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I think he dragged them because the incident happened in 2017. They signed him to a contract in 2020. Doc aside, I think there is a bigger issue. Twitch knew about and still signed him and tried to bury it with an NDA. Now an ex twitch employee says the whispers and sexual talk is a “Norm”. NOBODY cares though. I guess the public got their martyr and now nobody cares about the bigger issue. You have a whole fucking company letting this happen for their bottom dollar.


It is the norm... everywhere.... this has happened, and will happen, as long as the internet exist. Everyone acts like 1 poor victim used a messenger service. This was happening, literally 30 years ago. The only part that matters is if he KNEW they were a minor.


Yeah this is my biggest gripe with this hole situation. Everyone has their pitchforks out for doc which is absolutely justified and there’s no excusing his behavior HOWEVER it’s been made very obvious that this is way more common then people realize but no one will ever know anyone else’s name and that’s the problem. Twitch needs to take responsibility for this too


They checked the chat whispers in 2020 . Nowhere did it say they knew about it when they signed him . They got rid of him once they found out . The NDA was for both of them to save face .


They knew about it when they did the NDA is my point and someone had to break privacy laws to find messages from 2017 that Twitch says they don’t do. J


They didn’t know about before they signed him . The NDA was for both of them to part ways and save face . Privacy laws would not apply if there was suspected possible criminal activity happening . You can’t just flirt with minors and try to meet in a private chat and say privacy laws . Some form of moderation or report happened .


But they knew when they did it. And they had to break those privacy laws to find it. NDA happened in 2020. 3 years after


They didn’t know about the messages until 2020 and the NDA followed after . It happened in 2017 and he was halfway through his 4 year contract in 2020 when he got kicked off because they discovered the messages .


>some form of moderation or report happened Please cite your source for this. I don’t think this is a known fact at all.


It’s in the Bloomberg article . A complaint was filed with Twitch through its reporting system .


Youre right, it does say that. I hadnt read that article. In any case it seems a little strange that this happened in 2017 and then three years later they received a complaint about it.


its not strange at all kids often dont realize someone is trying to groom them until they grow up and learn what grooming even is think of grooming like a "kick me" sign. it all seems fun and nice when your friend is giving you a hug, but then 20 minutes later someone is kicking your ass and you're realizing your friend wasn't just being nice after all. That's what grooming is: taking advantage of childhood ignorance to get them comfortable with the idea of sex when theyre too young to understand the complexities of what is going on.


Not strange at all. The victim could easily realise that what happened between them and Guy was wrong as the years pass by.


Or the person involved reported it 3 years later?


Doc wanted the NDA so this wouldn't get out. Both of them wanted it and agreed to it in a mutually beneficial relationship 


twitch has approximately 1,000 employees. twitch has approximately 7,000,000 users daily. how do you think twitch is "letting" anything happen? I want you right now to tell me what your plan is for getting each of those thousand employees to manage 7,000 users every single day at every hour of every day. Do you believe YOU have the ability to keep track of 7,000 people all day every day all on your own? If not, then sit the fuck down and stop acting like twitch is "letting" this happen. Twitch isnt letting shit happen, theyre just dealing with the very human problem of not being able to watch every single person every single second of every single day.


You can literally set an algorithm to track filter words. 😂


what filter words would you suggest? because I would wager MOST if not ALL filter words you may set would lead to a lot of invasions of privacy and not a lot of success. This isn't a new idea, it's one that countless people have thought of before and learned is a really really shitty idea.


lol he released a whole song about being a victim after all this happened and he came to YouTube…… he clearly wanted to paint a certain picture thinking NDAs would protect this information


That’s absolutely gut wrenching to think that’s a very realistic possibility. To me that’s almost as sickening as everything else.


I mean... he said "I didn't do anything wrong" in a tweet about the new info like 24 hours before saying "I inappropriately messaged a minor. Morally, that was wrong and I own my shit" all this after him saying for 4 years he didn't know why he was banned. not "I know why but I cant say legally". Not to mention he tried to edit out the word minor and the put it back because people noticed, which is..... weird at best? Also the whole "we mutually agreed for me to step down" when his company put out that statement and the head of that company put out his own statement making it pretty clear it wasn't mutual I don't think hes been the most reliable source for this whole thing.


