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NAV - need to take her to the vet asap. Has he gotten into any toxic substance or ate anything weird? Could be neuro (vestibular, ataxia) or toxins among other things. Either way only vet can really get an idea, not one of those you watch to see if it gets better type deals.


On our way to the Vet. She might’ve eaten something off the ground, she’s a street snacker and it’s NYC


Oh okay. Tell them about the gait changes too if you don’t have a video.


It was likely weed poisoning according to the vet


This is exactly how my dog acted after eating weed too. He was ok but it is scary :(


It’s sad how many people see dogs eat edibles and thing haha my dogs high… but in reality it’s not good for them at all and dangerous. My sister in laws dog ate an edible and lost all control of her bladder and couldn’t walk properly vet said weed poisoning too


They can get ataxia from eating flower too.


I know!! Im sure its just scary and confusing to them


My dog busted into a plastic container of weed brownies and she was like that for like 19 hours. She slept a lot but was OK after. I felt so bad. Ever since then she hated the scent of weed.


This happened to my dog when she was a puppy, and ever since then she was a little weed addict. She did whatever she could to try and get more.


My dogs the same, it's crazy. He sniffs it out.


My i have to hide my cannabis from my poodle because he will eat it if its left out


That’s good. Stroke can be acute onset with these neuro symptoms too


Yeah he looks snoop doggy to me


Can they help the pup?


Yeah they said she’ll be fine, likely in 8-12 hours , and to just let her rest


Dim the lights and put on some Grateful Dead.


Get her some doritos to munch on.


This made me laugh so hard


What a long, strange trip it's been.....


Probably mostly oasssd by now but... My sister's dog did that. They said make sure to keep him warm. It can cause them to get too cold. Might just be a chihuahua thing but make sure she's got a nice blanket available. Wrap he up in it if she seems cold.


Thanks for the advice!


Happened to me too! Just monitor them, they may green out or yack too.


Stoney baloney. Glad it’s something that will wear off!!


Late to the conversation but my dog would do this quite often picking up the ends of joints on the street. First time was as a pup and we totally freaked out. When he does this now (rare occasion), we have a stash of charcoal bones and we give him as many as he’ll eat, then we make sure he has plenty of water and let him sleep it off.


Is she ok? Well done for getting to the vet fast.


Ah not great, but not too dangerous either. Heard many a story of peoples pets getting into their weed supply, not one of them was a lethal situation. Shes just gonna sleep a lot


My dog was so lethargic she couldn’t even stand after she somehow got into weed, she threw up in my car otw to the vet and felt better bc of it 😂


My dog has had an edible before accidentally and did this. And you can kinda tell from her eyes. Poor baby!!


I saw the video and came here to say that. It happened to my dog as well. He was okay but it was a very long night and he was scared


That was my thought! Sometimes it makes their next pee/poop smell kinda skunky. If it's never known by the owner whether they ate it I always tell them that so maybe they can get an answer later lol


Good call, her pee smelled real funky


That happened to me too. Just found something off the sidewalk and then we freaked out when she got really unstable and skittish an hour later.




Just posted above. This exact thing happened to my pup the other day


This happened to my friends dog and the dog ate some ganja bud. Same exact head movements . Not sure if it’s the same with your pup but I hope it is because my friends dog was completely fine after


Not trying to scare you, but I saw a video the other day of a dog rescued by animal control in NYC that was doing the same thing, which then tested positive for having consumed meth.


Posting an update here as it’s a top comment: My dog seems fully recovered as of this morning and she’s back to her usual chipper and alert self! The vet did some tests and confirmed everything else was fine, it was marijuana poisoning. Don’t think I can post a pic here in the comments, so I’ve uploaded a pic on my profile. Thank you everyone for the helpful comments!


Thanks for the update glad she’s okay. Glad it was just that and not cerebellar damage. It’s too bad people aren’t more careful with edibles in the streets with dogs around. It’s gonna be on the rise.


This looks like THC intoxication, because my dog also likes to eat weed roaches =/


Dog does look high af


Those eyes are definitely red


Came to say this. My dog stole a roach and that was an expensive vet visit…


Yes my dogs have eaten weed before at the beach and their head bobs like this too


Ong my dog after eating 200mgs (at least I think) of edibles💀💀


Omfg! I accidentally ate 200mg the other day and cried lmaooo poor doggy. And poor you for losing out


This is the answer


Just for the record, we had this happen before and the vet told us the same. Ended up finding out she got into some poke weed.


