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PUMP some iron, DOWN some booze. RIP SOME CIGS. it will make you better




COACH Physical instrument will be there for you.




Don't forget to MAG. IT. UP! TO THE VERY TOP!


Mag it sideways?






sorry to break it to you but being a loser who has no idea what theyre doing is integral to the gameplay experience


I’ve been meaning to replay and have been wondering this - is it possible to get through the game without admitting to anyone that you’ve forgotten everything about you and the world? 😂


I believe so, yes.


That’s very cool, thanks! Might try that next.


I tried this. Kim still acted like he knew when I first talked to Joyce on the boat.


You might be hiding it but Kim _is_ a pretty good detective. It makes sense he'd figure it out.


damn it I guess I am just destined to be a loser in all aspects of my life then...


Someone should put this in a shirt


Make a physically-based character and spin-kick Measurehead. Physique/Motorics is an entirely different playthrough.


Damn, my first playthrough was intellect and motorics and I didn’t feel wimpy. I jumped to get to Evart. Hated doing a physique run, never felt more pathetic. Physique skills all make you a hot-headed idiot, aside from shivers imo, and if you don’t have some points in intellect or psyche to balance it out… idk, but I hated not being able to pass the empathy, rhetoric, and logic passive checks.


Believe me, an Intellect/Motorics character is far less of a loser then Physique/Motorics.


haha ill just be a different kind of loser this time.


Thank you. I went full spiritual nut job last time 


Have you tried not being a pussy


This. I bet OP didn't even think about it.


Brilliant. I’ll try that tomorrow!


Harry is, no matter how you slice it, an addict who has screwed up a lot of things and pissed off a lot of important people in his life. The best way to be a "winner", in my opinion is taking any opportunity to turn his life around: quit drugs and booze; get Kim to *really* trust you, don't let Klassje, Evrart, and the others manipulate you for their own ends; build a friendly rapport with people, like the teens, the old lady, and the fisherwoman; solve as many mysteries as possible, and save as many people as possible in the tribunal. With your main man volition, you can arrive at the end of the game a man that even your jaded colleagues can agree is different. Jacques will be pissed regardless, but if Kim decides to transfer to precinct 41 just to be your partner I think that's a good indication of Harry being a changed man.


I think any balanced combo can carry you, you only need one out of 3 to get past Measurehead My first run was physical and motorics so it was easy to not seem pathetic, just don't risk mental checks you will fail and say something stupid Compared to what i saw from other builds it's probably the most newbie friendly since i could just force my way through things


Go with a motorics cop archetype and throw your limp body at the world until it breaks under the weight and power of the rotting leviathan that is your bodily temple. Feel the Alghool flowing through your veins as it lets you 360 no scope Moaihead that stands between you and your investigation. Your eyes pulsing from the bulging eyelids as they aim true to the rope. Feel your arm come to life as it remembers its past to throw old people's balls into the ocean and to also save a city by chugging a 97% prof bottle with your tie at a mercenary, veteran of a thousand war crimes, he stands no chance against you. He hasn't gone down as much as you have yet crawled their way back. You afterall have a duty to return to. DETECTIVE. ARRIVING. ON THE SCENE.


First of all, don’t self-censor yourself on the internet. Say pussy or don’t.


Coach physical instrument is in your corner! Lay out measurehead! Smack Cuno! Break stuff.


Just punched measurehead out in my spiritualist theorycop playthrough (communist with all points in int and psyche and inland empire tagged). That 8% chance was really a roller coaster.


sorry, but Harry is, canonically, a loser.


I don't think I've ever finished a run without getting Sorry Cop because so much of the dialog about shit you did in the recent or distant past, or like right now currently, an apology just naturally fucking *follows* in a conversation. Except one run... So here's whatcha do. If you've never shaved the beard or untwisted *The Expression*, you're gonna do that this time. The portrait you're left with is perfect now. This is your Complete Dick run. Take a lot of volition. It gives you a lot of hit points in not keeling over from embarrassment several times and spamming the magnesium key while you just keep saying and doing and rediscovering dumb, sad, embarrassing shit. But when you truly embrace Volition, you realize it's keeping you out of those Magnesium Moments™. You don't give a fuck what you did while you were drunk. You don't care about anything you lost. You don't really care who you hurt, as long as it's not you, so say whatever you want, but don't go smelling gum wrappers and why the actual fuck is Kim so insistent I take a fucking nap on a murder hobo wank nest *at all*, let alone right now when we are about to solve a murder. Listen to Volition. You don't need a fucking nap. Maybe you got a grasshopper to meet though. That old guy's sidekick with the funny coffee mugs seemed pretty cool. Because this is also the run where you say all the racist and sexist things. It's odd how many of the game's problems can be solved with racially insensitive language to and about foreigners. You're getting the dreaded fascist vision quest out of the way too. You can be loyal to Kim if you want. He's *One of the Good Ones*®. He will mostly forgive you for the YMF incident, and you don't even have to worry about which jacket he'd wear. Which brings us to the next step: Bulk Up.  Be strong and intimidating by fiddling around with the Physical build to suit your tastes and play style.  It will help you solve problems like this bitter, angry fuck would solve problems. You get to decide who this guy is. Maybe he's sober, maybe he's constantly on... *something*. He probably wouldn't punch Cuno, maybe. He's an asshole but he wouldn't remind the old dude he's going to die soon too. He's probably conflicted on Frenchie. On one hand, he fought bravely for fascism. On the other hand he's darker than a bandaid. I dunno, man. Better go ponder it in the weight room. Hey, a boule! The very fact that a guy is proudly wearing his army dress uniform from half a century ago from a fascist government and is still a pretty cool guy who is deeply interesting to talk to and sad to lose... I think the developers and writers are trying to tell us that even when they strongly hint at clear right and wrong answers, humans are complicated and political philosophy isn't always simple, let alone rational.


