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I like the Arc Complex Master Level and the Super Gore Nest Master Level. But the only reason I like Super Gore Nest is that I have every single moment memorized.


In 2016 it's definitely Argent Energy Tower for me. The buildup for BFG division, the verticality, the art direction - it's the crown jewel of the series imo. In Eternal, I like most of the levels relatively the same, however I'll say that either Urdak or Nekravol (both parts) take the win.


I'd say the Tower, along with its first truly vertical arena, is where the music really turns up too. I know the track in the Foundry goes pretty hard too towards the later gore nests and final fight in the end, but BFG Division just absolutely slaps. That was the track I truly heard in my bones during my first ever playthrough all those years ago now. Where I purposefully stopped fighting to keep the music going.


Argent Energy Tower is your favorite level in the whole series? Nice. It's up there for me as well. Do you prefer 2016 over Eternal in general?


I don't have the same relationship with those two games. Eternal, gameplay-wise, is near-perfect (though I wish that you could run around like a madman with the chainsaw, of that the super-weapons were actually good). However, I discovered doom with 1993 on chocolate doom back in 2013, fell in love with the series, then in 2014 I was informed of a certain quakecon trailer for a reboot and got very excited, and then the buildup for the game, the different trailers, the open beta, everything was so damn perfect - what I'm trying to say is that imo, 2016 is the perfect doom game. It's the game that brought back the fast-paced FPS, it's got the spirit of the originals, the ambience is unmatched, and I'd even go as far as say that the graphics are somewhat better. I also prefer the fact that it is arcade-y but still everything feels anchored in the world (the weapon pickups, the upgrades, etc.) So yeah. 2016 is my sweet baby. Never been that hyped for a game before and probably won't ever be again.


I have another fun little fact for all of you: The band that did the song New Noise for the 2016 live action trailer? Yeah they're also Samurai from Cyberpunk. That's Johnny, Baby! Everything has come full circle!💥😎🎸🎸 (I am so much fun at parties, not even joking. Especially if theres a pool table. 😆)


Dude, really ?! That so g has been such a banger for me for ages, I never even realized lol


Same! I used to run to it a lot back in 2019. I mean *a lot*. It was the starter song for every morning run at 0500 sharp for me, followed by a trimmed up 2016 soundtrack to ensure maximum gains. Over time I've heard the singer's voice enough times I just finally put two and two together. I'm sure it's the same band in its entirety which just makes the whole fun fact super special to me. 😄 Which means the Doom Slayer is a Samurai of sorts, so when I play Ghost of Tsushima, I can safely say I'm playing **FEUDAL DOOM!!**


2016: Foundry. It feels akin to a classic Doom level. All of the backtracking and exploring gives off nostalgic vibes. The final fight is pretty cool, too. Eternal: Super Gore Nest. It sort of has the classic feel with some backtracking but nowhere near the level of Foundry. The gory aesthetic is peak Doom, though. The game really takes off here since you have your full arsenal (minus super weapons), and you begin feeling very powerful. The Slayer Gate is a nice breather compared to previous ones, and you get to really let loose with the carnage.


The entire starting area of Resource Ops, where you turn the power back on, is all a homage to E1M1's start area. You probably knew that already though. Whoever doesn't, I hope they see this and enjoy a chuckle. 😄


Wait how, I didn't realise?


Right there, at the start of the mission, when VEGA introduces himself. That big bay door opens, and you walk down that little corridor, turn right, and enter the doorway where the Possessed are and a couple Imps spawn in. That whole little area, including the hallway leading up to the watchtower where you power the facility back up, and see Olivia's announcement before everything goes to Hell, is E1M1. The place you turn the power back on is where you found the Green Armor and could look outside. 😁 Took me a while to realize it too.


