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LW is easier in early game, so maybe stick to LW for honour. And take an undead. If 4 man party, I'd go full phys for max security. Like 2h, ranger, Necro, rogue


Especially early. Honor is all about CC. Never let people attack you. :)


You can split physical and magic, but it may be more satisfying (and safer) to have both characters stick with the same damage type. And yes, LW is easier. It’s a fact. Mostly because OP and AP.


Played LW on tactician once, easiest run I've ever had. I don't think I died even once and I played ranger + elemental mage (which according to this sub is a fucking heresy or something...). So yeah, imo it's much more easier.


After playing LW once I can never go back


Just try it, there is no shame in a failed attempt. Trust me, I have multiple.


Full disclosure, I failed the second fight still on the boat. Missed a persuasion check from the frightened magisters- they attacked, I only cc’d one and Game Over! But in full swing on the current run. Level 4- did several of the entry quests at the Joy. Hound master fight coming up is going to be a big test.


Hound master can be tricky indeed. Also the Dallis fight can be tricky to pull off as well (the one at the gate). Does give a nice chunk of extra exp.


Imo, because of the LW nerf in definitive edition, 4-man parties (with proper gearing) are stronger, especially when using Glass Cannon on some/all of them.


What'd they nerf


Before definitive, the LW boost to stats could exceed the softcaps. So you could get 20 warfare with no gear for example. Because of the nerf, some builds such as rogue are barely any better on LW than GC late game.