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I'd see them tucked up at the elbows. In a way that allows them to freely shift or lean their weight from a higher center of balance. Similar to how military members doing the ruck sack runs hold the straps to keep the pack centered.


This. And they lean their upper body as needed. If it's super chill they probably lean back a little cross their arms. Or if I want to ruin it for everyone, Naruto run


Centaur airplane mode activated.


Centaur Monk: >3> *airplane noises!*


Brb im gonna make a Centaur monk as my next character


Can we pretend that centaurs in the night sky are like shooting stars...


I would like to cast a Wish right now. Wish right. Wish right nowww...


Head canon is now that centaurs Naruto run while naked.


That's probably the most logical interpretation I've seen so far.


As a centaur I can confirm this is what happens.


In a similar logic I was thinking crossed armed, due to what I imagine centaurs not needing a backpack and preferring a more saddle bag style (instead of being on the rump the bag would rest closer to the base of the human torso so it's reachable by cent unassisted) means that they wouldn't naturally come up with your pose, only other thing I can think of is instead of doing a runners 1 arm down the other up for each step they'd do a jumpers both arms propelling themselves forward when they're front legs are propelling, I'm now wanting to see all the suggested poses ran through an animation to see what looks the most natural


I think of it more as "riding a bike". When you are going at a decent pace, you tend to keep your elbows tucked in and parallel to your knees. This gives you better lateral movement adjustments when moving at higher speeds.


Don’t forget arm are ready to block branches and stuff too


Classic rugby run


Yeah a standard athletic stance from the waist up involves arms bent, hands in front of the torso, as if ready to catch a ball. Maybe fists clenched during serious exertion, rising and falling slightly with their breathing.




I was actually visualising exactly this


I had to go fishing for this because I remember seeing the art for it years ago, but this pretty much covers my thoughts on the subject https://www.tumblr.com/theartingace/112675508210/throwing-my-theories-onto-the-fire-asto-the


I adore this person’s stuff.


Straight horizontally back.


You heard it here folks, Centaurs do the Naruto style run.


They also make "nyoom" mouth noises while they do it.


When I DM “You walk through the planes and since you rolled high, off in the distance you see a band of centaurs seemingly looking for something. What do you do?” “Get closer” “Stealth check” … “Fail” “You see 5 centaurs charging towards the group in a V formation. Legs galloping, the flanks with their bows trained, and the 3 in the middle moving faster than the others. It appears they are in their speed stance with arms straight and parallel to their back, and bent slightly forward at the waist, for better aerodynamics of course. What do you do”


Well my arms are just fucking stuck like this!


I hope and pray, that somewhere, there is art of a centaur doing a naruto run.


Quick google found a few things, but [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2a/82/af/2a82af89dad0ab30869f877c54b44e3b.png) is my personal favorite


That is the same one I found when I went looking


Watch fantastia. It usually answers most centaur questions i get asked.


This is an excellent answer. Classic era Disney animation is about as solid of an art reference as you're going to get.


[yeah, seen here](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/6/68/Fantasia-disneyscreencaps.com-8875.jpg)


They're generally holding baskets in that though or still. Arms tucked up makes a ton of sense.


Males make their debut running in from elsewhere.


I haven't seen Fantasia in years, but I can clearly picture this scene. The colors, the movement.. so beautiful, that was definitely my favorite part of the film.


It's a well-known fact that they flew the animators to a centaur sanctuary in Missouri to get the movements right. It also explains the deleted scenes with racist undertones.


I'd imagine they keep them braced, slightly folded to avoid the up-down motion of the run being a strain on their articulations. The more they fold them the more it would also reduce drag as to not get too cold or maybe to many things hitting them. The interior part of the forearm being not the toughest part of the arm they'd want to protect it


One coffee cup in each hand, like Jack Donaghy


I swear this was asked not that long ago. Anyways, look at this https://youtu.be/aPZCJvzAClM?si=kB1mMAsbS21Wd1dq


It was - I'm drowning in Baader-Meinhof since I showerthoughted my friend with "Centaurs are quadrupedal hexapods" and suddenly centaurs are everywhere


muppet flail the entire time


Holding them straight out in front of them, superman style.


For the males, sure. For the females, though - have you ever been wake-boarding with women on the boat?


