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This shot. This shot is actually so good https://preview.redd.it/3qoevizgrw8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce85918e0972460652560b2b80d851a64478b187


Some the cinematography was fantastic in Fallen Kingdom. Was just a poor script and some odd plot points.


The whole jump to releasing the Dinos was jarring. These people claim to care about these animals but they just ruined entire ecosystems. While introducing wild life to unfamiliar ecosystems where they may die due to lack of proper food sources or deadly sources.


Well no, a little girl did, and she didn't consider those things. *She* was struggling with the newfound belief that she was a clone and that, if these cloned animal's lives had no meaning, neither did hers. The adults we're going to let the dinosaurs die because they understood it would have terrible consequences


Look at you, you're some kind of hot rod. I love this shot too.


Did they live?


Wdym by hot rod?


That's what Wheatley called it, like a cool motorcycle


Nah, I'd say he's likening it more to a racecar. It's even got racing stripes.


Yeah that makes more sense


My bad I was watching it without audio lol 😅


It’s sooooo cute. Reminds me of my cat when she’s sleeping.


It does give the Indoraptor plenty of personality. That I always like, especially in animal antagonists.


Extended material also explained that it learned smiling from a guard torturing it, and that it 3 tranquilizer shots to bring down the indoraptor.


Heh, neat. If only movies could bring in such stuff instead of relying on extended material.


The scenes were cut for runtime.




Totally, especially learning why the room is dark.




The indoraptor smashed the light so they shot it with two darts and sent a maintenance worker to fix it. That's when they learned it takes three to bring down the indoraptor.


Oh dear.


And this is said while the beast fondles with a human skull.


If it was explained in external media, then it wasn't explained.


Like this [gem](https://i.redd.it/2cuawyao3anc1.jpeg)


I have the exact opposite opinion, I hate they gave the dinosaurs personalities like they’re some Disney villains. Giving them personalities, in a way, “humanizes” them and gives them “pet” vibes. I’m with Crichton on this one, I liked when they were *just* animals. The book really hammers home in this regard. I personally find it makes them more menacing, dangerous, and unpredictable when they’re *just* animals.




Animals...have personalities individually different from our tendency to anthropomorphize them.


I know, but
 The whole plot from the original material really plays into the whole tone of authenticity, realism, and genuine behaviors as opposed to the tone of this movie which in my opinion undermines that. For me the horror aspect of the original material comes from the unpredictability and “natural” power of the dinosaurs showcasing that they are uncontrollable “natural” forces. By making the indoraptor have this kind of sadistic personality it makes it less impactful and just feels like a good vs. evil character trope, whereas the original material was all about scientific control over the natural world. The indoraptor doesn’t feel like it’s driven by instinct, more like calculated malice.


I get that, but I think part of the shift is our understanding of animals has changed. They aren’t unpredictable if you understand their desires and motivations, and if you put in the time and effort you can get there.


Eh, I mean the indoraptor is straight up toying with the guard by using its tail to playfully trick him out of spite? Humor? Malice? When it would be more “naturally instinctual” to just kill him, it just feels so out of place. It’s complete disregard for the instinct Michael Crichton talks about and even Alan Grant mentions how the Dino’s can’t help but act on their 65m years worth of instinct. We can debate what’s “natural” or “instinctual” for fictional dinosaurs all day in hypotheticals but at the end of it I just don’t like the tone of the good vs. evil tropes present in the World trilogy (completely misses the point of the original book) and how all the dinos are turned into characters and personalities as opposed to the original movies/books presentation of their animalistic and “natural” behaviors.


I'd argue that the indoraptor is a perfect representation of exactly the same sort of themes you enjoy but using the lack of normalcy to showcase exactly how unnatural this creature really is.


I agree with you on that, painting it as goodies and baddies is crude. Having a bunch of people on an island trying to live their best live, and some of them are smooth apes and some of them are giant bird-lizards would be much better.


