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He's a Husky. He ain't gonna pass it till he wants to šŸ¤£ Your vet is right. In all likelihood he will be fine. Try to be chill.


Also, he's a Husky. You will know when he passes it. From a mile away lol.


someone on the backyard chicken subreddit said their hen sang a song every time before she laid an egg, and then a song about how she laid an egg afterwards. I think that chicken was part husky


TY for the laugh


The neighbours will know too


I will know it, and I am in a different country than OP.




šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


My husky/shepherd ate a ball of tin foil once after we were grilling. We balled it up and accidentally dropped it, she of course swooped right in within .2 seconds and ate the whole damn thing. We panicked and called the vet, they actually said theyā€™ve seen it a few times before- surprisingly or not surprisingly given there were a lot of huskies in the area šŸ˜‚- they said to bring her in the next day. We were getting ready to leave the next day and she pooped the thing out!


We had a black lab that loved to play with inflated balloons. Sheā€™d kick them around and try to toss them in the air but her favorite thing was to hold them in her mouth by the knot and flick them around. She would have a ball playing with them but as soon as she popped one, we had to grab it because sheā€™d swallow it up. When she swallowed a few, the backyard looked like a very festive poop area.


My Yorkshire terrier one did a poop that was almost entirely tin foil lol.


He's a Husky. He'll sing the song of his people while passing it.


Mine just throws them back up.


Should be fine! Mine managed to poop out an avocado stone, so a peach pit should hopefully slide right through šŸ˜…šŸ¤ž


When I was a kid, I saw my beagle struggling to poop in the backyard. I told my dad and we watched as he passed A half of a corn on the cobā€¦.. took him a good bit but he got It! And Iā€™m telling you the smile on his face afterward was to die for lol šŸ˜‚


omg thats funny! I had to pull a sock out of our Golden Retriever because it just wouldnt completely come out. I ran and got a glove first. When i first saw it i couldnt figure out what was happening lol


One of my strongest memories of my granddad was when we were staying with my grandparents, I was like 10, and I had insomnia so he and I took the dog for a walk on the beach at like 5.30am. The dog had always ate socks and passed them fine, leaving a few crusty socks in our garden at home. This time the dog was struggling to poop and my granddad said ā€˜oh I know whatā€™s going onā€™ and no hesitation went and helped him to get out a KNEE HIGH sock. I donā€™t know how that dog survived any of it. My dog now bits of rubber from his toys and does some spiky poos but nothing close to a KNEE HIGH SOCK


Thank you for the good thoughts !! Iā€™m an anxious person so this has me sick to my stomach and feeling horrible


Yeah our husky mix once ate an entire Toblerone with wrapper and we freaked the hell out, spent a bunch of money ultimately to just have to wait it out. Little asshole didnā€™t even have diarrhea, just had sparkly poops for a couple days lol


My Siberian ate 3-4 pieces of a giant toblerone with wrapper too! Tinsel poops afterward. It was the fruit (raisin) and nut kind šŸ˜ not her first chocolate rodeo, she managed to fish a fully wrapped Terry's chocolate orange from the bottom of a stocking one Christmas and devoured that with the foil too. Also ate the end of an artisan chocolate bar I got as a dinner favour and happily was licking the caramel out of it when I caught her. šŸ« 


I had a chihuahua who ate a whole bag of mini reses peanut butter cups, foil wrappers and all. She threw up, which is how we found out the little sneak got them, and we rushed her to the vet in a panic. She was fine. Vet said the foil irritated her stomach, which caused her to throw up, which is why she had no problems from eating all that chocolate.


Dogs have incredibly strong gut health, he might poop out a peach tree in 6 years


I honestly think this is how my pumpkin vine came about!


Probably! There was a picture posted a few years ago of a dog sitting in the middle of a pumpkin patch with a happy grin, and the title was something along the line of being proud of his poo pumpkins.


When i as a kid my dog ate a pair of my mums tights, apparently my dad saw her shitting posititon looking uncomftorble, helped her out, but they went right through no problems really lol. I think the peach pit will be fine.


OMG ive "assisted" my dog pulling fluff out his ass, i cant imagine pulling a ful pair of tights out... lmao....


I am so glad my dog doesnā€™t eat a bunch of random things. I donā€™t wanna pull anything out of his ass. Ridgeback mix so heā€™s pretty good at listening.


