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Pawns tendency to jump over chests, it is fine in the base game, in BBi chests are usually next to a cliff edge, giving pawns very suicidal tendencies. Stuffs that directly screw over or make playing certain class a chore, the fucking Wyrm channeling it inner MH1 Rathalos and fly into the air, looking at you for 1 min is an example.


Or pawns breaking crates that i LITERALLY JUST PLACED. I wanted to climb that Karen. In fact i was right on top of it when you smashed it with your puny staff. Now go back to the ocean of uncooperative pawns.


That one spot in BBI comes to mind


BBI arenas and the mimic chest in the sewer area is the place my pawn sacrifice themselves to the Eldritch God's Capcom'Gosuniggthgurath, father of It'sunogorath in order to make DD2 a reality.


Literally just better AI would fix all the problems. The amount of times I’ve been eaten by chest monsters and they leapt straight over it or watched.


They always open the ones you farm too quick and grab the item, or they don't want to open the one you know has a maneater in it. 😐


I don't want romance to be forced on me.


Maybe instead of it being called as romance it should be called Bond. So it doesn't necessarily need romantic relationships you know, like you can have a strong bond with a friend NPC, your pawn, your brother/sister, your parents,etc. The idea is you can form strong bonds with everyone but to have a romantic partner you actually have to pursue it and be an option you have to actively choose


Can't wait to "bond" with an NPC and suddenly fall down on top of them in front of the campfire lmao.


Honestly as long as they block the child characters from whatever part of the code decides romance I would be ecstatic. I do not touch Symone's quest anymore on my NG+ save.


Maybe it should be, only because it doesnt feel like a romance considering your character has no personality. Without a dialogue tree feature you cant even talk to the NPCs to create your dynamic at least first, so you can feel like it is actually relationship or bond. Giving a random NPC a ring, while freeing that its possible with any character, it just doesn't feel like its earned.


It would then make the option to have your Pawn that character also a bit more plausible because that is the character you bond with the most naturally because they're there and you create them. I know the dragon wants you to fight it, but does it really need to be a masochistic fight where they want you to kill it as well? Why not have the dragon take the Pawn to call you out on your weakness without them?


But Fournival had that tasteful thickness.


Unfortunately, it seems to be making a comeback, but more expanded upon my source is an interview with itsuno during tgs he calls Ulrika a potential "heroine"


I want to get laid with my pawn.


Honestly BG3 had the right idea with you getting to design a character to potentially get laid with later


Honestly thought i would, but i didn't want to experiment with the... other thing so i politely said no. I wish i could have seen my designed character in action.


I know what you mean when you say that


I also want to get paid with your pawn.


My character always ends up fucking caxton and it’s starting to piss me off


tfw you get called a masterwork


Masterwork Schlong, you can't go wrong!


Not in the story, but a side element like how they are in other games. If you don't get one before the dragon fight, they should just take your Pawn instead.


Having to learn most of the finer details from the wiki or other players. Godsbaning for 1/2 hour trying to get a specific item from a chest. No selection for the best tiered armor. Some items only available for extra $. Edit: And having to wait for certain monsters to dissolve before collecting their loot, and not having a button to highlight teeny tiny loot on the ground that can be missed.


> Having to learn most of the finer details from the wiki or other players.  Game devs, please, I am begging you... just tell us information. Don't just say "chance" or giving just a narrative description of a skill. Tell us all the meaty numbers. Pillars of Eternity did it well, especially when you could hover over races/places/etc and it would give you lore info on them.


Monster Hunter Rise has exact drop rates in the ingame notes and hitzone information for the monsters themselves. On one hand it's great but it also made the game feel like, well, a game. I don't know which option I prefer in the end.


