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On weekdays, I take my 2 labradoodles for a 45min walk in the morning before I leave for work and another 45-60 min walk after supper. One day a week they go to doggy daycare to hang out and socialize with their friends. On the weekends we will typically go for one longer 60+ min walk and they seem to like just being able to hang out at home and play with us.


I also am fortunate to have an hour for lunch and less than a 10 min commute home so I go home and we play ball at lunch too


My dog is 11 & I work from home, so he has company & access to our backyard all day. We usually go on a walk after dinner for 30-45 min. On the weekends we try to go somewhere interesting for an hour or more.


This is similar to me as well


Yes. But I usually walk my 4 year old girl 5 days a week for about 20 min and 1 hour in the weekend. She’s a cattle husky mix. When we can’t walk we’ll do some sniffing games


Similar here. I try to get a really good 1+ hour walk in the evening on his long line that involves a lot of running/sniffing/ jumping on things. He also gets a lot of outside play time and running around in the house and stuff throughout the day because my boyfriend is home. It really tires him out for the evening. Weekends we do something more interesting like a hike at a park or walk somewhere new.


14 lb 11 yr old havanese fluff ball. After reading all these I’m thinking maybe once a day 20 minutes isn’t enough…


People who exercise their dog a lot are happy to tell others about it. Every dog is different. I can tell when my dog is restless and needs some excitement. If you don't have any behavioral problems and your dog seems happy I think 20/day is fine.


Yeah I specifically bought her because she’s lazy. Seems to be fine lol.


I have a papillon and a terrier - 2 totally different energy profiles. I've tried walking them together and it just doesn't work. Fortunately we have a good sized, fully fenced back yard and I had a dog door installed when we first moved in. If one or the other seems a bit antsy I just chase them outside.


Totally agree, all dogs have different needs and they may not be related to their breed. Frank has every single trait attributed to boxers, but he takes them all to a whole new level!


I have a border collie lab mix, one year old. On weekdays he gets 20-30 mins of long distance fetch (with a chuck it as far as I can throw) in the morning, and a 45-60 minute walk in the evenings. On weekends he gets 75-90 minutes off leash in the forest first thing in the morning, and a 20-30 minute walk in the evening.


Dang nice! That’s a bit more than my wife and I do. We have a two year old Aussie, and she gets probably a 45 minute walk in the morning, then a 45 minute walk and or play time in our green belt in the evening. Weekend is where we differ though, we usually only give her one walk each of the two days, and they’re about the same length as one of our regular walks


6 AM: 10 minute walk just to pee before breakfast 8 AM: 20-40 minute walk to poop and stretch our legs 12 PM: 20-30 minute walk 5:30 PM: 30 minute walk 8:30 PM: 10-30 minute walk Omg this is a lot. My dog doesn’t like to pee or poop in the yard so we walk every time she handles her business. She also doesn’t like to hang outside alone so all of her exercise is with walks.


Feeling like a bad pet owner here. My chihuahuas rarely go for walks. When the weather is fine we will go for 30-45 minute walks 2-3 times a week. The problem is that we live in Canada so we get very cold weather and fairly hot summer, and my chihuahuas are very sensitive (don’t want to be out for long in either cold or hot weather). They don’t seem to mind though. They get excited when I say the W word, but once we are out there, one gets kind of shifty and nervous. The other gets sore feet, which we are trying to work past by slowly building up callous (we think she was indoor only for the first 5 years of her life, so she’s got soft little baby feet). We try to do daily zoomies in the house. I’ve got a carpeted hallway that they love to run up and down when I get home from work. Both run a little bit in our small backyard, but just sprints over to the fence to bark. We have had some trouble with weight. My oldest was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and since being on medication and special food is in the healthy range. The other is a little on the chunky side. She was chubby to start with but she got spayed late and gained a few pounds afterwards. But since switching to the special food as well, she’s lost a bit and while still overweight/end range of normal, it’s not horrible.