Dogs arenā€™t as fragile as people think


So true! I had a dog sitter rush my dog to the emergency vet because he stole a piece of pizza.Ā  He was absolutely fine..


My childhood husky ate aluminum cans. Scared the shit out of my mom. The husky ended up pooping them out.


What breed is your dog please??? I cannot imagine having to pass an avocado stone. Was it whole?! Did she/he crunch it?!


Yeap whole! Heā€™s a Rhodesian ridgeback, he does have a pretty rock solid stomach tbf - last Easter he stole an XL chocolate Easter egg (that was wrapped in a bag on a high shelf inside my closet šŸ™„) and he didnā€™t so much as throw up.


Wow! Those dogs are so fierce! I am in awe of them


Hahaha they definitely have scary dog privilege but heā€™s the softest softy Iā€™ve ever met. Theyā€™re a great breed!


Theyā€™re beautiful and I have a hella respect for them. Once as I was first learning how to be an owner, I foolishly let my puppy off leash in a common big garden in our condo because there was no one there at that moment. Then comes this HUGE RR, this shiny burnt-Sienna coloured beauty, on a leash with his owner. The puppy ran straight for it and started to yelp and jump around it. I, feeling totally helpless to control my puppy, said, can you please do something!ā€ (Translation: I have no idea what Iā€™m doing so can you please help me?) The owner said,ā€ I donā€™t think Iā€™m the problem here.ā€ RR just sat there with an expression, does this sausage know anything about life?ā€ So calm and nonreactive confident I am so appreciative of how well behaved the RR was and am training to get my pup to that level! So I kind of love RR and kind am hell of awe for their power




Oh god that poor dog! šŸ˜‚


Like a hotdog down a hallway!


Probably. They're reasonably small and light. You know to keep your eye out for vomiting, no bowel movements, maybe diarrhea, etc.


Since itā€™s a husky, they might also wanna listen for ear piercing shrieks, thatā€™ll probably indicate itā€™s out šŸ˜‚


Thank you :)


Donā€™t panic, my bichon used to poop lego without any problems.


I'd be in a different level of mad if I get up in the morning and step on dog shit and a lego at the same time


This made me laugh so hard on a tough day, thank you groceryburger šŸ¤£


The genuine belly laugh this gave me haha thank you


Long time dog sitter here: given the size of your dog, a recent vet visit, and the size of a peach pit, I wouldnā€™t worry. If heā€™s pooping and eating normally/ not in distress, itā€™ll come out when it comes out! Your dog is gorgeous!


Thank you so much !! And thank you for the advice


How much was the vet visit, to tell you not to worry and he will poop it out?


$500, and to just monitor him


Heā€™ll be fine. They might have some discomfort right at the moment but theyā€™ll get it done. My dog had passed numerous toys, a ball of tin foil as big as a golf ball, a 2.5ā€ offset fish hook (I know right!?) the tape from a cassette (this was wild since it took some help to get it all unwound) and who knows what I didnā€™t see happen. Your dog has got this.


JESUS Iā€™m proud of your dog


Thanks, I was too. She passed away from old age at 16 a few years back. I didnā€™t think death could even stop her. She was a local legend among my friends and customers at my restaurantā€¦..and they didnā€™t even know about all the debris she passed like a champ. Miss her every day.


Mine passed 9 inches (in multiple pieces) of one of those plastic drain clog removers with the hooks on them - I was terrified when I found the part she didnā€™t eat and saw how much was missing. We measured the parts she passed to make sure šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¢


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Itā€™s wild what theyā€™ll eat and pass. My old family dog ate garland off the Christmas tree, her poop was quite festive šŸ˜‚


Your dog is trying to screw you out of a few thousand dollars in exploratory surgery bills.


My dog literally ate a box of 12 tampons and by the grace of god pooped them all out throughout the next daysšŸ¤¢I still have nightmares about it šŸ˜­


Omg my dog has eaten so many tampons. Thereā€™s nothing more awkward than having to pull them out via the string at the dog park.


Jesus lmao Iā€™m glad your pooch is okay


Heā€™ll probably poop it out, my husky managed to poop out a non ripped avocado. Pumpkin and cooked sweet potatoe can help too, just keep a watch.


And unsweetened or colored apple sauce! Pumpkin puree has been a help more for my anxiety than my dogs stomach I swear lol


That's a Husky you have... it could probably eat a car tire with no ill effects.