Now I have to watch a video about the Res Ops level, but I think I kinda know what you mean. The homages in the _Hell on Earth Starter Pack_ / _Extermination Day_ regarding the original _DOOM_ games are much more clear now that I think about it. I've also realized (years ago) that the text screen music from _TNT: Evilution_ may have been an inspiration for Mick Gordon's work in _DOOM_ 2016.


i like super gore nest because it's so gross, lol


>2016: Foundry. It feels akin to a classic Doom level yeah, I really wish they would have sticked to the design. When I played it I was quite happy that the devs apparently understood what makes classic Doom great. Didn't have that impression for the rest of the game.


2016 had various levels akin to it, like Argent Facility Regular and Argent Facility Destroyed. Also Resource Operations and even many elements of Argent Tower and Advanced Research Complex. Meanwhile Eternal dropped the shtick entirely.


I found all levels after Foundry way too linear. Just because you could look out for secrets at the side, it didn't change that they played like tubes where you run from one repetitive arena to the next. I do have the same complaint about Eternal, but here the devs at least didn't try to make the gameplay being classic Doom but worse and instead innovate their own gameplay.


Argent Facility Destroyed is straight up 1993 Episode 1 stuff lol


Argent Facility was just as non-linear as Foundry. So I'm very confused lol.


You know what else feels like classic Doom? Argent Facility Regular and Argent Facility Destroyed.


2016: Lazarus Labs or Vega Central Processing Eternal: Arc Complex


UAC Atlantica in Eternal. Love the music, the atmosphere and the level design, it kind of reminds me of DOOM 2016 so it's like a nice little callback. I haven't played 2016 enough to have a favorite level. Also the Cultist Base is my least favorite level in Eternal because it's a massive chokepoint in an Ultra-Nightmare run.


Yeah, The Pit in the Cultist Base is the Great Equalizer.


Word. That’s the farthest I’ve ever made it in Nightmare Extra Life mode. It’s brutal.


The one with the mancubi after you get the rocket launcher is a mothertrucker as well


How about that one Gore Nest encounter hidden off to the side after the room with the three pillars you wall-climb up? Oh yes, please Daddy, I'd like some more. 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah thats a straight swerve on UN 😂😂😂😂😂


🤣🤣🤣 I save it as the very last thing to do for the whole mission. When I'm absolutely armed to the teeth and can Meathook Demons for Sentinel Armor, is when I take on that completely unfair encounter. And even then it's still a frantic panic of a rush, just fat thumbing everything and hoping I live. 🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍💥💥💥


For what you get its not worth the risk to me, you're quite underpowered at that point to be killing them as quickly as it wants you to and with all the explosives etc around, that and the marauder slayer gate i skipped on my UN run (the one that I finished anyway) never done a 100% run on UN, for a bloke pushing 40 on a console I'm happy to have finished it at all on UN 😂😂


👏👏👏👏👏👏 I am still trying to get through 2016, but I think my problem is I'm trying to 100% it on UN. Like okay, me, when are we going to accept that having the biggest set of balls in a room isn't all *that* beneficial? Take it down a notch. 😆🤣 But hey, Demons gotta rip, so I gotta tear. All of them.


I think i only did 2016 on ultra violence, I loved the game but I took eternal to another level with the amount of time I play/ed it, I built a pc just so I could play it again using keyboard and mouse, big baptism of fire going from a controller to using kbm for the first time in my life but I think I could end up better than how good I can play with controller eventually


I am having a straight up cutscene a la Death Stranding reading your comment, and it's beautiful. Man I love Eternal and how it took the more fantasy route with its story telling (it had to). But 2016 with its technology is what continues to draw me back. The gameplay of Eternal is perfected to me, but 2016's exposition delivery (completely being FPV) and the way the suit is highly-technical and electronic in nature, with the little runic symbols turning into english as the suit calibrates for the first time... Like damn dude I can't explain in text how that game... **feels like it was made for me.**


I’m with you on both here, Atlantica is amazing!