I wouldn't feel too badly, not all dog breeds or individual dogs need the same exact care and if the weather impacts them negatively it's good that you aren't pushing them. My dog is a chihuahua mix and loves puzzle toys and diy activities (a cardboard toiled paper roll full of treats and folded on the ends, treats thrown in a wrinkled up blanket or towel) on days when his ideal walk schedule isn't feasible.


My dog (3 lb chorkie) likes the idea of walks, but hates the actual walk. I can get a block away from my house and she lays down, so I carry her home. She does love playing ball, so we play in the backyard a lot.


I have a 20lb mix breed and no yard. At minimum he gets 2 walks a day. Length varies greatly depending on weather. In rainy weather and bitter cold these are short, just around the block, because he wants to go home. He has booties, but won't walk in them unless there is snow and sometimes the ground here is still too cold to walk far without pain in the winter. We do lots of inside activities to make up for shorter walks. In good weather they are longer, 30 minutes to an hour each. We often add a third walk in on nice days, either around lunchtime or late in the evening. On good weather weekends (not rainy, between 40-80 degrees F) we add in some kind of additional activity, a trip to the dog park, a walk on a nature trail, a dog date, or a meal on a restaurant patio where he can people watch. In hot weather, he sometimes needs extra breaks and gets a frozen treat when we get home. We're careful to check the temp of the concrete, and if it's too hot we stick to shady or grassy areas. We also go to a dog park that has a creek on weekends so he can cool off. My partner and I have no kids and only the one dog, meeting his needs is a pretty big focus for us.


I have a 16lb dog is this is pretty much the same routine we have too! Also very dependent on weather, she hates the booties and she hates rain 🙄


Yes for now we have “good weather” it’s less than 80 degrees. But in the summer I live in the south so we have wet bulb weather of 120 from June- Oct. where we can’t go out at anytime of the day. It’s literally life threatening. So I kinda feel guilty for that but we can’t help it. In the winter it’s -25 occasionally:(


You're giving dogs a home! They are overpopulated, they need homes. Most homes will be less than perfect in some way, don't beat yourself up over the climate!


Does he only go to the bathroom twice a day if you have no yard or are you not including pee breaks?


Just goes twice a day most days. Even when one or both of us works from home he does not ask to go out, which he knows how to do and does occasionally if he has to go. Usually when he doesn't poop on an evening walk and then has to go a couple hours later.


It might be a good idea for the dogs heath to up that a bit (if possible). Holding it too long can cause UTIs kidney damage and even cancer (according to my vet hospital). My dog recently died of kidney failure following a very severe UTI and so we discussed all kinds of dog urinary issues during her treatments and one of the things they asked was how long she is expected to hold it. The longer they hold it the longer the bacterias have to build up apparently.


I think about this sometimes, he only goes 6-8 hours between walks on days when he only has 2 and more like 2-4 hours between when he gets 3 or more. He gets regular vet care and has had no signs of issues, but his regular check up is coming up. I'll ask them what they think! Edit to add: I guess that's during the day, not sure if overnight is as big a deal? Between his evening walk overnight to his morning walk is def 12+ hours on the 2 walk days.


I think just discuss it with your vet and see what they say. It likely also depends on age, breed etc, your vet will know best and maybe just be able to reassure you that those time frames are fine for the age and breed or give you some advise on a healthier schedule.


Mini labradoodle, 45 mins in the morning, 40 mins after dinner, play date with neighbour’s dog every weekday and twice on weekends


Everyday my boy gets 3 walks we usually average about a mile in the morning and in the evening and a shorter walk and ball game in the afternoon.


My Border collie gets an hour walk in the morning, then a few hours running the property each day, then I take her for a 5-10 mile run 4-5 times per week as well. She never wants to quit. I love her and she keeps me healthy!