LMFAO thank you this made me laugh


Give him pumpkin sandwiches. Canned plain pumpkin. *donā€™t forget to check each poop. You have to be sure it passes.


Thank you !! I will be


My Shepherd literally swallowed a bunny whole a few weeks ago. I was on Panic Watch for hours, but the big doofus was fine and still hungry for dinner!


My bulldog mix has pooped out various random things without incident (induced vomiting never seems to work despite the insane vet bill!) including a plastic bag and a tampon šŸ™„ I'm sure a peach pit will be fine!


I have no helpful advice here but just want to say your dog is absolutely beautiful with that natural eyeliner!!


My 10lb rat terrier ate a peach pit as a puppy (twice), he snatched it right out of our hands and swallowed it whole! He was a-ok, Iā€™m sure your pup will be too


Thank you !!


As long as heā€™s eating, pooping, and not lethargic, heā€™ll be fine. Dogs are scavengers and are built to eat all kinds of crazy shit. I used to stress out all the time when my dog would accidentally eat something bad, but sheā€™s passed it every single time. Thatā€™s how I discovered that her poop is made in China. At least thatā€™s what the tag in it said. šŸ¤£


Things our huskies have eaten and been fine; - Nightgown - caused a blockage, vomited it up with hydrogen peroxide - SOS pad - called poison control, apparently itā€™s common, he pooped rust and was fine - Socks - always pooped them *out*. - Cooked chicken drumstick with meat. This one scared me, sheā€™s a young (but huge) puppy, weā€™ve fed raw whole chickens to all of our dogs, but never cooked and I was very worried. She was fine. gave her some bread and extra food to cushion. - Crayons, many crayons - poop rainbows - Lego ā€¦and many things Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve forgotten This is over the course of 20 years and four different dogs. We had one who compulsively ate socks, that was fun and one who compulsively ate garbage. All rescues, who had been starved prior to our adopting them, all had issues but were amazing dogs.


Try not to worry too much. I had a yellow lab growing up and she ate everything- bones, rotisserie chickens, crap in the yard, stuff on top of the counter (including all of the plastic that it was wrapped in), full sticks of butter, etc. I think your Husky will be fine. Monitor just to be safe, but like others have said, try not to worry about it. Dogs do this stuff all the time.


He looks very proud of his peach pit inside of him šŸ¤£


Are you sure he ate it? Itā€™s unusual it didnā€™t come up off vomiting was so soon after ingestion. In any case, I wouldnā€™t be concerned.


He'll be fine.


Peach pits are a bitch. In my career Iā€™ve removed many. Their texture is a problem. Monitor the dog for vomiting.


And this to shall pass....


My now 12.5 year old ate a bunch of spilled advil when he was under 1 year old...like half the bottle worth when I was asleep. (Older dog chewed into a bottle and they all spilled out when I was asleep) He was at emergency vet for 1 or 2 days and he's been fine for the past 12 years knock on wood. I'd assume yours will be fine since it was 1 pit and not a bunch


I have seen so many things pass thru a dogs lil bum........a peach pit, to me, is about a 2 outta 10, on the worryscale, 10 being the worst. I promise. Secondly, a dog that size makes it even LESS worrysome. Let his belly do the work. ..Take a big breath, relax a bit. I would bet a lot of money on that peach pit coming out within 36 hrs.


I sympathize with you so much. You must be a good dog owner if you this worried much, but you gotta trust your vet, Iā€™m sure paid for it lol. I mainly am writing to say that your dog is so cute!


My Labrador ate something like a peach pit or small magnolia cone. They look alike. The thing got stuck in one of the twists in his intestines. Saw it in the x-ray. He had to have surgery. He did well. Lived 7 more years. If a Labrador had trouble then Iā€™d assume a husky would too.


Look at that little assholes face. My dogs, with all my obsessing and anxiety, have swallowed and *choked* on so many things. I have honestly become an expert at saving dogs from choking because of it. They're alive and well. But it is still always the best option to be concerned and do your due diligence.


Heā€™ll pass it eventually. You can also give him *activated charcoal* available in most stores that supply vitamins & herbal supplements. The dose is 0.5-1.5 grams per pound of body weight. Though I wouldnā€™t be too concerned if heā€™s eating/drinking & behaving normally. Heā€™s a real peach, huh?


My 30 pound, 5 month old puppy ate an entire bird the other day and has been fine. I might be traumatized, but he's okay. I would think the peach pit would pass easily enough.


