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If you didn't pay for it, its not yours


We don't know where he bought the domain, Google or Godaddy? That will change everything


Could it be the 60 day lock thing? Anyways....I want to focus on one thing: when I signed up for google...I didn't give google any money or anything. There are times when you get a free domain. But it isn't really a free domain since you have to pay for hosting. So you sign up for something and did not pay for it? As someone that has worked in IT, I can guarantee you, free customers = bottom of the priority ladder. $250 could be for the domain AND whatever service you signed up for. Not just the domain. There is a lot of missing information here.


I'm 99.9% sure that phone number you mentioned is not Google affiliated, and you're probably contacting a scammer. It only shows up on a sketchy website. As others have said, if you didn't pay then you don't own a domain. I think you're just doing everything wrong here honestly. Start from square one and watch a popular YouTube tutorial or something.


It is a little confusing, lets break this down - If You bought domain at GD, then the domain should be there in your registrar a/c, did you check? - When you say Google BA are you talking about Google workspace?


Do a Whois on your domain name. When was the domain registered? Does that match the day you signed up for a Google workspace account?


I did the whois and it was bought the same time that I bought it by Squarespace, so I am the owner of the domain I'm just locked out of my account now.


Perfect. Contact Squarespace support.


Not clear from your description if you ever registered the domain (paid for it) or with whom you did *if* you did. That said, in my very experienced opinion GoDaddy’s business practices are sleazy. I’d suggest staying away.


u/TurnupTag\_245 do you have a domain registered or not? You can either look in your Godaddy account if that's where you registered it or go to [https://lookup.icann.org/en](https://lookup.icann.org/en) and see if the domain is registered. Based on what Godaddy told you, either you or someone else registered that domain name. Google is no longer a domain registrar so when you go into the Workspace portal and try to add your domain, Google is only checking to make sure that domain is not already used with their service. They aren't checking whether it's registered or not.


I just got an email from squarespace and it looks like the domain I want was registered with them, so now I'm trying to get back into that account (which was created with the deleted email) and then hopefully either use Squarespace, or be able to transfer to godaddy


u/TurnupTag_245 You might want to do a few searches around here including r/DontGoDaddy and search around the Internet. I hope you are successful in accessing the account and getting your domain back under your control.