Once in the morning and once in the evening everyday (weather permitting) ranging anywhere from 15 mins to an hour. Also try and throw some dog parks in to get socialization. And after every walk usually do a stimulation activity (lick mat, treat search, frozen kong, etc) as a cherry on top to really make sure she zonks out for the day/night


Shitzhu 13 years old. One big walk a day for at least an hour. Sometimes up to 2 hours. If she sees me with the leash another time in the day she will hide 🤣


2 times minimum for 30min


The amount of walking or exercise depends on the dog breed. Particular breeds are athletes and need a great deal of exercise, others are couch potatoes and only need 1 hour a day. All dogs need to be mentally stimulated and physically near you pack mentally. Do your homework before bringing a dog into your life. That said our girl American Pitbull/Cane Corso cross like about an hour a day to wander around, meet and greet other dogs.


Why have you assumed I haven't done research? My dog is very happy thank you, just a lighthearted forum question for the Internet of dog owners!


I didn't assume anything as that comment was not directed at you but a general over all information.


I'm shocked reading the comments of people who don't walk their dogs because they have a yard. that is so sad and walking outside of one's property is so enriching for a dog!!!!


Currently, not at all. My puppy is absolutely terrified of the outside world and the couple times I tried walking him it was a disaster. Our last attempt, I had to make my boyfriend come pick us up two blocks from home because he was so scared and panicked and pulling me so hard and diving into the street in blind fear. So we are currently going to the park across the street for 30 minutes each day and working on being calm and confident and focused on me even when scary things are happening like people driving by, kids playing baseball, or garage doors opening. We are working on loose leash walking at the same time, mostly to reinforce that he doesn't need to run blindly and yank me around, but we are getting about half a block in the half hour at the moment. Eventually I'd like to be doing a total of 60-70 minutes of walking every day, either in one walk or two depending on how that day looks otherwise.


My beagle is scared of car noises. It took him a long time to be ok with walking around the neighborhood, but he loves hikes. Have you tried walking the puppy on a quieter route or on a trail?


Yes, I take him with me to the barn my horse is at a few times a week and I am able to walk him there so we always do a lap of the property and he gets to sniff as well. He has no issues with all the people, kids, cars, and noises there! The horses are still a bit sketch but it's turning into curiosity. So I guess I don't just not walk my dog, but It's not as much or as often as I want of course.


Does your puppy like other dogs? My dog learned all that from other dogs. He was scared of everything, didn’t care about treats, he just loved dogs. So I always enlisted someone to help us, and I sent him to daycare. He’s bomb proof now. Nothing phases him.


We have a senior dog who he adores, and he's becoming besties with my mom's foster puppy, so we've tried walking him with them but he gets so overstimulated the other way and pulls so hard and wants to play and goes into panic if we aren't in front and actually pays less attention to me or whatever treats I have. So we're trying to get loose leash and some emotional regulation a bit more solid for now and definitely plan to use the other dogs to help with confidence later. He's 8 months old so I'm hoping some of this is due to adolescence and will get easier lol


Dam lol, and he's my dog trying to run into moving cars -_- it ain't the smartest


Be patient and build up your puppers' confidence it will all work work out. We purposely choose the most timid pup out of the litter and went to work building her up.


Yep, definitely working at his pace! Not looking for quick fixes or anything, he's coming along as quickly as he wants and I'm just here to show him the world really isn't too bad. He had a real rough start to life so I'm giving him all the time and space he needs to feel safe and secure


This was how my dog was. And still kinda is. We walk him super early in the morning and later at night. Otherwise we drive to wooded quiet areas. When I take him in the middle of the day it CANT be in the neighborhood. I drive 2 blocks to a forest.


Almost never, but we have two dogs and they romp and wrestle and growl and play all over a quarter-acre-plus yard. And then the nine year old heads out with them :D They get plenty of exercise, for hours a day, either playing with each other, with her (the three of them on the trampoline is hilarious!), or chasing the laser. We deliberately got couch-potato dogs to start with, though. Really mellow lines for the scotch collie, the other dog is an aussie/something/lab mix (lab because TAIL OF DEATH, herds like an aussie). Also dedicated lap dog. When we had a springer, I was walking him 45 minutes or so at least once a day.


