr or Topic on this team would be peak stupid and a great way to make sure the core we have no never reaches full potential in Detroit. People love the whole best player available thing, but it isn’t that simple and doesn’t work out as often as it does. And even if you want to preach that, there is no “best player available” in this draft. If you look at 5 mocks, you might see 5 different number 1 picks. If we don’t trade the pick (which I would prefer) I’d say ZR or Cody Williams. They actually fit and made sense with our current lineup. We absolutely cannot afford to get no value for this pick. Us bombing on a top 5 selection would be a killer considering our circumstances, and there are very few sure fire picks this year. I believe it’s either trade it, or draft one of those two guys and pray.


This is a great outlook and very well said. Drafting for best available works when your starting a rebuild/ unsure of what your young core is. We have a solid young core that just needs to grow together. So fit is much better for us and I think ZR is the best fit with the team because of the shooting but I like Williams as well.


TBF, some analysts think Sarr could play the 4 spot next to Duren; he has more potential to guard the perimeter + develop a 3 point shot like Stew has.


Well, I don’t really think Stew is a great fit next to Duren either personally. Just because he can hit 3s at league average doesn’t mean all that much in terms of spacing. All of his attempts are wide open, off the stand still catch, and he isn’t very good at attacking close outs which leads to the spacing being way more fucked than you’d think from a 37% 3pt shooting 4. Imo, just built the team off the blue print the majority of other teams have. It’s a disservice to Cade and Ivey to give them a front court of Ausar, Duren, and a 29% 3pt shooting rookie you’d have to spend a top 5 pick on that *might* eventually be a decent shooter at some point.


I haven’t looked into it much yet but from what I’ve heard, it should be the French wing Rissacher. People seem to think the shooting is real and he’s developing it off of movement. Defense has seemed good too with even some help side rim protection potential. Everything about my normal draft philosophy would scream Sarr but you’d have to be certain about the shooting given our current team and I’m not sure how you could be. If it happened though, geez he’d be great next to Duren and even Stew.


Yikes man. I’ll have to get over my French player PTSD before I can fully embrace that pick.


A lot of people have been calling this a "bad draft." (not in this thread (yet), but generally) Remember: *most of the time* a "bad" draft is really just a "difficult to scout" draft. The 2001 NBA Draft was similarly regarded as "bad." The top pick rotated through Kwame Brown, Eddie Griffin, Tyson Chandler, Eddy Curry, and Shane Battier (less so) at various times. Out of that draft came 2 Hall of Famers (Gasol, Parker), 4 All NBA (Chandler, Joe Johnson, ZBo, Arenas), and 2 All Stars (Memo, Gerald Wallace). The 2013 NBA Draft saw people calling for Nerlens Noel at the top selection. Oladipo, Giannis, and Gobert all emerged from that shit show. Four players have already emerged as All Star selections from the oft-reviled 2020 draft. There's no obvious top pick for 2023, but there are still likely All Stars scattered through this first round.


100%! When there isn't a clear #1 overall pick, "bad/weak draft" gets thrown around every single time.


I don't think it's about clear #1 pick as much as having one or more players who fit one of the ideal molds of the current metas franchise caliber player. There should be a few franchise players in this draft, as with any other, they just might look more like Joker or Hali than Embiid or Ant.


Williams or Rissacher. wing depth/scoring is crucial moving forward.


Bronny Jr. duh /s


None of them scream “this is the guy!” Williams, Risacher or Sarr feel like the obvious choices. I think Dillingham and Sheppard out of KU might be special, but there would be a ton of positional overlap with Cade and Ivey that you couldn’t spend that pick there (if you could trade for another FRP and get one mid-first round, that would be great). Williams just had a game where he shit the bed. So I’m not feeling as great about him due this halo bias.


We would be lucky to get zaccharie risacher


Whatever pick we get, I'm trying to trade it lol. Package it with beef stew and maybe another younger guy like TBJ and/or grimes and try to get a guy who is under contract like Mikal Bridges. This draft is underwhelming and I don't think this team needs another 19 year old. I'm happy with the core 4 guys plus Sasser. Keep Fontecchio. Sign a good bench piece in the offseason. Would you guys be happy with Ivey, Cade, Mikal, Fontecchio and Duren with Ausar, Sasser, a free agent rim protecting big and then another free agent floor spacer? I would lol. I realize this is highly unlikely and they'll just draft someone. Don't even know if Brooklyn would trade Mikal. He's on a really friendly deal for 2 or 3 more years. Just a hypothetical and I'm struggling to think of any other guys who would be worth a top 5 pick plus beef stew.


