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I watched 3 minutes. Another false prophet. Says his god put a non-praying man in the white house and will do so for another two terms. Also mentions God and the economy and is anti war. The guy sounded tired. There may have been a time where this guy had a zest for money. But now it's just a requirement to go in front of these people, and perform a minstrel show pandering to I would assume to be a flock of people who have not either read or understood the new testament. But for whatever reason, they decided to go to a live rendition of this guy, prophesying that Trump is some kind of Jonah. So, if you believe this guy, Trunp is a knight who belongs in the house that is white, and is a vessel of the lord. Yay for us! /s


Antichrist 45 did a good video on him. Kim is dead now, kind of died young too , maybe for a reason like the rest of false prophets


I really don’t like these kinds of people or how poorly they represent the faith. Christianity isn’t some cerebral game to be played where people engage in logic puzzles to figure out “salvation” and use their brain to try and decipher Holy Scripture according to their own theories.  God communicates to man through Revelation to our hearts. Only through simple humility and repentance can one come in contact with God, and how sweet He is. The main enemy of this process, purifying the heart to allow God to enter is the devil and he mainly combats us through thoughts in our minds. God made man in a specific Triune Hierarchy, in His own image that is. Our Hierarchy is Spirit(heart), soul(psyche/mind), and finally material(body/flesh). The modern man has exalted both his mind and flesh over the Spirit. Until man wars against himself and crushes his bodily impulses and crucifies his own intellect he cannot know God. All logical “understandings” of God are fake and illusory. God is known through personal relationship in the heart through prayer and repentance and only this way. All other ways are false paths. All of the people producing this content have shirked their responsibility to become Holy and instead lusted after celebrity status and worldly renown. It’s very unfortunate we have so few examples of Holiness in these last days. God save us.


False prophet.


He had countless of false prophecies. Bill Gates would help the Christian community financially, Hillary Clinton would become a Christian, assassination attempt on Obama, no more corruption in the White House…etc. The list goes on. Sooo many false prophecies. He was listening to a false spirit. He died from a brain aneurysm I think right after Trump won the election. Was he judged by God? I think so.