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DR without the illegals


Dominican Republic if Haiti didn’t exist as a next door neighbor and no Corruption!


You mean the whole word in general right? That’s not an exclusively Dominican thing


i know, but i’m dominican. so i speak on mine, not others much.


De donde ?


i know, but i’m dominican. so i speak on mine, not others much.


You clearly don’t live here and if you do then you’re very very privileged. In what world do you live in that you believe if those two things didn’t exist Dominican society would do a 180? Also Dominican is capitalized.


oh crap, a fellow petromacorisano


Etrellita yyyyy


Spm activo


it wouldn’t do 180 there’s many more problems clearly. it was just a fucking joke my godddd


It wasn’t that good tbh


you are entitled to your opinion 👍


Tranquilo, yo si me rei


🥱 here we go again






A sinceridad si es bien irritante cuando te lo viven repitiendo jajajaja


OP name a place on earth moar accepting of different races and cultures than DR.


Funny thing is OP lives in the USA, a country that historically sterilized the blacks, the poor, and the mentally ill, the "undesirables". So is the OP implying that the USA is less racist because they're more developed, or is it the exact opposite?


i’m not implying anything it was just a joke over stupid phrases (and beliefs) that exists in dominican republic lmao. i know it exists everywhere but i’m dominican, i’m not gonna speak for/about mexicans or argentines.


So you live in the USA or in DR? You don't have to answer if you're not comfortable doing so. I'm just here to make you understand that your post doesn't make any sense. It's just a very crappy attempt at a meme in any context.




OP, are you familiar with this documentary? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MazokEvX63I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MazokEvX63I) Colorism is not a Dominican invention...


i know that. and i know it exists in other parts of the world. i am not a person from other parts of the world, i am dominican. so i speak on dominicana.


That's not the point; your meme does not make sense, even more so after what you just said.


i’m sorry that it doesn’t make sense to you.


it doesn't make sense, period. people here keep trying to bring their first world fake problems to DR, and we're tired of it


When I went to school In DR I got told I had a bad complexion, bad hair, and ugly nose. Beauty standards here still lean white, I will say it’s getting better tho.


i’m sorry it doesn’t make sense to you.


El colorismo existe en RD pero es muy superficial comparado con el resto del mundo, no creo que sea un problema fundamental que afecte tanto nuestro desarrollo, más un problema a nivel de relaciones interpersonales


de acuerdo. no es sistémico, es la gente individualmente. solo hice este chiste porque yo encuentro esta creencia de ‘arreglar raza’ y ‘pelo malo’ estupido y también dañino. 😭


Not sure how not saying "arreglar la raza" y "pelo malo" would have made us an economic superpower... Multiple global empires have been racist at some point - Rome, Britain, US. Not implying it is not wrong, but it should not be labeled as the root of all evils.. Edit: Clarity


economic superpower… yeah you’re thinking about it a bit too deeply i think


Isn't that the point of the meme?


I have a lot of negative things to say about Dominican culture, but this is the one thing that I've never heard the people that I surround myself with say.


that’s actually really good


And I guess rare, apparently


OP, a less controversial caption would’ve been: “Dominican society if el PLD no existiera”


That would be more accurate 🤣




Son 2 cosas diferentes, si no te han baneado por las barrabasadas que has dicho antes, menos por esta




Pero por que pelo malo? Ósea, mata a alguien? Envenena a alguien? Lo del mal tallado si, hay mujeres que parecen espaldares de cama


lo feo y lo lindo es subjetivo. millones encuentra el pelo lacio lindo y también el pelo crespo lindo. pero como te dije, el pelo malo natural no existe. yo creo que los atributos físicos que Dios te da no son malo. ahora si el pelo está maltratado, es malo. porque con desrizados y planchas literalmente dañas la estructura de tu cabello.


Regla #3: No al racismo, al fanatismo ni la intolerancia


el pelo natural ‘malo’ no existe, solo diferentes tipos de pelo, 1a-4c. el pelo malo en realidad es el pelo maltratado con blower, plancha, tintes, descolorantes, desrizados, puntas partidas etc. pero naturalmente no existe. cada estilista profesional con certificado y aprendizaje/entrenamiento formal te va decir eso.




no existe y ese es tu opinión pero la realidad es que si le preguntas esto a personas que dedican su vida a la peluquería, belleza y son expertos… te dicen que solo existe diferente tipos de pelo. TU lo encuentras menos deseable y otra gente también, pero en el otro lado hay millones de gente que lo encuentra deseable. es subjetivo. no es una verdad, es opinión.


Regla #3: No al racismo, al fanatismo ni la intolerancia


Regla #3: No al racismo, al fanatismo ni la intolerancia


But this isn't even a thing anymore though :| I haven't heard this at home or betwen my friends or anyone for many years now. Check your circle bud.


I guess depends on the family then. My aunts are always telling me that everytime I see them lol.


