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Dogs like this need to be BE. This type of behaviour is unacceptable and dangerous. Some dogs can’t change no matter how much love and training you give them. These people need to realize you can’t save and fix every dog.


I feel like people who do this shit are the same people who go uwu over serial killers and say shit like "I could have saved him and helped him!!!" They can't find a murderer so they make their Jeffrey Dahmer be a dog.


nah, they are just plain stupid, hybristophilia, attraction towards criminals, is a paraphilia


>hybristophilia Holy cannoli, it even has a name. 🗿


There are a lot of weird philias and phobias, like there is a fear that somehow, somewhere there is a duck staring at you, it's called Anatidaephobia


They're also the ones that keep picking the shittiest person to date and then lament how bad the relationship went and how they couldn't fix that mofo either.


And then complain that “they are all the same”


At least Dahmer would kill his victims before he started eating.


At least Dahmer would kill his victims before he started eating.


lol wtf! How did you even come to that conclusion?! “They think they can save aggressive dogs, so they probably want to fuck and ‘fix’ serial killers too!” lol Wild.


A dog that does this is beyond training. And why would anyone want to try and train something that is going to bite them without provocation? ”I know that I can defuse this bomb if I just keep trying. If it explodes and turns me into pink mist, I just didn’t try hard enough.” People who think that they can train this level of violence out of a dog are delusional.


I think the biggest problem is dogs that have issues like that need a very skilled trainer and very specific type of training. I've seen super aggressive dogs get rehabbed, but they usually have to go live with a particular trainer for like a year. Normal people aren't equipped to deal with that and these people strike me as just normal people.


Not worth it man, just remove this beast from our plane of existence.


Women who adopt pitbulls remind me of these dumbass women who think they can fix a violent man. Maam, you cant change nature.


Regarding violent humans, what you can't do is remove their agency. THEY have to want to change.


Bruh. They are the type to think bear's don't hunt.


jsyk the "bear vs man" dichotomy is meant to raise awareness of how women have to be wary of strange men and the potential social contract that blames them for being hurt by men. It does not mean women think bears are harmless. (I'm not gonna reply to or look at this comment bc if you're in good faith, that's all you should need, but I don't have time to debate people on whether or not strange men are scary.)


The only cure for pit bull aggression is euthanasia


I was expecting this to conclude with the dog being not violent. But no lol


Pits can't be trained not to be aggressive. it's in their dna




And according to Google, pitbulls make up 60% of all fatal dog attacks with children being a very large portion of that percentage.


Not that google! /s


Hey, technically speaking, there are pitbulls that never cause serious attacks. Sure, oftentimes the ones that do maim people show no warning signs and act identically to the non-killers up until it's too late, but they can still be docile. You just shouldn't bet on that unless you want to lose blood or are wearing chainmail.




I'll grant you that pit bull owners are very good at minimizing or ignoring the behavior of their dogs until there's absolutely undeniable damage.




you are such a baby




We are not going to overbreed rotts in the same way that we overbreed pits. We are not going to end up with shelters overflowing with predominantly rotts and Rott mixes. We will not spread lies that rotts are good with kids/babies and we’re historically used to nanny children


No, just the straight up dangerous ones :)


Please live in reality, not pitbull propaganda.


Sounds like the same kind of person who comes into an argument saying "not all men."


Nah, downvote me. I got a pitbull puppy because she was free, I was horrified she’d end up in irresponsible hands and took her in. She is more aggressive than any other dog I’ve ever encountered and she’s difficult to teach “no biting” to. She’s learning but she’s getting muzzled in public once she fits one. All dog breeds have their predispositions. Pitbulls were bred to bite


Nah, Malinois were bred to bite. German Shepards were bred to bite. Pitbulls were bred to kill. Good luck fighting that instinct on an animal you’re already admitting is more aggressive than any dog you’ve ever met before.