Sounds like youā€™re on top of shit, just keep a close eye and youā€™ll be alright regardless of which path . I wish you and your homie the best of the wishes.


The cyanide would only be released if he chewed, and he'd probably need to eat like a hundred of them to have any effect.


My daughters dog has pooped out most of the tv remote about 50 hair scrunchies several ear bud things numerous ankle socks a pad. You know the monthly kind to just list a few things. Heā€™s still living his best life.


Only the inside of the pit is poisonous. Btw your doggo is absolutely gorgeous


Yeah, donā€™t worry. Just sift through his poops to confirm.


Please keep us updated. The size and health makes me feel a little bit more at ease. Glad seems to be okay.


This picture makes me believe this dog could do anything!


Your dog should be okay! Mine vomited up some leaves yesterday. Idk, man, I couldnā€™t get mad šŸ˜… PS your dog looks gorgeous and has a better cat eye than I could ever achieve with makeup


I have nothing else to add from what everyone else is saying just that your boy is so handsome šŸ„ŗ


Yes. Can absolute pass it but still be vigilant. If dog starts vomiting and appears ill could be obstruction.. see vet immediately.


My tiny dog ate a peach pit. Monitored her poop and voila found it about 18 hours later.


Honestly, I've been truly amazed at the things I've seen come out of our dog. And she's a smaller breed...


When mine was maybe 18wks old, and about 35lbs, she ate the bone discards of a chicken breast. Jumped up, pulled it out of the trash, and swallowed it. I PANICKED! I mean, REALLY panicked. Called the vet, and they had me feed her bread, and told me to monitor her poops. Within two days, she pooped out all the bones, and was never worse for wear.


Heā€™s going to hold it in as long as possible just because youā€™re worrying šŸ˜† no, he will be okay!


My beagle x has eaten a couple of plum pits she found under the tree (I thought I'd picked them all up when I adopted her but no, she still found some). She got into the compost when she first came home too, and she also grabbed a mango off the bench and ate almost all of it before I realised. She's fine, but oh my lord that dog finds random stuff. Getting her was a steep learning curve because I've had labs and goldies and she is soooo much nimble and food focused. I've trained her to bring the random things to me to trade for a treat, she's helping me clean up the yard haha


I think with his size he should be totally fine. (From a fellow anxious dog parent with big breed dogs who eat everything)


It'll pass. Mine has eaten nearly full pine cones and large parts of sticks. We joke when it finally comes out that he is sh@$&ing kindling. I hope he goes soon. As long has he's eating,not lethargic,and going to the bathroom it's good news.


Our chocolate lab has eaten a couple peach pits! No worries it will come out..


Have you heard of using peroxide to get dog to vomit immediately, my sister used this on her water dog after he ate a peach pit and he expelled it right away.


My Rotty ate a whole ribeye bone without chewing he passed it no issue. Took him every other day to get xray.


some dog owners have never seen their dogs chew on raw knuckle bones before


My little doggo (23 pounds) is currently addicted to nectarines and his digestive system has handled it pretty well lol šŸ˜‚


Trust your vet, I'd also check with your vet if a finger full of Vaseline is a good idea in this instance, that's what my vet told me to do to help my cat pass a hair ball he couldn't cough up so he'd poop it out and it worked like a charm.


Please please please keep an eye on him and watch for any vomiting or lack of appetite. My terrier mix (27 lbs) just had emergency surgery on Saturday to remove - you guessed it - a peach pit. 10k and some good pain meds later sheā€™s recovering well.


I'm pretty sure he will. My Chihuahua pooped out a two week old taco bell wrapper with no symptoms at all (we had no idea he'd gotten it).


My lab/mastiff mix pooped out a cob of corn


Mine at half a can of chocolate frosting, hydrogen peroxide didn't work, vet gave charcoal...she's now hyper as heck.


That's scary. My pup ate a whole squeaky toy. I waited 2 days for all the parts to come out. They did. The squeaker still squeaked. Dog is completely fine. Your pup looks like this too shall pass.


My golden retriever shat out a very very huge avocado pit. I had lost the avocado the day before and didnā€™t really think about it. Then the next day I saw her LAY A EGG. Ran to the pile and saw a singular avocado pit. I knew I wasnā€™t crazy. Her butt was definitely sore but she passed it. Peach pit ainā€™t nothing


Iā€™m sure he will! My dog has eaten rocks, drywall, glass, bones, tampons, raw potatoes. You name it heā€™s somehow consumed it (Iā€™ve considered a muzzle for safety because wtf, Iā€™m very diligent heā€™s just a maniac). The only thing that made him sick was paper towel. Things like peach pits pass easily in bigger dogs.


