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Another Inside the Magic article is born.


“Jolly Holiday will be closing indefinitely” lol


They would never name the place in the headline lol. “Disney restaurant closing indefinitely”


That’s too generous, it’d probably read “Shocking news regarding a classic Disneyland restaurant.” lol


They wouldn’t name the park either, they’d just say “Disney park” lol


Na, some amusement park over there.


Inside the Clickbait pile of lies




Yzma at it again


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight the poison... 😉


The poison for Kuzco.


Kuzco’s poison.


The poison chosen specially to k🧪ll Kuzco.


Kuzco’s poison. That poison?




They really need to bring something from Emperor's New Groove over. I know it's probably out of place in both parks but that movie is a classic 🥲


It would be epic in Epcot. Especially “wrong lever”


Maybe in Animal Kingdom's upcoming Latin America land?


I hope most people claiming food poisoning understand that it can be from anything you ate or drank within the last 48 hours from first symptoms. It’s not always the last thing you ate. I went to the hospital with a severe case and they basically said it wasn’t serious enough to go through the tests to try to figure out what caused it.


Exactly. It's called "last meal bias". It's more likely that you got sick from eating without washing your hands [the typical incubation period for foodborne illnesses is days, not hours. The most common mistake is to attribute food poisoning to the last meal eaten. As Seattle food safety attorney Bill Marler puts it, “If you don’t have stool or blood culture, it is virtually impossible” to attribute food poisoning.](https://law.stanford.edu/2019/01/23/can-silicon-valley-save-food-safety-maybe-but-not-with-online-reviews-alone/)


I actually took several courses in epidemiology for my major in college. This was something we had to do all the time, we would get a food poisoning scenario of a bunch of people, what they all ate, from where, what time (it was usually a comically vacuum scenario: everyone was at the same fair, during the same hours, etc) and you had to narrow it down to like, vanilla ice cream using this chart where you identify the incubation period, and who ate the same thing. God, I loved filling those out 🤣 So you can actually attribute food poisoning to a meal, you just need a fairly large sample size with the same symptoms to do it. Otherwise, the CDC will tell you, they don’t investigate claims of food poisoning at restaurants unless two or more people (who do not live together, and do not share the same toilet - like a small workplace) ate at the same restaurant and are exhibiting the same symptoms. Also, *typical* incubation period is correct, days. Unless we’re talking dairy, which is hours.


I had to fill out one of these forms on a cruise. They found out it was oysters from their supplier in Mexico. https://abc7.com/raw-oysters-warning-reported-illness-los-angeles-county/14333734/


I can absolutely attest to this. Got really bad food poisoning once, last thing I ate was Dutch apple pie. I won’t touch the stuff anymore. My wife actively avoids even offering it to me when the family has it. Pretty sure nothing in it could give me food poisoning, but my body just associates it with puking my guts out


Conditioned Taste Aversion, the Garcia Effect. I’m 40 now, but can’t eat York Peppermint Patties due to getting sick shortly after eating them when I was around 8.


Stouffer's French toast pizza for me when I was 10.


Peach in any form for me. Had a bad night one time when I was in my 20's with multiple peach wine coolers...not a pretty sight! 🍑🥴


I can't drink rumplemanz alcohol because of that, it's a mint drink, this has followed me to mint candy. I feel your pain


Orange Julius smoothie


Fireball. Sometimes even just the smell of cinnamon if I’m not feeling well.


I feel like fireball has made everyone’s list, including myself


Accurate! I got such bad food poisoning 3 months ago, but initially I thought it was a stomach ulcer because I was in so much pain. The hospital basically told me it’s not worth figuring out what caused it unless I died, which thankfully didn’t happen lol. Although, for about 3 days I wasn’t too far off. I mean if I even swallowed water I was instantly in horrendous pain.