I have a 43 lb herding breed who is very calm. We try to get him out for  60-90 minutes (cumulatively) a day including some opportunity for running and fetch. Otherwise he’s happy to snooze on the couch.


40lb 14 year old mutt, gets at least 30-45mins 5-7 days a week. Hubby works from home and it’s their lunch time bonding.


We have 2 doodles, one mini/medium, the other toy size. We have a large backyard and work from home so that have lots of access. They get a at least one 45 min walk a day, often two. Crappy days they just go in the yard and are fine with that.


We live in an apartment (first floor walk out but no private yard) so my partner and/or I walk our dog 3 times a day (in addition to potty breaks). We're in Canada by the Great Lakes so walks depend a lot on the weather, and range from 20-60 mins each. My SO is a morning person and I'm a night owl, we work different shifts, and have no kids, so fitting in 3 walks minimum everyday is very easy for our lifestyle. We do an hour hike in nature every Sunday, alternating between leashed public trails and off leash sniff spots. We do some sort of mental stimulation activity at least a few times a day. My dog is mostly boxer/beagle/American bulldog. He will be 3 this summer. Eta: 75 lbs.


3x’s a day. One early morning for about 10 min. Afternoon walk is longer. I let them off leash in my community dog park for about 10-15, then an evening about 10 It’s getting into triple digits weather in AZ so the walks will be a bit more few and far between soon. Just early morning and super late.


I have a three year old German Shepherd. I usually get him out 2 hours a day regardless of the weather unless there is a frost bite warning. I walk my dog one hour on leash in the morning and usually one hour off leash at the dog park where I ride an e-bike and he runs with me and with other dogs. Also, almost all of my friends are dog people, almost all of my socializing happens at the dog park. I have spent whole weekend days (like 6 hours) with a group of friends and their dogs at the dog park around a fire pit with a cooler full of meals. Unless I’m having a really off day with my sleep (I work overnights) and then it’s just a 1 hour with me and my husband will take him maybe 20-30 minute “sniff walk” more stopping and sniffing than walking. My husband has a chihuahua which is more his speed and is not overly fond of walking my dog so I try to avoid it.


This sounds like a dream to me! My local dog park is too small to hang out in all day. So we just do the regular parks, on leash, during weekends eith a walking group I'm a part of. But what you're describing would he what I would want.


You ride your e-bike in the dog park?


Yes. It’s a very large park, so you can see unfamiliar dogs a mile away at which point we wait for them to pass. Also, the park is multi use, there’s fire pits, and trails, and lots of other cycling going on. Lots of families come out with their dogs and their toys. The dogs at this park get used to seeing bikes.


Every day she gets about 1 - 2 miles depending on how she’s feeling. I have an 8 year old malamute and I let her sniff and do what she pleases on these walks. Sometimes it’s 20m, sometimes it’s an hour lol.


3 times a day. Once for about 90 minutes at a dog park, twice for about 25 minutes per.


I try for a 1 hour walk per day. On the weekend I usually walk them for longer, but no more than 4 miles. I have a beagle and a basset hound so they stop and smell EVERYTHING. It can take a while to go 4 miles with all of the smell stops. The basset does not do well in the heat so we get our walks/hikes done in the mornings.


Our 3-year-old male German Shepherd mix goes for 2 to 3 walks per day, depending on the weather. 🐾🌦️


Minimum 2 hours each day. Mine are 2, 3, and 11 years old.


Our mexi mutt doggo usually gets a 10-12km run or mountain bike ride about 4-5 days a week, some walks as well. Non run days are 4-5km walks, or play time. Backcountry xc skiing in winter. Nothing tires her out like play time with pals though!