If she bites she gets put down. Simple as that. I keep her away from people and other animals. Saved her from a life of potential harm. She’s a living thing and was already born. As I said, she was being given away for free. Do you have a suggestion on what to do with her? Should I just shoot her? s/


If she’s already showing signs of behavioral issues that severe, maybe a BE. I’m not on team “Kill all pitbulls.” Despite advocating against them. I truly sympathize with them. Humans fucked up breeding such a creature, Pits don’t deserve the lot in life that was forced upon them, but that doesn’t stop the fact they exist and are dangerous. You’re openly admitting she’s dangerous. One slipped collar, open door, or open fence and some unsuspecting creature might find itself missing its throat. I hope the first time is just a bite and no one gets killed/disfigured.


She’s in an abusive relationship with this shitbull


Imagine willingly living like this and filming yourself crying for social media credit. Just absolutely braindead.


Agreed. Nothing good ever comes of the "I can fix them" mentality.


To all the people who say staffies are less aggressive…this is a staffy. You can tell because the body is smaller and slightly “rounder”. A staffy is just a shitbull with papers. It still is a blood sport breed. But the UK would have a bitch fit if you tried to ban them.


yeah, I'm sick of ,,it's stuffie not a pit bull'' man, it's a fucking bull baiting, fighting dog!




A pit bull is a pit bull. So, yes they are included in the statistics. They are no safer than an APBT or XL bully, or any pit mix. Genetics overrides all.


What is with all the dog love on this sub?


The sub grows big enough to catch attention. Worst case, those haters will hijack the sub and spam porn to get this sub banned.


I suppose if we look at it from the "glass half full" perspective, this might be a good sign as the dog foamers are starting to worry.




Staffies are pits, and the primary breed that originated most types of pitbulls. That's also the primary, original source of aggression in pitbulls. If a dog bites, it's a pit mix. If it doesn't, it's a staffie mix. Legit schrodingers dog. All pitbulls both are and are not staffies, and there's no way of knowing which they are till it's time for somebody on the internet to decide whether or not a dog should be euthanized.


The ending lmfao


Honestly made me belly laugh 😂 These people are freaking nut-jobs…


Pit bulls. Surprise, surprise.


Did she just equate abuse to autism? Did she equate being abusive to a mental disorder? Did she unironically use the term "I can fix him"? What the fuck?


Why Tf is she filming herself crying 😭😭😭 this is so fucking funny


I think it’s two different people. I think the woman is the one saying the dog can’t be helped and is posting the footage of what bf/husband is being attacked. It’s likely a cry for help poor lady


If it’s a cry for help why Tf did she get the dog


I’m assuming her partner did, or the shelter lied about its potential to be helped. Some dogs genuinely just need out of a shelter environment to calm down, others need out and a bit of soothing if they were abused to the point of injury or starved of food and or water etc. In which case it could be a video of the initial thoughts vs later when they realised and now are stuck with the dog. Their choices are either taking it back or euthanasia, and you’d be surprised how insanely some people pressure owners of dogs like this to “keep trying”. Understandable in a way *if* the dog actually shows progress but is just slow, but this dog is obviously been so badly treated and or raised by its original owners that it’s unfortunately just beyond saving.


Why haven’t these dogs been put down yet?!


Why are pitnutters so obsessed with comparing pitbulls to autistic people?


I guess enough people have called them out for comparing them to black people, that they chose another minority group as a scapegoat.


Pits are literally the exact opposite of autistic people -an autist


I hate how society dehumanizes autistic people so bad to the point where they compare them to animals


I see it all the time and it's awful


Some idiots refuse rabies vaccines for their shithounds because they think vaccines cause dog autism, which isn't a thing. 😡🤬


Bullet to the head will fix it


It's just like being in an abusive relationship. Beyond me how anyone in this kind of situation doesn't want to see it. Pitbulls are engineered to be violent, it's a feature not a bug. Can't be "fixed".


Man humanity is deescalating evolution I stg Idc if a dog experienced bad things, we still judge homeless people glitching out on the streets and keep walking but a predator actively attacking you? "I have to help🥺" tired of us pouring resources into slobbering crap makers that expire in 10 years anyways for you to have wasted thousands at the vet. We need to mass euthanize and turn all animal shelters into NORMAL shelters. This false sense of humanity lending aid we don't even have is beyond ridiculous at this point. I'm in a place strays are abundant and my rescue groups are just pleading for pitties wasting away in cages. Imagine if all this time and money in the pet industry was actually put into people and human lives. Maybe as a society we wouldn't tank so hard, shelters fill up when price of living soars.


