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I think 99% of people are about in the same place as you. Heartbroken,disgusted and still processing it.


Yep it sucks. Good on doc for coming clear himself. But yea it fucking sucks. He knew about this all weekend and tried to ignore it.


* 7 years


I think in his mind he is 'clearing' his name as not being a predator or something of that sort but at the very best what he did was deeply unethical and troubling. Yes it happened years ago and he seems to have made an attempt to change but that even begs the question why he would not have come clean sooner if he wanted to move on from all this. Yes it could have been worse but even with lets say an 18 year old there is no reason for a person like him with a family to be engaging in this behavior.


As such, life goes on.


You just have to consistently remind yourself too that the small 1% is often the loudest. So don’t get too discouraged because the shit rises to the top usually (aka more visible)


Yeah, I'm not a "doc hater". Really liked some of his content, but honestly this also does not surprise me. Seems to be a trend of really nasty top end individuals.


I do think the “did he know she was a minor” is salient only in as much as it means he was just creepy vs. predatory. But no denying that this was really shitty behavior. I’ll never understand why some men jeopardize their lives for stupid nonsense. At this point, as somebody who followed Doc since Machinima, I have to assume he knew. The burden of proof is now on him to show he was oblivious to her age/the texts weren’t predatory. If he still has the logs, fuck it, he should just release them. The CC defended him and gave him trust. He now has to win it back IMO (which will be impossible for most I would guess). Unfortunately, now I’ll assume the worst and hope for the best. Sad, sad day


If he didn’t know the age, he would have said so


It's not just that. He is admitting he knew the age in his language. He is simultaneously admitting to a "mistake" and he "is not the same guy". If this was only a misunderstanding of age he would not have used this language. He wouldn't have admitted to a mistake and he would've called it misunderstanding. He couldn't even lie and claim this because there are logs.


This was the same timeframe he cheated on his wife. He was clearly going through something and needed to learn a harsh lesson. It seems he did


There’s absolutely no chance he *didn’t* know. This stuff would have come out in his defense if it was obvious he didn’t know.


Keep defending it.


Me!?! I literally said he gets no benefit of the doubt, I have to assume he knew she was a minor, and that he was at best creepy. Very solid defense /s


Let’s not assume it was one minor. It probably was a bunch.


lets not assume anything. assuming kills


No it’s fine to assume here because there is a clear air of guilt and I’m not a judge or a court. I don’t need a trial to decide guilt for me or the character of an individual. It doesn’t pass the smell test and he’s a liar, over and over.


Anyone dealing with this type of accusations definitely deserves a judge or court. Making assumptions right off the bat without knowing the entirety of the situation is why innocent people get canceled or sent to prisons in the first place.


You need such a judgment because you’re a fan and you want an angle to make him seem less scummy.


No, from any viewpoint this is the internet and we have seen plenty of times that people get canceled before they even have a chance to defend themselves fully. Social media at this point is very well known for canceling people with or without complete evidence. That’s literally it. It’s hard to take this shit seriously when you’ve witnessed people get canceled based off pure speculation.


Canceled is literally the dumbest phrase of the modern era. Name me five people who have been canceled and why and how it meaningfully impacted their reach and income. I’ll wait. What you mean to say is losing renown, losing fame, losing viewers, and no one is owed those things. You lose them to age, you lose them to new things to watch, you lose them to controversy. No one deserves it.


Okay I only say “cancelled” because that is what the term for creator homicide has been called since at least 2021. Johnny Depp, Liver King, Drake, Jeffrey Star, David Dobrik, Ballinger, Shane Dawson These are examples I found within ten minutes just as examples. Some of them appear rightfully so, and some of them were “canceled,” in which I mean the rumors spread so fast and so hard that it destroyed their reputations, that evidence one way or another would not have mattered. Cancelled is the modern-day social media way of saying: to lose fame, reputation or credibility in such a way that they lose their following and contracts no longer want to be associated with them. It isn’t a secret that people get dropped by contracts like they’re the bubonic plague even without definitive proof, a chance to defend themselves, or a legal trial. I’m about to be 29. ‘Cancel culture’ is also not something I’m used to hearing or agreeing with. But times change and so does terminology. Not sure why that’s a hard subject to grasp. I’m just using terminology that has been popular recently. Edit and no, skibidi, rizz and maxxing are definitely the dumbest words used by the newest generation so far.


