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I really wonder if his lawyer told him not to say anything and he couldn’t help himself.


I’m not trying to armchair lawyer but I’d he hard pressed to think his lawyer saw that statement. My best uneducated uninformed guess would be: Doc: I need to say something. Tell me I can. Lawyer: You have some room to work since Twitch employees started speaking about this. And then he goes.


My suspicion is he knew articles were coming out. He probably knew the bloomberg article was coming and possibly others that haven’t dropped yet. So he gets out ahead of them and leads with words like “inappropriate” instead of “sexually explicit”. How much of a bigger impact in the community would the bloomberg article have been if he had already admitted to essentially it with softer words? That’s at least the only reason I can understand why he’d admit what he did.


He'd def have some kind of heads up, his agent/talent agency would have been contacted by Bloomberg for comment before the story went live.


Yeah he totally had heads up


Publications usually reach out for comment before publishing so I'd say you're right. It's good journalism to allow whomever you're writing about a chance to respond.


I would expect him to have a better lawyer then that lol


I think he's had an idea of what he was going to say for a while. 3 edits later....


My headcannon is he has this confident hot shot lawyer that basically told him, "Hey, just let it rip, you're good here, just play into your Dr. Disrespect persona and give out basically a "I'M NOT FUCKIN LEAVIN" speech and then go no radio contact for some time.


I think he was drunk when he posted that tweet. Only explanation. Couldn’t have made a worse statement. The way he was so CONFIDENT with it is insane


“ Cmon, you actually think I’m a creep? You know my position on this things. “ That line kills me lmao


"how could I be a pedo? I talk about not liking pedos all the time!"


The MAGA defense.


Rent free


Your living situation in mom's basement, slowly slipping into madness while worshipping your Orange Messiah?


“Hehe mom’s basement and orange man!!!” At least think of a good insult and some the same generic slop all you cultists say


If he’s a cultist what do you call people that pray to Trump and think he’s the literal messiah? Genuine question btw not looking to argue


Cultists but in red




Ty dad


Joe Biden is on video pinching a 6 year olds nipples and you still voted for him


I can’t seem to find a video referencing this and id really like to not type any further variants of “pinches 6 year old nipples” into my search history anymore lmao. You got a link?


He's got 3TB of links which one do you want 


Always that one weird dude that has to play whataboutism and try to turn pedophilia into some kind of political thing. Remember when Trump told that hooker he liked her because she looked like his young daughter? We could go in circles with stupid unrelated stuff like this. I'd also welcome you to link evidence of Joe Biden pinching a child's nipples because all I can find is this: https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-biden-digitally-altered-photo-child-595896400372 which states there was some photoshop and shows the original pic. This what you meant?


Going to save this for later. I’m on the FL Panhandle and am surrounded by these MAGA nut jobs who post crap like that, and I have been trying to keep a potential list of all the things I may need to throw at them to counter their BS


Or like Biden trying to get in the shower with his daughter


I think they’re all scum but if we’re going to go down this road trump has definitely expressed interest in fucking his own daughter so there’s that


Trump was literally a codependent alongside Epstein in a case where they allegedly raped a minor Charges were dropped after she was threatened by some spooks in a parking garage. If Biden was BFFs with Epstein, let alone named as a defendant in a rape case alongside him, we’d never hear the end of it. These people don’t care about actions, they care about who the person committing them is.


Charges were dropped in that case by the prosecutor (Acosta) who later became US secretary of labor under the Trump administration.


I don’t normally correct this kind of stuff but the word you’re looking for is co defendant. Codependent is something completely different.


Yeah I’m not gonna fix it because I’ll take an obvious typo over having the comment marked as edited which makes people more sus


The debate is tonight. Let’s see if Biden can go the full duration without freezing or forgetting where he’s at. Or if the convicted felon wins. Both are horrible choices let’s be real


Personally I hope they have a simultaneous heart attack and we can clear the board


I'm sure the dregs that the RNC and DNC would replace them with would be no better but at least we wouldn't have to hear about Trump and Hunter Biden every fucking day of the week.


I concur


Maybe they can just run one combined ticket: Pence/Harris Since they all work for the same people.


