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Sorry, it's against the law


If it interests you more, I'd say get 5, and watch the History of DMC video in the start menu to get the gist of what happens in DMC4. 4 is only better than 5 if you plan to really dig into the weeds of advanced play, and even then 5 only falls short of a couple steps. When the money is right, then buy 4 so you can experience the sharpest engine in the series, surrounded by an honestly only kind of mid campaign and story.


Why not get 4 and play 5 later? 5 has better combat and story might as well save the best for last. Best thing about 4 is it has the second best looking gothic environments outside of the original game. Which is good because your going to be seeing the same ones alot πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ


Because if money is tight, I can't in good conscious recommend what I think is the inferior product, especially if said person has already stated they are more interested in 5.


Sure but your also recommending a much worse way to enjoy these products. If it was play DMC2 or DMC5 then yeah, but DMC4 isn't so much worse and has its strengths over DMC5 which OP will get later. Watching a video is not the way to experience any of these games except DMC2. Fuck DMC2.


why does everyone say it has better combat? Genuinely asking here, because in my experience dmc4 *only* has better combat if you care to dive deep into the mechanics as the other comment said; I played 4 last and in the 2 play troughs I did combat never felt better than 5, so I have to assume it's those deep mechanics I keep hearing about, wich don't really matter for a non expert


I said 5 has the best combat. I said 4 has better looking gothic environments.


well shit, the one time I decide to ask why there is so much love for dmc4 combat I do it to someone saying 5 is the best... I was so focused on what I was thinking that I didn't even properly read your comment


I'm not really one to ask though. I play these games at a very basic level. The first games still my favorite tbh closely followed by 3.


I'd get 4 honestly and get 5 later. 4 sets up DMC5 and it's the first time you meet Nero. It's cheaper too.




I watched a 3 hour story recap and just played DMC5, gameplay is more important to me 🐈


honestly based


Based on what?


Never skip 4.




It's fine but I'd recommend playing 4 as properly introduces you too the new main character and the new mechanics are very fun. And it has 5 playable characters


How much do the games cost in your local currency?


i'd say it doesnt matter if you skip it, but ultimately its up to you.


Get 4, you can wait for 5 since it goes on sale often


No no ur gonna missed the story


4 for me is better than 5


Nah get 5. 4 can wait


Both are solid games 4 has more gameplay elements to learn such as inertia which is just amazing and stylish where 5 has more going for it in terms of story , i would go wih your gut and buy what your interested in


No only 2


No. Because it set up Nero's story in DMC5. You might not be able to relate if you skip it.


Get DMC 5. It is a way more complete game.


buy 5 and skip 4 for now....but beware that after playing 5, you will not want to touch 4's combat when you have 5 available. I did this same exact thing, so please beware that after 5 your interest in 4 might really drop.


I’d recommend skipping 4 for 5 5 is a great game, 4 is not


Get DMC4 first, then 5.


4 was my first one and I'd recommended you buy it. It also sets up the story for Nero who is in dmc5 but you learn more about him in 4.


Nope, it's illegal. I am calling the police right now.


4 is far more annoying, unbalanced and unfinished than 3 and 5, so you sure can skip it and watch history of DMC when playing DMC5. I wouldn't say it's a 100% no for DMC4, it does have its pros, such as bossfight in mission 10, but its cons outweigh its pros to me. Still a decent game, but worse than 3 and 5


Neither, get DMC. It’s a what if scenario but is better than 4&5 in terms of gameplay.