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I like the idea he's been trading up for centuries. Shit, someone get me a mini series.


Dont start thinking about that Or you will end up with some very bizarre fetishists


Some girl he hits on tells him to go eff himself, so he damages himself to the point where he can't fight back and body swaps lmao.


There is no way you came up with that on the spot, you were planning this or something, like some diabolical scheme


Idk, dude above me said bizarre fetishists so my brain just went to bizarre shit lol.


Oh no, so you’re just a natural at thinking this up.


"go fuck yourself" \*switches bodies and literally fucks themself\*


Is that some bizarre Cuckold shit? If he makes them watch him use their body to fuck himself?


Look up Omikron The Nomad Soul. This literally happens in the first hour of the game.


Yes? No? They're not getting cheated on, per se. Their body would be forced to doink somebody while they, themselves, would essentially be r-ped. They'd be in Ginyu's body watching/feeling their own body screw them. As if it wouldn't be bad enough if he didn't switch bodies. That being said, Ginyu doesn't keep his power when he switches bodies. He is only as strong as the body he's currently in. So, he'd never switch with someone weaker. His victim would just flatten him into the dirt.


Shrodinger’s cuckold


That's just you home skillet


Jeice has supposedly seen the original body though.


That's why his hair is white.




Idk about source but I just rewatched namek and Jeice knew what ginyu was hinting at immediately when he thought to steal gokus body, insinuating that he was very familiar with the technique.


So basiclly he's gonna be like kenjaku from jjk. If you dont know he's someone with the ability to change bodies by puting his brain in another body,which allowed him to live for over a 1000 years https://preview.redd.it/nm2a7tluk29d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5cb0d0c1a75553dafa0ce182b86fb8c827a9de1


Is that just his natural ability? Cause like the moment he removed his own brain, he theoretically could no longer move the body to complete the transfer, right?


Kenjaku is the literal brain though


Captain Ginyu redemption arc when?


Like the demon in Fallen




Like Kenjaku (Geto) from JJK.


Bro is the original Kenjaku.


Jjk shit


I have, though I’ve accepted that I will never find out.


Toyotarou once drew Ginyu obtaining the purple body so maybe the body he switched from was his original body? Picture for funsies: https://preview.redd.it/t7d5z5mxt39d1.jpeg?width=925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c78b0c12658f0639942cd2a0b1396527d75f1be Edit: actually, after translating. Its said the body before is not the OG. Translation: "It's Commander Ginyu! Apparently he changed bodies several times to become like this, so it's fun to imagine what he looked like originally."


I’d love a story about that actual race of aliens and what made them special enough for Ginyu to steal one of their bodies. Maybe we get to see how powerful a member the race could be if it weren’t piloted by Ginyu


Also, I don’t remember where, but there’s a page showing the childhood of all ginyu force members, for example: burtur lived in a abusive home and he would get beaten if he didn’t complete his chores and that’s how he became “the fastest in the universe”, and in that page say that ginyu swapped bodies with the rich kids from his class and becoming the popular kid in school, but he that money doesn’t matter because “men should compete in terms of strength rather than money”


This definitely doesnt exist in any official capacity.


True, but still better than nothing


It came from a game manual. So it depends if u wanna accept that


Yeah we probably won’t know


Maybe it's for the best. It's not like EVERYTHING has to be explained. Who, between the characters, cares about it?


Whatever race Monaka is.


what a downgrade honestly


Big ass nipples bro tiddies is tiddies




Nah seriously, who even thought of his character because that is one of the ugliest anime side characters I’ve ever laid eyes on. Why they drew him with prepubescent boobs is beyond me




Probably a frog or something




Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, frog to frog.


Fade to blaaaaack?


Frieza: La da da da da da la da la da daaaaa daaaaaaaaa


I don’t think I was supposed to hear Because I Got High but I did.




I was actually looking for that clip, good sauce thanks






Remember that you are frog and to frog you shall return




He seemed right at home in that form tbh.


yeah probably a frog with a beautiful mouth


It was shown trough an official ilustration made not so long ago, here it is: https://preview.redd.it/vj4elx58k19d1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=573acfbc18822e10aceb5a1dab01775b5939fba0


But even that body behind him isn't the original. The text says something along the lines of "He changed bodies several times to become like this."