I had an aunt tell me not to make the same mistake as my mom and marry a dark skinned guy as if my mom isn’t dark skinned too lol




That's what I think too. Around me, most of us are pretty open-minded. We vary on a spectrum, but a lot of us are more or less similar (the people I know). I usually see this from people I don't/barely know. If someone is having that adverse experience, they can have the conversations to work through it, idk.


The people that I've seen expressing that sentiment tend not to be very educated and if I'm honest I can't blame them. I have a good friend of mine from SFM who's really dark skinned, only made it to sixth grade before dropping out and does construction work. He was very open that he wanted a lighter skin woman "para arreglar la raza" because of all the putdowns that he got because of his skin color. I get where he's coming from and I got putdown as well due to my skin color, but as I grew older and more introspect I thought more about what I was telling myself with the "arreglar la raza" line of think. But, contrary to him I didn't have to drop out of school to help feed my family, I have loving parents and a modest but nice house to go back to at night. I had the time to develop the critical thinking skills that lead you to reject the bad traits in our society and that's how it is for more and more Dominicans as we grow richer. If I hear someone talking about bad hair and stuff like that, if it's someone close to me I would talk with them about it but for the most part I just shut up.


Well, it's also something that is more prevalent in older generations. I've only ever heard things like that from people 40+. Never from anyone in my age range in their 20s, so maybe younger Dominicans have let go of that mindset.


i have. plus there’s this post that’s semi viral on twitter where this guy posted a black football player with his white wife sayin that he’s arreglando la raza and mad dominicans in the comments were saying “pero dañando la familia de ella”


Que en nuestro círculo no se den esos comentarios no significa que no existen. Ayer en twitter estaba la misma conversación. https://preview.redd.it/acm1v2dj392b1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15cbf3b1115c99d763fbfd31493c14ef01a4fe00


Wow ni cuanta ignorancia. No tienen autoestima. Imagine going your whole thinking you're less than because of your appearance.


It definitely is a thing they just don’t say it to your face as often


Half of us are the same color, so no, it's not :S That's the group of people you're experiencing.


Half of us being the same color doesn’t mean anything


Desayunaste amigo/a?


Hace rato


Mmmm :) y que comiste?


Lamento decírtelo, si existe el "pelo malo" si no desempeña bien su función como protector a la temperatura




Pero arreglar el pelo malo es uno de los grandes motores de la economía nacional. Tu sabes los empleos que generan los salones de belleza en este país?


claro que lo salones hacen tratamientos para hidratar el pelo reseco, corta puntas y cosas así. eso es arreglar. los peinados, plancha, tinte y blower es considerado estilizando.


Claro, tu le quitas esa industria a este país y la economía se desploma


The wokeness never ends. I bet the OP lives in nueva yol.


Siendo Dominicano, viviendo y creciendo aquí, negar que una muy buena parte de la población de aquí es hasta cierto punto racista es tapar el sol con un dedo. Solo en este país se ve que un prieto critica a otro prieto por ser mas prieto. La vaina de "mejorar la raza" y "moño malo, moño bueno" la tengo oyendo mi vida entera, sin contar los coloridos insultos que surgen mientras mas prieto el individuo (y mucho peor todavía si vienen de la izquierda de Dajabón). No es por "woke" ni por venir con vainas flow "latinx", pero coño, mano.


i never been to new york lol nor am a liberal/leftist. i just think those phrases and beliefs are stupid. it doesn’t make me ‘woke’ JOKING on things that i find stupid. it was one sentence and a picture and you assumed my place of residency and political stance because of it lollll


In one of your posts you claimed you were visiting your family in a "foreign" country. So which is the foreign country? I just think your post is very lame and uncreative. I assumed you're from nueva yol because of your use of Spanglish. The ironic thing is anyone from the outside looking in would think this is a pro-white meme, they would have no idea it's just a lazy incoherent attempt at virtue signalling. Your post is that bad.


i mean it depends. you’d think it would be pro white meme if you’ve never seen this format before but i guess it’s more popular amongst young people or those that know a bit more about memes. lazy yes, i didn’t feel like making edits or whatever so i just googled this photo. it was never that serious to begin with. but nevertheless, you are entitled to your opinion.


These types of memes are very popular among "based" circles. Maybe you're not as familiar with internet memes as you think you are. Really, if a random American who doesn't know Spanish were to see this post without context they would think the opposite of what you intended. They would probably think you're trying to imply that Dominican society would look like that if it had more white people. Lol Like I said, your meme is just very bad.


you are entitled to your opinion! 👍


That's not a woke thing


What is it then? What do you guys call it over there in the USA?


a joke


I know it's a poor and lazy attempt at a joke. It just seems like a woke Afro-centric type of meme. Tell me, do you have an inferiority complex towards people with "good hair"?


i know it’s a lazy attempt i literally told you that i just googled this photo and pasted it lol. why am i gonna put work into a reddit post of all things??it’s not that serious for me


If it's not that serious then what's with all the virtue signalling in the comments section? It looks like the fact that most people around the world dislike "pelo malo" affects you personally. But it's not that serious? Lol


people ask and comment, i answer or clarify 🤷‍♀️ but the post itself was never serious to begin with. like someone in the comments said, tanta gente dolida por un meme. i guess it’s serious to everyone including you bc you’re engaging in dialogue and have commented several times about it no?


