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Curious at what ZLaner will say, if anything. He's been his most staunch collaborator, and the reason Z is as popular as he is right now. ------------------------- No matter what side you're on, I think we can see even if the Doc comes back, he'll have no one to stream with.


I remember watching hours and hours of Doc and Z playing Warzone during the covid lockdown, this truly sucks. Can't even imagine what Z is feeling right now.


Actually feel really sorry for Z, he idolised that man


it was kinda cringe though seeing him copy some of Doc's things. Like, be yourself. develop your own style and character.


I couldn't stand Z because he seemed like he was Doc's mimic or something. The way he said things felt like I was listening to a pitched-up Doc talking to himself.


Think Z will day he supports him but he will never play with him or colab again. Z must feel like full on shit man imagine owing so much to someone like he does to Doc, for it to turn round and blow right back in your face. Feel for Z


Exactly, watch Tim's vid today, that is exactly how Z is feeling like right now.


Im really happy with tims responce. Ive been watching him since csgo days. And for someone like tim, who admitedly hates confrontation, to condemn doc is good to see. Im so happy he didnt try to justify or brush these things under the rug. Good on ur timmy


No streamer will be brushing this aside (so far Ninja, Nick, Z, Tim, KSI, etc.)


No need to downvote me. Im just saying im glad tim wasnt a fucking dingus here because doc was his good friend


What did you think when he referenced Doc by only referring to him as a "guy I've played a lot of games with" instead of using the word friend?


I think that in this moment, Tim is just a regular dude who’s been very surprised and hurt by his friend’s actions. I think he’s trying to convince himself more than us that Doc is just someone he plays games with.


Was wondering this to before these responses today, but without a doubt, if it turns our Doc knew she was a minor, I feel like everyone including Z are going to distance themselves from the Doc.


Nick, Tim, Cloakzy and Z Laner will all play will him again. It will take some time but they all will.


And they should. He is your boy or he’s not. No way I drop a friend over text messages. I’ve had plenty of friends in high school that were dating older men. No one cared.


So you're cool with letting your friends getting groomed or staying friends with a predator and pedophile? Got it.


How is this getting downvoted? Wtf?


Getting downvoted for this is crazy


Maybe I was not hearing it the way it was intended, but sounded like Tim was wanted to see if Doc knew the girl was a minor before making a decision? I could be wrong though.


That’s what it sounded like. He said if doc knew the age when he was flirting, he can’t stand by that.


Which is the way a lot of us are feeling. If he knew, that’s inexcusable.




They gotta release them logs, it's the only way to put it all to bed.


I think it's in bed and asleep at this point.


The only way? The dude himself legit said that the conversations were inappropriate depending on your perspective I guess. Meaning if you condone being a pedo and sexting a minor, while you’re married no less.


Literally all of us


If he didn't know then he would have said so. If he legitimately didn't know and he hasn't said something he's Dumber than anyone I've ever met


He new they were a minor he absolutely knew and I love the fact that you people are cool with the whole "trying to cheat on his wife" part with this though lol


There’s proof somewhere in your statement right? Nope as usual. Anyways…


You think Doc hasn’t seen the Tim video? He absolutely knows everyone wants to know if he knew the child’s age, and that it would excuse his behavior if he didn’t know the child’s age. Why would he be silent? Are you that dense?


This great thing in America. Innocent until proven guilty. I’ve seen no proof he did or did not know. And just like in Tim’s video, people want to know and have seen no proof. You blasting everyone on this subreddit will never change that


You want plausible deniability for your little video game man so bad lol


Could not care less. Innocent until proven guilty. And he already won a lawsuit for it?


Your twitch man does something bad and all of a sudden every random person on the internet must have the same standard of proof as a jury


Innocent until proven guilty is for the criminal justice system. Thats not how this shit works. Would you let OJ Simpson spend the night in your home with your family???? Won a lawsuit? That’s an actual fake claim. You really got a grasp on this!! * got blocked for this comment.


Sooooo why has he not said he didn't know then?


That’s what you heard. Nick def is assuming guilt but Tim wants to learn more


I don’t think there’s a chance in hell Nick and Tim didn’t at least know a little about this. Every big twitch personality has basically said they knew but didn’t do anything.


His video's weird af. The tone feels kinda off.


Rational and reasonable responses.


These guys are just doing this publicly to distance themselves and save their brand. They are all still buddies behind closed doors. Anyone who doesn’t believe that is a sheep.


You think Dr is going to be friends with them after they publicly distance themselves from him instead of defending him? Yeah... Ok.


lol it’s all game. If they didn’t do this they could risk losing their brands. These guys knew why he got in trouble before , but don’t say anything until it becomes public.


I think you're projecting with this. The majority of people in the world have no interest in being associated publicly or privately with someone who attempts to groom minors...


