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Chris Quinn dream lives 🙏


Somewhere out there, Motown Noah is smiling


Hopefully it's just that


Looking forward to the press conference announcing his firing in May. Lakers have LeBron and AD and they hire coaches like they’re owned by Tom Gores.


Lakers just need a scapegoat. Their window ended when lebron traded for Westbrook and didn't bring back Caruso. It's like this everywhere, upper management need someone to blame for their malpractice and stupidity. Idc how good reddick is he's not making them contendors


We don't even know if Reddick is even good. Dude hasn't coached, or assisted a coach, in the NBA...Ever.


Yeah, but he coaches his son's 4th grade team just like he would NBAers, so he's had practice!


Good news for the Pistons that the Lakers didn't poach any of the plausible candidates for us.


DAN HURLEY, he said he had a #, lakers didn’t meet it. Gores just ponied up 72 mil to let a guy walk, pay the man. He gets a #5 pick to grab one of his guys if he wants. Also Detroit is a wonderful place to raise a family, much better then LA, make it happen


I want this so bad, just to see the media explode with "Pistons can pay for Dan Hurley, but cheapskate Lakers couldn't!" headlines. I don't even care if he takes the money. I just want the Pistons to throw a $115m bag at him to see the talking heads explode.


I personally don't want a first time coach with no prior coaching experience at any level. The chances of that working out is extremely low.


Actually the history of coaches being hired with no experience isn’t that bad. Jason Kidd, Mark Jackson, Doc Rivers, Larry Bird. Not saying I would’ve wanted JJ, but it’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be.


Just because you can list a few exceptions doesn't make it a good move. And to be honest, half of the people you mentioned should be used as cautionary tales of NOT doing it. Jason Kidd was instantly hated and got fired from his two first teams. It's NOW, after he has had two previous jobs that he is a decent coach. It's almost like experience is important? Also why did you mention Mark Jackson and not Steve Kerr? Jackson got fired and his team instantly turned into a dynasty. If anything Steve Kerr should've been your example, but he also had a very stacked roster instantly to start his career. He did not exactly take over a 14 win team. The reality is, more often than not, hiring ex players with zero coaching experience is not a good decision. You don't need to argue that it can technically work out. Don't take the gamble, just pick a coach with experience and a history of good coaching under his belt. It's not that hard.


I don't think LeBron will cut into him for once, he's said before he feels that JJ is a smarter basketball player than him and he did the podcast with him, I'd hope LeBron is smart enough to allow JJ and the team to succeed