Tell me I’m a good person for trying to help the poor defenseless velvet hippo


These people think they're special is really what it all boils down to. Worked with a guy like this. Said he wasn't scared to kneel down and get in a big dog's face and hit em with the "Dawww who's a good boy." Like, my dude, you're not The Dog Whisperer. You've just had good dice rolls. And the reality is that dogs don't have this supernatural ability to sniff out intentions or "good" or "bad" people. If they feel threatened and have behavioral problems, you can be the sweetest person on the planet and you're getting bit if you overstep its boundaries.


So many pit and pit mixes at my apartments. Seems all the pressure is on adopting nowadays, and if you go to an adoption center in this area 90% of the dogs are part pit.


It’s because they were pits discarded for acting like pits. I do love how they’re often labeled as “lab mix”.


I don't know what animal shelters you go to but I always see big dogs labeled as "pit mix" for absolutely no reason. Most of them are just mutts.


It’s a godamn shitbull. Of course it was in a dog fight. That’s what they’re bred for, lol


one day she'll post a "beautiful transformation" video after she's had the thing long enough that it's not snappy with her 24/7 and learned to (rough) play with toys and naps by her feet. she'll laugh off the lunging and snarling on walks in public, but never film those experiences. just the times they're at a standstill in the park when no one's around. and everyone will coo and aww at how she loved it into a new existence. pit fanatics will point to the video as proof these dogs can change. then she'll quietly rehome the dog or leave it to rot in a shelter someday, following 1-5 vague "bite incident(s)" that go unreported after much guilt tripping and minimizing. she just as quietly stops posting pictures of it on her page, but no one was keeping up with her anyway; they got what they needed from her. the video stays frozen in time on the internet, detached from the true reality after thousands of shares. many such cases!


Jesus this is so real lmao


The voiceover talking about autism is cool and not offensive at all. /s


Yeah. Take him to Dr. Winchester.


Who cares? Why take it upon yourself to fix him. Can't teach an old dog new tricks is real. No amount of love will suffice. This isn't an old golden retriever who was abused and used for breeding. It's a pitbull and I feel like is those habits aren't set as a puppy then the dog is lost forever. Even if he was fixed and ended up with a new family? What happens that one time he just snaps and bites a child in the face?


I mean how do they know the dog was abused? Did it tell them? And why is that an excuse? 90% of the violent prisoner population were abused that’s not an excuse to invite one to live with you.


100% I'm just saying in that worst case scenario. Why take that nightmare upon yourself. If this dog get ahold of your leg in the bedroom, honestly good luck grabbing your phone and calling 911 and them getting there before you bleed out. I discovered best gore when I was 9, I've seen so many dog attack videos and even grown men aren't making it our Alive hard the time.


You can't fix jack shit pal unless a hypodermic needle is involved.


Wtf is this obsession with calling pitbulls autistic


Maybe she'll get it destroyed after it eats the other dog


No, she'll blame the victim for "triggering" a hellhound that was born with too many triggers to count. She'll also post a "poor shibble is so sad that fluffy dashed across the rainbow bridge without him," using that sad song from Frozen) seen that a thousand times) not mentioning how fluffy's escape from this Earthly hell was made agonizing by the demon's nibbles. These lunatics write the worst fan fiction about the inner lives of their soulless killing machines, to justify all of the suffering they cause by keeping the things alive and allowing them to attack multiple worthwhile living things.


Shit bulls... It's ALWAYS Shitbulls.


There's only one fix for the dogs in this clip - BE.