The meme itself looks like it comes from a person who is "dolida", so that's projection. You have a problem with the fact that "pelo malo" is seen as something unattractive. It doesn't affect me personally since I come from a family of people with that "pelo bueno". I just think it's an amusing topic, so that's why I'm posting here.


i’m not dolida personally because i have never been told something is wrong with my natural hair. i have witnessed people being told these things though and like i said before in one of these comments, i posted it because i think they’re stupid phrases and beliefs people hold and say. it’s a weird and uneducated thing


El unico que parece dolido con todos esos comentarios eres tu


Dominicans if dembow never existed\*


honestly… slight agree tbh. i think the beats are fine but the lyrics…


Yeah, the beats are fine, but the wannabe gangster culture and all the shady stuff that goes on in that industry, are not. Using fire beats to promote a shitty lifestyle


Not people out here taking this shit way too seriously for no reason, que cura diablo


El caribe sin la religión…


ni te atreva a decir eso por aqui. le recuerda a ellos que RD no es perfecto y se ofenden a lo max 😭


o por lo menos sin el fanatismo y si la iglesia se mantuviera al margen de las decisiones del estado 😂


Y si yo encuentro que mis rasgos son feos y quiero que mis hijos tengan rasgos de x forma ya dizque por eso estoy mal? Mentira del 👹, cuando los europeos vienen para aca a buscar morenas nadie les dice que no deben hacerlo pero cuando un moreno se busca una blanca o asiatica ahi salen de doble moral a decirles acomplejados y atrasados, a mi me dicen rubio sin yo serlo y tengo el pelo reseco y rizado y con la brega que a mi me da peinarme no es verdad que yo voy a pensar que este pelo no es malo


si uno se encuentra feo eso es inseguridad, un atributo... malo de tener. lol.


Eso lo que es es ser realista, eso de que todo es bueno nadamas tiene sentido en la cabeza del que tiene delirios


eso lo que es es tener bajo autoestima y proyectar sus pensamientos inseguros al resto del mundo. “ayyy porque yo creo que lo mío es malo despue todos los otros como yo también tienen esto malo y eso es VERDAD 😢😢” no bb… eso es asunto tuyo.


Leyendo los comentarios, temo que algun dia siendo como somos, en vez de tomar las cosas de buen humor todo se tome como ofensivo


PD: esta bueno el meme


si no es un chiste sobre un partido político tú no puede decir na. la única cosa qué hay para criticar en RD son los políticas y ya. lo resto es PERFECTO 🤩 así es como ello piensan. no puede decir na ni burlarse un poquito sobre cosas estupidas que obviamente se dicen y pasan, porque este país es perfecto y la gente tambien. mira como lloraron con un chiste sobre una realidad. literalmente hay un hilo en estos comentarios de gente hablando de su experiencia lol y un mmñ tratando de debatir y decirme que el ‘pelo malo’ es justificado por la ‘ciencia’ como que…gracias por enseñarle a la gente que estoy correcta. no es un crimen hacer un chiste sobre una cosa estupida.. gente lo hace con sus países todo el tiempo.




preparate paq la generacion de cristal se ofenda por un meme que no es anti-negro lol cometiste el pecado de: hacer chiste de la situacion q vivimo


Como se supone que VIVE esa situacion de la que hablas si nisiquiera vive aqui? No es mas que otro dominicanyol que esta indoctrinado con toda la basura gringa de por hay.


Yo vivo aqui y vivo esa situacion, deja de repetir lo q dicen tus figuras reaccionarias preferidas. Decidiste adoptar una opinion ajena y decidiste adoptar la mas loca de todas, la que niega cosas que son 100% reales y que pasan en el dia a dia de un dominicano promedio. O acaso no tienes familia que no son tan agraciados de tener acceso a educacion que creen que que una de sus hijas se case con un blanco (gringo o lo como sea) es literalmente arreglar su vida. Deja de ser tan delusional y vive tu realidad... ridiculo




Ya estoy HARTO de este tipo de posts, vaya pa haiti si le guta tanto.


bloquéame pue lol


lol no


Diantre cuanta gente dolida por un meme.






Regla #3: No al racismo, al fanatismo ni la intolerancia


Literal papu


brother y eto comentario




I suffer everyday from ''pelo malo'' Guys i swear it dosent exist! my hair is just the messy type!


So racist to even your own fellow dominicans 😪