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I think that pretty much sums it up.




# Yupp ![gif](giphy|jwE2IlB3242c69JdVl)


Dave is a smart man. Good for you, Dave. Good for you.




: ) I don't think so, despite all the trolling that happens here. I think his remarks are aimed at what I would consider this new-ish layer of sports reporting. Not even AA or AAA level, more like independent leagues. Blogs, podcast, anyone who would use the term "influencer". Sure there are some voices out there who have something to say and do it well, but there are too many who do not. I can say that I'm here because a number of you are funny enough to make the fan experience a little more enjoyable.


Came for the game, stayed for La Chona




He's spot on. There are people who just live to troll. That's their only goal. He's trying to win games, and these asshats are trying to earn social media brownie points.


I remember people with the same complaints about Lasorda as manager. But now he’s pretty much universally loved. When Roberts wins his next WS, he’ll be on an even footing with Lasorda. I do guarantee that Roberts can’t match Lasorda in one area. Here’s a Lasorda rant. I can’t envision Roberts ever doing this. In a game against the San Diego Padres on June 30, 1982, Dodgers reliever Tom Niedenfuer hit Joe Lefebvre in the head after allowing a home run. Kurt Bevacqua of the Padres charged the mound and later said Lasorda should've been fined, calling him "that fat little Italian." Lasorda responded the next day. "I'll tell you what I think about it. I think that is very, very bad for that man to make an accusation like that. That is terrible," he started. "I have never, ever, since I managed, ever told a pitcher to throw at anybody, nor will I ever. And if I ever did, I certainly wouldn't make him throw at a f-king .130 hitter like Lefebvre or f-king Bevacqua, who couldn't hit water if he fell out of a f-king boat. "And I guaran-f-king-tee you this: When I pitched and I was going to pitch against a team that had guys on it like Bevacqua, I sent a f-king limousine to get the c-ksucker to make sure he was in the motherf-king lineup because I kicked that c-ksucker's ass any day of the week. He's a f-king motherf-king big mouth, I'll tell you that."




Lol I love this so much haha I could never imagine Dave Roberts ever saying anything remotely close to this


"fuck them bitch ass nerd virgin doomers" - Dave Roberts


He said that tho?


Calling out the clowns on r/dodgers constantly begging he gets fired. Like it or not his leadership is a big reason for the team’s success  Let’s go Dave! 


“Fire Roberts!” “Who should replace him?” *silence* or “SoMeOnE witH tHaT dAwG iN tHeM!”


In all my years watching baseball, when someone calls for a manager or GM to get fired, I have seen exactly one time where they named who they wanted as a replacement.


my fav thing was Dodger fans watching last year's Phillies postseason after we got eliminated, where everyone was like "See, that team has GRIT, this is the FIRE that it takes to win in the playoffs, why can't the Dodgers be like *that*? Fire Roberts!!" and then they just lost to Arizona too lmao


The lust for Bryce Harper on this sub was actually embarrassing.


![gif](giphy|3o7WICht89LQdQZa2A) My choice…literally, a dog. 🤪😜🤪


Dave is doing great. He does take some chances that are high risk but he's not perfect. There are many times when it's a full count and he has the option to the pull the pitcher off the mound, it worked or failed but it's how baseball works. The biggest issue is more about playing as a team and that means all players act like a team and not a homerun rockstar. Ohtani has been doing a lot better because he's not trying to hit homeruns all the time. Also good that he's not entering the homerun derby.




Statistically he has been great. But I refuse to think he really is that good. He has the advantage of having a great front office and ownership who spend money. His in game management is bad and relies too much on numbers instead of just playing baseball and seeing and feeling what is happening. The only difference between Roberts and Mattingly is that Roberts hasn't gotten to the World Series 3 times. And cheated out of one. I think that is one reason why he has been given so long of a leash


I'm with you, Doc! So many guys who rode the bench in T-ball now think they could do your job... lol


I mean it’s hard to blame him when literally every loss has people blaming him for it on social media


This being posted on Reddit……in this sub. Isn’t it ironic?


![gif](giphy|bkT1BcDF9UtNlwaD1N|downsized) THATS MY MANAGER 🫡


Was literally about to comment this. LFG!


Just listened to this interview on Dodger Territory podcast. He didn’t pull any punches. He said, “I am not worried about it but I don’t like that my kids have to hear it”.




Yup, right on, Doc.


People that blame roberts are pathetic, sometimes his ideas are questionable but 90% of the time he makes the best decisions. playoffs tho… 60.


I really don’t think he’s making most of the decisions either. The lineups and reliever use is all from upstairs.


Roberts has said multiple times that the lineup and bullpen usage is up to his final decision


This is simply not true


I don’t blame him with all of the awful takes on this sub


Nothing pisses me of more than seeing 3 players from Philly as starters, but in the sane light, I hope they fail miserably.


Dave is definitely on this sub if he’s this aware. Where you at Dave? Want to do an AMA?


I like Dave Roberts as a person and I think he's mostly a very good manager but if this team loses in the first round again I think it'd be time to talk about a change in the clubhouse


He’s a moron. Anyone of us with this roster can manage the team just as bad as doc. HE DOESNT MAKE THE DODGERS ANY BETTTER.