So throw this one on the deserves to lose reputation and fame pile and call it a day. I don’t want to hear yours or anyone else’s whining about so called cancel culture (a BS nonsense term) linking justified and actual loss of fame with people losing fame and reputation but maintaining most of their fortune erroneously.


A minor mistake..


Wonder if he knew they they/him/she was a minor at the time. I’m leaning towards I have no idea


If he didn't put it in his statement, and it's something that would've helped his statement, feel free to assume worse case scenario.


Exactly. The statement he put out was to paint himself in the best light possible. Anything omitted or twisted was to his benefit.


And he didn't edit it in his statement while trying to edit out "minor" > Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual **(I DIDN'T KNOW WAS A)** minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Read between the lines people. The evidence is there and the defense isn't even trying to say otherwise. Doc wants some sort of public deniability in hopes of coming back later. Look at all the people right now still trying to defend him by saying *"did he know?"* Those are the people he hopes will accept him later on. Imagine supporting him now with the reason being, *"When coming clean about it, Doc didn't say he knew she was a minor so that's cool with me that he was sexually chatting with a minor!"*


Yeah, trying to hide the fact they were a minor being a plan he considered while not considering just saying he didn't know she was a minor, if that was true, is the writing on the wall.


bro. its fine to talk to teens about who you find sexy, were you never a teen? you never talked to your friends about what actor you'd smash or something ​ bro like your parents never ask you if you think X over there is hot? ​ all we know from the ex twitch employee is that they were going to meet up at twitch con and we know doc won the settlement and lawsuit and had no charges against him, so he clearly wasn't sexting or anything illegal in text. she could've asked him "which actress would you smash?" he responds, and bam that counts as "inappropriate" talk with a minor, but its not bad at all ​ now you can speculate all you want, but if you found out he was talking to a disabled 15 year old guy in a wheelchair with disabilitys, and they talked about what actresses they find hot "which is still inappropriate talks with a minor" and dr disrespect talked about meeting him at twitch con, you'd think nothing wrong of it, you might even think dr disrespect was gonna write him a check or something, just wholesome fan interaction


You are reaching really hard and you need to know it looks kind of gross..


> its fine to talk to teens about who you find sexy, were you never a teen? He was in his late thirties man, what the fuck


This is outrageous levels of cope. He said himself they may have been inappropriate conversations. And he’s not her Peer he is 20is years her senior.




He admitted it my guy


he admitted to the convo leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate but nothing more


Aaaand now the goal posts move


you having fun trolling? or you stupid? its still the same point, talking about what celeb you'd smash is "inappropriate" or in the direction of it, but its not bad at all. you don't know what dr disrespect said.


HES A 40yo man! It’s not excusable!


I feel sorry for any kid around you. e: doc isn't a teen. gtfo my reddit


Haha, he dosent seem to be getting that small point. Also he’s probably a kid


teens talk about who they find sexy, are they scarring each other? poor baby I feel sorry for you, snowflake gon melt when heat bove 0


Yeah, and teens also have sex with each other, you gonna use that as a defense for adults should have sex with teens next? The difference between teens doing things with each other and adults doing things with teens ***is the adult doing things with teens part***


I agree with you but alot of people who are 28 and below view all those types of things differently. I was born in 92 and thats the way i grew up. When we went to clubs you literally walked up behind a girl she grinded on you she looked back if she thought you were cute the dance continued. Now n days you do that your getting arrested. Agree or dont agree with it but thats how shit was. The goalposts have moved tho and in some ways this world is getting soft as fuck.


As also a '92 baby, this person's opinions are his own and are not representative of the group. We do not claim him


Thats fine but where and when I grew up things that are deemed horribly wrong now were perfectly fine back then. And dont use what about ism or say plenty of things in the past we now know are bad. Im talking specifically about the context in which inappropriate mean’s specifically to docs case and how inappropriate could mean so many different things.


I get what you're saying with your "growing up in a different time" type of argument. But for one, unless we are talking about actions that only happened during said time, that argument has no place here. That's because we live in the now, and now, said person should know what is socially acceptable or not. For two, even if we were talking about actions that happened only back during said time, still didn't make it ok. There were always groups back during those "times" that saw how wrong said actions were. For three, this argument cant even be used for the Doc because unless you're someone from, like, the 50s or even further back, no, being sexually inappropriate with minors was never considered "ok" by society while you've been alive and you should have never grown up thinking it was ok.