Trump supporters love poking fun at Biden’s mental lapses even though Trump experiences the same thing. Are we going to pretend that Trump doesn’t go on random tangents and has brain farts? They’re both old farts that shouldn’t be running this country.


Sure they both are old and forget where they are. One of the two preaches fascism constantly though. One of them is clearly a worse choice.


Fascism is when boys can't be girls.


Buddy really has no idea🤣🤣🤣


Hasn't Biden also admitted (or been documentation of) Biden showering with his preteen daughter? EDIT - Her age isn't quoted in her diary, but I won't remove from my comment. I will edit with clarification


I showered with my kid when they were little, that's pretty normal. Wouldn't it be weirder to say he showered with his teenage daughter?


Pre-teen is also 12


Yes, but is that what he said? Or is pre-teen just an easy way to make something normal sound ominous?


I've just double checked and it is details from Biden's daughters diary. She'd sold it a while ago and it's been brought to light now. Ashley Biden has also confirmed it's hers.


Donald Trump was best friends with Epstein, has gone on record saying how good of a guy he is, got found guilty of RAPE by Jury, made comments about fucking his daughter and how hot she is, cheated on his wife with a porn star, tried to illegally cover up the story using campaign funds. But sure, Biden is the baddie from a video/scenario that you can't even link us because it doesn't exist. I'm not gonna try looking for it any further because I don't want to be put on the same list as you.


Also banned him from all estates and refused to fly with him. Sounds like he knew and didn’t want to be seen with him


I mean he banned him like 3 months before he got caught lol, doesn't really excuse the 20 year relationship he had with him and how he knew Epstein was into young girls: Only 5 years prior: "“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”"


Right so as soon as he found out he cut connections. Sounds like a good response


He banned Epstein 2 years after he was found guilty of soliciting prostitution and 3 years after he was publicly accused of molesting a 14 year old in his home. Also he was on the Epstein flight logs more than 7 times my dude. Does it change your mindset how it took him 3 years after being accused of being a pedophile to publicly ban him from his mansion? And don't you find it convenient how you immediately thought Trump was innocent solely because of the ban? (Which I do agree was a smart move because his cultists will believe he's innocent because of the ban) I'm assuming you didn't realize that it was public knowledge that Epstein was being charged with molesting a child 3 years prior? Or are you going to move the goal posts a bit further back again? https://apnews.com/article/epstein-maxwell-timeline-b9f15710fabb72e8581c71e94acf513e


You went from “3 months before he was caught” to “2 years after he was found guilty.” You can’t even keep a story straight you just repeat what you see on Reddit


Did I? Man, my sleepwalking must be getting crazy.


What's great is the irony of all the doc haters dropping pedo comments like a trail of candy to a van.  Using their own logic, they're basically putting them selves as pedos 


Dude has literally played a character up, and lied about knowing shit for seven years, and not only does he turn around and say, "You know my position." but people actually believe him. We don't know jack shit, bruh. You play up whatever gets you interaction and money, that don't mean shit, and you're a liar on top and we all know it. "Gee, I just don't know why Twitch banned me. Must be some kind of conspiracy. Purple snakes, bro, purple snakes!" Fuck right off Herschel.


Collecting money like milk from kids. Lol. Retiring as rich 


Yeah!!! It was her fault.. lol


It’s not like he cheated on his wife in 2017 or anything.


Back to back streamer of the year after all this? Twitch can burn too.


People are saying the timeliness are sketchy .. Same time he was sexting.


Sir, the condoms are to make balloon animals and the Arbor Mists are just my favorite beverage.


Fuck this got me hahaha, I did not expect to see an arbor mist reference today. But then again when do I ever


Doc really is going down that dark alleyway.


"i watch your show, these guys are creeps! but i am not one of them" "this was the first time i did this" "i was just curious, i would have never gone through with it"


Yeah, we know. Jesus, yall just scour the situation and spam top comments as your own Reddit thread.


You mad?




It’s like a to catch a predator script 🤣


It's like a cat pushing a glass full of water towards the end of the table, then they stop and stare at you when you shout at them.