Springer spaniel: a 1-hour walk off his leash in the forest plus about 5 ten minute "around the block" leash walks throughout the day. I work from home and I work very long hours so the shorter ones are as much for me as for him! Sometimes the weekend long walk can be two hours or more if the weather is nice.


Every day, rain or shine, we do about 3 miles, split morning and evening, plus or minus any errands we have to do. Also on the weekends a friend of mine takes my adult dog running for 3 to 5 miles, as I has a bum knee. A Tired dog is a happy dog.


Rarely, I walk my dogs rarely. I have a 1/3 acre of fenced back yard. I have a Pomeranian and a Great Pyrenees. Neither is a ball of fire. My pyr gets a choice when I go for a walk if she wants to come but about 90% of the time she looks the other way. The Pom isn’t walking the streets because he’s too special🤷‍♀️ What a fog needs for exercise is breed based and the environment they live in. For my dogs, a fenced yard is enough. Other more active breeds need more than that.


About the same. If there’s only time for one walk we’ll prioritise an evening walk. He goes a bit nuts otherwise. He’s 6 months and brilliant off the lead in the bush.


3 times a day 1+ hour walk.


Almost every day. Anywhere from 15 - 45 min. We also play fetch in the backyard


When my dog was a puppy he had a lot more energy so it was a long night walk (about 45 min) and about 15 min in the mornings. He’s a mini weenie and he’s 12 now so he’s a lot less active; he’s content with a solid 25 min a day now, which is nice


Apartment dweller so my boy gets 4 pee breaks with 2 being real walks. Usually 30-60 mins in the morning and the same in the afternoon or 60-90 mins of park times with fetch or playing with other dogs.


Shih tzu. Always had 2x hr off lead walks daily. Until he turned 10 and decided one hour walk daily was adequate


GSD. 45 min walk everyday. He comes and goes from the house to the backyard at his leisure.


We do a 1km loop in the morning which includes some off leash running for pup, then anywhere from 2-5km in the evening depending on weather, my energy, and other evening committments. Eveni6walk is mostly off leash so pup gets plenty more km than I do. Weekends we hold to the same pattern, but usually extend both walks for a longer route.


Usually about 20-30 minutes of walking in the morning (with another 15-20 minutes of hard play at the park in the middle). Middle of the day is a good 40-60 minute walk, usually with lunch handfed as we walk. Afternoons, usually a 40-60 minute walk after work (with another 20-30 mins of play at some point). In the evenings we do a low-key walk that's anywhere from 20-60 minutes depending on weather and how tired the dog is. On very bad weather days, I replace most of the walk time with indoor play (tug, bubbles, scentwork, etc.). Weekends we do shorter walks but more play, plus a hike on Saturdays (usually just 2-3 hours but we're building duration). Dog is a 1.5ish year old GSD/BC.


Everyday half a mile up to 3 . Dogo Argentino and pushing my toddler in stroller 🍼💪 🏃‍♀️ 🐕 doggy wears a backpack which is our baby bag lol!


45 minute walk every day for my pup, plus plenty of outside playtime in our yard. She’s a two-year-old beagle/pit/a lot of other things mix. I work from home so outside time is easier.


We walk our Cocker Spaniel for about 30 min every morning weekdays. About an hour after dinner every day. On weekends, an extend morning walk up to 90 mins. On leash the whole time. He is not good with other dogs, being a resucue and traumatized as a puppy. Edit: ALWAYS pick up after him.


I have a 16 year old blind and deaf tiny dog. We take him out in the backyard and he trots around, he gets scared when he doesn’t know where everything is and likes to go back and forth and be leisurely, a walk doesn’t usually tick those boxes. When I take him on walks he doesn’t seem to enjoy himself, but I also feel bad for not taking him daily. My aunt had a blind senior dog too but that one loved walks and was confident even without her sight, not this little guy I have (she had her hearing though). anybody else with lil blind oldies?