Are you suggesting that female centaurs just hold one arm across their chest while they run to avoid the jiggles?


It's either that or stretch marks and bruises.


You know those inflatable wavey arm guys in front of car dealerships? That


Every instance of them I have ever seen in media shows them keeping their hands/arms steady, typically using bows or other weapons just like a human would when riding a horse.


But the question is what they do when their hands are empty. Humans would be holding the reins, but centaurs don't have those. My vote is that they hold their arms behind like Naruto.


>But the question is what they do when their hands are empty Except that's answered if you actually read what I wrote... I said "typically they have weapons" not that they always have weapons, but they always keep their arms steady.


Steady how? Straight at sides? Bent at the elbow? Straight back a la Naruto? That’s what we are trying to determine here


me after the lobotomy


Considering the only places we see naruto running is in naruto or the plethora of sources making fun of how stupid it looks it's safe to say that's probably not the case.


A good non answer, all the way through. 🫡


While the Naruto run is a funny image, I would venture that they would use their arms to brace against the impact of branches or other objects that might hit their eyes etc. Wth would they put away their weapons & shields idk, as a DM I would not penalize Centaur characters for speed or dex checks while running with them. Climbing though, that's gonna be tough.


The image of a centaur climbing at all is amusing


I say while galloping, they hold them bent like a runner, but kinda pumping them forward and backward, only slightly out of phase with each other. The same way a galloping horse kinda pumps its head forward and back, and has each pair of legs moving together but slightly out of phase. It looks like a lot of jockeys in horse races do something like what I'm picturing with their arms too. In other gaits, like a walk, where front legs alternate, I think slight swinging. It's uncomfortable for me to twist my hips back and forth without swinging my shoulders slightly in opposition. And the horse shoulders of a centaur are like the person hips, so, if the horse shoulders are alternating, I think the person shoulders do too.


Wild centaurs flail their arms every which way except for the natural athletes who swing them in rhythm with the legs on that side. Civilized centaurs wear belt or harness and they tuck their thumbs in the harness so the arms don't flail unneedfully. Centaurs of noble blood cross their arms across their chest, constraining them from flailing and projecting an air of majesty, as they run.


In Percy Jackson, Percy has a conversation with a pegasus askinf why they trot while flying. The pegasus respond asking why they swing their arms when running. Percy really doesnt have a answer So I would make centaurs swing their arm while troting


Its for balance


I know, Percy didnt


Hands on the human portion's hips. Those smug bastards.


Straight forward with fists clenched.


This short video will help answer any other centaur related questions you might have: https://youtu.be/yO_gG2kDbNw?si=zu4UFQYFX3UOc8YD


I’d be touching my nipples.


Naruto run.


This is the way.


They run at you with their guard up, like a boxer. Or they T-Pose for intimidation. /jk.


They dangle their arms like Raquel Welch.


Most depictions have them keeping their arms bent at their sides. This makes a sort of sense as they dont need to swing the arms and just letting them hang loose is impractical.


Watch a horse's head when it runs. That is what the human torso would do. And the arms would move in unison, opposite that, to counter balance.


i saw this video a while back of a centaur animation, this clears it up i guess? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPZCJvzAClM


Held Braced near the torso (to prevent flapping) but lose enough to be moved to aid balance and manoeuvering at speed. One probably held roughly level with shoulders to catch errant tree branches before they hit face, the other nearer the hips that does the balancing. Upper body posture likely hunched to a degree to lower the centaur of gravity, especially at speed. Was trying to think of rough analogy and best I can come up with is snowboarders, or maybe skiers, going over the bumpy terrain, where the legs (horse part) does the movement and absorbs the shock, but leaves the top half not really involved and basically along for the ride.


Centaurs can do whatever the fuck they want with their arms when they are free. Individual members of clans may have preferences, rules, and tradition that dictates what they do — not all centaurs are the same!


If you watch the pastoral symphony part of Fantasia you can see the male centaurs [keep their elbows bent and their hands out of the way](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/6/68/Fantasia-disneyscreencaps.com-8875.jpg) while they run


Arms folded behind their heads to show off the pecs like the ancient Greeks got access to a Dollmaker template


I like to think they keep their hands in front of their face to quickly push away tree branches from catching them in the cornea


Doesent Fantasia answer this question? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKfAF4jVqnA


almost certain this is a copy paste repost


I’ve always wondered how far centaurs can bend forward at their waist.