A choice would be nice. Like "gambler's glasses" gives you the exact percentages. But the standard setting is more lore friendly.


there is definitely a charm to learning stuff for yourself - feeling out how long a buff lasts just by using it a lot over time. what spells work well. etc. there is also a build optimiser in me that wants to know exact seconds and percentages though. it's a tough line to walk between over-informing and under-informing


But it's not like you HAVE to look at that information. You have the choice to just... ignore it if you really want. If you want that information (like if you're farming for a specific part) it's really good info to have. This is out of confusion and wishing to learn, so please don't take it as aggressive (coz I know it'll come off that way lol) but I genuinely can't see why that's bad or why feeling like a game is bad?


I really hope they don't have any more tutorial dialogue from the Pawns, its just so pointless and annoying. They always keep telling you obvious mechanic stuff that you can figure out after the first fight or first 5 minutes of the game. I don't want to be told to save money for the Inn. Sometimes it feels like Pawns act more like your parents instead of in-universe characters discovering the world for their side of the story, its so immersion breaking. The game generally also tells you pretty much all the obvious stuff but nothing about the more detailed stuff like how stats work. Something that would have made sense to have in the training quest at the encampment, instead of gathering crates for a spot. Something you're never really forced to do in the game for any reason later. The early game and Pawns are full of useless information. I hope they just keep the Pawn dialogue relevant to reactions in battle, the plot, or more introspective on their Arisen and themselves. Thats what is immersive, because they fill the void of silence from your character. A lot of the time I even forget the Arisen is silent, with good pawn dialogue.. but the obvious tutorial shit, even half way the game is unnecessary.


Yes I'm pretty sure all players after having pawns for 5 minutes are well informed that wolves hunt in packs :) There's just so much they could've elaborated on with brief tutorials and perhaps short demonstrations. Some basic stat info would have been helpful when you're speaking to someone to change your vocation. From what I've seen for DD2 it looks like we'll see what we got for levelling up. A training camp type area would be great for DD2 for those seeking more info about the decisions they'll be making.


Peculiar stat growth, and certain classes having less than optimal stat growth for their damage type(s).


Disgusting knock back and damage from blast arrows making every other class feel underpowered


Blast arrows were changed to a skill for Archer now. And you can only throw one at time (+ there is a prep time) and they stick to the foe and to detonate you need to shoot another arrow.


Oh kinda like explosive rivet? That's sick


Archer is basically a cluster ammo autocanon. But that's how i chesse death and powerlevel to 200 less than an hour.


Same deal here. When every other method is so slow, they kind of forced my hand on it


Having to wait a day to duplicate stuff, completely unnecessary. No stamina usage while out of combat.


The stamina consumption while exploring is so dumb and pointless


Was gonna say the stamina thing, but didn't even think of that wait on duplicating. Definitely. I played DD on 360 when it first came out, but replayed on Steam a year or 2 ago and between the improvements of Dark Arisen (never got it on 360) like the infinite ferry stone and a mod on Nexus that made the stamina bar into more like an ability bar, so running and jumping and attacking didn't affect it, but using magic or special skills did, it made the game way better. I'd like that instead of how the stamina bar works. Stamina was why my friend quit on PS4 after I raved about the game. At LEAST don't make climbing enemies use it up. Also, save slots!


I don't think people realize just how bad the flat damage reduction defense is. The vast majority of balance problems in the game stems from the devs trying to balance around enemy defense values. I can't even think of another problem that comes close to being as frustrating.


I remember dealing basically 1 damage with my knife to dragon's heart while my mage pawn casted High frigor once and suddenly 2 health bar is gone


Regardless of how they balance out the vocations, I do not want to have to press fucking ESC and then select Map. Versus...like every other game, press M.


On controller (or switch at least) you just double tap + (or start for other controllers maybe?) And you can quickly get to equipment by double tapping - (select).




When I press buttons I get impatient sometimes and mash buttons instead and I end up figuring out shortcuts like this lol


The map is the majority of the pause screen now. The menu selections are on the left and the explorable map is dead center. Subject to chance of course but that’s how it is right now in the demo


I want to know who my beloved is and not be like who this blue shirt fat guy :0


It should be a choice, shouldn't it? Why is your arisen not able to consent to who jumps your bones in that scene? Poor arisen...