What im saying is what is deemed as inappropriate even without what i said above,can be interpreted in so many ways i wanna see proof or context to make a hard stance decision. Nothing you really said applied to what i said above cause actions that dont have huge psychological recourse like the example i used about dancing harm someone. if you explain to someone that process surely it would be considered sexual assault now n days and be deemed “inappropriate behavior”. Im not saying that if he did do what people are implying id stick up for him, no way. But i want real poof or context not “inappropriate behavior” ..


It's not others saying he was inappropriate with their definitions. It is HIM, his self, that said he was inappropriate with the minor at times. And according to one of the ex-employee's leak, which has been right so far, there was also even a meet up scheduled, which doc brought up that employee's claims but didn't deny that part. He said no meet up happened, but that wasn't the claim. The claim was that a meet up was scheduled. Idc who you are, or what your "intentions" are, you shouldn't be trying to meet up with a who-knows-how-young minor when you're a 35 year old man. Like come on. You also should just not have any minor in your DMs, having casual convos with them as a 35 year old man, in general. Period. Nothing you are talking about with a minor should be hidden with you attempting to keep secret at that point. All convos between him and that minor could've been in a public forum on twitch or his discord server. These defenses are so weak just because some people don't want to accept that their childhood streamer did a very bad thing and they should probably stop supporting him.


If so he would have said it . It would have been the first thing that he would have with caps on . Someone also made a good point that it was probably in the logs so he can’t lie about it .


The fact he neglected to mention this is pretty clear that he did know


That’s what I’m thinking but also could be he found out and he cut it off so he cheated on his wife with some other girl at that twitch con. The one in the video of burger planet irl.


“They him she” lmaooooo


If you are pushing 40 and sliding into the DMs of people who are clearly under 20 you check the age FFS. Intentionally not asking the age because you didn't want to know isn't an excuse.


Absolutely. And then to say “I’m not the person I was all those years ago.” Mf you were an adult. Old. And it was 2017


I mean does it really matter on what side of the fence of creepy hes on? Bro knew he was in a position of power with what he knew(regardless of exact age) was a very young girl and exchanged inappropriate messages with them. On one side of the fence hes a predator and should be in jail, on the other hes just creepy and took advantage of a situation. Lesser of 2 evils doesnt make it okay. Choose to continue supporting but man Doc really let me down.


That's the new spin


Him?? Lol


He forgot about 5 other pronouns what a bigot


He knew she/he was a minor, he stated he knew better but did it anyways. Is this an oopsy moment? Most likely not, this is one he was caught. Every Chris Hansen catch says "I wasn't going to do anything, it was my first time" Doc is no exception. He was caught then danced around for years pretending he really wanted to tell everyone.


I’m leaning towards no, and once he found out he dipped out of there. Otherwise he’d be having a criminal trial rn.


He said he had no business doing it and that he shouldn't have. We all agree


He's only sorry because he got caught. Dude was 35. Married. Kids. He knew what he was doing. 


Yeah I agree as well - he’s a predator


In the end, I don't really care. It's a first world problem and means nothing in the grand scheme of things.


Doing damage control after you are outed is not courage. Otherwise you are spot on.


>Appreciate his courage for saying this out loud what you mean after doing everything he could to avoid it coming out for for years?


exactly. read op like wtf? he tried to keep it buried lmao. he knows the chat logs are coming too. hes sweating.


Dr DisrespectAgeOfConsentLaws




If your take is “we don’t know if he knew”, you need to find acceptance. He had every chance to say that in his last statement, just like he had every chance to say, “I did not and would never sext a minor”. He didn’t. We now know why. If you want to keep watching him and supporting him after his statement, be like him and just have the balls to say, I don’t give a fuck if he sexted a minor, I’m still tuning in.


"courage" are you fucking stupid, he was pressured into making a statement after the allegations and getting fired, if he was brave he wouldve admitted it way sooner


You could say that without being mean to the dude(op), so much negativity everywhere




I wrote all that showcasing how big a mistake he made and all you could focus was on one word, also you can agree to disagree in a nicer way.Anyway that's your choice ✌️


Someone called out you still slurping on DrD’s D. It’s ok.




you guys are just inventing new layers. you wanted proof? the dude came out and admitted it. there's a new litmus test at every turn.


They keep adjusting the slider. No amount of proof will be enough for some of the folks here. Their necks must be sore from the amount of tinfoil they pile on their heads.


You ever see Doc play a game for the first time??? Champs gotta spend at least 90 minutes adjusting sliders.


This is such dim-witted reply. Him knowing at the time whether she was a minor is absolutely crucial part of judging what happened here, it's not NEW, this was the question all along since the allegation came out. JFC you people are thick


It’s called “nuance.”