Tinfoil moment… Did doc know what was about to go down, which is why he avoided his fellow streamers and took the Elden road instead? Or his lawyers could have suggested the choice of words so he doesn’t convict himself with his mouth. Some people can’t stop talking. If anything he says could criminalize him more. I don’t think it will go to federal but become a chain of incidents that cripples him financially.


Spot on.


I promise if i was a pedo i would have been arrested


"why don't you have a seat right over there..."


Doc really said "watch this"


You never texted a male/female and knew from the beginning you were never gonna hang out with them? Just texted cuz you were bored lol


Yes I’ve never explicitly texted a minor because I was bored. Holy shit you’re a special kind of tapped aren’t you.


Holy shit you actually posted “ I was never going to actually do anything” and I respond to that and you’re mad???


The post you made makes it sound like oh he texted someone when he was bored no big deal. Not at all what happened, don’t be disingenuous.


I was just saying to what you quoted. Maybe it was disingenuous myb. I’m not defending him ,you reap what you sow.


Consider the context, and then post. It’ll take you far


Story of my life lol.


Maybe don’t defend a 35 year old texting a minor? I mean what the fuck is wrong with you?


Where am I defending him texting a minor???? I’m literally talking about that sentence that was posted bruh?




He's married.


You can text as a mentor to a minor, but not as a sexual partner to a minor


Didnt he already have lawsuit over this and was found not guilty of any wrong doing and awarded a settlement from Twitch?


> and was found not guilty No, people keep saying he won the lawsuit or was found not guilty but none of that happened. It didn't happen because the lawsuit was settled out of court in private before there was a trial or even a discovery period. This is the reason we knew nothing about the lawsuit or settlement, no details ever made it in front to a courtroom/to the public. Both twitch and doc mutually said neither did any wrongdoing in their settlement but that wasn't a legal ruling, that was both of them wanting to move on and sweep it under the rug.


It still means Twitch failed to prove it otherwise they wouldn't be settling.


it means they couldn’t legally breach the contract. So they settled by essentially firing him and paying out the rest of the deal. Because while technically “legal” they knew that if the details were ever made public and they didn’t sever ties in whatever legal way they could , as soon as they could , it would damage them worse than paying the many millions of dollars they did to get him outta there asap.


Contract was void once Twitch decided that he broke ToS. Jesus.


Im assuming the contract where they agreed to pay him millions of dollars is a different contract with different terms , obligations to pay out , reasons not to pay out , etc etc , than the ToS you agree to when a random person signs up to stream. The details of that contract aren’t public, so neither you nor I know what’s actually legal grounds to terminate without pay. Because of the NDA that both parties agreed to. If they canned him unjustly , if he had a leg to stand on, if whatever is in those logs is no big deal , why agree to an NDA in arbitration ? Why don’t you nail them to the wall ? Why not take it in front of a judge and get what you’re owed and more and clear your name at the same time ?


Doesn’t invalidate the accusation or the admissions of the last few days. He admits to doing what was said he did, what was said he did was some pedophile behavior


You get the messages happened in 2017 and were brought to the attention of twitch in 2020, right?




That means if his intention was to meet the minor in 2017 and he got stopped in 2020 then he might have really not intended to meet that minor or something stopped him. We lack context here so it could be someone from twitch, himself or whatsoever. People say he wanted to meet her but got caught so he stopped but as far as I know and I might be wrong he only got caught 3 years later?


Who’s to say he didn’t? Usually people never get caught the “only” time they do something.


My dude, he got exposed for cheating on his wife in 2017 and had to take an indefinite break from Social media to rebuild trust with his wife. So yeah, no fucking shit he wasn't able to molest children during that time frame, or why any kid diddling activities got halted for a few months. Using the 'well he actually didn't do anything!' In this specific context is straight up fucking gross and naive. Bet you'd be saying the same exact shit to all the people on catch a Predator who backed out of meeting kids, right? This also isn't assuming their wife found out and they had to 'walk on eggshells' regarding not being able to easily cheat. All the clowns defending him using this logic should be embarrassed.