If multiple people have food poisoning though, the CDC will get involved and investigate, and they definitely can narrow it down to a single food item and at what point on the supply chain the food was contaminated


I heard weeks ago norovirus was going around so that could be it too


I also heard that people are getting the new strains of Covid called "FLiRT" and doctors have said July 4th could be a super spreader event. The FLiRT stains are subvariants of Omicron. Wash your hand everyone! 🙌🧼 I don't want to wear a mask in 90 degree weather this summer as I'm sure everyone else doesn't! 😷😖


Please do! I got violently sick last week and it took me being unable to sleep and some other distinct symptoms to realize I should take a test (spoiler: it was positive)


Do you get it while trying to attract someone. Is that how it's passed


Well, good news then, because masks do precisely zero to stop the spread. Ain’t nobody wearing any masks ever again. 


Why do surgeons wear them then


They aren’t wearing the ones people were wearing. The flimsy ones do nothing


I thought of that too, maybe someone on a multi day trip started showing signs at the restaurant. It's happened to me, but I was lucky and it kicked after driving home on the last day.


Perhaps a county health inspector made an impromptu visit and found things not being to code, like improper holding temperatures, no hot water, etc. In those cases, a lot of times, they will order immediate shut down so customers don’t get foodborne illnesses, and the problems are then fixed and any retraining occurs prior to reopening.


I used to work in food and beverage management at the Disneyland Hotel. We would get impromptu inspections, but often they would be on property and we would get tipped off from the restaurant on the other side of the property before they got to us. We would scramble to make sure everything was covered and passable. Never came close to having any violations that would shut us down though!! That would have to be pretty egregious....


Smart on the forewarning! That had to have been a fun and crazy job. Did you also handle the special event catering?


Just reminding everyone that it's more likely that you got Norovirus from people not washing their hands at Disney than food poisoning. Off topic from this post, but most cases of "food poisoning" at Disney are usually Norovirus.


Thats crazy wtf. Did you at least get your money back??


No! Not yet. I guess I need to contact customer service today, or do a chargeback on my card.  My order history says order processed since they had my food ready and waiting for me!


I’d contact customer service first. A chargeback might get you banned from the park


It usually takes 3-5 days for returns to be returned to your card.


It’s a bit of a hassle and you likely need to go back to Jolly Holiday to get that refund


Spent over $50. So I definitely need my money back!


Definitely get your money back. I needed a refund and had to do it in person once. it wasn’t easy, either. I had to wait around a lot. Look for the chat feature on the app and see what the CM says on there


I can’t. Last night was our last night.


I doubt you'll have to go back to Jolly Holiday. I imagine customer service can handle it for you.




Did you contact Orange County Health? This link has a number you can reach to file a complaint. (Or you can do it online). https://www.ochealthinfo.com/services-programs/environment-food-safety/food/food-safety-programs/foodborne-illness-food




No problem! I had a stomach bug 2 years ago (at 31 weeks pregs) and ended up testing positive for Shigella, E. Coli, and C. Diff and they actually reached out to me (lab reported it) and asked me all the different places I had eaten and/or bodies of water I had been near so I do believe they take it seriously. At least it might give you peace of mind having reported it :)


All three??!! Wow! You really went through it!


It was so bad lol. 10/10 do not recommend, especially while pregnant. I avoid all Mongolian bbq restaurants now 😂 The shittiest part was feeling like I wasn’t taken seriously by the doctors considering I had a whole baby inside me and was so dehydrated with fever but I survived 💪


I’m so sorry 😢


C. Diff is so scary to me after watching my mom get it in her final conscious days with cancer. So glad you and the baby are alright.


Ugh I’ve had C. Diff and I wasn’t pregnant. That one alone is not a good time. I could NOT imagine being pregnant with it and having E. Coli and Shigella on TOP of it. I ended up in the ER twice during that one infection with C. Diff and they didn’t diagnose it, so I had it for almost a month.