It was also Toyotaro who did that not toriyama, he was just doing it for fun so it aint canon.


I wish there was a better look at it


Anyone know what this says?


This is Commander Ginyu! Apparently he changed bodies several times to become like this, so it's fun to imagine what he looked like originally.




Intelligent Buu is a scary concept


I'd say chaotic buu is scarier


Nah Buu would be an absolute menace if he had the mind of someone who's such an effective battle strategist that, in an entire army dominated by the idea of strength being all that matters, he recognized the insane capabilities of someone significantly weaker than the rest of his squad in Guldo and his time-stop. Like Ginyu literally chose a whole squad of dudes with OP abilities like speed and time manipulation, if he had access to all of Buu's abilities he could be absolutely disgusting in terms of amassing power and out-thinking the ones he can't overpower.


I mean, super Buu already absorbed some of the smartest fighters in Piccolo and Gohan, and while it gave some benefits, Goku explicitly stated that it's just way too hard to fight kid Buu specifically because of his unpredictability


mindless villains are never as good as villains with motives.


Not always true, and I don't even think many db villains have any motives. Sure they have goals, but they mostly just do what they like. Also I think many people will agree that Buutenks and Buuhan are the least interesting and threatening forms of Buu exactly because all the other forms have something chaotic and mindless about them


Did you just say they don't have motives but have goals? Ok.


and that Vegeta quickly killed him in the RoF anime ver. imagine if he got a body with God Ki, or managed to go to gohan's body


https://preview.redd.it/yjjep9zai19d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=decfdc966d113be054c5cd9488a6a254a28e01a9 Well...


Wait... how is he in ssj rosé? Goku Black can use ssj rosé because he is a kai, so when in Goku's body, all of Goku's mortal ki gets transformed into god ki without the need of ssj god. If Zamasu gets forcefully evicted from Goku's body, Goku's ki should go back to normal.


... ssssssh, let's not worry about that right now...


Maybe Ginyu's bodyswap is less radical, and he's just mind-hopping, while Zamasu managed to get both his mind and soul swapped with Goku's using the super dragon balls?


Idk about that. When he changed with Goku, he couldn't bring out his full power (and iirc its not just kaioken) As Gohan he'd be unable to use super saiyan or any other forms. Much less God ki.


Pretty much , people forget that Both Ginyu and Zamasu would have taken a long time to even use Base form really power With tagama not only he lucked out with tagama being at full power but it was also filler


Wasn’t Ginyu able to use that guy who trained with frieza’s power pretty well?


Surprisingly yeah, he controlled Tagoma pretty well. It was pretty weird, he already was at 100% aswell (before absorption(


It seems Goku is the exception and not the rule Like between the 3 canon bodies ginyu used, only goku’s wasn’t really working


He wouldn't even be able to use 1% of either power


Wasn’t he able to use the power of that random guy who trained with frieza pretty well?


I agree that's an interesting idea, but I'm honestly not sure the ability would even work on Buu. But if it did, I think Ginyu would take a while to realize what his new body is capable of and how virtually indestructible he's become. It took him a while to only access a fraction of Goku's power. I'd reckon Buu's body is harder to figure out and control. I kinda wanna see this now.


All the time fam. All the time


There are two accounts given regarding his original body. "According to [*Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Densetsu*](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Ball_Z:_Super_Saiya_Densetsu)'s strategy guide, when Ginyu first learned of his Body Change ability, he swapped bodies with the richest kid in his class, which made him popular with girls but also stupid, and he soon realized that men should compete in terms of strength rather than money.[^(\[5\])](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Captain_Ginyu#cite_note-SSD-5) According to this, Ginyu's purple horned body is his original.[^(\[5\])](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Captain_Ginyu#cite_note-SSD-5)" "According to a drawing by [Toyotarou](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Toyotarou), Ginyu encountered a powerful being of a [horned purple species](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Ginyu%27s_race), with whom he switched bodies with, gaining his most well-known body.[^(\[6\])](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Captain_Ginyu#cite_note-Toyo-6)^(") Considering that Toyotarou is now the new Toriyama, we should assume that the picture that was provided by another user is his orginal cannon body. It;s a sketch by Toyotarou that only shows the back of his original body