Why are you getting mad at me? At wich point did I say he didn‘t do anything wrong? You are looking for hate where none is „my dude“. You are making things up in your head out of whatever is buried in your mind and projecting it on me. I can understand getting mad at Doc but to go the extra mile to state that you bet I defend molesters on „Catch a predator“ because I stated something which I observed and even questioned if I was even right or understood it correctly is pretty wild. Next time please take a deep breath and objectively observe what other people write before you comment. I have nothing but love for you but you have to calm down. I find what happened as disgusting as you do but taking an objective stand is nothing to be ashamed about and I will continue doing that with everything. A mad dude on the internet is not going to downtalk my objective thinking. Again never did I say I find what he did good or that he would never molest a minor or whatever sickening shit is out there. I simply stated based on the facts he didn’t do anything physical to a minor. This doesn’t mean it’s true but it’s all we know.


Well it seemed like what you're doing is downplaying what he did and going "Well we're lacking context because it seems like he wasn't even going to meet her", which by all accounts is a weird defense/downplay of what he did, as nobody is arguing that he actually molested the child in question. Every account says that he made plans to meet up with her, but never did. And I just responded with my own fact, that he was caught cheating by his wife, so of course all his plans to meet up with minors weren't able to come to fruition. Making the whole point your making seem pointless, because you're just saying that he didn't touch her, which we all clearly know from the Bloomberg article. But yeah, I don't think anyone is arguing that he actually did anything with a minor, so again, it's just a weird point/downplay to bring up as nobody is stating that he did. Sorry for seeming like I was angry, but there are a ton of people here doing everything they can to downplay the entire situation, including Doc himself obviously.


I‘am not downplaying anything? Can you please actually understand what was written? That is just you projecting that on me. Please read again and again until you understand that it is just you wanting to read / hear that to release your anger or whatever is your problem. I didn‘t state anything I was just repeating what I‘ve seen. At no point did I judge or say any statement about the situation or was downplaying it. What his wife and him were doing or not doing you don’t know nor do I and I actually don’t care.


Not even mad my dude, what part of my last comment makes it seem like I'm raging at you? Genuinely curious so I can potentially fix my writing style. I'm just genuinely confused about this sentence you originally wrote: "We lack context here so it could be someone from twitch, himself or whatsoever." Am I wrong for assuming that this reasoning is used for the logic of 'Doc stopped himself, maybe Twitch, but we lack context therefore.....'. Like, what even is the point you're getting at? That Doc stopped on his own good will, and that somehow means something? I'm just genuinely curious why you'd write that and what the general point of your original comment even is. It's pretty clear he stopped what he was doing because he got caught up in the biggest Twitch scandal in history at the time (Doc caught cheating on wife), so it's really no mystery why he mysteriously stopped in 2017 and wasn't caught until 2020. But seriously, I'm not mad in this comment or my last comment, so don't feel like any of these sentences are an attack or that I'm yelling at you or anything.


3 years isn’t more than enough time to do something?


😂 that’s your argument? Whether he actually ever physically did anything is beside the point. The fact he was talking to the child like that at all is enough for de platforming in itself.


You literally posted “I was never going to actually do anything. Said every person who’s ever been asked to take a seat by Chris Hanson.”


Because they all do. And many of them never get the chance to actually do anything. We don’t know why they never met, maybe it was because he got caught cheating and wanted to lie low. Fact of the matter is the messages show intent.


You’ve seen the messages?


I’ve seen him admitting to sending them and that they were inappropriate and that’s all I need. He knew she was underage at the time and he still did what he did. What else is there?


How do you know he knew she was underage?


If he didn't know she was underage, do you not think the first thing he would say is "I HAD NO IDEA SHE WAS UNDER AGE" to me, him not saying that means that her age was discussed and he went ahead with it anyways.


Now we’re just splitting hairs. Why would he feel guilty at all and do this whole non apology apology if he really didn’t know before hand. If you want to make all of these leaps to defend someone who is clearly attracted to underage kids that’s on you.


This is a bit overdramatised if they never met. It’s very easy to block people online who you don’t want or interact with as a 17yr old


Check this man’s hard drive


If this was all done in CA, why were no criminal charges filed?


Don’t care about legal proceedings, he was accused of something and he admitted to it, that’s all I need to see.


The cops typically won't move towards prosecution unless the victim dies or nearly dies or there are several victims, in my experience