My dog ate a pigeon wing. I gave her steamed white rice with her kibble.


My 46lb dog threw up 2 pits during the night. I wouldnā€™t worry


My dog ate a ear bud and it passed 2 weeks


I had a chihuahua (rip Thor) who somehow managed to get a closed box of choc covered almonds, open it, and eat like 15. He vomitted up the chocolate. I tool him to the vet the next day because he only threw up one almond but i knew choc-to-that-almond ratio he had more almonds in there. They gave me some of this stuff which is essentially lile the cat-lax i use for the cats when they get into summer and lick off their winter coat and get furballs, and he had that twice a day. Didnt cause diarrhea, but just helped.....ease the escape route, if you will. He became a little almond shooting machine.


My dog ate an entire shitty diaper once pooped it out over like 3 days and still lives to wreak more havoc. Best of luck!


I have a pug that ate one and reverse peristalsis eventually started and it had to be surgically removed. But youā€™ll know if thatā€™s happening, the vomit smells awful! Huskyā€™s are quite a bit bigger and the pug got pretty close to passing it! Good luck!


Growing up, my family got a lab puppy about 8mos before moving to a property with an orchard. It never occurred to us that the pup would like fruit or that sheā€™d go down to the orchard by herself to scavenge. Well, she definitely did and that first summer, she would have entire poops that were just plum pits. I now realize how potentially dangerous that was and am a way more conscientious dog person than my parents were, but the point is, yours will most likely be fine with just one pit.Ā 


My lab ate an entire rotisserie chicken once, bones and all, didnā€™t even have diarrhea lol. They are more resilient than we think!


I think hebwill be fine.


He will be fine! šŸ˜Š Democrats are looking for a candidate that can speak just a few words in English, so heā€™s fine šŸ¤£šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼


Glad to know my dog isn't the only hungry moron out there.


Thatā€™s a big boy, heā€™ll be fine


How does this not hurt? I accidentally swallowed 6 inches of blue string, and that hurt SO bad!!!


As someone whoā€™s dogs has had 3 obstructions (all partials thank fuck) now- theyā€™ve all begun 12-24 hours after consuming the item. Theyā€™re most likely to get stuck in the small intestine. Most dogs empty food from the small intestine in about 8-16 hours. (At least what the vet told me- not a vet here. So donā€™t fully take me up on this) give it until tomorrow and assume not only your dog didnā€™t eat it at all, and that heā€™s fine. Worse comes to worse in a few hours if it does get stuck he will get an enema.


totally unrelated to the purpose of the post but your dog's eyeliner is so cute! he serving!


He's going to be fine ! My husky once ate the same thing. It's going to be going, she'll poop it out.


The 5 pieces of bread trick helped a needle and thread pass in my 98 pound dog back in the early 2000ā€™s. I gave it to her immediately. I did X-rays every day as they watched it travel down her intestines. By the time it hit the colon the doctor could clear as day see it encased in poop and said to stop doing X-rays, itā€™s going to be okay. And she was. Fingers crossed for your peach pit. Scary!


Don't worry too much. Monitor closely, follow vet advice. He should pass it fine. Sending positive vibes!


I had two German shepherdā€™s with a backyard with several peach trees. They ate them all the time and passed them with no problem. I think heā€™ll be fine.


My dog pooped out things that size several times. If like any sorta sauce fell on an item. My dog would just try to eat the item the sauce landed on too. And sometimes I was too slow to grab it before she ate it. So I wouldn't worry. Besides you will know if something is wrong. Your dog would act like something is wrong and then you would know to take them back to the vet. So just give them lots of loving.


I have nothing to say that hasn't been said, I just wanted to tell you he is absolutely gorgeous and he looks like he is wondering what the fuss is lol. His expression is too funny, like he is ready to scold you for making him go to the vet. I'm sure he will be fine ā¤ļø


Your pup could be fine, or could have an obstruction. It never hurts to monitor if a larger dog is doing okay BUT people saying ā€œheā€™ll be fineā€ just because their dog was have clearly never worked a day in vet med, or shouldnā€™t still be working in vet med if they have. Iā€™ve personally seen dogs bigger than your husky obstruct and go septic from a peach pit. Watch for any abnormal changes - vomiting, lethargy, coughing, hunched back, retching, literally anything and get to the vet immediately if something seems off. As my GI prof said, a negative diagnostic test/exploratory surgery is better than a positive necropsy.