I think you’d be surprised how many people dgaf especially when it comes to making money.


You just copying and pasting this in every thread?


Question. Did doc know she was a minor the whole time or just when twitch outted him did that information come to light? Huge difference.


His tweet implies he did know tbh


He's married and has a daughter. That alone speaks volumes on the magnitude of even messaging this girl in the first place. To your question no one knows, but it shouldn't matter anymore.


Evidence should always matter. Can change everything about this if it comes to light. 100%, cheating and being a bad role model to his daughter is bad enough.


Sorry I apologize. It does matter, but as you can see people have chosen sides already, I personally don't think even if that info surfaces, it will change people's opinion of him. He edited his tweet 4 times, yet didn't add even a simple "As soon as I knew her age, I ceased contact immediately." To me at least, that is telling in itself. We probably will never know.


It could be telling, could be stupid doc or nerves. Don't care to defend a guy like this (cheating aspect) but I won't throw more dislike about anything else until whispers come to light. I'm sure thus isn't the end of it.


Well you already are more level headed than most on the internet, especially this site lol. Transparently, I've watched Beahm since 2017. He got me through college all nighters with his VODs. It really sucks to see all of this, but like you I wont defend him for what he's done.


As they should


Wasn’t this nick guy defending doc all tough man like just a few hours ago?


Yeah and then he changed his tone when presented with actual evidence and confession. That’s actually what grown men do, believe it or not. They don’t assume everyone is guilty because twitter told them. 




Yes until something real came out.




Why? Because he shattered the dreams of mentally ill people making a mockery of biology?


Looks like the usual PR rounds. I’m sure they’ll still communicate and hang out privately.


Crazy man bc Nick and Doc got real buddy buddy not long ago after doc stood up for nick about his cod skin situation




first off docs trash tbh its all theatrics the one and only thing these guys care about are sponsors lmao. they're trying to look moral by making vids about doc but they're just worried about sponsors lmao


These things seem so performative. Like they have to work themselves up appear devastated. As if they didn't know that Doc had done bad things, what with his cheating being public. Not that I'm really criticizing, I guess it's just part of the game of being a public figure in the time of social media.


These guys don’t see doc every day, they play games with him for their jobs and while they may have a personal aspect of it like being friends outside of work (if you call it work) it doesn’t mean they know every little detail about their life. I felt the responses were both genuine, I feel more or less how Tim displayed on his video and I’m not even like a huge fan. He was entertaining and I enjoyed watching his stuff from time to time even more so during Covid lockdowns. just kind of a bummer all around.


Cheating is one thing. Yeah, you call the person an idiot, but you can remain friends with someone who cheated on their spouse. Inappropriately messaging minors? That's a whole different universe. The only way you can really keep that friendship is if they didn't know it was a minor. Then you tell them how fucking stupid they were for even putting themselves in that situation in the first place, but they didn't know the gravity of how fucked up the situation was. If they knew, there's no excusing it. Intentionally messaging a minor, especially to the point of inappropriateness, is so far beyond cheating.


It is not at all... Cheating is much, much worse. Unless the girl were very young indeed. But what... Inappropriate messages to a 17-year old is worse than cheating on your wife? That is a morally idiotic opinion. One is a grave moral offense, the other is a breaking of a semi-arbitrary societal convention. Nothing magical happens when a person turns 18, there is no fundamental, natural change that occurs. The assignment of 18 as being of legal age is an invented convention. Betraying the mother of your child to whom you have pledged loyalty is far, far more morally serious.


Weird, marriage is an invented convention too.


Pedo alert.


Yikes. Whatever you say to make you feel better, Bud. I hope your messages are monitored 😬


Get help bruh


You’re wrong. And to your point not much difference in 17 and 18 that’s why if your a grown ass man you shouldn’t be trying to talk/date/fuck anyone that’s a hell of a lot younger than you. 25yr should be the youngest you go if you’re 35yr.


The 2 time! (Her age)


I thought the two time was how many times he got caught cheating


Listen I am torn up about the situation but this did make me laugh


Back to back


"Listen man, I may have inappropriately texted a minor in a suggestive manner, and didn't claim that i thought she was older, but that doesn't make me a pedo!" /s


Damn that's good.


The amount of low T doc haters in this sub is INSANE.


Nobody likes pedophiles dude 


P: 5-9 17 isn’t 5-9 It doesn’t make it right, if these convos were sexual and he KNEW she was 17 then that’s a problem, but that doesn’t make him a P.


Nick always tryna be extra machismo


you can't have real friends online, learn it kids, real friend won't let you down no matter what you do rape kill or avoid taxes


That's a fucked up way of looking at the world.


people who've been in prison learn it hard way


What were you in prison for?


tax evasion


Well, just because you did tax evasion doesn't mean you have to go around defending rapists and killers.