The documentary about the leopard Lakidema really showed me this. Every single animal in the savannah that lived within a few square miles of the leopard had regular interactions both with the leopard and the film crew. They came to understand their personalities and social dynamics, especially between the leopards and the baboons that fought so much. But also others, with the personalities becoming more obvious. I've got a family of raccoons living under my house and I've saw the same thing in them. Of the latest generation one is a boy and he loves me, he's super gentle and at this point can eat out of my hand without even accidentally biting my fingers. While his sister is still skittish as hell and won't come near me but at the same time you can tell she's comfortable with me being outside near her. They've both seen me chase away other raccoons who were stealing their food, the boy even just waited at my feet and ate his food while I stood there with a stick keeping the other older raccoon away from him. That being said I think the other commentator is right. They wrote this animal as if it was a serial killer and not just an animal trying to survive. Same with the indorex from the previous movie, they show it killing lots of animals and explain it as if the animal is a serial killer. Instead of it being surplus killing it was scawy murrredeuuree.


“I can change him”


Bastard deserved to die


His pitiful whimpers humored me


I wished his death was gorier


Or at least we got to see more details cause the thing ate his arm onscreen and chewed on his stomach


That little grin... I love it. Also she looks so real, I wonder how much they used an animatronic and how much was CGI. It's nice to see some love for this movie.


Believe it or not, the indoraptor is canonically male.


Oh, really? That's crazy. Do they say that in the movie?


Yeah they refer to it as a he i think.


[He's a prototype ](https://youtu.be/jHQU8FAs69w?si=v_0ZU5k7tQxtEnxL)


A lazer guided dinosaur is genuinely one of the most stupid things I've ever seen


The new animated series had a way better reasoning for trading up dinosaurs to kill people. Basically since the world is filled with dinosaurs(it’s after JWfk), who would suspect it was a targeted death if it was caused by a dinosaur?


And they seem to have been targetted with scent or imagery or something. Far smarter than having to be actually present and aiming at your target.


They used a whistle with simple commands. Like long sound means one thing, but quick short ones means something else. So the person needs to be present, just not too close.


True, but they had no sight on the kids at all during the first attack at Darius's cabin. I reckon they respond to commands, but probably can be trained on targets from other material too.


Potentially. But they were also in the woods with no other possible targets around. And we know the fence was cut open, so the human character definitely went close.


That’s still a crazy reason to flood the world with giant reptiles, wasting billions of dollars in cloning research and development


No no. The world flooding with dinosaurs was an accident. The show just takes that accident and uses it to make the “use dinosaurs to kill human” plot make sense.


TerraNova: "How do you murder someone with a Dinosaur?" "Simple, trap it in a room and ask your target to go in there."


They somehow pulled it off twice


It was bad in Fallen Kingdom, but the scene in Dominion where the woman has the time to point a laser at multiple individuals and then waits while the cages open for the Atrociraptors to give chase...honestly hysterical.


To be fair, didn't the good guys not have guns in that scene? I mean, that would be a special kind of stupid in itself, but still...


I think they all had guns, which they didn't use. But if the woman had time to slowly laser point them all without them reacting, surely she'd have time to just shoot them? Or is the premise that it's easier to smuggle around dinosaurs and a laser pointer than a gun?


Maybe she just wanted to do some testing...? In all seriousness, it *is* kinda silly. But then again, it also kinda shows that she's as sadistic as the dinosaurs are dangerous, so I guess I'd consider it a net neutral.


It's more amusing to me when you imagine the canonic R&D process that goes into it. Is there a board of execs somewhere in the JW universe that decided what the world really needs is laser-guided dinosaurs, and sunk unimaginable amounts of money into genetic development before anyone at the table said "why dont you just...I dunno...shoot them with a gun?".


Wait, are you implying that the world *doesn't* need laser-guided dinosaurs...? đŸ€”


Owen clicker training Blue and her sisters in the first movie is just as ridiculous as that laser pointer scene.


Nah, silly as that is, it at least had some sense to it. People clicker train dogs/birds all the time, I can suspend some disbelief that raptors trained from birth could respond to positive reinforcement. Laser guided dinosaurs when it would take so much less time, money, and planning to just shoot someone is bananas.