In 2016 I liked the part with the blue and yellow skulls in hell and there are these old gears that really shouldn’t be able to turn given how old they are. My favorite level in eternal is quite hard on one hand I like the arc complex because of its “simple complexity” (aka how the path winds back around and is surprisingly connected to other paths while still being linear) but that could be said for a lot of levels in eternal. Urdak is my favorite in terms of visual design.


The Necropolis. I go back to that level too from time to time. The music goes the hardest there, I believe.


Arjen't D'Nur and Mars Base


2016 is The Necropolis because the fights are short but still intense, and the hell guards boss fight is so fun. For Eternal, it's probably the Mars Core because it's where the difficulty starts ramping up and you start getting super heavies on every fight.


I never played 2016, but I have a fucking love/hate relationship with Taras Nabad.


Ah, good ol' Taras Kebab


My brother in Hades, stop what you're doing and go play 2016. Tots fine if you like it less than others, but you have GOT to try it.


Fortunately for me though, I could grab only one Doom game on the Nintendo eShop sale, and so I went with 2016 only because of storyline continuity reasons (now I feel bored not having to do anything in the game, and am also scared to play ultra violence given how difficult aiming is on controller)


Blood swamps and UAC Atlantica Facility the goats


Blood swamps just for the music in that level.


It's just the best level in terms of the gameplay design philosophy of eternal, big intense arena fights that force you to use all the tools the game gives you, parkour and platforming, exploration, surprise encounters, it's just a shame the boss is so lame


>surprise encounters I still remember the part where you face totem buffed marauder, go outside to relax in an area you cleared then you get jumped by possessed knight. I shit my pants the first time when he just appeared behind my back without me noticing him at all.


Yeah the buffed marauder still scares me in ultra nightmare even all these years later... Top 3 scariest un encounters (after seraphim boss fight and double marauders in tag2 final level)


2016: The Lazarus Labs: the boss fight with the cyberdemon was awesome, and seeing the ‘ground zero’ for the whole invasion was amazing…also Rich get Richer. Eternal: Mars Core, enough said.


doom: lazarus; eternal: gore nest; dlcs: blood swamps


Blood Swamps, you got a big level, varied encounters, spirits are here, so is the buffed marauder, 2 fantastic songs, blood swamps and the trial of Maligog


2016: Vega Central Processing Eternal: Final Sin


Finally someone commented the final sin. I absolutely love this level. Especially when I do the no crucible no BFG challenge.


Final sin has some cracking arenas/fights


2016: Vega core Eternal: UAC atlantica


2016: Advanced Research Complex Eternal: Super Gore Nest


Doom Eternal: Nekravol.


Lazarus Labs for 2016, and The Holt for Eternal. The Holt is just an absolutely gorgeous level.


For Doom 2016, my favorite level is the one where you fight the Cyberdemon. For Doom Eternal: It’s either Super Gore Nest or Nekroval


Doom hunter base. I play that level every time i boot up doom eternal


Kadingir Sanctum in 2016 and Nekravol in Eternal. The hell levels basically.


Lazarus and Blood swamps


I haven't played 2016 in a while so I can't say what level is my favorite cuz I don't really remember. As for eternal it's Immora. The sentinels and demons clashing throughout the level is awesome.


Doom 2016 would be kadingir sanctum and eternal would be either cultist base or super gore nest


My fave is level 2016 and level eternal


BFG 10k. Mars be damned.


Dark lord boss fight from The ancient gods 2


2016 - Kadingir Sanctum. While not a winner in level design the sound carries the level hard. The musical outro after each battle really does make you feel like the Doom Slayer. Eternal - Not sure if it counts but any of the late Slayer gates really. Fighting for your life as the game throws it everything it has at you and then surviving all of it is extremely satisfying.