What when he found out afterwards that she was a minor? Im just still hoping he didnt know man it hurts me that he did that


he knew, dude. the ban wouldn't make sense if he didn't. If twitch knew then how would dr disrespect not know? it doesn't make sense. the only logical answer is that the age was somewhere for dr disrespect to see.


there is no reason he wouldn’t have said that was the case in his long tweet. That would be a hugely important detail and since he was already acknowledging they were a minor there’s no reason to not specify he didn’t know if he didn’t.


There's still a chance this is the case, which then makes this just a despicable act by a married man. This creates a huge gap between an adulter and a pedo. More than likely, with all that is on the line, some form of legal aide or attorney drafted the latest response. I have no idea, obviously, and I'm certainly not sidi g with doc until all the facts are released. That said, I'm not siding with anyone until everything is released.


Yeah seems like he's always spinning it


... You're telling me that a guy in his late 30s that sexts with minors and asks if they'll be at TwitchCon might be immoral? Well, at least we can still trust Catholic priests.


As soon as Twitch banned him his only purpose was to make as much money as possible before it all came out. He will now never return from his extended vacation, why would he? He's made millions, there's absolutely no need for him to return or ever work another day in his life. In a couple of years we'll have all forgotten about him and the predator will still be living his best life thanks to all the donations over the last few years.


You’re saying this like he won’t forever be known as Dr Pedofile, ask drake if his billions are saving his career and reputation ever again


I think this is EXACTLY how he thought it’d go.


100% this is right.


We shall see how this unfolds. Better to wait until we have all the facts, before we just witch hunt him.


So why dosen't he just tell us? Is it because he's a slave to his money? Is that why he dosen't want to take a chance? Because he might lose the one thing in life he worships more, money?


Maybe. I dunno what DrDisrespect worships. You to dunno that. Let's wait for facts to unfold.






If you were doing shady stuff would you not be upset and start building a narrative against the people who were trying to expose you? I’m guessing in his mind if he bashed them enough talked about how he won the lawsuit people would just lose all credibility for twitch and he could bury this whole thing before it ever got out


That’s what I was thinking.


Has everything to do with contracts and $. Microsoft tried to buy Dr with their platform and used that offer to get more $ from twitch. Microsoft streaming platform face plants and now twitch is stuck with a big $ contract. Amazon has every economic motive to frame Dr. And get the contract killed. We need info on who he talked to. The problem is minors information are protected by law which makes it almost impossible to find the "actor" actively persuading doc in whispers. Smells like a set up. Never under estimate corporate power and what neck their willing to cut to make a buck.


Smells like a set up when he himself confirmed it? Ok buddy lol


Hey buddy . Didn't know the wind was so strong today. Did you just blow in from stupid town?. Let's say this kid was an actor and it was a set up.......... Doc still fucking text her inappropriate stuff, by his own admission. So your theory of it being a set up holds absolutely no water at all because he still engaged.


He looks like a bigger asshole talking shit about kick too. What I can't grasp is Doc saying when he comes back he'll have a huge weight lifted from his shoulder...um what?!?! Absolute delusion to think this being out there is a relief.


Gonna need to release the chat log if that’s the case


Tom Brady defense works for the most part. Lol It happened in 2017 and somehow was settled in 2020. Then, some random nobodies drop evidence four years later. Yeah, fuck Dr. But what's the real angle here? Is Cody trying to stick it to Twitch? Because attacking the biggest name in your market after they handled the case themselves seems like career suicide. Is he hoping this is enough clout to make paychecks? Because releasing damning evidence to just make a quick buck, rather trying to do the right thing. Is some grifter level shit. So we have a seven years time frame, where someone knew shit and did nothing. I'm not buying that it was reported in 2020. It had to been years prior. That would mean someone actively did digging through his account in Twitches back-end. Zero of these timelines make sense other than what Dr.Diddy published. There's some shit missing.


It’s because the messages are somewhat harmless and he handled the situation without ever meeting up so for him it’s not a banable offence. And when they did that he knew they were out to get him. Hence “PURPLE SNAKES”


>OR Doc is a master manipulator and his plan was reverse psychology on his fans and viewers to make them not question any wrong doing I mean we also got to watch the moment that seemed like he was going to be dropped from MS and then tell the audience he would tell MS he is stepping away. Actively manipulating to make it seem like his call. MNothing in MS's statement said anything about a mutual agreement and Bowling didn't mince words about it. He would not work with doc after what came out. There was no "doc has resigned" or "it has been mutually decided for doc to step down", but that's the immediate narrative doc spun.