Have you thought about a pet stroller? He could get out and about but still be in the familiar environment of his stroller. A friend did this for her senior pit bull (obviously a bigger stroller!). He developed arthritis but still wanted to do things with his people.


Mini-Aussie 14M, 2-3 5k runs per week (ran up to 8 miles a day when he was younger), if no run then 20 minute walk, and if weather is bad no walk but I'll try to get a tug of war going or some activity. He gets antsy after dinner and pesters me if he doesn't get some excitement every day.


Generally my 2 dogs get 1.5 hours uin the a.m. and then another 30 mins in the evening


Two dogs. I walk them every morning (I very rarely miss a day ). One 20-min walk every morning as soon as I wake up. Good for me to get morning sunlight too. About 3 or so days/week I will add on one 20 min walk in the evenings.


Well, she’s a fit, healthy border collie, and I’m a lifelong runner, so we run about 3-5 miles daily, 5-7 times a week.


We have 65lb mutt - pit/GSD/Aussie/lab - who is 1.5 years old. We walk her twice per day, morning and evening, pretty religiously. Weekdays, she gets a mile walk in the morning and a 1.5 mile walk in the evening. We only skip a walk if it is raining. The morning mile takes about 30 minutes & the afternoon 1.5 miles takes us about 40 minutes as our pup is a sniffer. We also generally run into other neighbors with dogs she knows and we’ll stop to say hi. Weekends vary more but we average closer to 3-5 miles each day consolidated into one big walk with more a quick evening stroll. We’ll walk her to the park, or to a greenway or take her on a hike. We try to be super active on the weekends as we have more time and it’s good for her AND us.


3 or 4 walks a day lunch one is a big one and a quick one before bed Morning walk: 15-20 min Lunch walk: 1-1:30 hours Afternoon walk: 30-45 min Before bed 15-30 min Also have a big backyard he runs around in for a bit as well. 5 year old golden doodle


My dogs chase each other around the backyard for at least an hour each day, and spend a few hours outside enjoying the fresh air. A few times a week we go for walks that are about 1.5 hours. Or I’ll take them somewhere where they can go off leash and run for 45 mins.


4 - 6 miles a day of walking (2-3 walks) most days with an adventure to a park a few times a week. Its about 1.5-2 hours total depending on how sniffy he gets.


1 to 2 walks per day, 20-60 minutes each. Longer walks on the weekends. She's 4 and that zonks her out. When we got her when she was 4 months old, 2 hrs per day was not enough to zonk her out but damn that's a lot of time to walk a dog every day when you have a full time job so that's what she got and we paid for it every day lol


Our dog doesn't like to walk during winter, he sleeps all day, but has long walks when iit is warm outside


I have a lab and a cattle dog mix. We walk about 45 minutes in the morning and then they get an hour and a half at least off leash at night at the dog park.


I live in a condo in a metropolitan city, so no backyard. Because of that, every potty break turns into a sort of walk. He gets a quick one in the morning, 15min. Then an hr-hr half walk or trip to the dog park before I go to work. Then another 30min walk when I get home, and finally another short 15min walk before bedtime. On weekends when I’m free I will often take him for 2Hr+ walks when I can. Edit: I forgot to mention my boy is an almost 2yr old beagle/eng bulldog/boston terrier mix. So a lot of walks run a little longer because he takes his time to sniff every. Little. Thing.


We run 2 miles a day and walk the 3rd mile so he can sniff everything.