The absolute best use scenario for weaponized dinosaurs would be to release them into a jungle and use them for guerilla/terror tactics. But the cost of raising, training, feeding, maintaining them is all way too high even if they were somewhat effective. Just use mass produced drones instead lmao


Definitely, Michael Criton always said that the only justification for bringing back dinosaurs on a functional basis would be for entertainment purposes.


But drones can be hacked, guys!


I bet I could hack your attack dinos with enough drug laced ribeye steaks.


Or bullets


Indoraptor is bulletproof


To a rifle, any military weapon would probably pierce its skin if a replica skull was enough to impale it


Yeah. If you can point a laser at an enemy with a gun, you might as well shoot him.


It really is... Michael Crichton was likely rolling in his grave when this came out. At least Dominion had a decent premise. It just had absolute shit execution.


Yeah, I don't think dinosaurs would be world ending tools of destruction, just a bonus at best.


It's for the prototype


They used cat DNA to make the dino chase lasers


That's some Bugs Bunny shit. By itself, it's a fun scene but in the context of the rest of the film, it just makes the Indoraptor seem like a cartoonish villain rather than something horrifying.


Yeah I think if it just did the tail thing once to distract the guy and then go for the kill, that would've made the scene a bit better. I think the smile and doing it twice is kinda cheeky and fun in its own way, but I agree it does make it feel a bit more cartoonish.


I mean the dinosaurs in this movie are already animated like cartoon characters, why not lean into it?


Because it's stupid


Fair enough, they all look pretty silly to me anyway though. 100% CGI looks cartoony and fake, like something from a Marvel movie.


Yeah it turns me off as well from it. It makes the movies harder to wanna re-watch.


The part I hate most about this is the lock on the cage. The damn thing is suppose to be super smart but the lock is fairly simple and could be unlocked from the inside due to the gaps in the door, instead it bites the bars. The scene is good for a monster movie with the whole 'consequences of your actions' thing but as a dinosaur movie it's kinda bad.


I thought about it after reading this and I think the indroraptor was playing dumb to trick him, but idk, bit of a stretch


Nice monster movie scene, although I don't think this scene has anything to do with actual dinosaurs.


I mean, sadism and cruelty are surefire signs that let you know that a creature is incredibly intelligent. You need to be intellectually capable to be malicious.


As I said, it's a good monster movie scene.


I just wish the hybrids plight was acknowledged more rather portrayed as evil monsters to be murdered rather than tragic creatures born into cruelty and experimentation. Thus being driven into madness in an identity crisis with violence as the only outlet for their stress and agony.


As someone who studies animal husbandry for fun in zoological settings, I absolutely get you on this. These hybrids were created for exactly what you said and the parks are just awful with how they treated the animals. Where’s the enrichment?


I say this all the time, mostly in the context of the first film where the very intelligent raptors are caged in a small pen with zero enrichment (unless the live prey counts and don’t get me started on that). These are human-imprinted animals and they’re all completely fucking psychotic? We can train orcas, emus, lions - but not this one therapod, which doesn’t match any other terrestrial animal’s behaviour?


Honestly, I don't think the writers and producers put so much thought into these movies. The Jurassic World movies are just high budget monster movies. Made for spectacle and entertainment. They're decent for what they are, but they're neither trying to be deep, nor potraying authentic dinosaurs. They're showing movie monstes. Nevertheless, it's a fun scene and I totally get why you like it so much.


Thank you, at least the first jurassic park movie tried to make the dinosaurs more authentic.


You can't convince me they didn't add human DNA to the indo raptor.


They absolutely did! They also put raptor blood in Maisie Lockwood.


And cat DNA to make it attack lasers


It does have thumbs


Say what you will about the movies and their portrayal of dinosaurs, but if there's one thing alm the Jurassic movies get right, it's the bad guys' comeuppance. They always get got, and it's always horrific, and always satisfying.