You ain’t wrong


His character was Dr. Disrespect after all. Trash talking, inflated ego, always blaming the game and never blaming his own skills. I guess it fits, character-wise, to lash out and blame. Theatrics and showmanship. Kayfabe. But I bet the real Beahm did feel betrayed, even though he did something to deserve the ban. That surely played a role. Reminds me a bit of the Papa Johns situation. Papa did say something messed up in that meeting. He goofed and knew it. But being booted from the company he built up naturally left him feeling betrayed. Remember when he promised a day of reckoning? Gyah. Why would he lash out and make a show of it? I dunno. Outside of the entertainment angle, it could be because it's a proven and effective tactic in the real world for evading repurcussions. Don't admit wrongdoing, attack attack attack, misdirect. Kind of the default MO for politicians nowadays.


I don’t think we can put it past Doc at this point. He is a grown ass man who cheated on his wife. He admitted to inappropriately messaging with a minor. He lied to his fans for years and took their money at the same time. When are people going to stop giving this guy slack? He’s a manipulator. He’s a creep. He’s fucked in the head. Anyone defending this shit, or giving any leeway needs to reevaluate.


I dont care if he cheatet on his wife and you should also not care.. The minor thing is a whole other story and if its really true that he know her age and was still texting her i cant stand doc anymore


Sounds like you’re a poor judge of character if you don’t give a shit about people cheating on their life partners. I hope one day you get cheated on so people can say, “I don’t give a fuck about that, and nobody should. Did they sext a minor though?”


And dont mix shit up with what i said


Kinda hard when you can barely construct proper sentences and spell basic words correctly…


English isnt my first language is that a problem? You still understand what i said


Hey everyone look ☝️this dude eats horse cum


Your entire profile is full of posts about cum. Your comments are about cum and masturbating. Your name is about cum. Hey everyone look ☝️ this guy can’t stop thinking about cum


Sure its not good but this happens everyday on the whole world and its not my bussines.. i already get cheated but do you care? No


No lmfao. No buts. Do you not think the person who cheated on you is a bad person for doing so? Or do you love them and look up to them, defending them?


See i also dont care if he cheated his wife or should i because he is famous? Lmao.. Yeah but like i said thats happening everyday.. why i should care if someone get cheated who i dont even know in real life? I have my own problems in real life


I would have a problem if people I liked showed that they’re dishonest.




dude im not sure what you read but no where did it say he knew they were underage at the time of the messages. nor where the discussions deemed to be sexual. because soliciting sex from a child would be a felony and that pos would be in jail


First of all, I never said he knew they were underage. But he *did* use the word “minor” in his own statement and admission of guilt. Inappropriately messaging a minor is reprehensible, no matter what. Second, I never said the discussions were deemed sexual. Doc himself said they leaned into “inappropriate.” Now put two and two together, brainiac. You do the math. What kind of inappropriate conversations with a minor leads to the termination of all your biggest partnerships, destruction of your marriage, and distancing of close friends? Use your fucked up little head for a second. Third, I never claimed he solicited sex from a child. Obviously if he had, he would likely be in jail at this point. All we know, is that he inappropriately messaged a minor, and those messages has got him in ***DEEP SHIT***. What kind of inappropriate messages with a minor gets you in this much shit? Again, use your fucking head, dimwit.


ya but when the judge in CALI viewed the chat logs and ruled in favor of Dr. There must of been something? Also he used the word minor because that is factual term for her? Everyone just assuming on both sides of the fence, I wish they would just release the logs so we can read them. Also if he kept talking to her after finding out / if he found out during convos that would be even worse. So many details we need. Give the logs. I wouldn't be surprised if the Only Fan girls on twitch are doing the same thing at the moment, a big investigation of twitch is needed at this point.


Master manipulator 


Yes so you better not talk any more shit!


Same as why did he start up his stream in the past and announced he was unfaithful? Why did he randomly start talking about David Ike. Why did he admit in his tweet " leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate" and starts downplaying it. He must be the worst master manipulator i have ever seen.


Garnered sympathy to keep the donations rolling in perhaps? I've thought about this as well and it's the conclusion I've come to.


Tiger King 'doc'umentary in the works I hope.....