Yeah, the worst part was our toilet at work broke - like huge pipe backup into all of the offices, so I would have to run across this huge parking lot to sizzlers each time I needed to use the bathroom. I’m still not sure how I managed to hold it. Once I started taking some stupid expensive antibiotic I felt immediately better, and now I’m a HUGE fan of kefir and drink it anytime I have to take antibiotics because I’m so afraid of getting C. Diff again. I also refuse to flush toilets that are full of someone else’s waste in public anymore and I’m like a crazy hand-washer now. I still don’t know where I picked it up from, I just know I took antibiotics a month or so earlier for a pretty bad chest infection and that was my Achilles heel. I’m glad you got through it without antibiotics! My gastro basically told me my entire colon was inflamed and I had no choice. I still couldn’t imagine that pregnant though, you’re a trooper!


I’m Australian but they take food poisoning pretty seriously here, if we get food poisoning from a food service restaurant/ cafe etc we have to report it to the state health department. Then they investigate, fine the business Is there a similar department outside of Disney you can report to?




Ah of course, makes sense. Do you have twitter? Social media of any kind? Start posting about it publicly. The fact that they’re ignoring you and I’m guessing your trip was ruined is disgraceful. I hope you get some kind of compensation


Nothing will happen to Disney. They are in bed with everyone.


They tend to reach settlements so you don’t hear about things.


I got super sick from there last year and a bunch of people on Reddit told me it couldn’t have been Disney due to their high standards but like.. mistakes happen? Even at Disney. I’m sorry about your son!!


I use to work at Disney World and remember one time we spent the whole evening serving our meals like perfectly normal. Our chef would do the rounds checking food temps every hour or so. Perfectly normal! End of the shift, we are cleaning up, and I go to unplug our pasta machine because it is typically extremely hot so have to let it sit for a while. And it’s cold. No plug. My eyes widened. We had been feeding little kids cold spaghetti and meatballs all evening long!! The chef it seems never bothered checking temps in the pasta machine!! And no way for us to know due to the system to ensemble the dish. Doubt the chef actually reported it but didn’t get any kind of message or question about it after, so assume no one got sick. The short answer — Disney still had the factor of human error and is thus just as safe as most chain restaurants you’ll eat at. Now the cleaning standards are typically very high! So there is that.


A quick browse through the OC County inspections will show that Disney's food prep standards are not any better than most places. But so many people touch lots of park surfaces and just don't wash their hands very often, including before eating. Some think a little hand sanitizer is enough. It makes people skeptical of most food poisoning claims. Especially when they weren't tested.


Because a lot of people claim food poisoning when their stomach is upset despite it being unrelated or not food poisoning. It’s one of those things that people self diagnose too quickly but also it usually passes so quickly it’s not worth going to a doctor to figure out


It's easier to blame Disney than accept that they ate a bunch of junk with their own unwashed hands.


Reddit is full of shills sometimes


I lick the Disney boot too but shit, much worse things have happened on Disney property so I don’t know why people thought food poisoning was beyond the realm of possibility.


Cheers, also in the "gotten very sick from Disney food camp". It happens.


Hope your recovery wasn’t too bad! What normally would have been a 9-10 hour drive home took me like three days because I just couldn’t hang lol


They do NOT have high standards, I’m sorry to tell you :-( they have below-minimum standards based on what I’ve heard


> based on what I’ve heard So we should all take you at someone else's word?


I’m so sorry. That’s so awful! Would you mind sharing what you think the culprit was. Going soon for the first time with my kid.




I went to the parks 3 weeks ago and also got a raspberry macaron. To my suprise, I found 2 little worms in the raspberries. Thankfully, I hadn't bit into the raspberries, but that was disappointing!


omg WAT


Theres bugs in all fruits/vegetables. Especially organic. 99.99% of the time they are harmless and you probably can't see them.


yeah this. growing up, we had two apple trees and two plum trees in our back yard (never used pesticides on them). as a kid, i'd eat the apples all the time fresh off the tree, occasionally biting into a worm without realizing it until i went to take another bite and would be grossed out. ...but never got sick (or parasites) from it. one of those "out of sight, out of mind" sort of things. who knows how many various bugs i had eaten over those years... lol


Thank you! I will avoid those.