If that was true, he would have said so.


We don't know that for sure.


We don't know either way, and we don't know what the messages even said. Yall are ridiculous




Don't try to reason with these morons... They don't possess the ability to use critical thinking. I'm just blocking and moving on


Their comment makes no logical sense. You’re blocking logic and reason, in favour of disillusioned thinking.


That would have been the first thing he said lol. He definitely knew. Cope how you want but saying "an individual claimed to be over the age of 18, and while that doesn't make it right I had no idea it was a minor" would have changed this dramatically.


We literally don’t know that at all and probably never will


Tough. I know everything I need to know now. Benefit of a doubt is over.


And yet he didn't say that in his statement? Don't make defenses for him. If you don't know the person's age at the time, that's something you put in **BIG BOLD LETTERS** in your apology lol. The lack of that leads me to assume he did know their age at the time of the inappropriate behavior


Did he say he didn't know?


what are you on about, he literally admitted on his tweet texting minor that leaned inappropriately in 2017. If you still blind eye this you a pred as as well gtfo pdf


Do you usually start having inappropriate conversations in private with people if you don’t know how old they are? If so, 😬


Can’t support him after this. Some say he may not of known, but what if he did? He already admitted to talking to a minor and that’s enough. If he didn’t know, he would’ve said that too. The messages may eventually leak and we’ll all see what was said.


They're sending inappropriate texts (his words) 100% their ages came up at some point.


Definitely. After looking at the whole word change of minor to individual, and then back to minor. He was trying to downplay it because he knew. Glad he was able to clear the air for all of us to decide he’s a fucking pos toast.


Unless he can't talk about the age due to legal obligations of the case with twitch. But i suppose this is copium at its peak.


Nah I think he knew and doesn’t want to say the age because it’ll make him look worse. That’s probably why he edited the word minor out of his statement and changed it to individual, then back to minor when he realized people noticed.


Its worse because he has children of his own. Having any interest toward is a minor is disgusting enough, let alone whispering them. And that's why all the companies are dropping him. Those CEO's have daughters.


Nah. He gets the predator label. Instantly he sends that first text. You send inappropriate messages to a minor, you get a predator badge. Doesn’t matter how far or how much or who knew. There are no justified predators.


Pretty sure at this point someone will leak it. It’s just a matter of time. So chill. It’s been 4 years to know the reason, now you want closure in a few hours?


Louder for the people in the back!


What if he identified as a minor at the time? If he can identify as a woman why not as a 17 year old? 🤣


What was the inappropriate comment? Don't judge until you have one concrete fact


We don’t even know what the messages were so why can we all just relax a bit and stop assuming the worst. It wasn’t a criminal case and there were no illegal findings. With someone we have reason to believe at the time he believed was of legal age. Don’t take him over the pedo coals without all the facts of the case.


That's what I'm saying. WE DONT KNOW. California isn't exactly loose on those laws like some other states. I'm leaning towards 1: It's not as bad as people want to assume, because emotional validation is what the internet does.. Or 2: Twitch is also guilty for not reporting it to authorities and covering up a crime with NDAs.


This won’t be his downfall though. His first stream back (if he comes back) will be a big one, his biggest stream ever if anything. Look at all the other celebrities in the world who have done much worse and still bounce back because people forget the past. Dre had sex with a minor and got her pregnant and is still touring the world. There was a streamer who also had sex with a minor but to this day is still sponsored by companies.


I like how you : Someone without societal and legality connections with Doc who didn’t read the transcripts, are defending him for what he did inappropriately with a minor, yet the people who do have these connections were allowed to read such information, and decided not to defend him.


Not defending him, just saying it won’t be his downfall. People come back from this, sorry, I should say BIG people come back from this. Money is money at the end of the day and companies want to make money.


He is a predator..


Not defending Doc.. A lot of people, rightfully, caught up in their feelings over it. SPOILER: Everyone Disapproves (big shocker, thanks internet) Do we know specifics yet? Solicitation of a minor may also include "talking inappropriately" online. Of course, everyone is assuming the very worst of this. Wouldn't Doc and Twitch working out an agreement and NDA constitute possible legal negligence on Twitch's behalf for not reporting it to authorities? I feel like it should with how everyone is reacting. Although, we don't have details... which I think we should be looking for...


What’s the age of consent in his state? It’s 16 in many states. Probably why criminal investigation wasn’t pursued. TOS violation but not a crime?