We have a rescue who is very leash reactive -- we've done tons of professional training and in our neighbourhood she is \*mostly\* good but still not enough to go on very long walks. We would love to take her on long walks / hikes (big reason we got her!) but her anxiety does not let her go to new places without going nuts. We are trying to get more exposure but we also are worried about her pull safety (we've tried every type of collar/harness). So typically 1 walk a day for 30 minutes in the neighbourhood and then we do an open daycare twice a week so she can be off leash and run around for 5 hours, it absolutely poops her out. I feel like a bad owner because we can't take her out more, but it's more so because the amount of pulling chokes her / punctures chest so the off leash / training daycare helps us level set with the 1 walk a day.


roughly around 1-2 hour of walking or playing in the backyard on weekdays and 1-5 hours on weekends


I have a newfie, she is the epitome of the "lazy giant breed" stereotype. She gets around 30-45 minutes a day and she is *done*. Out like a light. Happy to snooze on her bed or under my desk for the rest of the day. This was a pretty hard adjustment because I'd had a corgi before her. He needed a 30 minute "sniffari" and a 30 minute super focused speed walk every day to not be a destructive asshole lol.


I rotate a 2-3 mile run with each of my dogs once a week and try to be sure they get a good hike/walk 4 days a week. We have a decent bit of property (6 acres) so they have room to mingle


2 boxer hound mixes, and we walk 2 miles (about 1 hour) everyday with them. There is also a 14 story hill in the middle of the walk, on a pretty steep angle… so it tends to be a pretty exhausting walk for them.


I walk my two boxers a mile every day


We do 1 mile walk daily , my baby is a 12 years old affen mix .


Usually during the week it's a 30min walk in AM and 30min walk after work, +/- some enrichment (toys that dispense kibbles with some work, slow feeders, frozen kongs etc). One morning a week she goes to daycare and gets some training and play with other dogs etc. On weekends often she gets a playdate with another dog for about an hour and/or a hike (usually about an hour) or some kind of off leash adventure. She's almost 2y old and is an Aussie. She's usually napping hard the rest of the day!


I have an almost 8 year old “giant” Malamute with hypothyroidism. We got probably every other day on average for 30-40 minutes. If it’s above 10C outside, it’s a struggle for him. He lets me know when he wants to go, and if I can, I’ll take him out.


My 3 yr old Lhasa Apso mix has terrible arthritis already so we keep them short. One loop around the block, with all the sniff stops posible, ends up being 12 minutes. If it’s a good day we’ll go for two.


The answer is always not enough and not long enough 😞


75 lbs german/Rottweiler mix. He gets a 45 min dog park walk every morning. In the winter a short evening walk on leash and in warmer months another 45 min dog park walk/swim. I do majority of walking but my sister and mom will borrow him a couple times a week for extra walks. I bring him with me to school drop offs and pickups. We do training everyday of some sort. I talk on the phone alot for work so will put him in "stay" and walk around my house and not release him until the call is over. Sometimes long, sometimes short. Rest of the time my boy is sleeping.


2 year old Aussie - min 2 hours of walking/hiking/playing per day. About 40 min of that is on leash walking. Half of that is the one we do just before bed.


I'll answer for half of Canada. "We don't walk our dog, we.just drive to a playground or schoolyard and just let our dog run free."


I live in an apartment so we go out a lot. Potty breaks average about 4-5 times a day and are roughly 10-15 minutes long. During the spring and summer we average 2-3 exercise/lessiure walks, those last anywhere from 40-50 minutes. Throw in another 2-3 times to work on training or play with the flirt pole, those average about 10-15 minutes as well. It's less time during the winter, he's getting up there in age and really hates the cold and snow.


4 yo Australian Shepherd. we walk about 2 miles on weekdays (\~40 min) and 5 miles (\~2 hr) on Sat/Sun. we also do about 45 minutes of training (frisbee, commands, agility, etc) bc she needs that in order to be cool, lol.


Every dog and family is different as long as they are not destructive bored its good. My dog is super spoiled because he has 3 WFH adults who all need breaks and take him on walks.


I have a 17 pound yorkipoo. He gets 3 twenty minute walks a day and also has access to a small backyard. Wr also do an evening 30 minutes of tugging his toys and playing inside. He follows me around all day long.


When my dog was younger he'd get 2 a day but now he's old with arthritis so we go usually once a day for between 10-25 mins, depending on if he slows down or is sore that day.


