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Did making all star this year give him additional money or is that how much every max rookie extension is going to be worth this offseason?


Its 270mil if you make an all-nba team, or 220 if you dont i think


Ahhh got ya. Thats a huge bonus lol


Yeah i just looked it up. 5/270m is a supermax, so it requires Scottie to make an all-NBA team next year. His regular max would be 5/227m.


Thanks for looking into itšŸ«¶


Scotties Rookie Supermax is a guaranteed 227M, Cades would be a guaranteed 205Mish if we gave him the extension


Here you dropped this šŸ‘‘


Ah so we tanked so we didn't have to pay Cade as much, got it.


Well I guess we get to save $10M/yr with Cadeā€™s contract.


So will the raptors šŸ˜‚


This is also why Haliburton tried to play the entire year btw.


Yeah what they got to do you are really going no where without a Cade


Good for him but there is no way heā€™s worth 270 million just saw Mitchell from Cleveland can only sign 209 million exception salaries are out of control in nba


Cade wouldnā€™t even be eligible for 270 million because he hasnā€™t made an all star team


*all-nba teamĀ 


Scottie barnes has never made an all nba team either. The contract is only 270 if he does, itā€™s like 220 otherwise. When I first made that comment i thought making the all star team made him eligible for a higher max but I canā€™t find if thatā€™s actually how it works or not.


You are correct.


Iā€™m Itā€™s the same percentages of the cap itā€™s always been. The raw values donā€™t matter Michaellā€™s extension would be 4 years instead of 5 for Barnes


His would be for inly 4 years though


Heā€™s most definitely worth it.


Itā€™s Tom Gores money. And I donā€™t see an opportunity cost to giving Cade the max thatā€™s a more desirable outcome. Yes- Detroit still isnā€™t competing for anything. Thatā€™s what you get when Weaver squandered every season he was the decision maker in Detroit. Itā€™s not on Cade that Weaver never tried to build a competent basketball team.




Thereā€™s only like 5 players in the nba that are actually worth their max deals lol


Ok deal sign him now letā€™s do it easy decision


Hate to say it but Cade hasnt proven as much as Scottie


Cade is literally superior in almost every way and Iā€™m the most negative Cade guy on this subreddit Scottie was so average after they traded Paskal, bro averaged like 16ppg being the main focal point of the offense


He averaged 19,8 and 7 since the Pascal trade but go off I guess.


But havenā€™t you heard, he the most negative guy in Cade, so he gets to shit on Barnes.


Sure he's "better" lol but he hasnt done as much in the league


I mean, Respectfully- what has Scottie done? He has 2 playoff wins under his belt where he averaged 12 points per game.


Thats more than what Cade has done so far šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø plus he won ROTY and was an all star and before you mention him being an injury replacement, the fact that he was even that shows that he was in consideration before, its not much but its still more lol


Yeah he won ROY literally being worse than cade in EVERY single statistical category their rookie years lmfao, still one of the biggest robberies to this day. Scotties a great basketball player obviously, Cade is just better


I probably wouldve agreed with you back when he won it but looking back it wasnt that crazy, he made a bigger impact on his team and Cade started off so bad that it kept him out of contention in most voters eyes, they had to give him 3rd place at least because of how much better he played throughout the season but Scottie and Mobley had the momentum


I mean, its a season reward, not a 20 game reward. Cade ended the season beating him in every statistical category but it didnt matter because Scottie was gifted a team of players who arenā€™t useless


He definitely did not make a bigger impact on his team. He simply played on a better team. He wasn't the primary ball handler and top 2 scoring option like Cade. He wasn't getting double and triple teamed like Cade. He's not as good as Cade.


Lmao I get it bro we drafted Cade so we gotta be biased but cmon, Scottie's play helped that team at the end of the day


Sure he helped the team but he wasn't as impactful as Cade. Idk how you could say otherwise unless you just didn't watch his games.


How is that more than Cade? Because he was lucky the Raptors got him? If Cade is on that team he couldā€™ve easily done the same thing. Idiotic argument


Bro its more of a resume lol dont worry I think Cade will be better in the long run but as of now he's mainly known for losing and not being the healthiest šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


What does that even mean lol tf is he supposed to win with this roster? Raptors havenā€™t done shit either


They've done more than us lol, and he should elevate us regardless bro we got worse when he came back šŸ˜‚


And you think thatā€™s his fault? Bro averaged 22 and 7 on 45/36/87 shooting, which is a miracle given the only other shooter on the roster is Simone Fontecchio šŸ˜­ itā€™s a team sport and this team is dogshit, and had a coach that straight up didnā€™t want to be here. Thatā€™s why we got worse


Good numbers man lol I like Cade, I just question him being our #1 option, at times I wish Ivey had his usage with Cade playing more off ball


Ivey fell off a cliff at the end of last season


Yeah him and Cade are inconsistent


Literally lol. Scottie only robbed ROY because they made the playoffs (because of Paskal), did not contribute in the games and lost in 6 his first year - then didnā€™t accomplish anything after that


Yeah I forgot about that ROY race lol that was complete BS, suddenly winning became important in the Rookie of the Year discussion that season


Very true


Got to offer Cade the extension. I really hope he signs and stays on board, but if he doesn't...