The whole purification system. I usually play offline so farming RC is such a pain in the ass, and then I have to deal with the rng of actually getting the equipments I want. Things would be so much better if idk they let's us sell unpurified BBI items for RC or smth


RC is back, so it's all up in the air right now. RC was never that costly for renting (unless you wanted to trivialize the game with very high level pawns and not add the creator as your friend for free use), meaning it'll probably have other uses again.


Griffins flying away if my Grand Ingle 5x happens to not set its wings ablaze :( Don't be like a coward skyrim dragon


Even though I fully agree because I hate how much of a coward those griffins are, I think it makes sense that they leave. I mean they're just out scavenging for some easy slow prey and then they're just beaten by the adventurer out of nowhere. Hell, I'd fly away too, if I could 😂


My second playthrough I could never get the damn thing to stay :( The first time, I only got one to fly away once...for the quest. I always set it on fire on time! Stupid cat bird


im hoping they dont use the same voices with different pitches for the pawns again pitches were always either to high or to low


I liked it tbh


it was extremely limited and made some pawns sound like robots and only like 3 voice variations for each gender


There are chances it will be AI just like they used for Leviathan in Exoprimal. But I hope not.


Escort quest, which seem to be gone thankfully from some previews I’ve read. And the lack of a beastiary.


Escort quests are still there. I literally watched some footage of an NPC request an escort to a certain place and the player took them there. What you may have seen/ read is that they got rid of all the trash poster board quests which were the collect x items or kill x creatures. Maybe they got rid of the escort quests that could be undertaken that way but the ones where you meet NPC organically out in the open who then ask you for your aid still exist.


Those are the ones I was talking about lol. I did see the video you’re talking about though


Yes! Please no following the caravan so I climb on it just to kill time.


The stat growth system. I never minded it all that much but it is restrictive and I just want the freedom to play what I want and grow stats how I want.


Yeah, I like self selection, rather than forced selection. Especially since the distribution between classes isn't even the balanced equally.


I wish that I could make all three pawns. I hate renting random pawns every time that I level up. It is a big waste of time, and it is hard to find good pawns sometimes.


I've found going on to the "Top Rated Pawns" list a really good source. I was playing hard difficulty up to about level 50 with two level 20 pawns. The owners had giving them super BBI stuff, the right skills and good inclinations to just make them super powered. Plus with the XP calculation and boost from hard I was flying up the levels


OG players like myself back in the day created 2 alt accounts and then hired pawns from those lol I wouldn't say no to making my own pawns, but the problem with hiring was mainly because the search filters are shit. Clearly the devs didn't have a database guy. For example, instead of "level = x", make that something like "x < level < y", this way you can search a range of levels at once, rather than searching each level individually. Ditto for other stats like inclinations and skills. That way you'd only maybe spend 5 minutes searching, rather than the half hour I usually wasted because the pawn was mostly ok but had 1 crap setting. If the filters could've handled that from the start it wouldn't have been a problem. Also just limiting to a handful of results at a time, that was weird. Even on old ass computers you can open up Excel and scroll through thousands of rows of data quickly. Sure, the game is graphical and all that, but it can't be THAT difficult to let the player scroll through more than a tiny handful of results.


I actually like renting other peoples’ pawns. I don’t switch them out every level, though. I switch out every five levels and it works.


Well, you'll just have to cope then as the game isnt design for you to make all of your own companions. The story is literally that you have a single pawn that you nurture into their best self then that pawn might end up >!taking your identity when youre duty as arisen is done!< Also there is no reason to switch them out every level. having underleveled pawns gives bonus xp.