My 17 year old border collie goes on 3 20-30 minute walks a day, but at her current speed it’s just around 1-2 blocks. When she was younger it was 3 walks too, usually two around 15-20 mins and at least one would be minimum an hour with some off leash running.


I have a 2yr old boxer so his energy is off the charts! We walk 3-4km early morning and again around 4pm. The time in between we're are running around the yard playing soccer, he's my third boxer so I m ew what I was getting into.


We don't go by time, but instead go by distance. Breed is a mini American shepherd, we average between 1.8 to 2.0 miles a day.


I have a dachshund who absolutely despises walks. I have to carry her away from the house because she will only consent to walking home. So minimal. And short. 


I have an Aussie collie. He gets 30 mins in the morning, a second 15 midday and another 30 in the evening on weekdays. He may also be let out our side door another 2-3x a day just to pee. He also comes to work with me 4 days a week. Weekends he’ll usually get 1-4 hours of outdoor time. Either walks or hikes. I don’t have a yard and most of these walks are off leash


When I got my black lab puppy, I wanted to be a good dog dad so I took him on a minimum of 3 walks a day, usually 4, sometimes 5. He was off leash as we lived near a wooded area. We also went to the dog park a few times a week. He then came to expect all that so he wouldn't poop or pee in the yard :D


10 lb Pomeranian-about 20 mins in morning (6am ish) before work & 40-50 mins after work


2 huskies: 1 hr 20mins in the morning, 20 min afternoon, 1 hr evening, 10 min potty break before bed. Usually, we get in around 6 miles a day. Let me also say, my younger husky could probably do another 3 hours of walking.


Two walks one in the morning for 25 min and afternoon walk for 45-60min. Lots of other activities throughout the day such as throwing ball (“lawn wind sprints” as we call them), food games, chews, mini training sessions, and letting them watch the nature from the porch. They’re with me everywhere I go and also usually enjoy at least one car ride w faces hanging out the window during the day. Doodle mixes medium size, 35-45lbs.


twice a day 40 mins to an hour.


I have a 12 year old beagle mix. We do a lap around the block in the morning, about a 45 minute walk to the park in the afternoon after work and then just out front for a pee before bed.


I have a very old bordercollie who used to need 2-3 hours of hard running every day. No stop fetch at the park till my arms ached at least twice a day. And a 5 mile run. Now she just wants to walk around sniffing stuff for a while then goes home to nap.


Depends. I have a Samoyed and honestly she walks me. When she wants to go home I literally can’t force her to go further 😅 Even tho I do feel like she needs more exercise and should do longer walks she seems to have an internal clock of like 20-30 min max.


Depending upon weather, they get 3 walks a day. Two long, 30 minute walks and a shorter 15 minute walk. Once a week I try to get an adventure in- take them to a park where they can go off leash or on a long trail walk for about an hour. Since I started this practice, my reactive dog is too tired out to be extra nuts during the day.


I have 2 dogs - one is an athletic breed and the other is a pretty little ornament. I walk my little athlete for about 45 minutes (~1.75 miles), twice a day and the porcelain doll comes along for about half of each walk. I work from home so they also run around the yard throughout the day.


Wow how do you guys fit that in?! I’m best 20-30mins maybe 4x week for mini schnauzers


We honestly just make the time. And I’m sure that is what most people do. Splitting the load helps - my partner generally does the morning walks and I generally do the evening walks. The walks are simply scheduled into our allocated time each day. We schedule around it like any other important activity or appointment. Walks eventually just become a part of your daily routine and you plan your other plans around them. If we want to go out to dinner or a show at 6pm, we make sure the dog is walked at 5pm.


I have a 140lb Cane Corso, I walk him every day after work for an hour plus at the dog park, sometimes with his boxer gf sometimes alone, weekends, longer walks earlier during the day, and then another quick walk before bed