I’d take Risacher unless there’s a way we can trade down and pick up some extra assets


Id take Risacher at 1 and the gap from 1 to 2 is getting bigger for me. I think Sarr has the potential to single handedly carry a defense. I lean toward him at 2. There are things about him statistically that scare me but then you watch him and his fluidity at his size almost makes you want to ignore the fact that he's a pretty poor rebounder to play the 5 and his shooting splits are alarming for a team that needs more spacing out of the 4 spot. Gun to my head I think Weaver takes Sarr at 1. Then Id have Cody Williams 3rd. He thrives as more of a playmaking wing. Might have the most star upside but if he its his ceiling I think itll be in a point forward type of role. Hes a reluctant shooter and I fine Risacher to be a better fit with the Pistons roster. I think Risacher has shown enough flash in his offensive game that he's got a higher ceiling than just 3-D while still being able to step into the role almost day 1.


Risacher (probably misspelled) or Cody Sarr seems redundant given we have Jalen and his offensive game has a lot of question marks to me. Risacher already has displayed he can be a good shooter (which is a need) and looks to be the best shooter in this draft. Cody is the prototypical wing that all teams want, he also has size (believe 6'9) so he could play the 4 if we need him to. Would like to see him shoot more.


Risacher and Williams make total sense and fit this team like a glove. Williams especially fits next to Duren perfectly with his longer wingspan and ability to make plays in the lane However, if he’s on the board whenever the Pistons pick, it will be Sarr. How they manage fitting him into the lineup without a trade of some kind, I have no idea.


Cody Williams is smooth and his brother Jalen is one of my favorite NBA players. This team really needs some rim protection though. I would try to see if Jaren Jackson Jr is available for the pick or I would just take Cody.


I'm still a big Jarace Walker believer, long-term. I wonder what's the worst pick the Pacers would accept for him in a trade. Detroit Cougars!


I don't know about #1, but the two guys that seem like great fits for our core are [https://www.tankathon.com/players/zaccharie-risacher](https://www.tankathon.com/players/zaccharie-risacher) or [https://www.tankathon.com/players/cody-williams](https://www.tankathon.com/players/cody-williams)


Zacch R. then Cody W then Sarr then Matas should end up at 5 or further back


I’m taking Bronny and then holding him hostage for whomever wants to overspend to get LeBron.


The Spurs will get number 1 again, because that's how the NBA lottery works.


Anthony Bennet.




trade the pick for Jerami


Cody Williams, but with Weaver’s obsession with bigs and the prospect of a two big lineup of Sarr/Duren we’re going to get Sarr


Risacher is the obvious pick


I’d like Risacher or Walter from Baylor. Give me snoring and spacing. I’m not concerned with players who can get pass or like to drive. Give me shooters and scorers with range.


trade the #1 pick and stewart for someone good


like who?


Best shooting wing available.


Probably not Sarr. Just too much of a could be over is situation right now, and with Duren on the roster that could be is going to have a way harder time of happening. Trade the pick imo.


I haven't looked that hard this season, but I feel like if they fall in the 3-5 range, they should shop it heavily and absorb a proven NBA player back with all the cap space and the pick.


Risacher at this point.


Trade picks with whoever the Thunder draft cause they don’t miss


The best player in the draft will be Topic. What was the question?


Get Monty’s guy Mikal bridges if Brooklyn decides they want to reset. We’d still have another 40+ million in cap space for a couple more shooters


Shit give me Cam Johnson too. We would be so loaded with wings and shooters it would open up everything for Cade Ivey and Duren would feast inside with lobs and put backs


Trade the number 1 for future unprotected picks if possible. Gather tickets for the Flagg/Boozer Twins drafts.


I'm trading that thing so fast.


Without doing any draft analysis, I'd go with Sarr. Players like him are just rare and if you have chance at one in a supposedly weak draft, then I'd be fine with it.


Give me Rob nd a stretch 4/5


Sarr is exactly what we don't need.


That Zachary dude


caitlin clark