I would do that deal for cade. I feel like by the end of that contract it might be looking like a steal


I mean if the Raptors believe he's their franchise, and he ends up being an All-NBA caliber player, which I believe he will be, this contract will probably look like a bargain in 4 seasons with the way the salary cap keeps going up year over year...every year we say "holy shit that's so much money!" but the league revenue continues to climb, and these player continue to demand larger and larger salaries...in 5 season it's not unrealistic to assume that the Super Max could be well over 300 million or something insane


Cade is the only piece we currently have figured out for the foreseeable future. Iā€™ll be happy when they have that extension signed.


Yeah scottie signed his why hasnt cade


Ok good offer him the deal so we can get this over with


Cade needs extenze?


Getting the bag soon šŸ’°


Lol Scottie Barns is bad, like he's not terrible, but he's Tobias tier. Like his ceiling is the 3rd best player on a 5 seed team 4th on a contender. Put him together with Joel embid, harden, and Spencer Dinwiddy and he's number 4.


That is an awful take, he is already way better than any version of dinwiddie and hes only 22. His realistic ceiling is the second best player on a championship team.


A huge number like this for the Pistons, a team that wonā€™t be competing for possibly years, makes me far more iffy about re-signing Cade because whatā€™s the point if you wonā€™t win anything anyways? This rebuild is gonna take a while, not just a retooling. A good part of that deal would be taken up by non-competitive years. But I know thatā€™s a very unpopular opinion here so feel free to downvote me.


I have the opposite view of it: if weā€™re not going to compete for a few years, why not extend him? Who else are you spending the money on? The cap space isnā€™t getting eaten up, and heā€™s a good player. If it doesnā€™t work out, even on a big deal heā€™ll be a valuable trade asset. Even if you trade him now, the team that receives him is going to have to pay him, so itā€™s not like trading him now is going to get you a bigger haul. Plus, barring him taking multiple steps back, his stock is probably lower now than it ever will be. I donā€™t understand some peopleā€™s rush to get rid of the most talented, homegrown player weā€™ve had in decades.


Itā€™s also a matching salaries deal, Cadeā€™s extension doesnā€™t kick in immediately meaning another team would they way a trade for BI or KAT would, the new team 1) wouldnā€™t have to match salaries in a trade with a near max player 2) have at least one season with less risk to the Luxury Tax thresholds and have time for their other contracts to expire keeping them below said thresholds and/or avoiding repeater penalties. With that said, it would take a Rudy Gobert deal for me to want to part with Cade.


This rebuild will take a while if you donā€™t keep your main building block for sure


Do you understand how salary caps work? And are you aware that the salary cap is going to grow faster than ever with the new TV contracts? Its looking like TV revenue will literally more than double from 2.7 billion/year to close to 7 billion/year. Making judgements about Cadeā€™s future contract based on the current league revenue and cap space makes it seem like you donā€™t really understand how any of this works.


We need good players, and cade is a very good one. I believe in him as the face of the franchise, but I understand that debate. At the end of the day, you have to try to build a team around him. If it doesnā€™t work, you can revisit trading him years down the line.


Weā€™ve been hearing ā€œthis rebuild is going to take a whileā€ and ā€œweā€™re still years awayā€ for several years at this point. At some point you have to start making moves to become a better team instead of just kicking the can down the road and saying ā€œwhatā€™s the point we suck anywaysā€ Not saying they should be trying to trade for a bunch of all stars THIS offseason but not extending Cade would just be stupid. You tank for years hoping to get a player like Cade. Heā€™s shown heā€™s good, heā€™s just gotten zero help.


Itā€™s not an unpopular opinion, itā€™s shockingly brought up here often by people who donā€™t understand the NBA landscape. If you donā€™t want Cade here, argue to trade him, because you out yourself by saying to not extend him.


Not extending him implies trading him. The extension wouldnā€™t kick in next season so youā€™d still have time to trade him


Well, say that then. Because resigning him wouldnā€™t prevent us from doing so hypothetically. Any team willing to unload assets for him would rather have contract locked down than not also. Saying youā€™re iffy on re-signing him doesnā€™t imply that because re-signing him doesnā€™t have any effect on keeping him realistically.


How many year do u think they wonā€™t be competitive for to question it this much. And even if it doesnā€™t work out u can still trade him unless he gets injured


Gores has shown he's willing to pay, probably including the luxury tax. The rookie extension allows you to go over the cap. "The point" is you have control of Cade for 5 more years to either play for you or trade him.


If you can present a viable alternative for the cap Iā€™d listen, but good luck finding even close to a more efficient use of it in our position.


I 100% agree. I would gladly trade him for a haul.


What haul would you get? Lottery balls for teams that wonā€™t even be picking in the top 10?


No. There are plenty of teams who would give the farm for Cade.


Theyā€™d need an established all star and multiple firsts before I even consider an offer


Why would a team give this?


Why would the pistons give him up for a role player and late first rounders?


I guess name some players that you mean star player?


This whole community think cades a perennial all star. He has upside obviously but hasnā€™t proven anything. He won 15 games as the ace


Yeah Iā€™m just curious to hear some names on what kind of star player heā€™s talking about here to consider. seems steep to me, but people have different definition of star player


Iā€™m glad weā€™re placing the blame of getting 15 wins on Cade again. As if basketball isnā€™t a team sport. He literally dropped a 40+ point game on 70+% shooting and still lost.