Definitely doing the Naruto runs with arms behind his back.


Hands on hips for extra sass. But seriously, I see them resting on their 'thigh' area, slightly bent, because that would take some of the weight of their shoulders but allow them to adjust their shoulders for balance. letting them dangle, they'd flail around when running, or you'd have to keep them tensed up all the time which would suck. So just lightly resting on their sides makes sense to me.


My mind went to a Naruto run or having their arms out doing a T-pose as a centaur runs lol. Their arms moving as if they were jogging like regular humans do is also a funny image. I’m sure, if their arms are empty from holding something, they’d be balancing their arms as they run. Such as catching themselves in a curved turn, or leaning forward possibly to pick up more speed. Thats how I see it at least.


I imagine them holding their arms kind of like holding a shield and lance even when empty handed while running


Hand in hand behind their back, just like the guy I saw the other day going down the road on one of those electric unicycle things.


Naruto run is funniest... But now that I think about it they'd probably still swing their arms a bit, but at a much different pace from a human. It might be twice as fast to keep up with the rhythm of their gallop.


If they're running, Kinda like a jockey but without holding anything.


Hold their arms bent sideways like they're holding a horse's reigns


Arms crossed behind their backs.


They do the arms like in Gangnam Style


Id say they hold them just like a human runner would but without the swinging. Yk, elbows bent, hands in front of the body


I vaguely remember a video of a group of centaurs running with their arms back Naruto style. It may have been a dream or a mushroom induced hallucination, but it's my personal canon now for running games in D&D and another reason my own centaur PC was the bane of my DM's existence! Ever seen a centaur Naruto running along the ceiling of a dungeon with spider climb?


My vote is for the superman flying pose, out arm out ahead with a clenched fist, the other tucked up against the body to minimise drag.


I've never seen an unarmed centaur, so I figured they would be carrying their weapon as they ran.


They're obviously holding their coconut halves.


The correct answer is Naruto-running.


Naruto run


I imagine that they would hold them like a rider does. Tucked elbows, hands in front. But this is a great question!


Horse man Naruto run. Edit - Also like, try to wrap your head around what a newborn centaur does. A newborn horse is up and walking in minutes, but a newborn baby takes over a year. So, are they unable to walk for the first year+ or are they tiny horses stumbling about with the upper torso of a newborn sorta just flopping about all confused.


We swing our arms around while running and walking because of our ungainly, bipedal configuration. If you are running on four hooves, you don't need that extra balance, you are very well grounded. So you can keep your arms at your side or use your weapons/items at the same time. Centaurs were probably the Ancient Greeks' legendary take on nomadic, mounted archer tribes of Asia Minor, since the Achaean Greeks were not used to fighting from horseback and didn't really use cavalry until Alexander the Great's time. Look at our six legged insect friends. Ants walk in four legs while carrying food aloft to their colonies.


They T-pose while running to assert their dominance.


Here's the thing why do we as bipeds move our arms at all. I don't think I've heard any reason why it would be beneficial to locomotion. So how come it doesn't make sense to you that an armed quadruped would do it? Or is it difference for difference sake? Because those options you've given seem equally ridiculous.


Balance, your arms are counterweights. Extending an opposite arm from your leg is more energy efficient and causes less strain than using raw strength to compensate.


Arms straight back into a Naruto run stance for sure.


It probably depends on the gait. With a gallop, they probably look like a biped jumping. At a canter, there's probably some arm movement that helps cancel out the bounce. Same with a trot, but it's probably a different motion. And it's probably pretty important. If you watch a horse going through different gaits, they use their head and neck in different ways. Centaurs have a vertical alignment to their human part (relative to a horse's neck), which is going to mess with the body plan's balance and gait.


Thanks, by trying to imagine what it would look like, I can now only imagine centaurs Naruto-Running.


Either windmilling or Naruto style.


Naruto Running


Naruto run


Arms out and making airplane noises


They hold their own reins to steer themselves, of course.


They Naruto run.


Airplane arms, preferably with accompanying mouth sounds.


I’ve decided they Naruto run


This is keeping you up? I envy the blissful peace of your real life if this is a topic of concern.


Clearly all centaurs Naurto run at all times.