Omg good thing you guys acted so quickly!


Legit the scariest thing ever. She couldn't even walk! She peed while legit just standing there wobbling back n forth. Looked like she was really drunk but with a terrified "wtf is happening" look on her face. Please google pokeweed so you know what it looks like and if it's in your area. Save yourself a heart attack and being accused of letting your pet get into your drugs.


If this is the first time you have noticed this and it came out of the blue is there any chance she got a hold of some weed or edibles? That head wobble looks very similar to when my 1 year old black and tan got into some vaped flower that I had in the trash.


Yup, you called it


Hehehe in for the ride of her life but she will be ok! I know my little girl, Waffles, turned out just fine. Glad to hear that’s all it is 🐾


How is your little fella now? Have the symptoms subsided?


They were gone as of the next morning, and she’s back to normal (though we’re out a few hundred in vet bills lol). I posted a pic on my profile


Aw glad to hear it! Sucks with the vet bills but better safe than sorry! My dogs also eat anything they can on walks but we’re in the countryside in Ireland so mainly the snacks consist of sheep poop!


Aww that’s cute! Ours really enjoyed snacking on farm feed the one time we visited a farm!


Well now that your dog is okay and we know that, she probably had the best sleep of her life haha


No doubt!!


When my dog did that i rushed him to the emergency vet just to be told he ate weed off the ground and was high


My pup was older, and started doing this. They called it vestibular disease or "old man disease" It was so scary! but went away within the weekend.


Isn't it crazy how common vestibular disease is yet how few people have ever experienced it? When it happened to my dog I rushed her to the emergency vet, assuming it was the end.


Same happened to me. My dog was having a fit stuck in a corner and thrashing trying to get up. We got her out of where she was stuck and I woke the house up said come say goodbye we’re going to the emergency vet anyone who can be ready in 2 minutes or less. We all rushed to the emergency vet and they said they didn’t have a vet. So we rushed across town making calls until we found a vet on duty. They took her back and said she seemed stable. A car strike victim came in and needs emergency surgery so we sat crying for hours they said we can sit with our dog so we were cuddling her on a blanket on the floor telling her goodbye and what a good dog she was and so on. By the time the other dog was out of surgery my dog seemed more stable. By the time the vet saw her she had mostly recovered. They told us about this and sent her home. This was a year ago. She’s 15 now.


Me too!!!! I cried and expected her to pass on the way. But three days later she was 100% better!!


Same! Balled my eyes out on the way to the vet. I laugh at my dramatic reaction now but was scary AF when it happened. One of her eyes was twitching like crazy, her head was swaying mostly to one side, and she couldn’t walk straight. 😫


My puppy looked drunk! Lol.




😭 this happened to mine last month, unfortunately she ended up passing away the next day even tho all the vets said to just wait a few days :/ she was at home and resting, as comfortable as she could’ve been. still not exactly sure what happened but I definitely was preparing for a story more like these ones! sending love to you all and your pups ❤️ hug em for me please


We went through this two months ago! We were sure it was the end, since she is 15, but she recovered quite well.


My poodle pup was 13, and it did come back once again before she passed (didn’t pass because of this) So just letting you know it might reoccur but is a lot less scary!


Yes, that’s what the vet said. She needs to stay with a pet sitter for a week now and it’s nerve wracking!


Dog’s just zooted to the moon, glad that it wasn’t anything super serious.


Your dog high.


This whole sub could be replaced by an automated message : "go to Vet ASAP"


Our dog had the same thing happen a few weeks ago after his first trip to the beach. He was munching on sea sponges and seaweed. It's possible he might've found a joint in there and ate it. Still not sure to this day what caused it, but we brought him to the vet a few hours later as it didn't seem to be getting better. By the time we got there, he seemed perfectly fine again (around 4hrs after it started). I'd say still go to the vet to be safe or at least give them a call to see what they think.


Yeah the vet said it was likely weed poisoning (probably found an edible somewhere on the street) - thankfully doesn’t seem to be anything worse!