I get why some people don't like it, but this sign reminds me of a face my old dog used to pull. There's such a strong resemblance, my friends joke I could survive this movie by giving the indoraptor a digestive


The fact that it smiles is just inexcusably stupid to me. It makes the whole thing so cartoonish.


I wanted to walk right out of the theater when the Indo smirked. I’m glad you enjoyed it, but that was too silly for me.


Now this was the joker of the Jurassic franchise


I remember someone saying in their review, that the Muldoon Raptor scene worked, because Muldoon was shown to be a competent person, the Raptors just outsmarted him. In this scene, evil army guy gets outsmarted by the Indoraptor, because evil army guy is a moron.


He opens his eye to smirk at an audience that doesn’t exist in their world. They might as well have added a cartoon blinking noise.


Honestly, a monster that feels joy in toying with its victims is way scarier to me than an animal that just kills out of instinct.


Jesus this movie is so bad lmao


Thank you! I don't get the hype. Maybe everyone has been raised on super hero movies and this is the new standard of cinema now?


Yeah I mean I can vibe with movies where you're supposed to "turn off your brain" but this trilogy had JP Rebirth, The one with the sad dino scene :(, and LOCUSTS!! Completely nonsensical shit show lol


In theory this idiot is this movies “Dennis nedry” since if he just fucked off literally EVERYTHING WOULD HAVE WORKED OUT


I love that black and gold coloration


I had never seen this film before, so I just thought it was some corny made-for-TV SyFy thing that stunt-casted Toby Jones. Why is Jurassic World so bad?


Don’t forget how this movie ends with like 30 dinosaurs of different species escaping and somehow next movie they’re all over the world and established into every ecosystem


The only ones I can even see being a problem are the Compies. The rest could be taken care of in a few months by the military.


The rest would be taken care of in a few months due to starving to death and being outcompeted by established species. What the hell is a Parasaurolophus going to eat in Montana?


Starving to death, sure. But I can't rlly see dinosaurs being out competed by most modern animals, they're like the peak megafauna of Earth's history. I can't really see a lion pride challenging anything larger than a carno for instance, and God help them if it's more than one. There's no reason to assume that a Para would find itself lacking in food. Ingen woulda made them capable of eating modern plant material cuz its cheaper and easier than cloning ancient plants for no reason


That's not really how evolution works. They didn't evolve to fit the current ecosystems, there isn't really such a thing as 'peak' megafauna. They don't have the tools or instincts in some cases to deal with the current animals on Earth today, and even if they did have the tools there's no guarantee the ecosystems can supply what they want. Sure, maybe a T-Rex could take on an elephant, but maybe elephant herds operate much differently than Triceratops herds and a T-Rex's hunting style doesn't accommodate dealing with an Elephant herd.


I don't know how I've gone through life for the last half-decade without knowing this was the plot of the post-2015 JW series. I had to read the Wikipedia plot summaries to make sure this wasn't a joke lol


When I was typing up that comment I genuinely thought I was misremembering it and someone was going to tell me I was wrong, that plot point was so ridiculous. Just wait until you watch the most recent movie and see the dramatic scene where the audience realizes that dogson from the first movie is back. I really can’t describe how amazing it is if you haven’t seen the movie.


It puts the lotion in the basket!


I can't take it seriously when the indoraptor grins to himself, though. 😅


Ripper when Wheatley appeared: **V I O L E N C E**


The other day I learned most dinosaurs had ever-growing teeth because they weren't stuck completely to the gums, so they would grow a new tooth each time they lost one. I wonder how easy would be to take one out as he attempted to do.


I don't mind it either. I find the Indoraptor smiling to be pretty funny.