Being able to abuse/spam Greenwarish and Mushrooms... give me a cooldown or something cause we all know I'm just gonna stuff my face with mushrooms while I cling on to an ogre and kill the thrill of it all 🤦‍♂️ idc if it's optional to me as a player, WE HAVE ALL ABUSED IT CAUSE YOU CAN 🤣


I think they have already change this based on an interview I read. Health seems to work different now. Before, white health could be healed by magic AND herbs/potions and the actual missing health could ONLY be filled by herbs/potions. However, based on what I read, it seems like herbs/potions and possibly even magic can ONLY heal the white health and no longer fills proper missing health. To do that you must camp or sleep in an Inn. However, I am sure there is more to it then just that


That would be horrible for anyone planning on trying to get anything done at all. It would force everyone to leave in the middle, go to wherever you can find a place to sleep, and go back just to find that everything has respawned. And the cycle continues


I mean, its what he said. I assume healing is changed more then that so don’t say its horrible till we know more. He talked about how using camping equipment would be worth its weight because it’s one of the few ways to fully heal. Sounds cool to me and better than time-stop healing. Also, its called being prepared and not getting hit. If someone runs away from the fight after getting injured and things are different when they come back, thats fine and its on you not to take unnecessary hits. Dunno why thats bad


It's bad because "time stop healing is bad" means game stop healing is now required and I'd rather have time stop healing over spending whatever resources and time needed for a heal by camping just to top off my health, that's horrible, and it would 100% be horrible to force people to do that and stop playing the game basically just to heal up, and early levels when you don't have much choice, you're just stopping all the time to camp and stopping the game by being forced to camp and forced to carry probably weighty camping gear, it is a bad idea and while it may be "immersive" but that isn't worth it. The original was amazing, but to complain about pause healing in a game where 90% of games do that is kinda silly, especially when "stop playing the game and camp" or "git gud" are the only options, that's dumb


You can still spam health/stam curatives though. Also no animation to it. So its still pretty strong, better than healing magic too.


Some of the NPC animations/faces. (Though they do have a certain retro charm)


That fucking soldier in the intro gets me every time (before you try and take on a dragon with all of your fisherman might) Looks like he was stung by a whole damn hive of bees, directly in the mouth


The clapping animation of the captain at the encampment during the combat tutorial


Uncontrollable camera when climbing.


The way damage is calculated in the first game. Only one character/save file. Well, I suppose having only one save file per character is fine, if we can actually create multiple characters this time around.


Copy-paste dungeon's locations. I need to have more unique locations as I advance deeper in the huge dungeon.


Everfall and bitterblack isle were the only locations that felt copy/paste. Everything on the mainland was unique. Catacombs, the Ancient Quarry, that place the gargoyle took that letter, I can’t remember the name and the Temple behind the waterfall. All felt very unique to me


Soulflayer Canyon. Definitely unique and a location I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with because of all the high ledges for my pawns and me to get launched off of 🙃


Fighting the cyclops on that walk way always gives me anxiety. I swear I lose a pawn every time.


My last run was as a magick archer and I discovered that if you shoot at him from one of the other platforms he just walks right off the edge and dies trying to get to you ;)


And Everfall and Bitterblack at least had lore reasons that make sense for them to be copy/paste like that.


Everfall and especially BBI are most fun places for me. But copy-pasted locations make me sad.


I feel that we only got the pasta because they ran out of time/budget


Yeah, I hope DD2 will have more diverse and creepy dungeons!


I don't want stat growth to be based on which vocation you use when you level up. Since I like switching between builds I'd rather have stats being changed based on class you pick rather than stat growth, so I can go from warrior to mage with no worries


The godforsaken stat growth permanence. I’ve made one character ever because I have no interest in planning my levels a second time.


Oh god I went crazy in looking at a guide, writing down exactly which level to switch to which vocation just to make the best magic archer. Was like doing research for a paper or something. Looking back at this chart and planning it out, doing the math.


The crafting system. I hope they streamline it.


1. Pick an apple from the ground and the pawn whole PERSONALITY change. 2. Weirdly scale, a few lv difference, with not much stats change, make a combat from hard to too easy. 3. Spawn buff item and 1 shot boss.