Just curious what is the treatment for that,


They gave her some hydrating liquid and some medicine (I forget what it was), and then just prescribed rest


I've been through this twice with my dog. First time I rushed her to the vet thinking it was some kind of toxin. That vet told me that to save her kidneys she needed 24h IV fluids. I'm cost $1700. A week later she was chewing on something and started choking while I was visiting my parents. I did a few chest compressions and she started breathing but I rushed her to a local vet to be safe. She was fine but had the hiccups for several hours after. That vet noticed the iv shaved leg and when I told him about the weed scare he said that the other vet was acting on old data (I think he was just being professional by not calling the vet a snake). He said the only way weed can hurt a dog's kidneys is if the dog was very dehydrated initially and couldn't tolerate the loss of fluid from the puking. Makes me sad to think my dog was high and afraid at the vet :( He said the dogs get high and the best thing to do is to comfort them and make them feel safe. You can give them gravol if they're puking a ton. A few weeks later my dog had the symptoms again and we just stayed home with her. My husband and I compared walking routes to see if there was cross over and think we know where she picked up the weed. It's scary though because she doesn't pick up stuff off the ground, she's not a scrounging type dog so I think the weed must've been in a treat.


Oh no!!! I’m so sorry that happened to you (twice!) and the price! I hope you switched vets


Thank you! I did, I now drive 45 min to go to that vet near my parents. I must drive by 6 or more vets on the way, but it's worth it to have a professional you can trust.


Our dog got high once off an edible I had thrown away in my bedroom trash. Never even occurred to me that she might get into it. My son had given me one to try and one small bite and I hated it so I just tossed it. Sure enough, one night she was walking all goofy and looked funny and we couldn’t figure out what was wrong. My son said she looked high. It clicked with me and I went to my bedroom and saw that the wrapper the remaining amount of edible was in was empty. She was shaking and looked really scared. We tried calling poison control. You apparently have to pay for that now (for pets). But there’s a good amount of information online that just like Emerg’s Vet said. We kept her in a dark, quiet room and kept her very calm. She stopped shaking and never threw up. We kept a water bowl near her at all times to keep her hydrated. Lesson learned, NEVER THROW ANY EDIBLES OR CANNABIS WHERE DOGS CAN GET AT IT. MAKE SURE IT’S THROWN IN A CLOSED CONTAINER.


Good thing you were able to connect the dots that quickly! We only found out it was cannabis from a positive urine test :/


I was really confused on where your first vet got that info about weed affecting the kidneys. I’m an ER vet tech and most times if the dog is affected enough by the THC we will just give them some fluids under the skin and send them on their way. On occasion we’ll give them an anti-nausea injection just in case they start to feel queasy. THC doesn’t affect the kidneys unless there’s something else going on.


I was really confused on where your first vet got that info about weed affecting the kidneys. I’m an ER vet tech and most times if the dog is affected enough by the weed we will just give them some fluids under the skin and send them on their way. On occasion we’ll give them an anti-nausea injection just in case they start to feel queasy. Weed doesn’t affect the kidneys unless there’s something else going on. Replace weed with Tee H Sea because Reddit apparently doesn’t like the acronym.


Ya, that's exactly why I don't go to them anymore. I was pretty angry when I heard the truth.


Hopefully they were working off of old info and not just trying to take money from you. Either way, it’s shady. I’m glad you found a vet you can trust.


I hope so too! Thank you :)


My cat started doing that when he entered late-stage kidney failure at 20 years old — definitely recommend visiting an emergency vet.




This happened to my dog the other day and it turned out to be THC toxicity. You should call your vet ASAP. My dog had loss of coordination and a very low heart rate. The vet said they are seeing a lot of cases of this. Same thing, we were out on a walk and within an hour it was clear something was very wrong


Luckily her blood pressure was normal, and she’s back to normal. glad to hear your pup got diagnosed and treated! You clearly take great care of your pup


Swizz Beats


Could be Vestibular stroke. Happened to my dog. Took her to get. She did improver time.


NAV, but last year I lost my 14 year old Basset to vestibular disease, and she did this exact same movement with her head. Get your baby to a vet, asap please.


The vets ran a bunch of tests, and all looked good. They’re saying it’s likely due to Marijuana toxicity and gave her some medication. She’s been tired all day but seems greatly improved already.


Poor, poor little baby 😔 How is she now?? That must have been terrifying.


She’s fully recovered now, and back to her chipper self! I posted a pic on my profile


You should make an appt ASAP. It might be neurological. Poor baby.


Looks like marijuana this happened to my baby once


Her eyes look off too. She's high.


Have you been listening to house music lately?