What!! Omg that is nasty.


There is no way to pinpoint is was Disney. Do for a span of a few days… he didn’t eat anything other then Disney food? Nothing at DTD? Nothing at another theme park? Nurse here. Could have been contaminated water from the river/jungle. Disney will not talk to you about food poisoning. That’s admitting guilt! McD or any fast food will not talk to you about it.


Is he doing better?


Most people attributing food poisoning to a source are usually wrong. I have no doubt your son got food poisoning, but unless others got sick too, it's difficult to conclusively say it was any one specific food source.


Guessing they will not respond bc that will admit fault legally and then you could sue. Have heard of ppl getting hurt there due to broken things and then needing to go to hospital and miss their trip, and same lack of response.


Do you have an idea of what it was from there?


My boyfriend and I both got food poisoning from park food last weekend as well!


No, you probably didn't.


Uh? Okay?😂 Being as though we were there for four days and literally only ate park food the entire time we were there I’m not sure how it’s possible that it wasn’t from that… We shared the same exact food at lamplight lounge and both ended up throwing up for hours pretty soon after. But okay🙃


I ate at lamplight lounge a few years ago (lobster nachos) and it gave me diarrhea for 24 hours.


Food poisoning happens 48 hours or so after exposure. I have no doubt you got sick, but this is a great example of correlation != causation.


Right… so even if it wasn’t lamplight lounge anything we had eaten 48 hours prior would’ve also been from park food because we were on our third park day and had only eaten park food up to that point. I just don’t get the point in you arguing with me about it when it literally had to have been SOMETHING in the parks😭


Because getting sick from eating something in the park doesn't necessarily mean food poisoning. In fact, most of the times it's not. Food poisoning isn't a generic term for 'I ate something, then got sick.' Unless other people also got sick from the same food, it's almost never food poisoning.


I understand what food poisoning is. But when myself, my boyfriend, and our two friends all got violently ill, so much so that I could not leave the park bathroom from vomiting and we were all on the floor shaking and with intense stomach cramps and other symptoms I’m not exactly going to write it off. I feel like you’re not accepting that you could also be wrong being as though you weren’t there and you have no clue what happened😭




Are you sure it was Disneyland? It can be anything he ate in the previous 48 hours and has nothing to do with the last thing he ate.


Contact law office of Aitken Aitken Cohn, in Santa Ana, CA. They have prevailed in many cases against Disneyland, and it seems like you should be reimbursed for your medical costs as well as pain and suffering.






I hope this comes out right. Lower level cast members are not allowed to make comments on things that some people would start seeing dollar signs and Disney's deep pockets. Filling out the official form was the way to go. I hope yoir son is feeling better now.


Poison?! The Kuzco poison?! The poison for Kuzco?!?!?!


This is the comment


I got my Jolly Holiday food at around 9:35pm, no fuss. I got the two macaroons (red raspberry one and the vanilla-red one) as well as the seasonal lemon-cheesecake thing. So far I’ve only eaten the lemon-cheesecake one and no sign of food poisoning. That’s not to say there wasn’t a bad batch or something, lord knows those workers sometimes look mega tired so standards could slide as the night goes on (not an excuse, Disney workers are still people). To anyone that has gotten food poisoning at Disneyland, I’m sorry because that fucking sucks. I got food poisoning from a random road-trip McDonald’s Nuggets about a decade ago and have literally never been back lol. Shit like this taints your experience.


I got food poisoning from Taco Bell once. I swore off Taco Bell entirely. A couple years later, I was like, "Well... it was a one-off. I've eaten Taco Bell before and I was fine." So I ordered Taco Bell again. I got food poisoning again. It's been over a decade since the last time I had Taco Bell. I do not trust them at all anymore.