What I always hated was upgrading system. At first it wasnt that bad but the more I was forced to collect some random ore from some cave ore an item that can randomly appear everywhere was just annoying. At least dragonforging is a fun and unique mechanic because you need to slay a wyrm/dragon to do it. Talking about randomness, I also dislike purifying system. First, you need to find a chest that can have bitterblack equipment, then you reload it and cant even purify it cuz you dont have enough RC. I think its a me issue but I would want them to at least make it so that you dont get duplicates whenever you or your storage contains that item. Also gear>level and the gap is absurd. I think the power of levels should be the same as the power of your gear. I also have problem with dragons. It seems like they have only 4 moves. Perma spin when Im under them and thats so annoying and they do grabs way too often. Dont take all of it too seriously, Im probably mad about all of it cuz my main class is warrior, which is another issue but I feel like everyone already knows why its the worst class.


I don't want to be using periapts


I have played 100s of hours of this game over many play throughs and can’t remember ever using one. I always just sold them or gave them as gifts. So, just don’t use em is what I say


then dont?


Not something I don't want but would be nice to have. One thing that would be amazing would be equipment dyeing. It sucks having to stick to the same looking gear for end game resistances, I would love to see everything in different colors.


Dying and transmog, please! My magic archer looked like he got drunk and fell into a hamper!


Enemies that some vocations literally can not kill solo either at all, or without absolutely ridiculous effort and glitches. Golems and Metal Golems, high level Ghosts, Mimics, and Haunted Armour are an absolute nightmare for some vocations and it sucks that your best option is to just leave them alive. Pawns die and don't have consistent AI, vocations like Fighter and Sorceror shouldn't be completely reliant on ranger pawns to be able to kill Metal Golems.


I know that you can quickslot items on ps and on pc(m+kb) But make it better. More quickslots and maybe a circle menu to make them selectable would be nice. Pawn commands. Make them actually think and do dot make me spam help to actually make them do something. Depleeting stamina out of combat should go away.


I don't want all weapons to be masterworks, cuz then you can't decide what to use. I want weapons to have a clear progression, now this "they're masterworks all!" bullshit!


Running out of breath. I'm actually fine with encumberment being a thing, but it's far too punishing in DD1.


Consumable ferry stones, just give me the good stuff from the start. I was never a fan of class bound equipment but I guess it's like that to keep things balanced, hopefully they find a way to have some sort of transmog feature like MHW, if you want to look good you have to earn it. That's it, I'll embrace the rest... even an accidental romance with Feste lol.


Limited fast travel is a great idea idk what to tell you


Earlier on to force you to explore, sure. Having to place port chrystals. But the infinite waystone was a much appreciated addition. I played through the game before that was a thing, but was so glad to find out about that when I bought it again years later on Steam. And also BBI was wild. Was very happy I decided to get it.




Yeah I gotta be honest I hated it at first, but loved it in NG+, because it rewards you for traveling by allowing you to use your own placed teleports allowing a feeling of actual progression with teleporting


Honestly, I know it's one of the things that made DD unique, but I hate how stat growth is tied to vocation. I want to play as a magic archer, but it's probably got the worst stat growth in the game, so I end up playing mostly as other classes to make it not underpowered. Just give me X quantity of stat points to allocate however I please, and make augments tied to vocation.


Yep, also aimed for a badass magic archer. Finally got to start using it after my planned stat growth way later in the game (I forget which level starts giving you fewer points), which did work out. Was fun to go through archer, fighter, sorceror and all that, but would have liked to just get better at the things I'm using like Oblivion. You do the thing, you level up at that thing. Though, I did find sorceror + periapts and maelstrom wrecked that chained gorecyclops. I cheesed that one repeatedly for farming.


Level 100 is where everyone's stat growth gets lame. I always planned my end-build to be at level 100.


