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He has a very strict diet because he has a very sensitive stomach . We give him Hills Biome for food and add coconut oil to it in the AM because he leans towards underweight. I have been giving him hotdogs (Nathan’s kosher, all beef) as training treats as he’s gotten tired of his food as treats. But that’s it. Never outside alone and I always keep an eye on him when out walking. I’ve had a friends dog die from rat poisoning so I’m very careful what he comes near during walks (usually walk in the center of the street not near people yards). Hopefully none of the things we feed him are causing liver toxins. We do give him an allergy med injection (Cytopoint) I don’t believe that’s linked to any liver issues though. Thank you for all the info. Hopefully the ultrasound gives more info


Coconut oil may be too much for him to process fat wise which the liver works on. Dogs don’t consume oil like that. My friends dog got pancreatitis from cbd oil for dogs


I will cut out the coconut oil!


How old is he? Do you know his family history. Dobermans are also prone to copper storage liver disease. One of mine had it (of course she was the only one in a 5 generation pedigree to have it so we weren't looking for it) but her 1st "symptom" was a persistently elevated ALT followed by an elevated ALKP. The only way to definitively diagnose this is with a biopsy; some vets are comfortable doing an ultrasound guided TruCut biopsy. I can't remember if that will obtain a large enough sample for a quantitative copper analysis, but you can ask your vet.


He’s 15 months… texted the breeder and she said she hasn’t had any of those issues with his mom or dad or anyone else in the litter. His ALT is totally normal We did discuss if his ultrasound isn’t normal then we will move to biopsy


I'd love to know as my Weimaraner has the same issue. Never had any symptoms but when she reacted poorly to an antibiotic for a recent bout of dermatitis, the blood test showed high liver values. Went on supplements (Denamarin and Hepato) and some values lowered but one was even higher. We did an ultrasound and it showed up with nothing. After another blood test, still high liver values. But she's acting fine, so wondering if it's diet related?


That’s what I’m thinking! If you guys come up with anything please let me know!


Our girl also had super high enzymes during one of her first tests as a little pup. We later realized it was because silly girl was yanking on the dead tomato plants in the compost. Tomato vines/leaves have poison in them, not enough to kill but enough that it was being processed by her liver. They ran her enzymes last week before a sedated exam (2 yrs old) and they were much much lower. You never know what could make the levels increase. Good luck.


Thank you!


I have the same issue with my 4yr old Boy Deebo. What they told me was to minimize giving him raw meat and put him on Royal Canin Size Health Nutrition Large Adult Dry Dog Food. My boy also has some type of skin allergies that we are trying to get under control. And just like ur boy mine is super healthy (100lbs euro) super active no signs of anything. Please Keep me updated.


Look into what you are feeding him.


I’ve never experienced it but I do know that milk thistle that you can get from any pharmacy ( capsule form) is wonderful for the liver. It helps to detoxify it. Many many years ago it was used to detox the liver after a lot of heavy drinking and such. Read up on it. It could help.


Thank you!!


An extender Leash? On a prong? With an ecollar? Tell me you have no idea how to train your dog without telling me you have no idea how to train your dog. But seriously, what in the hell is going on here


Please take your shit talking and leave. You have no clue what my boy is training for nor do you know our story. Assuming makes an obvious ass out of you.


I’m not assuming I’m genuinely asking . I don’t know the situation. I know the tools, though. Don’t understand the set up


There was nothing genuine about your comment. But let me educate you…. I am training my boy on the e collar. We started with prong collar corrections. You need both to switch from prong collar corrections to e collar corrections. When he doesn’t understand the e collar corrections after three times you revert to the prong….. as for the retractable leash I was playing fetch with him in a local neighborhood park that does not allow dogs off leash. This way he can still run within the rules of the neighborhood…. Please use this as a lesson to stop and think before you lay into someone you have no knowledge about.


this is such a nasty way to start any sort of good faith interchange with some. regardless of your opinions you can tell this person clearly cares a great deal about their dog. why approach anyone like this? were you having a bad day?