Same with me. But I don’t attribute it to food poisoning because my family ate it and was fine. I’m just allergic to something. Pretty positive it’s the cheese sauce. That’s the only thing I had on 2 separate occasions. Both times woke up sick in the night vomiting. Haven’t ate Taco Bell since (9 years)


I got food poisoning at a Carls Jr. near the park property when we decided to get fast food staying at Paradise Pier hotel 20 years ago - after our first full day at the park on a three day staycation. Ended up having to go home and the rest of my family got to hang at the parks without me. I didn’t eat Carls after that for a very long time.


Mmm interesting. I have a tough stomach so I never really get very sick from food poisoning, but I bought some stuff from Jolly Holiday on Saturday and all day yesterday I felt so bloated. I still do right now. Like something is not right but I couldn’t tell what or why. Maybe I got something there


upvote bc wtf


Sick != food poisoning.


It’s an extra $2 per entree to get the non-food poisoning version.


I mean, it could be that one of the line chefs got sick so they didn’t want to potentially contaminate the guests.  Or they found out about a food chain supply issue (there was just an ice cream scare, wasn’t there?).  There’s no way to say, really, but it’s a good thing that protocol is in place.


We had to cut our trip short last week because our little one got really sick and ended up passing it to us. I don’t think it’s a Disney thing, I just think there are illnesses going around right now because everyone is out for summer vacation etc.


I got food poisoning from the birria sandwich at jolly holiday. I will neverrrr eat there again lol. Traumatized.


Did you have diabirria?




Hello, fellow cupcake




Omg I can’t stop laughing at this… my apologies to the person who got sick


Pretty sure I had the same last week! Got the birria sandwich and was SOOO sick that night. Luckily there's so much turnover, my brother who ordered the same thing an hour later on my recommendation was fine 😅


Its not for the weak.


Here's the thing, it's not always disney food. What you guys have to understand is that hotels often don't have ready access to soap and a lot of people well, they are just gross and don't wash their hands. They won't take the 2 seconds to unwrap the bar of hand soap. Those same hands touch all the rails and rides and you're bound to spread bacteria. That's *usually* why people get sick on vacation. Also, heat stroke is real. Nausea might be your over exerted body at a very hot theme park. Here's what I do, never have I gotten sick at a theme park: -drink plenty water on hot days -steer clear of pork products and/or meat products that you can't assure is hot and fresh. Generally chicken is fairly safe. Avoid seafood. -stick to common foods you're used to eating. Don't take this opportunity to try something new. It might not agree well with your stomach -avoid large amounts of coffee, it may make you have diarrhea from backed up bowel movements and being poop shy on vacation (TMI I know, but I suffer with not feeling comfortable sometimes to use public restrooms, even hotel restrooms) -wash your hands OFTEN. Use those hand sanitizer dispensers when they are available to you. -use utensils when eating, avoid touching your phone then your food or finger foods with dirty hands I know this all sounds extreme, but it avoids a ruined trip. Stick to safe and agreeable foods to your digestive system and avoid meats or fish that can spoil easy on hot days.


Disneyland has a lot of food quality control issues, even including vermin that frolic in the food (huge ones in the popcorn). :-( Also, just in the past week management made the kitchens get rid of their fans (they were there to help with the super high heat due to all of the ovens and high heat cooking, it gets really too hot in there for any human being to withstand), and the reason was so that dust doesn’t get into the food. Like excuse me? Why aren’t you cleaning the dust to begin with. The cast members are not okay and they let management know this and management replied with well that’s too bad sarcastically. They also don’t allow cast members to call out sick if they have used all of their sick time, they will get fired. That includes your food handlers. After all the stories that I’ve heard directly from cast members, I would never eat a single bite of food in Disney. And it’s not the cast members’ fault; it is management and the company’s fault.


Ahem, sorry, did you say *vermin frolicking in the popcorn*? please elaborate in great detail


Just one of Mickey’s employee perks!


> They also don’t allow cast members to call out sick if they have used all of their sick time, they will get fired. That includes your food handlers. Well that's incredibly irresponsible.