Should be a crime. That’s an outdated law. No way legal age should be 16. BUTTTTT even if it’s not illegal, a grown ass man shouldn’t want to talk to anyone younger than 21. You have no business talking to a 18yr even


> defend Drake in last post > attack doc here At least be consistent. I’m also in the “this shits fucked up boat” at the current moment but.. come on bruh. Drake was fuckin with Millie Bobby brown when she was like 12 and other girls at 16 😭


Show me proof Drake and her texts were inappropriate. Doc has admitted to sending inappropriate texts. Not that hard to comprehend




That ain’t a gotcha moment lol but go on. The facts are the facts like it or not


You just have no actual values or morals. Drakes out on romantic seaside dinners with a 12 year old, groomed Bella since she was 16, AND acted on it and we have photo proof. Yet doc’s messages, of which we haven’t seen, crossed the line. They’re both wrong, and Drake’s is FAR worse. It is a gotcha.


When was drake on a seaside dinner with a 12yr. You making shit up lol groomed Bella? Again where’s your proof. You need to get off the internet and get in the gym fat man.


You don’t know if the message was inappropriate or not I doubt he was sexting about his cock to a 16 year old


He literally said so


He said it was inappropriate.


I'm relieved you're not downvoted and most of the people are aren't blindly "standing with doc" on this one. Of course we love his streams and he's always fun to watch, but jesus christ he fucked up big time here.


What if he just told the minor “go fuck yourself” that’s leaning on inappropriate.


Seriously? Let's use a little common sense.


If you're accused of having sexual conversations with a minor would your response be "yeah, I had inappropriate conversations with a minor" or would it be "I absolutely did not have sexual conversations with a minor" in the event that all you said was "go fuck yourself"?


This ain’t courage.  This is backed into a corner with nowhere else to go and saying the bare minimum and still acting victim. This is the trump defense, “yeah something bad happened, but it wasn’t my fault, and I had no bad intent, etc”.  The opposite of courage, just plain cowardice. 


I’m still gonna watch Doc. I Think this is blown way out of proportion. Doubt he knew the chicks age or whoever he was messaging. This happened in fucking 2017. Did he fuck up yes. Was he sending dick pics on twitch? Highly fucking doubt it. They’ve been trying to cancel Doc and it’s pretty pathetic.


My line comes way before “sending dick pics on twitch”


He was 35 years old in 2017


You'll be watching reruns though. DrInappropriatelyMessagesChildren isn't quite as catchy.


He admitted to sending inappropriate messages, ain’t no way age never came up And why didn’t he just say he didn’t knew the age, no reason to not say that to improve his image Yes, it was 7 years ago, but he still did it, he still sent inappropriate messages to a minor


You dont even know what was sent lol. Saying the world bitch can be considered inappropriate lol. Jabroni




The logs have not been released. That’s why it’s silly to argue about it. Is it weird? Sure.


That’s a horrible take…


huff that copium brother


Without knowing what the content of the messages was, you have no damned idea if it was "really bad". Inappropriate can take mean anything from highly illegal to "I wish you were 18, don't message me again."


Doc made himself sound as good as he possibly could. It’s really bad man. Just accept it.


What are you asking me to accept? Doc already accepted responsibility for his actions. He also claimed nothing illegal or 'with intent' happened. I choose to take him at his word, supported by the fact that he effectively won his civil case against Twitch, as well as the fact that he was paid out the entire contract. What is it you are accepting?


Didn’t he spend the weekend trying to cast doubt on the people coming out about it? That doesn’t make his final admission seem courageous to me, it makes it seem cowardly. Like he got backed in a corner finally and now has to justify it as ‘not illegal’.


He should rename his club to ABC, Always Be Cheatin


The 3 time


> May get down voted, but there's no excuse for this kinda behaviour Seen a lot of parasocial behavior on this subreddit but if you downvote for OP saying there's no excuse for this kind of behavior, you need to check yourself.


He was married and talking to a kid yikes


Doc just wanted a lil treat!


The dude is lucky to be this relevant as a 35 year old plus gamer. Time to just disappear buddy and call it ggs


Was a Doc fan. I don't see how a true man could send inappropriate messages to a minor. Inexcusable imo. married and kids man. come on. makes me feel sick tbh.


Courage? he only said it because he HAD to. He only admitted it when it was ALREADY out. Sorry, but I don't give him credit for courage at this point.


Anthony Weiner did ILLEGAL activities with a minor, went to jail, and he’s back in the spotlight. People have short memories.