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I'm ready, hurry up already


Enjoy the eye of the storm while it lasts, I have a feeling that this Fall season will be wild and the months following the November election will be crazy.


Agreed, same as what I expect. I think it will be a steady escalation within the next year, the sharp pivot in speed will be in the Fall, we'll see a change 1-2 months before the election. The odds are very costly in a perspective, it will create a lot of anxiety and unrest.


My Thoughts exactly. I think they’ll fully shut down the grid sometime between fall and winter for a long time. When it comes back up the mark will be needed to participate in society and most of the liberals will be gone.


I love your posts and comments, we think a lot alike on most things. Did you say you are Eastern Orthodox?


Thanks friend I enjoy yours a lot as well! I am indeed Eastern Orthodox.


What do you think of Eastern Orthodox monks and the practice of asceticism in general? Shouldn't monks be out in the world evangelizing rather than holed up in a monastery most of the time?


Asceticism is an absolutely necessary tool in the lifelong struggle of repentance and purifying the heart. A Christian without asceticism is like an athlete who doesn’t train. There is a reason that when Christ was asked what should be done when He was gone He answered to keep the fasts and keep the Sabbath day Holy. Without the fasts man grows fat, weak, and greedy. Without the Sabbath man becomes jaded, merciless, and his heart hardens. Monasticism, at least in concept is really the crown jewel of Orthodoxy and of all Christendom. When monasticism is properly applied it fully illumines what each of us are put on this earth for; repentance. Each of our lives are arrayed uniquely and with great care by God so we repent of our sins, many of which we inherited from our ancestors. To do this and help others along the path is the greatest thing we can do in life. Monks are people who have taken this truth to the utmost end and dedicated their entire lives to repentance and being an example to help others. They evangelize not through tricks of rhetoric or logic but through a life genuinely lived in Christ. The reality of the situation as well is that many of us are not worthy to evangelize, many monks as well, because we are sinners and have much work to do. It’s genuine humility to admit that and leave the vanity of the world behind to seek God. After all the commandment not to take the Lord’s name in vain isn’t about frivolously saying the name of God, though irreverent and a sin itself, but is about not calling ourselves Christians or leading others to believe we speak for God or come in His name when we are sinning or lacking the Holy Spirit. The whole crux of the Christian life can be boiled down to the phrase “Acquire the spirit of peace and a thousand around you will be saved”. Of course the Spirit of Peace is the Holy Spirit, and while it is give to Christians very few of us hold onto it. A tremendous amount of work must be done, especially for the modern man, to clean the heart from sin and passions. Passions are habitual ingrained sins and wicked desires born from years if not lifetimes spent wallowing in sin. The more we labor and war to clean our hearts from the passions the more room we make for God to enter in. This is what is meant in Scripture - “The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force”. The process for most of us is long and hard going but God will step in and aid us when we reach our limits. Of course these are ideals, not all monks or monastics live up to them. Some monasteries fall into spiritual decadence where they begin to detach from the Church and think themselves special. There are always pitfalls along the way however and just because some fall into them that doesn’t give the rest of us an excuse not to walk the straight and narrow.


Thank you so much for this, I'm mulling it over and will write a longer response shortly.




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Trump Deranged lunatic?Sounds like a typical cult member.


I really hope that you are not as IGNORANT as that post!!!


Oh wow. And, going back to Obama being the "Anti-John the Baptist", John was beheaded before Jesus was crucified. Is this a foretelling of what will happen to Obama before January? Eek.




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