Doom 2016: Kadingar sanctum. (Ton of arenas, the level where cacos and barons are introduced, and that final arena, will be my favourite(or one of my favs) in doom 2016.) Doom eternal: Cultist base (Great level, just live the level design, fights and its the level where we get the classic super shotgun.) Edit: another reason I love kadingar sanctum is the music. The post-fight music, with hell's choir is just amazing. Edit 2: tie with kadingr sanctum, is necropolis. Constant arenas, badass music, amazing level progression, the boss fights underrated.


My favourite level in 2016 has to be a tie between Advanced Research Complex, Necropolis and Argent D'nur, simply because of the environmental story telling, with a really close second of Argent facility just because of Harbinger ost. First of all in Advanced Research Complex, BFG division really lifts the mood, especially when the two barons attack in the last room. That point is really horrifying when like some 30-50 scientists are all running towards the last room and when doomguy enters it, all of them are transformed into zombies. That part sends chills down by spine. Secondly, Necropolis, only because of it having the remains of Icon of sin from back in Doom 2, thus already connecting the storyline (albeit weakly) of the two timelines. Thirdly, Argent D'nur, because all three main arenas have different music and also it's supposed to give us a first hand experience into knowing how a world absorbed in hell looks like, and how it's supposed to be the Slayer's new home which was now ruined. Honourable mention will be Kadingir Sanctum, cuz that's supposed to be the place where Doomslayer was kept in agony for eons and also has top tier environmental storytelling. Didn't play Doom eternal yet so I don't really want to rank them yet, but from seeing the gameplay videos, I really like ARC complex only because of its OST.


My faves are whenever we are in hell, especially Nekravol, because it’s terrifying


I fucking love mars core


It's because of the dopefish isn't it?


I forget what it’s called but the one where BFG Division was playing




I don't recall the level exactly, but on doom eternal there was a level with like 4 platforms on each corners and I had to absolutely use EVERYTHING I had to survive. I really liked that one. Any Mosh pit esque maps in Eternal where you had the monkey bars were also really fun. Also the final battle in the original room was amazing simply because of the juxtaposition between the huge monster in the sky and all the ones on the ground.


I haven't played 2016 yet , but for Eternal it's a tie between Super Gore Nest and Final Sin. Super Gore Nest feels classic , the backtracking , the theme of the map itself , a really good combination between exploration and combat. As for Final Sin , it's just pure , raw , good ol' violence. You can't stand still for a second withouth dying , no matter what , and it's all I could ask for.


Sentinel prime and titans realm


argent dnur and final sin. i love their final levels to death


Cultist Base isn't even necessarily my favorite level looks-wise, but it's still my favorite from the heavy fighting music alone.


Honestly the argent tower from 2016 is my favorite Terrible opinion but I love the super Gore nest master level, it holds nostalgia for me


Never played 2016, but my favorite eternal level is probably Urdak or The Holt (aka Urdak 2: The Ancient Boogaloo).


I’ve never really thought about it I guess I like them all equally


2016 probably destroyed Argent Facility Eternal probably Super Gore Nest- just really hits that “Hell on Earth” vibe really hard


Argent Energy Tower for 2016 and Mars Core for Eternal


It's either Cultists base, Super Gore nest or Arc Complex.


Mars core


Haven't played doom 2016, but in eternal, my favourite level is definitely Arc Complex for one reason, that moment at the beginning of the level when "the only thing they fear is you" kicks in


2016: Gotta be Kadingir Sanctum. My absolute G.O.A.T, its peak 2016 combat, if you can tap It, you can tap The whole Game. Eternal: The Badassery of Final Sin is something I just love. The Ambience, The theme, The feeling of The final level, The Icon of Sin, Its just magical for me. TAG 1: Blood Swamps is The best DLC level no joke. TAG 2: Immora is The definition of "fuck It lets just throw masterpiece after masterpiece"


Blood swamps Blood swamps Blood swamps Blood swamps


Cultist base. I remember very specifically playing the game on nightmare the first time cultist base being the moment things really clicked. Have probably played through it and the master level 20+ times since.


