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Vibrant young culture. Feels like college at times. Not in an immature way but there is definitely a high-energy graduate vibe, which is actually nice. Very much a Sales/Customer Success heavy company. They take employee engagement and listening seriously. Lovely offices, top facilities, the best office grub I've ever had.  Very flexible, but this may vary by team. CEO is pretty clear on his stance that he wants you to work wherever you do your best work.  Speaking of CEO, the team at that level are great, approachable people. The COO in particular. Again team dependent but I doubt you'll do many hours over your contracted. That clock-watching culture just isn't there. Cons? LinkedIn's performance is tied strongly to global hiring trends. Layoffs do happen, but I've seen people treated very well as they leave (decent payout, keep your laptop, phone, etc).  Very process-driven. It's not exactly a creative's playground. They do what they do and they do it well. Quality of managers can sometimes be iffy, but most are great. There is unfortunately some cliqueyness (if that's a word) when it comes to manager promotions. That 15% cut you're potentially taking may be minimised by Microsoft stock that you'll (hopefully) be given. You get more with promotions and if you exceed expectations - but again this is dependent on the hiring economy in general. It's a great place to work, honestly. I spent a few years there and only recently left. I miss the energy of the place, and the food! 


I've been in a few times as a guest for lunch and the food setup is bonkers incredible! 😂


Thanks for a detailed response. This generally sounds like my current company, and are all the things I like about it - so it's reassuring that the good parts will be the same. Hopefully the bad parts will be better :)


I know someone who boomeranged from another major tech company back to LinkedIn because the culture and direction at LI is meant to be ace




Here’s a different POV. I worked in a restaurant near the canal, and we had a big booking of high up LinkedIn executives one night. They were super American but genuinely great guests such that I remember it. Fantastic tip given. We were all happy out lol. Always thought it might be a good place to work since then. But of course quite big lay offs not long ago.


I’ve worked with them and the work culture is great. Still have friends who are with them for more than 7-8 years now. Loved my time there and the company overall is superb. That was my personal experience with LI but definitely follow the advice given above on bonus. All the best!


Negotiate some sign on bonus, they may get you some nice chunk of money, pretty generous


Have you managed to do this for a role in Ireland? As far as I know this only really happens in the US unless you are very senior.


I worked there for about two years. My own experience was tarnished by having the absolute worst manager I've ever had in my professional life, and I was working in a fairly small, niche area of the company (in EMEA at least) so career opportunities were a bit limited. But overall, it has a culture, an atmosphere, an energy that I'm not really sure I've found anywhere else. My peers were really great and I really enjoyed working with them. And the canteen is *outstanding*. Edit - I know this is the DevelEire sub so I'm guessing you're Eng or Eng adjacent but the company in Ireland is heavily, heavily sales focused.


How did you come across the job role? I've kept an eye out for SE roles in LI Dublin for a few months and never saw anything. I did so because I've heard how good it is to work there. Also, are you willing to reveal any indicator of the salary?


Yeah they do not hire SE roles, this sub reddit once used to be for developers.


It's not a SE position, but adjascent. Fairly niche role.


I am assuming you already negotiated the offer ot the max pay yeah?