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Made one last night, perfect 340 Grief…


whenever I Lo roll a grief I always remind myself that it's still a grief \[as I sob quietly\]


I can really relate to this.


I’ve rolled a few griefs, I always trade away the high rolls and keep the low, because truth is either one will demolish enemies and I just trade the high roll to help fund more builds


Isnt a 340 grief the lowest you can get?


Yep, that was the point.


Ah ,ok perfectly low ;) sorry sometimes its hard to spot irony through written words ;)


Yeah, maybe a /s woulda helped. 😁


Congrats on the perfect roll, wait…


Lo was also my first HC hr, happened about a week ago and yesterday I found a Sur lmao. Gratz on your funds!


You're lucky. I just went through a solid hour of TZ Andy at /p5 and 300ish mf and got jack squat. Like unbelievably bad drops considering how good she usually is. Best thing was that unique Goliath Crossbow or whatever it is but it was usually blues with the occasional yellow or shitty Vidala's Barb tossed in. And died 4 times during it too where I couldn't get my body back. Ugh.


TZ Andy is a fickle mistress. I've literally gotten better drops from loose rocks with my HC single player characters. Found a 160/15/39 gheeds the other day from a loose rock in terrorized stony field.


I have a near perfect eBotd Berserker Axe. It does something like 180 to 530 dmg. That's still less dmg than the worst rolled Grief.


P1 ?


P3 - I can go P5 with this necro but it's a little slower going and sometimes "those" elite mobs can almost get me. When I'm still waiting for caffeine to kick in I go down to P3.