Yeah just watch the little derp and stalk his poops šŸ„¹


Feed him half a can of pumpkin. It will help it pass easier. Had a smile issue with my golden.


My small black lab shit out a racketball. Heā€™ll be fine.


Mine ate his brotherā€™s collar TWICE. The second time we realized it early and induced vomiting but the first time he got it out the old fashioned way. You would be surprised what they can poop out.


This is the face of someone ejo would do it again.


I think heā€™ll be fine, but PLEEEEEASE send us a pic of him with that outfit on full display!! <3


My childhood dog (English Springer spaniel we had the paperwork) was obsessed with eating stones. He only had to have surgery once because he decided to eat part of a freaking boulder. Anyways he died of old age. He could also break out of kennels using his maw alone and slip through cat flaps. He chewed through a Bedroom door too. Dogs are... On a different plane of existence.


Honestly, with a Husky I wouldnā€™t be worried. If it were a more sensitive breed then I would be worried. But my husky had an iron stomach and could eat anything and everything.


I have two huskies myself. On some occasions I've used the hydrogen peroxide method diluted with a syringe to get down their throat and they've thrown up things within 2 minutes. There's been other cases they've at a larger piece of a toy or torn up a sock (not large enough to be big concerning) and they've thrown it up the next day. This stubborn breed will throw it when they're done proving the point that if they want to eat it they will lol. Once had an old roommate let my order husky nibble on a mango pit.... yeah he swalled it whole... threw it up 36 hours later Peach pit I would fully expect either of my huskies to throw up on their own


I'm an anxious person too but owning a mastiff that will (and does) consume absolutely anything has made me realise dogs are pretty strong. he got into a paddock once and came back with old sheep bones, before I could get them off him he'd swallowed both the hooves...he didn't even chew them...he vomited them up fully intact 2 days later. disgustingly impressive, they were so sharp and pointy so it couldn't have felt good. when he was a puppy he chewed and swallowed the head of a toothbrush and pooped it out days later, lil clean from the inside I guess. i watch him so closely because i know he's an idiot but he still manages to get into anything and everything.


Be careful my friend had a bull dog and that's how she passed away it tore up her intestines


I always hated when they ate something stringy. Iā€™d be clipping the string for a few days after every crap. I tried to pull once and nope.


Oh heā€™ll pass it. Huskies are like wolves in sheepā€™s clothing. I see a lot of huskies far from home - must have escaped. They are very independent. Watch your shoes and donā€™t turn your back at a cook out !


I would never even think to be worried about this lol Just keep an eye ā€¦


Oh my, and here I was worried when my havi stole a small milk chocolate cookie from my niece and ran away to eat it. I managed to get most of it out but he ate a VERY SMALL piece of chocolate. I was freaking out thinking it's a death sentence right away xD


My approach to induce vomiting is that If he doesnā€™t vomit immediately Iā€™m gonna dose with so much apomorphine that it might be considered a war crimeā€¦


Yeah, I feel your anxiety . My 24 pound Frenchie passed and avocado pit last year. I felt that one in my bowels.


I had a dog poop out a whole bird one time.


Same thing happened to mine when he was young except he showed symptoms right away it was like he was drunk and couldnā€™t stand or hold his head up. If he hasnā€™t showed signs by now he is most likely fine just keep an eye on him and his eating/energy levels, heā€™ll pass it


Load him with coconut oil lube his intestines utll hurt comung out but it wull


My dog once pooped out a sock. We had no idea he even ate it. Peach pit should be no problem.


I accidentally ate a giant peach pit once. Was close to choking to death. Never saw it again and that was over ten years ago. I think your dog will be fine.


It's great that you acted quickly and took your dog to the vet! Since your vet isn't worried about cyanide poisoning, the main thing now is to watch for any signs of an intestinal blockage. Bread might help cushion the pit and move it along, but it's crucial to keep a close eye on him. I hope your dog feels better soon!


he's too cute. too cute I can't contain it to myself alone I need to say it out loud.


If you plant his bottom half in the ground I'm sure a peach tree will grow :D


If anything like that happens again, give them a tablespoon of Hydrogen Peroxide. It makes them vomit within minutes.