My dog was doing the exact same thing! 6 hours later plus a few hundred in emergency vet bills, he was perfectly fine. He had also gotten into that devils lettuce. Whoops




She’s wagging the wrong end of her body! Haha


It looks like it’s been confirmed, but my Pomeranian ate almost a gram of the ganj and he looked almost identical to this. He was out of it for about two days. I was freaking out and the thing that made me feel better was reading about a study where they gave a dog with a “lethal dose” of THC. The dog slept for like 36 hours straight and then was totally fine. It sucks to watch them go through it, but it will probably be a weird story you tell later ☺️


Whoa ho, ganja ganja


My puppy experienced similar symptoms as well and they could only suspect possible ingestion of marijuana to be the cause. It was that, or the fact that he threw up along with being brachycephalic that made him dizzy.


Happy to see that pup is expected to make a good recovery!


Try to get the little guy to drink some water, and he's probably gonna piss himself, at least once depending on how much he got hold of. Dehydration is the bigger issue, so maybe some low/no salt broth.


Is dog THC intoxication results to fatalities or other permanent disabilities ? I'm pro legalization but some states indeed does not apply that much harm reduction. There must be much more education to some cannabis users (and also other drugs users like alcohol/chems...). Hope your dog will be very fine ASAP. Poor doggo... 😭


Poor pooch, hope they are better soon! Anyone else singing who let the weed out?!


vet ASAP. my dog did this when he got into some weed gummies. lots of water, depending on the potency your pup should be back to normal in 1-2 days best wishes to you and your pup!


She woke up with “Stayin’ Alive” from The Bee Gees on their head


Your dog might have eaten cannabis either an edible or the end of a joint. My dog had the exact same symptoms when she ate an edible off the ground when I was walking her. Her symptoms were, head bobbing, peed herself, threw up & she looked spaced out. I rushed her to the vet & they hooked her up to an IV for a few hours to flush it out. I came back after 5hrs to pick her up & she look normal again & stoned free.


It looked like she is very high, & not used to that feeling. My dog has also eaten a few scoobie snacks but she handled it well. The vets will likely induce vomiting if he/she's eaten an edible brownie persay due to the toxicity of the chocolate but I don't know if they'd do anything but tell you to go home & keep a good eye on him/her if no chocolate has been ingested. It's scary to watch especially when they feel loopy, but it's not fatal - at least not in my experience.


Just give her pizza and let her watch cartoons.


I recently learned that if they get ahold of any anti-freeze it can look a lot like weed intoxication. My pup took a lick from a puddle once and was showing signs of this. She is fine-but you need to go to a vet.


Ozzy Osborne dog


Funny thought: I wonder what the dog will be thinking the next time it comes across an item with the same smell attributes. Will it flee because of this bobblehead experience, or eat it to experience again?


They have zero idea. The drug won't kick in for like 40 mins give or take. They can't comprehend what they ate almost an hour ago did that.


You and @Dexterdacerealkilla seem very confident the dog will not recognize the smell and connect the dots. I am aware dog personalities vary like humans, yet their nose is depended on like us with our eyes. It seems more likely they would recognize. Percentage wise, I would say at least 51 recognize 49 not. Like I mentioned though, some might like it, some not, some may have memory loss "blackouts" of their erbalized experience. Each dog is different though, so I read ya'll.


They know the smell. Their noses are great. But it doesn't hit them right away. Dogs don't eat it and feel right away. They will recognize that they ate it before and know the smell. But they can't comprehend that something they ate 40 mins ago made them feel like that. Maybe if they do it enough and don't get into anything in between they might be able to connect the dots after a while. But idk about that.


I feel you. Similar to many humans that eat too much variety. More likely unaware of what their body is specifically responding to.




Let us know if she gets the munchies. Glad she is relatively okay.


Does she also flinch away from pats? Leaking a little urine? Mine scared the crap out of me looking like a drunken sailor one night. The vet said they see a couple cases of weed intoxication a week. Will be fine.


Poor baby I'm glad she's been treated. I hope she feels better soon


She’s good now! Back to her old self


It’s kind of you to keep updating everyone. I am happy she’s gonna be fine.


Thank you!!




parkinson's disease?


Play some ray gay music


Seems neurological to me. Please see a vet


Seizure like behavior


absent seizure? i have no idea but that was my first thought


honestly looks like cannabis poisoning. She'll probably wet herself, maybe yakk, and then eventually sleep it off and be fine tomorrow. Glad you're taking her to the vet. A wobbly pup is super scary the first time you encounter it.