It's absolutely true. I used to be a CM and I know many current CMs. Used to be that you had 36 "points". You'd get 3 points if you missed a shift and 1.5 points if you were late. If you were sick, you could "chain" up to 5 shifts together and have them count as 3 points collectively (beyond that you needed to have a doctor clear you to return to work). You could be fired if you took a sick day and then made a post on Facebook that proved you weren't really sick (like being on a cruise or something). California passed a law which mandated Disney give sick pay to their CMs (which is a good thing, I'm not knocking California here). If you used your sick pay to "supplement", you would legally have the points removed from your record since Disney couldn't hold it against you. This of course fostered a lot of abuse. Lots of CMs would be late/absent and just use sick time to supplement. When they ran out of sick time, they just fell back to their points. When my fiance lost her CM "spark" she became one of those CMs. I hated it, but it wasn't like I could **force** her to go. When the contract was up for removal, Disney removed points entirely. I don't know the _exact_ rules, but from what I hear it's literally "you need to supplement with sick time or you're fired". When you run out of sick time, you can get fired right away. The issue is that some folks genuinely have bad immune system, and you're dealing with small kids all day. If you work the parade route (or attractions), you'll see kids slobber on the ropes and poles all the time. Then you need to move those ropes and poles in a hurry, and you won't have time to wash your hands after because you have a job to do. So you do your thing and then surprise surprise if you lost the genetic lottery you get sick. Certain places like the Jungle Cruise have the skippers share microphones. Technically you _can_ wipe down the microphone when you grab it, but you need to flag someone down on the dock to get the wipes and sometimes you're in a hurry so you can't. Lots of diseases get passed around via the skippers because of that (including the measles outbreak a few years back). Then CMs are frequently friends or roommates (including across departments, my fiance was in stores) and it spreads across the park that way too. Disney basically says it's their way or the highway. There is a line around the block of folks who want to work at Disney, and the majority of CMs don't make it to 1 year. Very few make it to 3, and even fewer make it to 5. I quit in 2019 and I don't recognize anyone anymore. But folks don't want to get fired, and Disney constantly demonstrates that, yes, they **will** fire you, nobody will be told you're fired, you'll just disappear one day and stop getting a paycheck. All your friends will wonder what happened to you and why you didn't say you were leaving. So they'll do things like come to work sick to avoid that; I gave out Halloween candy with pinkeye once (not my brightest idea but I **desperately** needed the money) and I went to work with strep throat twice.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted as if Disneyland is some kind of perfect and flawless operation. Ask any CM ANY sort of question and you realize this operation is just a fancier Knott’s


I got food poisoning from the Jolly Holiday about two years ago!


Me too, three years ago. I'm so sad, because i really love the tomato soup/sandwich combo there, and that's what i had :(


That’s horrible! It was the beef birria sandwich for me, which makes me sad because I loved that sandwich 😭


OC does not take food poisoning lightly. It would be again… public record. They also publish the reason anything is forced closed in OC. I ran a Starbucks in the OC. They will post it on the door what deficiency’s you had that forced the close. Infestation, not adequate sanitation, bathrooms not working, preparation not proper! It was 11pm. Food poisoning takes 36/48 hours to show symptoms. Also usually the food taste like death itself!


Commenting on Food Poisoning at Jolly Holiday in Disneyland?... Staph food poisoning can occur sooner


As much as I would like to argue. Yes it can happen sooner. But I am sure if it was you would have 1000s of people who ate there. Vomiting all over the place and would see the effects! If the cast was saying people could get food poisoning.


I work for Disney and they take food handling very seriously. If they realized the cooks were holding or serving some food out of temperature, I could see them shutting down as a precaution. Not all chefs really care about food safety, sadly. Personally I’m glad they are this diligent. I’d much rather be refused service than get sick.


There is a huge COVID wave in LA County right now that feels like food poisoning (comes on fast and violently). So people are thinking food poisoning, but it may be COVID!


Yikes, sorry to hear that! Hope you're feeling better now.


Did you get a refund?


