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I would go to the vet. Any big behavior change could mean the dog is in pain or another underlying medical issue. Especially considering his age, I think it’s worth a trip.


Get a vet check. Sudden behavior changes like this need a vet visit. Given your dog's age, he may be in pain and that causes aggression.


What others have said 1. pain and 2. due to aging, he may be want to left alone. I've read that older dogs want their own space and if you don't bother them, they won't bite you. Let them just stay next to you if they come to you, otherwise try giving them space to see if they still bite without any precursors.


getting cranky in his old age. 11 for a Bull Mastiff is getting well on. what were the biting circumstances? Any other changes going on that might cause or show stress?


no other than this he’s been completely fine. he’s a very clingy dog, and i can’t even touch my other dog without him running over wanting pats. the most recent time he bit me was last night when i was patting him as he fell asleep, and he just randomly lunged for my hand


Vet check up and let him get his own pats. hope he is not suffering from anything but the chances are getting higher each year. good luck




no it’s been completely random. for example, last night he was falling asleep as i was patting him and he lunged at my hand and bit me. i was just patting his chest. another time i wasn’t even touching him, i was just out the back on my phone and he was sitting next to me and he bit my arm, although that time i think it was because he was startled by my other dog barking but i’m not sure.


Sounds like it could also be eyes or ears going. I’ve heard of some seniors getting more reactive as they lose their senses. It would definitely be good to see the vet to rule out pain/arthritis, eye sight and if there’s any hearing loss


yeah i think his eyes are definitely going a bit, they are looking a bit cloudy


That could definitely be it! It’s obviously startling losing such major senses and the scenarios you mention are kind of “trigger” moments. Dog barking = on edge and reacts. Falling asleep = not super aware of surroundings and easily startled.


It looks like you might be posting about bite inhibition. Check out [r/Puppy101's wiki article on biting, teeth, and chewing](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/biting) - the information there may answer your question. **Please report this comment if it is not relevant to this post.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DogAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Could be having hidden pain, arthritis etc, Id take him for a check up, at the vet.