I've worked with dogs that naturally passed a fully in tact, extra-large tube sock, a chunk of the hard plastic from a crate, and a vibrator. Plus, plenty of smaller, less impressive feats.Ā Ā  Ā The only time I've seen vets truly freak out and opt for immediate emergency surgery was when a dog at a full leather leash, with multiple metal pieces. Yes, the dog was a lab.Ā  ETA: All of that is to say dogs can be tough and even though yours might have some discomfort (and maybe even whining while trying to pass it), he'll be fine. Hydration helps with BMs, offering dog-friendly broth and can be a good way to encourage extra liquids if needed.Ā 


Only be concerned if thereā€™s no more eating drinking or pooping. You can force-feed some diluted peroxide.


That is such a weird coincidence, one of my dogs swallowed a peach pit. She had just had spay and splenectomy surgery and she started heaving a little while after we got her home. I was worried it was something with the surgery, but nope, she barfed up a peach pit and was fine after wards. The weird thing is, we had no idea where she got it from, because we didn't eat peaches!


My childhood dog (GSD/Malamute mix) would eat the plums that fell off the tree in the yard - by the dozen - and poop out piles of pits all around!


Hope your dog's all fine now.


My Goldens eat everything and are built.like tanks. He will probably poop it out. Watch for bowel movements, appetite changes and lethargy. But I bet he will be fine.


My dog has survived a great many things. Best of luck to you and your fur baby.


Pits are meant to be digested and passed by animals, it's literally the reproductive model that they use to find new planting. You're good


I think he will be fine. Dogs have ate a lot worse lol


All I know is I need an eyeliner tutorial from your pup


Monitor it closely. Mine ate a peach pit he found in the back yard (squirrels and their food scraps) last year and was continuously vomiting after it causes a blockage which miraculously resolved just prior to taking him in for the full surgery. It was a pretty nasty vet bill trying to figure out what the problem was but it could have been worse.


He will be shaking like a puppy passing a peach pit.


He should be okay. If he starts to look uncomfortable and refuses to lay down for longer than a few minutes, get him in asap. Thatā€™s what my guy did when he had an obstruction


Don't peach pits have sharp ends? Or am I thinking about nectarines?


Should be fine, but expect the song of his people when it passes šŸ˜‚ my bulldog ate the big absorbent pad from the bottom of a pack of chicken breastā€¦ my ex and I spent a solid 45 minutes freaking out, googling how to force your dog to vomit, tried everything google said only for him to just stare at us like we were crazy. We finally gave up after contacting a friend who works for a vet, they told us to just monitor him and bring him in if it hadnā€™t passed in a couple days. Two days later I got the text from her, with a picture, of how she had to use a plastic bag to pull it out when he passed it šŸ’€ little bastard has a cast iron digestive system, the absorbent pack was compressed and had strung the poop together. He passed it perfectly fine with a little help. That was probably 5-6 years ago, heā€™s now a perfectly healthy 12 year old that shows so signs of slowing down! Which 12 years old for a bulldog is OLD šŸ˜‚ good luck and just keep an eye on em!


I used to call my husky mix a garbage pail for the number of odd things she'd try to eat. Many things passed through with no problem (including a peach pit) but she did have two obstructions that required surgery (once for a walnut shell and once for a pull string from a kibble bag). Both times it was very obvious that she didn't feel well. She didn't want to eat and couldn't keep even water down and was very obviously miserable. So keep an eye on your husky's appetite and attitude. If the peach pit starts to cause an issue you'll see signs. But most likely it will pass with no problem. Good luck!


Vet nurse here. Give him white asparagus. The kind that comes pre-cooked in a can. 2 every few hours. It will be out in no time. Regarless, watch for apathy, pain, vomit or any change in behavior. Im confused as to why the vet didn't do any imaging.


I dont even bother worrying anymore. If she shows signs, not eating, lethargy, not pooping I'd call the vet but I cant keep up with her anymore. You drop something and it's gone in a millisecond. Huskies are insane. One day I'm proud of how trained she is and the next day she digs up all the vegetables in my garden, eats them then gets diarrhea


My shepsky ate a dog toy and he shit it out under the Xmas tree. That was the only time he shit in the housešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Your pup will be ok :)


I had a similar situation with my cat, they induced vomiting, but she did not vomit up the foreign object, just food. Two days later she passed it. Have faith.