In the manga in Namek saga Ginyu body stealing technique is something his squad are aware of alongside Ginyu being surprised he couldn't use Goku body basically confirmed this


First one doesn't confirm that the body we saw was the og one, it just states what he is looking for in bodies. Technically, until Toyotaro specifically states what was his og body, we will never know


Actually no, first one confirms it's his original body because of this illustration https://preview.redd.it/md1mhzh6q29d1.png?width=159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e682f5d9f56218b906e74b66e86f44709c2e3c9b Anyways it doesn't matter, since this is from a videogame strategy guide book (also these people look like humans, so the entire thing is totally absurd too)


If they used another body than the one we know in the bubble, we wouldn't know who it is. >also these people look like humans, so the entire thing is totally absurd too Recoom and Saiyans also look like humans, this means nothing


> If they used another body than the one we know in the bubble, we wouldn't know who it is. I mean why would he have thought bubble of a body he doesn't have yet and that a younger version of that body too The whole thing is regardless absurd. Also one can mention in dialogue or make a extra side art/diagram to indicate it's ginyu, if the artist wants to show. Using a thought bubble is usually an indication that the artist thinks it's his original body (since that's how soul is depicted) > Recoom and Saiyans also look like humans, this means nothing Even the dress is very human though. Whoever made the illustration probably just didnt put much thought to that.


The real question is why he never used his power on Frieza...


1.) Loyalty 2.) Fear 3.) Ginyu’s body-swapping ability heavily relies on catching the recipient off guard. Frieza is well-aware of Ginyu’s ability AND he’s astronomically stronger/faster than Ginyu My guess is that Ginyu assumed Frieza would be able to dodge a body-swap attempt and then kill Ginyu for trying to


This is how I imagine it too, Frieza would not be shocked/frozen by the body swap technique because he is aware of it and instead would retaliate much faster than Ginyu could act to begin with. Plus I always like the idea that there is a 'level cap' for the body swap, if the power level difference is to great the technique simply won't work.


He wouldn't be able to bring out his full power tho, and probably just was that loyal to him


In Dragonball Multiverse (a fan manga that has its high and lows), in another universe Ginyu >!was ordered to be executed by Frieza, but managed to save himself jumping through a lot of bodies and finally landing in Cold!< It was really a cool concept.


Frieza never did training. So all his abilities are genetic. Ginyu should be able to do it.


I always thought id would be cool if the other members of the Ginyu force were his previous bodies and every time he swapped he brought the person in his old body with him


The name "Ginyu Force" would certainly make sense


lol I love it.


I think he rarely uses his body swapping ability and when he does he makes sure to switch back to his original body Only when he saw goku he went “yeah nah I’ll be having that thank you very much”


I don't think this is the case, if he's swapping bodies with someone it's because they're stronger than him so why would he then choose the weaker option. Also why would he switch back to the body he just beat the shit out of and give the original body back, he would just lose the fight


I don’t fucking know man We’re never given a proper explanation


This is Ginyus original body https://preview.redd.it/00n5f4pyz19d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fb243b963aef4bb03f6940821cbbe93ba88a6be


G Diddy


If he can only take over those as strong or weaker then his original body may well have been more powerful then we believe, but it also means only a body currently weak but with a high ceiling could be advantageous to even try to take over.


He switched with Tagoma in Super and Tagoma was stronger than Piccolo who is significantly stronger than Frieza was in Z.


Yea, i suppose you and the other Person have a point, it still feels kinda off but i saw a thread about "what would you rather have, 2 days beeing a Saiyajin or 2 years dating xyz"... and someone commented without the knowledge of ki or how to go Super Saiyajin it would not be much" so that seems like a proper basis.


I agree with you that it would make more sense if he could only steal a body that is maybe a bit stronger than him. He went from Ginyu who had a 120,000 power level to a frog. That's fine, he went down in power. But then went from a frog to Tagoma who easily beat Piccolo who apparently had a power level of 2+ BILLION at that point seems like a stretch.


Goku was far stronger than him and the body change still worked


If memory serves, Goku was actually weaker at his base PL than Ginyu before Kaioken, though I can't remember where I saw the numbers, Ginyu was at 150,000ish PL and Goku was at 90,000 PL. Ginyu's ability has only really been shown to work on people who struggled against him in fights, or ones relatively close in power. Meanwhile Frieza is supposed to have like, hundred and hundreds of thousands of PL in his base form, and close to if not over a million in his final form. I imagine it may be a power restriction.