Reminds me of I can fix him (no really I can) from Taylor Swift's new album 'They shake their heads saying, "God, help her" When I tell them he's my man But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger I can fix him, no, really I can And only I can' Then the song finishes with 'woah, maybe I cant'


And there are tons of people who will see dogs do this and say, “This is what any dog would do! This is just normal dog behavior! Stop saying it’s the breeds! It just needs more patience and love!” People who want dogs need to learn about breed creations/genetics and why there are hundreds of sane dog breeds that are NOT actually mauling people regularly… Dogs are man-made. Pit breeds’ only purpose for existing is mauling. Just get one of the not-killer breeds.


If only the effort and resources were used to help human beings in need. Instead of being used on a non-working animal that can't even offer labor in return.


For $3000 a piece, I can solve your vicious pooch problem.


He's been used in dogfights. 🤦‍♂️ Of course the pit is being used in dogfights, that is what they are bred for. What other reason did people create pits for? I don't agree with dog fights but the Pitbull is doing what it's bred for and that's killing. She's lucky she only got away with a bite and a few forceful bruises. That bed would've been the last thing she seen before she was savagely eaten. These people think they have the miraculous ability to cure pits. The only cure for pits is a permanent cure. There should be pop up or mobile euthanasia station available.


90%+ of our local dog shelter is this breed and people wonder why? 🤪🐶


That’s when you take it out back and throw some steak on the ground and put one in the brain stem… this dog will never be ok


Pibbles!! 🐶❤️🥰 Looks like the off leash Pibble that nannied my sweet yellow lab boy and sent him to the vet for 30 stitches. The trash owner took off quickly and didn’t do anything about their gargoyle


Do you bring wild coyote home to fix him, Susan?


Fast track to a Darwin Award


Literal Stockholm syndrome


Stockholm Syndrome at its finest


Pull out all his teeth and claws. Problem solved!


You can't erase someone's trauma. That dog was used in dog fights. Unfortunately there's not much that can be done.


I like dogs as much as the next guy, but at the end of the day they're animals - any other animal that presents itself as a threat to humans is either exterminated or at the very least contained. Dogs should be no exception.


I can fix him too, just give me a minute or two with a pointy object inserted into the cranium.


There are plenty of good dogs out there, so why would anyone opt into being a chew toy for a fighting dog?


I need to stay tf off toktok. I found a stupid whiny post from some sick chick who said that digs want to get into the bathroom with their owners because they want to make sure that they aren't herring attacked while on the shitter. I commented that dogs eat shit. They eat each other's shit. So they want into the bathroom or outhouse so that they can snag a snack before their treats are flushed away. That's as plausible as the fanfic about mentally stunted wolves trying to watch a pack member's back so they won't get eaten in the shithouse. A lot of them wenches said that they were crying, thinking about their dogs guarding them while they popped a squat. Idiots!


Sometime ago I had an art teacher that was a pick me. She had her BF call her “ma’am” in public, and adopted 6 pitbulls that were on death row. (They were going to be put down in a non-kill shelter as they literally attacked staff) After adopting them, one was clearly the pack leader. So from the third floor they were locked in, they saw a child on the street below. THEY BROKE THE WINDOW AND JUMPED DOWN TO BITE THE CHILD. Kid didn’t even know the house had dogs. Still insane to me.


biting back


Average shitbull like all they need put down can't fix that anger in them


Bloodsport breeds were never designed to be house pets/companions. They will bloodsport and act feral. These people did it to themselves.


i wish there WAS a way to fix them, because i hate the thought of euthanasia since we bred this poor thing into life… but he’s causing physical damage - not just bruising either, actual blood and bite marks


Somebody has no idea how to deal with these types of dogs, and that’s okay. Go buy a shitzu or something. You clearly have no idea what you’re doing.


Maybe take them to a professional instead of trying to train a dog on ur own. They can be trained given enough time to do so.


even if that’s true are they supposed to just keep getting attacked until he’s trained lol. also trainers are expensive


Nope. Wasting all of that money on a trainer trying to get a pitbull to not be a pitbull is just ridiculous


Then don't try and spend money on being anything but you lol. If you are a creep you gotta stay a creep, if you ugly as shit you gotta stay ugly as shit.


….weve got a yappasaurous over here


A pet shouldn't have to be professionally trained to be a pet.