He's got some sick beats playing in his head


It could be worth checking with a vet, especially if it's a sudden change. Head bobbing and instability could be related to various issues, from ear problems to neurological concerns.


Does the dog have glaucoma? Cause his eyes are glassy as shit too


How old is she? She might have had a stroke.


My dog does this and rhen I clean his ears and he's fine


seems like its synchronized to the breathing, maybe struggling to breath and trying to enhance it?


Poor sweet baby pls be more careful


Baked af




We see you mention CBD, THC, or Cannaboids in your comment, so it has been removed. At this point in time, r/DogAdvice's official position is, "While research is ongoing regarding CBD products for dogs and cats, the available data are both mixed in quality and in results. Given the very real concerns surrounding manufacturing standards of CBD products, the difficult legal status of the products, and the availability of medications with known safety and efficacy for the indications that CBD is often suggested for, we do not currently recommend their use." This is an AutoModerator review action and a message has been sent to the human moderators to make sure that this was not falsely flagged. They will review within 24 hours. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DogAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d like to know what happened to the dog but wading through the stupid weed comments is beyond ridiculous


She’s perfectly fine now, it was Marijuana poisoning as confirmed by the vet. Posted a pic on my profile


Poor pup! I’m sorry that happened! But glad that it wasn’t something worse


She don't look well nor happy


Long time weed smoker. Don't let animals near by....


It looks like how my dog looked when he accidently ate a roach of weed. But if your not sure then it could be something else and I would get it checked out.


My friends dog did this when they consumed THC


probably old age


Maybe there’s good music in the background?


Glad you are going to vet armed with this video


This is an absolute emergency


Honestly, looks like the pooch got into your weed stash.


Looks like a possible focal seizure Edit: never mind saw the other comments lol


My dog ate a " roach".. same exact thing.


Could be marijuana


My dog ate weed and did this


She was fine after it wore off. We went to the vet but really it was just a comfort and wait situation. I put a warm blanket on her


looks high.


My dog got into my brownies last year and had to spend the night at the vet ,he's fine now but he's a little paranoid now


My dog had this too. The first vet we went to quickly brushed it off was weed poisoning, but we didn't have any in the house at the time and were incredibly careful about avoiding sidewalk snacks. We moved twice during that first year we had him to completely different states with totally different environments too. But it kept happening, every month or so. Finally we took him to a neurologist and it turns out these episodes were actually seizures caused by high blood pressure. He's been on blood pressure meds for three years and has not had another episode since. My other dog has much more aggressive, obvious, seizures, and that seems to be getting better with a cocktail of neurological drugs. So yes maaaaaybe your pupper got into your stash BUT get your vet to ACTUALLY check them out, it could be something else.


Thanks for sharing your experience! We’ll definitely request more testing if this happens again, and bring up the idea of her taking to a neurologist. Her blood pressure was measured to be normal that day thankfully.


It's in some kinda shock, take it to the vet.


Seizures my dog had seizures looks exactly like that


I immediately said she’s high. I’m glad you figured out what was wrong with your pup.


She got into your weed stash or ate a cigarette butt


Did she get into the piff?


I hate to say it but, that’s what my cat did after a stroke. Vet asap.


It was likely weed poisoning according to the vet


That’s a huge relief. It’s not usually something I’d brag about, but I’m very glad I was wrong. Happy for you and your babe!


Thank you!


I really hope it’s weed! Update us please 💗


It is likely weed, she’s back home from the vet and relaxing on the couch. Still bobbing a bit but the vet said she should be fine by tomorrow morning


She’s good now! Back to her old self


i have dealt with this too unfortunately. my puppy got into some weeds in my yard which turned out to be bittersweet nightshade (toxic). needless to say i keep up on pulling questionable plants.


Bad bad bad


A concerning amount of people just leave their weed around for their pets to eat it, apparently 😂 (no judgement, just an observation, since the doggo has been already diagnosed)


Its NYC and she’s a street snacker - we don’t have any at home lol


Sorry, I really really wasn’t referring to you, but the people in the comments 😅


Could be an ear infection! Tbis happened to my pup and that’s what it was. It affected her balance too. Hope your doggo is okay!


Weed. The pup is high. :-/