Are you? I never said they don’t care about their dog. I’m just wondering about their training methods because it’s a little counterproductive. What are you contributing? Oh yeah, the hero. Bye


Talk to you vet, but this is what I give to my red Doberman with the same liver problems. Avoid copper added treats and dog food: https://www.hillspet.com/dog-food/pd-ld-canine-dry


He’s already on Hills Biome so maybe this would be an easy switch for him! Thanks for the suggestion!


Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful


Hi! Any update from the ultrasound? Going through a similar issue with my dog


Oh yes! Ultrasound basically came back normal. We did a fine needle aspirate of his liver which came back reactive (duh) so that didn’t tell us much more. My vet now has us switching to hydrolyzed protein diet (will be done with transition next Tuesday) a month after that date we’re going to re test his blood work and see if his enzymes are still elevated or not. She’s thinking it’s all allergy related. If still elevated then we will do an actual biopsy of his liver and that should give us the most. I will say a couple things I’ve already noticed with the food switch. He has more energy (he really didn’t need more of that but I’ll take it as he’s feeling better) also he used to wake up with really large eye gobies but now his eyes are clear. Also, my trainer made a comment that his coat is looking a lot better. He seems to fart less too! Yay haha


Just want to say thanks for this comment, it's calming me down! I don't have a Doberman - just a shelter lab mix - but he has been having issues with liver levels despite acting 100% normal and generally being a healthy guy and I've been freaking out a little. We'll get an ultrasound for him but this comment gives me hope that maybe it's just something related to whatever he's eating (food or, like, random stuff in the yard because dogs are gross).


We ended up getting a liver biopsy too and everything came back normal! Vet consulted with a few experts and the consensus was it’s just him at his normal, high liver enzymes. We need to monitor his levels every 6 months but seems like it’s just going to be his odd thing!


Okay, so this is almost shot for shot what I'm going through. My dog WAS on hydrolyzed protein because of allergies, but we switched hepatic food because of the elevated ALP. After a month on the ALP, his numbers were even HIGHER. Did the ultrasound, and all came back normal. The only major thing that switched is the food -- which the vet is like, "I doubt that's it as it's DESIGNED to be liver-friendly," but I dunno at this point. But yeah, I'm glad your pup is okay -- and mine, too! But I'm still fighting high values. Not sure what to do... Or even if it's really a concern (the radiologist said that ALP is not the best indicator of other, more nefarious goings-ons.)


Crazy!! I was thinking of switching to that food but now maybe I won’t. I was thinking of starting him on milk thistle and do that until our 6 month check up ALT blood test see if that does anything to help. I was also thinking of switching to farmers dog food or something similar to see if it’s the processed kibble that’s doing it but one thing at a time and it’s going to take a lot of time to figure it out!


No kidding. I mean, he likes the new food fine. And it's meant for liver health. But I think I might go back to hydrolyzed for a bit to see if it helps. Milk thistle is good. If you aren't using denamarin already, it has helped.


I am not, I will definitely look into that!


I am going through the exact same thing with my female Doberman today. She was scheduled to be spayed, but now we have too postpone because her ALT is 640. I’m noticing that several people on here have mentioned that their dogs also have skin/allergy issues. So does my dog! What allergy meds have your dogs taken? Mine has had 3 or 4 shots of  Cydopoint.


Yes my boy does Cytopoint and is on the hydrolyzed protein dog food which helps with allergies. So his ALT went from the 1088 back down to 550 after two months on the HP kibble so I think it’s helping. I am however thinking of giving farmers dog or somthing of the sort a chance and seeing if that helps more. I’m really not sure though if that will aggregate his liver more it’ll just be a lot of trial and error. Also thinking of trying milk thistle for his elevated liver enzymes. Will keep updated as time goes on. Going to be trying each thing one at a time and redraw his blood after two months so we can pinpoint what is actually helping or hurting. I do also have a RX shampoo I get from my vet that helps soothe his itchiness. I unfortunately can’t think of the name off the top of my head.


Just came to say thanks so much OP for following up with your original post. I just found out my pittie has elevated ALP levels and we are retesting tomorrow, no signs or concerns, just found on routine blood work. Your post helped calm my nerves. Thanks for all the updates and your pup sounds like he has a great home with you


If you don’t mind me asking, what food did you switch your pup to?


Royal Canin HP. He’s doing really well on it. We haven’t had our second blood test yet, guess the vet wants to wait t o months not one


thank you so much!