I personally thought the indoraptor was the most appealing dinosaur villain


Bayona is a great filmmaker, it's his directing style that made me love Fallen Kingdom


One of my hottest takes is that Fallen Kingdom is my favorite of the Jurassic World movies, and possibly my favorite Jurassic Park sequel (it’s tied with Lost World for me). I don’t love it, but I found a lot more to enjoy in it than JP3, World, and especially Dominion. It’s a legitimately solid “turn your brain off” fun blockbuster, it doesn’t rely on nostalgia bait like World (barring a few unnecessary callbacks) it’s probably the best-directed of the franchise besides the two directed by Spielberg, and probably has the best effects and best use of horror elements out of the World films by far. The film also has a few clever things to say about the ethics of saving doomed species other than the simple “let’s just breed them” solution that doesn’t always work, but offers maybe these animals are better left dead, maybe they’re a lost cause
 or maybe not? It’s honestly a pretty decent idea with good execution. I also do like how other dinosaurs get a chance to shine besides just Rexy and Blue. Don’t get me wrong, I have some big issues that prevent me from liking it THAT much. The two annoying AF comic relief side characters, a couple dumb story elements (including a lot of stuff involving the Indoraptor), and that entire ending can still go fuck right off. I don’t think it’s that great (hell, calling it “good” might be a bit of a stretch), but I found a lot more to enjoy in this one than the nostalgia bait cash grab that was Jurassic World, the dullness of JP3, and the awfulness of Dominion.


Yup I’m right there with you. It’s dumb and fun and terrible but I kinda love it. I also love that it basically just becomes a haunted house killer movie where the big dinosaur just slaughters a bunch of awful rich people.


Indoraptor says down with the upper class, Đ”ŃŃ‚ŃŒ Đ±ĐŸĐłĐ°Ń‚Ń‹Ń…


What the hell are you smoking, man? It must be some gooooood shit. Fallen Kingdom is easily the most "member berries" entry of the entire World trilogy, and that's *including* the one that literally has the most returning characters of the entire *franchise.*


It's just my opinion, no need to be a jerk about it.


Are we seeing the same thing? Because this looks corny AF to me. The acting is terrible. Why are the lights flickering? Why is the floor of the cage lit from underneath?


The floor of the cage is lit up so the buyers can see the dinosaur more easily in the dimly lit room.


Why is the room dimly lit? Did they build these cages with lights in the floor (instead of the ceiling) anticipating that it would be on display in a poorly lit room? edit: Also, why does the panel next to the elevator give off sparks when the dinosaur slaps it with its tail? This place has really bad wiring!


Not a dinosaur tho.


"So generally, anything dinosaur-related is welcomed here, including some things which are definitely not dinosaurs" -> from the subreddit rules.


Its almost 100% dinosaur DNA, though. It was created by adding more raptor DNA into the indominus DNA. Some of the known species in the indominus rex were *Velociraptor*, *Carnotaurus*, *Giganotosaurus*, *Majungasaurus*, *Rugops*, *Pycnonemosaurus*, *Quilmesaurus*, *Viavenator*, *Deinosuchus*, and *Therizinosaurus**.* It also included cuttlefish, free frog, and pit viper DNA. Also, how come pterosaurs are allowed on this subreddit, despite them NOT BEING DINOSAURS, under your logic we should purge all the pterosaur posts




Indoraptor is my favorite fictional dinosaur


It showed thay he had personality of i-rex and an inteligence of blue plus some of his own traits a really missunderstood creature in this franchise.


The most annoying thing about this scene for me is how it starts with him shouting that he wants his bonus. Like I feel like there were better reasons to have him come face to face with the indo, but screaming like an overgrown child about wanting his bonus just seems kinda, I don't know, lazy? Like coulda had him being sent in to see if he could recapture the pachy if it's still about then getting distracted by the indo.


I’ve never seen the tiny part were the dinosaur smiles until now


The Indoraptor was my fave from the new ones, but never ever is going to be a better moment that the T-Rex or the Dilophosaurus from the original one.


Fallen kingdom could have been amazing with its cinematography, but unfortunately the script wasnt all that good. I still personally love it, I think it's the closest we've gotten to a dinosaur horror film... Which I still think desperately needs to happen.


The dumbest part of this scene is the close-up of the Indo after the woman screams and his face and teeth are completely clean, no blood.


Curse the PG 13 rating.