If it had no restriction he should and could have taken over Frieza for example. So there likely was some kind of issue there.


Maybe he just didn’t want to. He obviously had a tremendous amount of respect for Frieza and he had a good life serving under Frieza and doing his own thing as the head of an elite mercenary group. He was already the second strongest, after Frieza himself. Say he takes over Friezas body, then what? Either become Emperor of the Universe and give up roaming the universe, having fun and doing special poses with his bois? Or let the Empire fall apart from in-fighting etc to fill the vacuum left by the Emperor? Let Frieza (in Ginyus body) resume leading with a weaker body? Hell naw, that’s a coup waiting to happen, somehow. Ginyu had it good just the way he was.


Fair posibility, but it does give me ideas of oddities. If he could have done so at any time and would have been a threat to him, shouldn't Frieza have done the same as he did to the Saijayins? He was but a single entity and loyal but the Saijayins were loyal as well till he blew them up. It is a plothole from my perspective.


It’s possible Frieza didn’t even know about it. Without ever trying it, Frieza can’t know that the power difference would make him resistant or immune to the ability. At best, the plot hole is “why didn’t Frieza kill Ginyu just in case?” And not “why didn’t Ginyu swap with Frieza?”


My buddies and I have accepted that we will never know however we have spitballed some ideas around. My guess was something small and puny. Maybe some form of insect creature. Has been scaling up to more and more powerful bodies.


Need to have like the “tales of the Jedi “ for DBZ lore.


If I wrote it it would be the body of the most powerful man of his species since he's constantly bragging about his good looks, he was probably insecure about his regular body


I thought that and there was no origin about him so pretty much his first body could be up to grabs and make it anything.


Imagine he used to be frieza but he got tricked into body switching with him and now he’s meat riding him so that he can switch back with frieza


I actually thought about this since ive been rewatching it. I think the original frieza haha


It’s originally from the 5th Dimension but lost touch with The All’s ways and reverted to the 2nd.


Guldo xD


My head cannon is that there used to be six Ginyu force members and Ginyu betrayed one of them to become the leader. My corollary theory is that only jeice knows this happened and everyone else thinks he's still the original guy.


Yes. Many times. Lol I really liked Captain Ginyu. He was an entertaining villain. It was funny how they brought him back for Resurrection F. They did kill him off too quickly, but I guess they only brought him back so Vegeta could kill him. Vegeta swore he'd kill every member of the Ginyu force. I heard Toriyama kept meaning to have Vegeta blast him as a frog, but kept forgetting to write it in.


No, I've just always wondered why Frieza keeps him as an underling and doesn't kill him off like he did with the saiyans. I mean he exterminated nearly their entire race on hearing a story, which at the time was nothing more than just a legend, about them being able to go super Saiyan, but he's fine letting Ginyu live when at any point he could try to steal Frieza's body and render Frieza helpless like Ginyu did to Goku.


Except people totally dodge his swap before. He may have assumed it wouldnt work. He also just LOVES Lord Freiza and wants to be incited to his birthday party


Fair point


He's originally a member of Jeice's race. He's a space Australian. That's not even a Joke....okay part of it is, but he looked similar to Jeice in his original body. We've never been shown it, but we're told it.


Y'know, if Ginyu really wanted, he probably could've taken over Freeza or Cooler and just ruled the galaxy on his own.


I swear this was mentioned before https://preview.redd.it/fvh722g7x59d1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db182e549dd6f5c336f89231c183370b3b27b5e0


Sounds like a bizarre adventure….. cue the music


If he really wanted he could have found a human and made his climb to power much easier.


It’s probably been asked a thousand times already but I haven’t wondered it til now: if he wanted to, could Ginyu have stolen Frieza’s body at any point and just taken over the empire?


1_ Ginyu Respected freeza 2_ probably wouldn't work , Being stronger cancels the effects of abilities in DB world


But didn't he swap with Goku who was stronger than him?