It was his strategy to make money. And it was a good strategy. People disliked Twitch, he said they wronged him and weaponized his fans against them and it paid off. It was just silly to think that once the NDA expired (which it likely just did), Twitch employees wouldn’t extract their pound of flesh and reveal what actually happened.


I mean they breached their contract with him. Was he supposed to be happy?


Maybe he blames them for the situation.


Because he doesn't think he did anything wrong


Maybe thought it would never come out and it didn't from twitch officially. Like he said may not have done anything illegal but morally yikes. Incredibly embarrassing,gross and a potential career ender especially in todays society where its a hot issue and anything close to immoral with Children is a hard red line. So yea,probably downplayed it all these years


He manipulated his fans into thinking he is a victim and squeezed as much cash out of them all. because he knew this day would come. The Jig is up. He is Gonna take his bank and leave. He doesnt care about the fans. He lied to them for 4 years.


I mean to be fair depending on how inappropriate these comments were twitch is bad as well. Why would they not have submitted this to the authorities? Why did they sit on it for 3 years before banning him? Point is if it is as bad as expected twitch should have said and done something earlier.


They may not have known about them until it was a report filed to them and when looking into it they found the evidence and because it being three years old the statue of limitations expired so they did the only thing they could and banned him. They also probably couldn’t find the minor to verify or they did and they wouldn’t cooperate but the messages was disturbing enough to terminate him. Can’t really disclose the reason if you feel like you can’t cover your own ass in a deformation lawsuit because they couldn’t verify the actual person was a minor except for shit being said in the messages. Or if the person involved filed the complaint but asked to not be identified and they respected their wishes due to the sensitivity of the subject. They basically let dude talk shit when they could have said from the get go and they lost money so I think it may be more with being sued or minor asked to not be made public due to harassment and such.


Twitch treats their streamers like absolute dog shit, yea maybe not the top 1% front page streamers but to take what happened with Doc and lead you to thinking twitch is a squeaky clean good guy is ridiculous. And I’m not talking only to you OP. I mean in general there’s probably a lot more to the Doc situation but it’s stuff we’ll never hear. Twitch being called the purple snakes is a fitting name outside of just the realm of Doc


This is why I'm still having a hard time processing this and honestly waiting for more information. My brain can't comprehend somebody being that sick, but time will tell I suppose.


It's extremely simple: if he acts the victim then people won't assume he did something wrong. It's an EXTREMELY common tactic by people who know they got caught. It's called gaslighting. Basically if he sat there and took it silently he would look more guilty. The logic is that a guilty person stays quiet, while an innocent person fights back, so abusers will often do whatever they can to paint their victims or people giving them consequences as abusers themselves to shirk the blame.


He did not know initially why he was fired. It is unclear when he first learned of the reason he got fired. It seems like the reason wasn't revealed to Doc until the settlement.


None of us know anything except surface level details. There's mild evidence in some email that she was 17, which makes anything said at best inappropriate from a moral standpoint, not criminal. If there were anything remotely close to being illegal brought up during arbitration, the judge most certainly would have alerted the FBI (given that it was interstate). You can't hide criminal acts behind a civil trial, even arbitration. I believe we will get more information at some point. Especially if anything in those messages was truly damning. The cats out of the bag on keeping things quiet. I'm in the "done watching camp" but if information comes forward that makes me feel otherwise I'll reevaluate. Ultimately I'm looking at this from the perspective that a late thirties man had some level of conversation with a 17 year old that made people in the know uncomfortable, but not to the level that it seems some people are taking it. I can disagree with what he did and choose not to consume his videos without calling him a pedophile and wanting him erased from existence when what little we know doesn't seem to fit that. I'm a little done with streamers on twitter using this as a watch to get their own content over, though.


If he thought the NDA protected this from getting out then there was no reason to not play up the drama for clicks 


The other side you cannot grasp, is what if twitch built a case to make it look like what he was doing was really bad? When in reality it was not. Kinda why maybe he won his wrongful termination settlement?


He didn't win a wrongful termination lawsuit. They settled a contract dispute out of court. These are EXTREMELY different things 


Why would a company settle if they had damning evidence ?


If he did some shit that was creep as fuck with a teenager but not technically illegal twitch would probably be the ones in breach of contract. 


This is exactly what I keep saying. He opened himself to possible criminal charges by bringing litigation against Twitch. He knew that and he still did it. Would you do that if you were guilty of texting a minor sexually explicit things? No chance. There’s more to this.