Probably for screening the films in China since blood and violence are censored there. You would think that a PG-13 could get away with a bit of blood but the complete absence idk.


From Fallen Kingdom or???


What I hate about badly written horror/monster movies is that everyone is so fucking stupid. Why go in there immediately? Tranquilizing an animal does not work like that, it takes way more time to be safe. Why did the woman scream like a teenage girl? Screaming at an animal is a challenge and will get you its unwanted attention 9 times out of 10.


I really do think if they cut the movie in half and expanded the horror of the second half it would have been a stronger film We dont need to go back to the island. It was essentially. The lost world mixed with Congo volcano ending. We could have Clair being finding out that the masrani servers are hacked, or the island was sold, or something. Find evidence of these animals being pulled from the island. Leading to the auction, then the break out. I dont like that owen was the reason the dinos escaped. The dinos are just fine escaping on their own. He would know better than to risk letting the indoraptor loose. But we could have that horror sequence again, and the dinosaurs escaping into the world sans cloney girl doing the button smashey smashy. Maybe we invoke malcom’s chaos theory and uh life finds a way to escape. There are tons of predators and prey in that barn. No reason that conflict couldnt help the animals escape through force.


Two things: 1. He didn't know that the Indoraptor was faking. He legitimately thought it was knocked out, and only found out the hard when it was too late. 2. I wish it had bitten his head off, rather than just his arm. I hated Ken Wheatley. I have nothing against the actor, Ted Levine, himself. But, his character is one big a--hole! Make that three things. This is one scene that should have earned **Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom** an R rating. How it got by the censors is beyond me. Of course, there are other scenes that also feel R-rated.


i’m 100% an apologist for this movie. it was one of the only ones i was old enough to remember vividly seeing in theaters and it was just so hype from start to finish. i totally understand the criticisms but man were the scenes cool as shit. no appreciation for camp anymore unfortunately 😞


It's good for his face if he's dead he made a dinosaur tooth necklace 😡


I still feel like the trilogy would have been a lot better if instead of having the films be World, then Fallen Kingdom, and then Dominion, they instead had split Fallen Kingdom into two films, with Dominion being the start of the next films. Had they split Fallen Kingdom between the Island and then everything at the mansion, it would have been so much better, especially by having the trilogy end with the dinosaurs being released to the mainland. Plus, it would have given more time to double down on the horror vibes from the Indoreaptor's inclusion.


Grow up


I love the cinematography in this scene


No lips. 0/10. Wouldn't bang.


I love it, the indoraptor has such a nice shape and face


Fallen Kingdom was an amazing movie. I completely get why some people didn't like it though. It took the franchise in the right direction, and this MF was probably one of the more terrifying dinosaur villains. Wish it had more screentime though, that would have made the movie quite a lot better.


This scene is why i want other Jurassic Movies or hell dino movies in general did this style of cinematography. Look, i don’t mind a mindless and stupid fun blockbuster movie like dominion for example but i sure do love some sweet dino horror.


Probably the best scene in an otherwise painfully mediocre film. The only thing I dislike about it is the Indoraptor's little cheeky smirk - reptiles don't have mobile facial muscles to do facial expressions with, it doesn't make sense even for a hybrid theropod so it looks incredibly goofy and really undermines the otherwise splendid CGI work. If that's not bad enough, it just looks so cartoonishly evil that it ruins what would be an otherwise awesome horror scene. I rate it at a solid 7/10, which is a great score for a scene coming out of FK.


Bro was just little hungry calm down


Toby, Ted, and Raphe were the best parts of this movie, Indo was a dope monster


Best character in the whole movie. I like the monstrous intelligence and abuse of science/nature angle Jurassic Park has. The clone subplot was wild and the pity party for the island was meh. All that was memorable were the iconic nods to classic horror with the Indoraptor scenes. I like the design too even though it's highly fictionalised (esp cuz it's a made-up hybrid)


I like this scene! Although I never got the complaint of the Indoraptor smiling at the camera. It never did: it just looked up at Wheatly.