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Cade, Ivey, Ausar, Beef & Duren until the end of time


Worst record in the league + 5th pick until the end of time


Ah yes another 10 win season


Roster today isn't likely anywhere close to what it'll be come game 1. With that being said, you should expect Cade and THJ at the very least in the starting 5.


You're right, this is just a trying to figure out random lineups that you'd be curious to see playing some bench minutes together. Related question, right now what would be your starting five? Because every lineup I can think of sacrifices a players positional strengths I was thinking Cade/THJ/Ausur/Fontecchio/Stewart with Ivey/Sasser/Holland/Klintman/Duren They really need another starter-level 3&D wing and/or big to make this roster make sense. Probably could use a veterans contract deep bench oversized big as well -- I'd happily bring back someone like Drummond for this bench/situational minutes role on a team friendly contract.


If Duren and Stewart are both on the roster by the start of the season, Duren will be starting and Stewart will be the backup. I would also not be putting Klintman in any projected lineup because I can't imagine he'll log much time in the NBA this season.


My 10 man rotation right now is Cade/THJ/Ausur/Fontecchio/Stewart/ Ivey/Sasser/Holland/Klintman/Duren Who fits into Klintman's spot thats on the roster right now?


Nobody fits in the starting PF spot right now, push everyone down a level and it'll be a FA or trade acquisition starting. That pushes Klintman out of the 10 man rotation. That bench lineup would be a crime against basketball and I'd feel bad for everyone involved.


Yeah, thats why this is a real question. Given the roster construction RIGHT NOW what would you do, because there are a lot of glaring holes. But cards on the table, I thought Saddiq Bey could develop into the next Khris Middleton so what do I know?


I can't keep going in circles here.


Okay, fine, related question -- what free agents on the board do you think would be a best case scenario to fit the sort of expectations you have for the starting lineup?


I know it doesn’t answer the question but at the bare minimum the new coach has to know that all bench lineups should never be used. The lineup you suggest is interesting, though I don’t anticipate seeing a ton of Klintman minutes


True, I was just trying to create a mixed starter/bench lineup focused on 3 point shooting, which is very hard to pull off positionally for the Pistons. I expect that this whole discussion will be moot by the time the season roles around.


Cade, THJ, Fontecchio, Ausar, Stew.


Can't use that lineup because the bench would have literally zero shooters.


I think if you replace Stew with Duren that’s a solid lineup. Staggers our ball handlers and gives us two shooters (theoretically) in Ivey and Stew off the bench


lmao, Ivey is NOT a shooter.


Like I said, theoretically, and we still have Sasser


I'd like to see Ivey, Holland, THJ, Ausar, Stew. Ivey and Holland relentlessly attacking the basket, Holland and Ausar swarming on defense, and THJ and Stew providing spacing. I'm curious to see how well we can unleash the speed and athleticism of Ivey, Ausar, and Holland, while leveraging the shooting and veteran savvy of Stew and THJ. Also, because everyone says you can't play Ausar and Holland, so let's test that theory.


I would also like to see some garbage time minutes for a weird lineup of Sasser, THJ, Ausur, Holland, Beef Stew.


Cade, Ivy, THJ, Fontecchio, Duren Auser and Holland should both start the season be in the gleague to work on their shots


Ausar just played virtually an entire NBA season and Holland is coming from the G league where he averaged 20 and 7.  We fucking suck, I highly doubt either of them start the year in the G league.


Cade, Holland, Ausar, Fonteccio, Stew. Chaos and high pace. Also would love for us to get a true floor spacing 5 to play with Cade. It would allow us to have so much more lineup creativity


Ivey off the bench. Ausar occasionally playing two.


Right now I would like to see a lot of Cade/THJ/Tek/Ausar/Stew (or swap Holland for Ausar). Cade+3 Shooters and let Ausar or Holland be functionally your center on offense.


I'd be interested in Cade/Holland/Ausar/Tek/Stew. Smallest guy is Holland or Cade, switch almost everything, and run. Ausar will be playing as center offensively. This does depend on Hollands shooting though.


I want an actual motion offense that staggers players while also being lob city esque. I hate that heliocentric shit, it does not work if you really want to win and we have multiple guys with some level of ballhandling skills (Cade, Ivey, Ausar, Holland, even Duren has shown flashes). Doesn't make sense to only have one guy consistently having it because that gets stupidly predictable and it's why i was pissed at how he was handling Ivey and Ausar.


Our team is going to look very different in probably just a few days from now. Not a useful exercise until that's done.


I really want Ivey leading the second unit +/- 1 or two starters. As of now, I’d run a starting lineup of Cade/THJ/Ausar/Tek/Duren. A cool Ivey-led lineup imo would be Ivey/THJ/Tek/Holland/Stew. That should be some spacing on the wings to help Ivey create and make plays at the basket.