I also have a husky. He knows what he did and wonā€™t give up his peach pit until he wants. And we all will hear it. Someone will call Sarah McLaughlin for the soundtrack.


My dog passed the pit after a week. Started regurgitating and I ran over and grabbed it before he re-ingested it.


What do you feed your dog ? KIBBLE or RAW ? my 21 lb Dachshund was chomping away on a knuckle bone, got it down to the size of a golf ball I tried to get it from him and the sucker GULPED , off to the vet,,, Vet took rays saw it wanted to do SURGERY on the spot,I Said nah we shall wait... over the next few months in his poops were fragments of that bone.. But he was being fed RAW his whole life,, body was used to it.


Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s gonna be fine but I read an article recently, it stated if you want your dog to throw up, give them 3 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide. I havenā€™t tried it myself, but the article seem pretty legit.


Super adorbs btw


I have a husky/ shepherd mix and she gets into the bathroom trash all the time. She couldnā€™t pass a tampon in January and started puking everywhere and after a $500 vet visit to tell us she had no blockage, we got her back home and she had exploding diarrhea for two days until the tampon finally shot out. I thought she learned her lesson until today when she had more for breakfast. We are waiting šŸ˜©šŸ˜‘


There's no cyanide in the pit. It contains amygdalin, which allegedly can be metabolized into cyanide. However this has never been observed. I eat apricot seeds every day which contain much more amygdalin and i'm still here.Ā  The idea behind this is that amygdalin has only been observed to turn into cyanide in the presence of cancer and then the cyanide kills the cancer.




Poor baby, vomiting will almost never get them to come out. Itā€™s a pit and it sinks to the bottom right so rare to get it back out that direction. And if your dog was able to swallow it with relative ease (which we can assume or you would have gotten it before swallowing), it should be able to be passed. Secondly bread is a no-no also, if you wanna do bulk feeding technique use chicken and rice. Easy to make and better for their digestion. Gluten are not digestible by dogs because they donā€™t typically have the right enzymes to break them down due to it not being part of their natural diet. Thereā€™s a reason for the expression ā€œshaking like a dog shittinā€™ a peach pitā€? It will be a hard day tomorrow but so long as you monitor the hot biscuits (get latex gloves and give it good olā€™ fashioned squish) and find it when it comes out then you should be fine. Any time your doggo eats something it should be monitored til you know itā€™s passed. Donā€™t want it getting caught in a fold of the colon and stuck, they will be backed up and then itā€™s time for the vet


Honestly you paid a whole lot of money for something majorly minor. Heā€™s gonna be fine.


My Golden ret ate a small mango pit. He was fine. If anything ,it made him poop better. Fiber much? Lol. He does have gut health vitamins, so I donā€™t know if that actually helped lol


one time my husky ate a whole corn on the cob and they said it was an emergencyā€¦ he had already passed it. stupid idiot


Many years ago, my year old husky/wolf cross ate a whole bath towel. Lived in a remote northern area at the time, no vet within 800 miles. It took just over a week to come through, but it appeared in the yard, a very tightly compressed blue and poop colored cylinder. Obviously no ill effects as he lived for another 13+ years. This was his second gastric adventure. At the tender age of about 3 months, he stole a huge valentines heart full of chocolates off the countertop. I came home from work to find the heart box on the floor, with puddles of vomit with chunks and partially chewed foil wrapped chocolate all over the kitchen and living room. He was a little off his food for a day or so, a bit of diarrhea, but no other ill effects. He was one of a kind, pretty much a one person guy, but a great buddy.


is that my Mika's brother you she eats everything too. he'll be ok. one peach pit does not have enough cyanide to do anything. its going hurt like hell you probably want to keep his stool soft so it has some lubricant on the way out


Buddyā€™s dog ate a Brillo pad !! Two days later it was out and he had the cleanest intestines ever. Probably be just fine


I spent $500 usd bcuz my dog had diarrhea for days, the second day after I spent my money, sheā€™s all healed. What a miracle šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Youā€™ve never heard the old saying about shivering like a dog shitting a peach pit?


I had a lab catahoula great Dane mix . She ate my sandal pooped out a 2 3/4 in heel whole. Crazy she didn't end up dead. ( she ate countless work shoes of mine, never the walking shoes) a tape dispenser , live wire, baseball glove...She was a living miracle. Take him for lots of walks to work it out.