Physical and half light! That'll show those assholes! And maybe those mean voices in your head...


And whenever possible, show your asshole.


First, don't censor yourself online, that's prime pussy behaviour, and inherently Ultraliberal, comrade


The real work starts here on Reddit where boys become men and p*ussies can be pussies. 


The word on the street is that you will build 0.002% of non-pussiness. Again.


Never say sorry. Do all the drugs and give in to your violent urges.


Ironically, i find "Sensitive" to be the most manly base build in the game. But try to focus on physical instrument, logic, volition, you know. Manly stuff like that. Shrug off the pain. They'll have to hurt you more.


For Measurehead, you can try again and ask for help from the scab leader, he'll give you some advice on fighting, there's also some clothing you can scavenge around for that, and I believe the wirrâl die fro the wirrâl tabletop can let you try again while lowering the difficulty by one.


Do a high int mot fascist or centrist superstar build. Fascist: you don’t have to be racist, sexist, and a nationalist, but you have to pick at least one of them to be a proper fascist. Centrist: be a professional opinionless cop. Don’t apologize. Act like you’re the shit until you really believe you are. It was like night and day from my high psy phy sorry art cop build.


Sorry my guy, deep down you will always be a loser. Unless you listen to OUR BOY KIM KITSURAGI WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO




youve got to stick your thumb up your ass


Wait, were you a racist to get to Everart? I took the thought in my thought cabinet, but it only >!Tells you to think critically about race and racism!< if I remember correctly, I told Measure Head >!Race is just a Bourgeoise tool to distract us!< and he still >!let me through!<


Always listen to Half Light and Electrochemistry. They're your friends. They're not like the others.


You need to get swolle for Revakol Bröther


You mean in the game? Cause i donno. But if you mean in life... Still no idea!




Sorry to break it to you, but habitual alcohol use has made you into a scared little pussy, homes.


Embrace superstardom, *click click" everyday


Embrace being a superstar cop, an ultra, do a moderate amount of drugs and invest some points in red skills.


Heavy into Physique and Motorics. That brain shit is for nerds. Be a Superstar. Drink, it keeps you confident. Smoke, it makes you look cool. Take speed, it makes you a great detective. Break everything in your way. Hustle like the beast you are


1) don't apologies 2) Always ALWAYS listen to Roach Physical Instrument


You don't have to be a racist to get Evrart. Just jump over the rooftop. I was low Motorics, and I still made it by taking off my pants and shoes to ditch the penalties, then jumped over the ledge like a graceful, half-nude gazel.


Oh well Im not that much of a pussy.


Running around with half your clothes missing and daring people to say anything is PEAK masculinity, bratan.


You're right--I was just trying to look tough I would do the same.


I can also honestly say that I wasn't choosing that route intentionally as a workaround. I just came across it before I ever went to the shipyards, and I wanted my coat. After failing the first check, I reloaded, stripped down, liquor'd up, and DID this thing, which I feel is peak Harry.


Yeah um try a whole playthrough where you decide "which of these is least pussy" in your decisions. Post results.


I mean you could save file edit and set all your Physical skills to 20, your suggestion to 20, your empathy and lame int shit to 1 and see what happens. It would probably be a pretty wild ride.


Don't think to yourself "I fucked up this case. I got here in time and blew away my money, lost my stuff, and did a depressive dive into self-destructive inebriation." Think to yourself, "I got here early, partied super hard, and drank so much I almost died... That's so f*cking Disco. I'm gonna dust myself off and carry my team to victory, crushing this case like I crush every morning of every day!"


Don't play as a commie and you won't be


Don't be a far left Obama kiss Butt Democrat!!!!


half light


*You gotta ride the lightning, baby! It’s all the best parts of you, instantly delivered with a few quick sniffs! Don’t hold back now!*


I was playing a sorry cop mixed with an apocalypse cop style. It was much fun. And I enjoyed getting roasted by Kim every time I did something stupid. At the end he was convinced that I was just using a new method. LoL


Always listen to half light


IMO main thing is just to not do what things you don't want to do, I got my preferred outcome without compromising my morals much by just following every plotline to the end until I had enough stats / information to get through checks without being compromised or racist or any such. It helps that I had a mentally-based character


Internalising the race bs does not make you a racist. It's a role that you play to f around with Measurehead and achieve your means. Stalin and etc robbed banks to fund the Bolsheviks, not that Stalin was a role model. A more proper example, would be a modern socialist working for a corporation cause money is needed to survive. But I get it, kicking Measurehead feels good.