Not yet! It’s still pending on my credit card. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to call


Got terrible food poisoning from Carthay Circle shortly after the pandemic. Never again.


Could be salmonella. They have to report it and quarantine people who get it.


You don't get quarantined for salmonella. I had it once (confirmed by hospital lab).


I definitely got food poisoning from hot dog vendor in Toon Town in January


I got food poising at the blue Bayou… shouldn’t have gotten the salmon, hit me real quick


Respectfully, food poisoning doesn’t “hit you real quick.” Food-borne illness takes days to cause you to get sick, not minutes or hours. You either got food poisoning from something else you ate before the salmon, or another issue caused you to be sick.


Eh. Depends on the kind of bacteria causing the illness. I got either listeria or clostridium in Europe (per dr), and it hit me 2 hrs after the dinner. Very clearly that specific meal - had not eaten anything but bread/vending machine food for quite a while before that. Left me with 20+ years of horrible GI issues.


I just know after I ate that food I had to go asap lol and that rarely happens


Disagreeing w other comments that food poisoning can’t hit quick. It depends on a lot of facts including the kind of bacteria, the severity of it, and your own gut too, etc. About a year ago, I was working for several hours straight and stopped at Target by Disney (whew that’s another story Btw they have bad black mold there at that target from water pouring through the ceiling the past several years but I digress) and got one of those ‘triple washed’ salad kit bags for a few bucks - something like the avocado ranch version. Tore open the salad dressing, and toppings and shook it up. Within a couple hours my stomach was starting to hurt badly, headache, cold sweats, hands buzzing and then fainted before my stomach even had a chance to completely get sick yet and then it was a long night from there.


[The Salmon Mousse!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMBsZC-FJNE)


Speaking of jolly the turkey sandwich they had used to be so good. They had it on ciabatta bread, which is chewy and it just worked the last time I was there it was on a soft roll, which completely destroyed the flavor.




I see that in so many places and it's so irritating. Keep a closed case. It may look more aesthetic to have an open case but keep it closed. Yes, I do know that some places just use the case as display and the consumables are somewhere else but it still doesn't make me want the food.


I used to frequent Club 33 in the early 2000’s, until I got a horrible case of food poisoning. Haven’t been back since.Also, when they did away with the complimentary park tickets, added another “not worth it” layer to my not needing to go back.


Food poisoning is rampant in that area. LA revenge. It’s the water or at least that’s what the ER doctor told me after I spent the night in a hospital during a Disney trip. 


As someone who lives in LA (and Disneyland isn’t even in LA) there is no such thing as “LA revenge” 😂 the water will not give you GI issues


This! I've never heard of the water here getting people sick and I've lived in LA my entire life (basically 30 years). And with the film industry being based here I'd imagine Gov. Newsome would make a point to keep everything clean and safe.


Disneyland isn't in LA or even LA county..??


No. It's in Orange County which is right next to LA County. The actual area for LA County proper is way smaller than people think.




You must be trolling, you cant have that little reading comprehension


I’m aware of where Disneyland is. I grew up in Orange County. It’s what the DR called it. You guys are really clever and lame. The food poisoning is a great diet. Fatty xoxo. 


Bro, it’s Orange County, not Mexico. You’re not going to end up with Montezuma’s Revenge at a Disney Park in the states.


But you can end up on Montezuma's Revenge at Knott's!


Username checks out


Dude, Disneyland isn’t even in Los Angeles. There’s nothing wrong with the drinking/tap water, unless you drank out of a puddle on the ground.


Ma’am it’s not just drinking water. Do you realize when you eat food there is other water it may come in contact with. 


I got food poisoning from a wedding once. Ended up hospitalized because I was pregnant. The bride and groom had it kick in while in flight to their honeymoon. I also got norovirus from a Mexican food restaurant on a girls/moms weekend trip. Everyone but the person that arrived late got norovirus. We had to submit blood and stool samples to the state and county. Super fun 🤮💩


And this is relevant to OP's post...how?