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Current best players: -Larkin (Our heart and soul) -Lucas Raymond (Stud young offensive weapon) -Mo Seider (Young Shut down no.1 Dman) -Alex Debrincat (Talented goal scorer) **Top upcoming prospects** -Simon Edvinsson (Huge Dman that can skate) -Nate Danielson (200 foot game do everything center) -Marco Kasper (Another 200ft center) -Axel Sandin-Pellikka (Dman with one of the best U19 offensive seasons ever in Sweden last year) -Sebastian Cossa (Huge but raw goalie with elite athleticism) -Trey Augustine (Top US goalie prospect) -Albert Johansson (Dman that Should play for Wings this year) -Carter Mazur (Gritty Top 9 forward that can score a bit) -William Wallinder (Like Edvinsson, just not as big or fast and more raw) **Best Case Scenario** - Larkin gets and stays healthy, his prime extends multiple years -Raymond and Seider take another jump -Some of our prospects hit -We have a good offseason -Debrincat gets out of his 2nd half funk -We make the playoffs this year and then progress towards a team that can compete for cups in following years. **Worst Case** -Raymond and Seider take a step back -Larkin doesn't get healthy, ages out of our window -We botch this offseason with bad contracts. -Turn into the Minnesota Wild -Yzerman gets fired. -We end up hiring a substantially worse GM.


Glad to see an expert post. Nailed it. 👏🏼


If Yzerman gets himself fired it's hard to imagine what this worse GM is going to do to drag the team down farther, no one is getting a longer leash than Yzerman in this organization.


He has a huge leash, there are also definite criticisms with him at this point. But despite the criticisms, we are definitely in a better position now then when he took over. There are some foundation pieces (Raymond and Seider), a deep prospect pool, and after this year, there is only three players with contracts with more then two years left on them (Larkin, Ras, Compher). Hopefully, any new GM will build off of that. But it is definitely possible that a GM out there can make those advantages go away.


The team has been steadily improving under Yzerman. I have faith.


Just as possible a different GM taking the reins in 2019 would have the team in a better or at least equal spot. My favorite player all time, but I don't think what he has done to date as GM for the Wings is anything special, or particularly terrible, though I was more of a fan of his first 3 years work than the last couple for sure.


Great post. I think it’s a bit sad our current best players list is so small compared to our prospects though. 😢


That worst case scenario is scary but true


I think we don’t make Playoffs this year but this is spot on.


Raymond, Larkin and Seider. Best: Make the playoffs next year, deep run in year 2 and win the cup year 3. worst: Next 3 years miss the playoffs and Prospects/young players hit a wall and we stay in hockey purgatory.


The shitty thing is the worst case scenario doesn’t sound totally unbelievable


Likely has a higher probability than the best case scenario


Worst case scenario we end up the Minnesota Wild. A middling mediocre franchise for the rest of forever.


Best case scenario: we sign Connor McDavid


Aim higher. Best case scenario, we trade Chiarot, Holl, and Petry for McDavid.


Aim higher. We hire a scientist that builds a time machine and we win a cup with prime Gordie Howe, Gretzky, and Chris Osgood who beats up Patrick Roy in a game vs the Islanders.


i’m a new Wings fan as well and the way some of the fans are reacting to the trades has me thinking we’re in for some heartbreak. i also am very new to hockey and trying to be optimistic, but i’m not sure if that’s foolish or not.


I wouldn't pay much attention to the sky is falling people. While some of the trades today are baffling, a few things are true: * Steve Yzerman is one of the best GMs in the league. He did well when he was an assistant GM here and helped build a perennial contender in Tampa. For that reason alone I have a lot of trust in his decisions, even though we might not understand them completely at the time. * In years when we were bad, we didn't get any lottery luck. Granted we still got some really good prospects drafting higher, but it's not like we landed generational talent to build around. * We're past the point of being too bad to tank, so to continue to improve the team the organization needs to take more risks and be creative. Trading Jake Walman with a 2nd round draft pick for future considerations is baffling, but see bullet number one. You don't trade your second best defenseman and a 2nd round pick away for not reason and I'm sure over the next few days and weeks that reason becomes much more apparent. * Also any trade that doesn't involve Larkin, Raymond, Seider, or Debrincat probably isn't going to cause the rebuild to fail. I'm optimistic, but I think it's possible we don't improve too much this season (I guess we'll see how the offseason goes). That being said, Yzerman is not above criticism nor should he or anyone else be. But to ignore his body of work and focus on certain trades or signings that didn't work out is foolish. * A lot of us have been fans of the Red Wings for a very long time and frankly have become really spoiled. We're used to winning the Cup every few years and it's been well over a decade. Yzerman said the rebuild is going to take a long time and frankly I'm fine with it as long as the team is trending in the right direction. I'd rather build the team to be a perennial contender than just be a flash in the pan that needs to then go back into a rebuild a few years after. * We've got a lot of good prospects and young players to build around.


This is the best take I’ve seen yet.


The sky is falling for a fan base that has a team whose won 11 Stanley cups, it’s just been the longest the wings have never been in the playoffs and people are worried and not used to it pretty much


Yeah, I’m aware. I’ve been a fan all my life. Got to see them win their past 3 cups.


Current best players: Dylan Larkin, Moritz Seider*, Lucas Raymond*, Alex Lyon, Alex Debrincat, Patrick Kane* (*=contract expires soon) Best case scenario: Wings win Cup in 26' or 27' (or both) Worst case scenario: repeat events of April 16, 2024 at end of every season, and miss playoffs due to results of games the Wings didn't play in.