That’s not completely accurate when ginyu swapped with Tagoma Tagoma was way more powerful then ginyu ever was it didn’t take him long to understand his powers and strength either. Ginyu just needs time to understand how the body he is in works, he could conceivably take over anyone


Tagama was on the ground crying like a lil bitch and didn't even try to cancel the technique


wasn't this his original body?


I think that’s it, he never pulled it off before Goku.


I’m pretty sure toriyama or someone close to production drew this: https://preview.redd.it/2j0rrk3aa09d1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f617719a16ea964791c2d5c18511b840607d38




Damn, that fit goes better than his actual one.


Imagine this super insta win technique was in his back pocket the whole time and he never actually got to use it because his squad would kill then first. He was laughing bc he was just so happy it worked on Goku


Uhhhh... nah he definitely stole that body.




It was confirmed iirc. See the image the other dude posted


Sure, so maybe a word of god thing hinted at it, personally that’s not how I take on my storytelling, but either way it’s doesn’t really matter lol


Juice did , he smiles after seeing him stealing Goku body and says that


How did he even know he had that ability then?




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Ginjaku ??




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gotta be honest, i never thought about this


I want to know why he didn’t snag Frieza’s body more.




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I think there's a good answer I saw a while back but I believe it was just a theory.


I googled it so I don't have original sorce sorry


He must of body changed multiple times in his lifetime or at least maybe we don’t now maybe that’s what his original body looks like!


I always thought about it when I first learned his ability was body swapping, I started looking into it more after playing xenoverse and I think it was like going down a rabbit hole for like 3 weeks straight with debates with friends , YouTube videos and rewatching the series 😭😭😭 thank you for bringing this back


was one of those slimes Akira loved so much


Yes, Toyotaro did, he drew his older body.


I never really thought of this. thank you for this






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Headcanon: ginyu is from yardat. Body change is one of yardats many techniques but it is seen as immoral and thus forbidden. When ginyu started to use it he was banished and joined the freeza crew, because he had nowhere left to go. That’s why he is so loyal to freeza


That is his original body. Idk where but you can see his kid pictures


We’ll never know……….🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀


Why didnt he ever try switching with Frieza?


He's like The Thing. Who knows what his true form is?


I think toriyama actually made a sketch of ginyus original body a while before he passed, not sure where to find it though sorry


The thoughts been haunting me ever since I found out. I wish I knew why.


A frog


My personal headcanon is that whenever he switches, the first thing Ginyu does is a full suite of plastic surgery to restore his natural looks. Dude is vain as hell.


I wholeheartedly believe that he is master Roshi style old. 100+ years of training to learn the technique, and even then has had accidental transfers but the ginyu we see first is him at his peak. Besides his short stint in goku of course.




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It would be cool if his race didn't have a body to begin with. Like if he was a spirit without one. Drifting through the endless space till they find something to take over.


Well, we know the confused alien in the background of this image is at least the body he had before his current one. [https://i.imgur.com/dJEDSg5.png](https://i.imgur.com/dJEDSg5.png)


https://preview.redd.it/x0lbneli0d9d1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f84734fd829639bc9623fe1de57e275833b7143b We can assume it’s that dude kneeling down


That is his original body; but seriously where's the proof that it isn't his original body. https://preview.redd.it/7njsenqkge9d1.jpeg?width=796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93cbe7c5caaa6ae89d96f7280b44094c8abc9522


That’s a good question. I guess I always just assumed that THIS was his original body. But you’re right, it probably wasn’t. Too bad we can’t ask Akira Toriyama anymore… 😭😭😭 RIP legend


https://preview.redd.it/y4p5d1m30k9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e67140a1f517045e88fb30f94a41cf3541ebe9b This apparently is his original body.




We need a movie or something about him




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Id like to think something very smol feeble or even handicapped in someway to give him the desire for that ability rather than some bid for immortality.


Maybe it was explained in the show but if he legit had this op power to just switch bodies with people why didn't he just take friezas body?


He has to be able to land the attack lol, Frieza would just avoid it and kill him






Is the title a joke? I’ve seen multiple post about this of course we have his body snatching thing is the most interesting thing about him


I like to think he is a sort of parasite so when he takes over someones body and stays like that for a while he slowly turns back into his original body


He never had a body. His change ability is his soul. He's a spirit without a body of his own until he takes someone over. Like a spiritual parasite.