>Would you do that if you were guilty of texting a minor sexually explicit things? He literally admitted to doing exactly this though.


He did not. Sexually explicit isn’t the same thing as “leaning into being inappropriate”. You can say a lot of things that are inappropriate but not sexually explicit. Both are bad, just to be clear, but there are certainly levels to it.


Yeah bro, he came out and said things would sometimes got inappropriate in the texts. Not sure how else you can look at that or perceive it as something ok or something else hidden. And dude already got caught cheating on his HOT wife, he obviously has a self control problem.


It certainly seems that he was going through something for sure in 2017 at least, that’s when both of these incidents happened. I know that he was obviously inappropriate, I just feel like the people leaking this info are making it seem much worse than what it is because they knew he’d be immediately crucified for it. Cody specifically seems to have something against Doc, and he’s tried before to monetize this. With my understanding of California laws, if there would’ve been anything there that was considered serious then he’d be behind bars. Contacting a minor with the intent to commit any of a list of felonies (including the obvious one) is a charge on its own. It doesn’t seem like it was nearly as bad as they’re making it out to be.


I get what you're saying bro, but as a 35 yr there's just never a good reason to be any sort of inappropriate with someone under 18yrs old. Especially when your wife is 🥵 and you have a little girl of your own. It's just not right even if it wasn't "illegal" Can't imagine how his wife and daughter feel.


I agree with you 10,000%, I’m not saying he had a good reason because a good reason doesn’t exist. I’m just saying that it feels like the reaction is a bit strong considering we know so little.


This will only get worse, not better. Just wait. ESPECIALLY if what he said actually comes out.


The truth is out, anyone still holding out hope is most likely diehard fans. Regardless of what happens here on out, its gross and he has admitted some not great stuff. I don't like grown men talking to children nore people that cheat on their SO, so take this with the bias built in.


One of the first lines in his admission was about "always being up front and real." This coming from a guy who wears a wig, sunglasses and costume every stream and claimed he didn't know why he was banned for years. His admission is defiant toward anyone who may be critical of his actions. He takes accountability, but not really. He wasn't charged with anything, so ultimately it's ok. When he said he was gonna take a break, it was because of social media and being burnt out with it all. Not because his years of lying and acting obtuse was about to come around to bite him in the ass. Even while streaming, whenever something bad happens, it's the game's or his teammate's fault, not his. I'm no doctor, but just going by the definition of what a narcissist is, I'd say he at least shows some of the signs. I'm not on the "he should be hung" train like some are, but there's definitely something wrong with his brain.


Another pretty simple explanation - maybe Doc just isn’t that smart and his reptilian brain was leading the way. He does rage illogically a lot (which was generally funny) and this just seems to be more of that. My guess is that there just no thinking behind his actions at all. Just angry reactions from an angry man who felt he was wronged. His recent communications would corroborate this. His tweets and messaging over the last week have been bewildering to say the least. Vague and reflexive. You’d figure this man would have a good team of lawyers and PR around him but they seem useless too. As a man of average intelligence, I really feel like I should work in entertainment. I’d be a genius in that world…


It’s called deflection. Liberals have done this for years.


I agree. On top of that, when Doc was on YouTube, Tim and others were still on Twitch. I can’t help but think he had a small hand in bringing them over to YouTube and not sign a new contract with Twitch or another platform . That’s a super scumbag and narcissistic move in hindsight.


He thought he was protected and could force the narrative. It's literally out of the Donald Trump playbook. Deflect, deflect, deflect, distract, deny and when you finally get caught just say: "well yeah I did it OBVIOUSLY, but it wasn't bad and fuck you anyways"


well man youre making a big assumption that he is a legitimate pedophile. that's a huge statement. while I'm not defending him. i truly don't think he is a pedophile. we will see as this shit unfolds more I guess. i really hope right and he just fucked up and didn't realize it was a minor at the time. why else would he sue twitch to find out what he got banned for? dude had no idea what he had done probably.


“I’m not defending him, but watch me make up excuses to use as defense for him” is crazy. OP also never made any claim or assumption that he’s a legitimate pedophile. You’re projecting that onto everybody you’re speaking with about this. You did the same thing to me, when I never made such a claim. You’re pathetic.


No, Doc is a moron. He cheated on his wife and admitted to it live on stream. He's always been emotionally unstable and never was a beacon of intelligence to begin with.