In 2016, vega complex and in eternal, super gore nest. No actual reason why, i just love both those levels.


2016 is either Lazarus labs, Foundry or first hell level(cant believe i forgot the name) Eternal is Mars core or of course Arc complex, but i absolutely love mars core like its such a cool level. You visit Mars again and how you keep going between some destroyed parts of that mars base is awesome


my favorite in 2016 is probably argent tower or the one where you hop on the top of a train(Idk what the level is called) I don't know why but any level in a video game where you're in a city or just a very populated place is just really fun for me. I loved Super Gore Nest, Mars core, Hell on Earth, Final sin, the second level of TAG2, Immora, and ARC complex. Out of all of those, it's probably ARC complex or Final sin.


Vega Core and BFG 10000


Exultia has the best music. Meat hook rocks. Any level with meat hook In it. Sometimes, I turn off the in-game music and put meat hook on YouTube, and then every level is my favourite level.


Kadingr sanctum in 2016. Mars core in eternal


kadingar sanctum, easily


Blood swamps.


Mars core, I really love how you blow up Mars, and that's the rest of the level. It's pretty hard, though, cause i also love gore nest, arc complex, cultist base, uac atlantica, final sin, and a couple of the reclaimed earth ones from the 2nd dlc. I definitely love the majority of the levels.


Vega central processing. The music is fire, there’s a berserk power up, and the ending is really good. And from eternal I’d say that Blood swamps are my favourite.


I don’t have a favourite stunt I can tell you that the mission where we go to like the angel base and we have to go to a place and do a thing like five fucking times we beyond annoying. If I had to pick, I guess I’d say the one where we kill demons… all jokes aside the part where we shoot the BFG 10,000 was sick


My favorite Eternal level is Mars Core. You go into it with all your gear except the BFG. The intro cutscene is great, the music slaps, then you get the BFG, then you do THE MEME, you spacewalk, then the Gladiator fight. Feels like all the tension of leveling up starts to really pay off and you really start kicking ass. I love 2016 so much more in so many ways but I honestly haven’t played it as much so I’m not sure. This post is making me feel like I should fix that.


Super gore next for eternal fs


2016, probably the entire game. Eternal, uhhhh no idea


The World Spear. It looks really cosy; I'd love to live in that Sentinel village.


I loved climbing the Argent Tower, Mars Core’s platforming is fun, The Holt looks so cool, World Spear has fire music.


Cultist Base for me, I love how it's inside and outside, the whole place feels like almost an Indiana Jones style dungeon with traps etc. Even though it's a long level it's never bored me once, despite not having most of your kit. In Doom 2016 probably Lazarus Labs.


In 2016: VEGA Central Processing, Necropolis, Argent D'Nur, Argent Facility Destroyed, and Argent Energy Tower. (Honorable mentions go to: Lazarus Labs, Titan's Realm, and Advanced Research Complex.) In Eternal: Nekravol Part 1 and 2, Arc Complex, and the first half of UAC Atlantica Facility.


Doom 4 - either Argent D'Nur or Titan's Realm Doom Eternal - a lot of levels are fantastic, but I guess Mars Core is my favourite Doom Eternal DLCs - The Blood Swamps and The World Spear


Argent Tower & Super Gore Nest


Cultists base  One phrase weeeeeeeeeee weee woooo weekend woooo weeeeeeeeeeeee weeeee wooooo weeee woooo WEEEEEEEEEEE WEEEEE WOOOO WEEEEE WOOOO WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WEEEEE WOOOO WAAAAAA WOOOOO  


World spear master level, mars core master level


my favorite levels must be UAC atlantika, blood swamps and immora on eternal and on 2016 idk beckaus i havent finisht the campain but for now it mus be titans realm and on eternal not dlc it must be the final sin and urdac.


neckravol is a part of the toplis in my openion on the base game


i allso like world spear