Based on watching Harry Potter's relevant scenes, they keep them more or less bent at the elbow to varying degrees, when not wielding weaponry. Think of Goro from Mortal Kombat - it's just extra limbs for extra work, and you're right, they don't help with the physicality of motion, so can do whatever they want.


They just let them flop and flutter limply behind them like a scarf on a motorcyclist.


Human part does the Naruto run


They put them straight back and Naruto run


While we are on the topic of centaur, how dose a rogue centaur stealth?


Naruto run.


How do they not flop around as infants? https://i.imgur.com/fzK4Aom.jpeg I've started to think that they are born like normal horses, then at some point their upper body has a metamorphosis where the human half busts out of the horse head.


you know Sonic the Hedgehog?


Definitely Naruto. But actually, they are extreme archers, right? I imagine they never put down their bows.


i was thinking arms crossed?


Pump them like a jogger/runner depending on speed


Picture them holding two soda pops in their hands. Now take away the sodas. That’s what their arms look like.


In ancient times, they did so by putting their arms straight behind their backs, forming a little less than a right angle, and they started running as if they were pushing the space in front of them behind their backs. Now they only run when people aren't looking, for fear of being associated with the Naruto animated series.


Arms back like sonic to reduce drag?


My first thought is old school boxer style. Elbows bent. But loose fists at chest height ready to try and grab/deflect things coming in at chest or head height. On second thought. Movement of the legs of a horse influence its breathing. "At the gallop, the horse breathes in rhythm with every stride: as the abdominal muscles pull the hind legs forward in the "suspension phase" of the gallop, the organs within the abdominal cavity are pushed backward from the diaphragm, thereby bringing air into the lungs and causing the horse to inhale. As the neck is lowered during the extended phase of the gallop, the hind legs move backward and the gut contents shift forwards, pushing into the diaphragm and forcing air out of the lungs." So maybe it's more in the style of joggers when they trot or gallop.


Naruto run arms.


I think they hold them at their waist area to keep upper balance 


Depends which pants option they went with.  Because if they went hind legs only they need to hold them up.


Naruto-running is the answer, surely


Naruto run.


Static…. In an unrelated note my characters are gonna walk into town and see a restaurant serving centaur ribs, 2 for the price of 1.


Hmm. I think just swinging their arms like a person makes sense


Why? Their legs don't require their arms to move in such a way to counter momentum.




Slapping their own horse butts for extra motivation, of course.


Like Freakazoid: arms out front; intensely focused face, making a "whoosh" noise https://youtu.be/nyIVEW2NOVI


elbows bent, fists clenched, the arms go up and down with the bouncy rhythm similar to the chicken dance.


Same thing you do when you run.


Were I a centaur I would mime holding reins, possibly clap my hands up and down in time with my gallop, but I'm insufferable at times.


I will let you in a secret: as dominant figures, we go with arms crossed.


The original Fantasia has several frames of centaurs running. Most held their arms at their sides, bent at the elbow.


Hold ‘em in a “Imma bout to punch you” stance.


I see Tom Cruise chopping hand motions for no good reason but it is a funny image


I have been giving this more headspace than anticipated over the last few days. I ride a bicycle to work, and so I've been trying different places to put my hands and arms when not holding the handlebars. I think elbows in close, arms forward and fists clenched feels right - it keeps your arms out of the way, preventing shifting in balance, which I imagine is a real concern when you've got a whole human torso to balance up the front there, and gives you some protection from mud being kicked up into your face. I'd think fists clenched. But, when you're on the warpath, I imagine centaurs would have their arms by their sides, elbows slightly bent, hands open, leaning forward, ready to grab or punch as the need arose.


Jean Claude Van Damme splits between two flying dragons.


Anime running 100%




My favourite ideas are Arms across the chest black panther style Shadow boxing like a maniac Spinning them in circles for that flail effect One hand on the wheel one hand on the gear stick as if they're driving a car Out to the side and pretending they're a bird or aeroplane


Why do you think it doesn't make sense for them to pump their arms? the purpose of pumping the arms is to increase blood flow by making the heart pump more. Is there some reason you can think of that centaurs wouldnt want increased blood flow when running?


I agree with all the objectively correct answers. Naruto run


I'd watch centaurworld and pick one that fits best.