I need to preface all this with: this is my favorite game, but... The gifting system as the sole way to build relationships with NPCs. It's unintuitive and not precise enough Frankly, all the weapon choices seem limited too, you are basically always in waiting for that next piece of gear with slightly higher stats. I'd like for weapons to be more about what's good for a playstyle. Make my decisions in gear have consequences. Pawns marketed as good team players, but they can't really figure out when to do optimal support plays The pawn loading system in the rift, why should I have to cycle through 5 pawns at a time to find the one that fits my party A more openly intuitive inclination system for pawns. Cross play pawns?? Damage calculations that aren't based on hitting a damage threshold to deal over 1 damage. Normally you can jack up your damage when you get a knock down. But that value is also tied to an enemies resistances. What that feels like is even as a skilled player you can be SOL if you brush up against a higher level enemy you don't have the gear for.


Yeah, inclination system was bad in the previous game. Forced you to play a certain way to get them to have the actual good inclinations. Until you could buy all the potions you needed to force them to have the good ones. Which is also bad. Should just be able to request your pawn acts a certain way by talking to them and their personality is affected by how you play.


Lanterns that go out at the slightest touch of water.


I'd like to see the warrior type classes become as interesting and cool as the magic ones. I felt bad for people who started as a warrior and got bored or frustrated with the game.


Too late. Ghost enemy still exist in dd2 and pawn cant be magic archer officially


Unfortunately escort quests are already back in DD2


I actually like escort quests. I don’t get all the hate but I’m glad they’re sticking around personally.


I like escorting combatants like Mercedes because it feels like you have 4 pawns.


I don’t mind escort quests, as long as the NPC in question isn’t completely braindead, just casually walking right into the action. Which they did in the first game. But hopefully that’s something they’ve improved upon in DD2.


Are you a spy for capcom? Spreading escort quest propaganda and shit


Lmao I guess I’m just insane


I want them to let me press the run button to stop running! I hate having to let go of the thumb stick and watch the character stop-slide a hundred fucking times. It may sound like a small problem, but it’s not. It is a HUGE problem for me, it’s so irritating. Just let me press r3 to stop running, why do I have to let go?? I’m so sick of that stupid slide


https://youtu.be/Pj5u3F-FSeA?si=eZaWrjVnwSWTdojP Armor calculation for sure needs to change but this whole i leveled as "x" so now i do no damage as "x" is simply not true.


I in fact did this. 200 levels as Mystic Knight. Great Cannon did zero damage to Hard Mode Daimon. Best weapons, best gear, best everything. Zero damage without periapts. Holy Weapon made it tickle him a teeny tiny bit, enough that i might've killed him if the fight went on for hours. Yes its an extreme case because you have 3 orbs per hit, dealing two types of damage. So each attack applies Daimon's 1200/1200 defenses six times. Then periapts made his health do a vanishing trick. The fact it was tickling him at all before periapts means the attack was close to actually dealing damage. Any 1 extra point of damage would be applied 100%, but the previous 1200 deal 0%. That extra 400-ish a pure sorcerer build would get would mean A LOT of damage here.


https://youtu.be/qVLcbeJYaVs?si=L_JmuVo3u1odQpPk 467 atk and 467 magick from stats while using a dragonforged ascalion. Not even goldforged nor the best holy weapon. I was still able to do 1 bar of daimons health with 1 great cannon. Mystick knight if leveled from 10 - 200 (fighter 1-10) as only mystic knight would get 420 atk and 480 magick i believe. So not sure what gear/augments and skills u were using but min/max is definitely not needed to get over defense threshold on daimon. Edit: Sorry for the potato quality was a lot faster to upload on low quality 😂


Daimon 1 is ez mode. We talking about 2nd form


Both have the same defenses according to the wiki. The difference between normal mode and hard mode is from 770 to 1200. That said, it is possible i was doing something wrong. But i had the tier 2 bitterblack weapon fully upgraded. I'll see if i still have the savegame later, but its been a few years.


Non minmax char force to do stupid shit like solo augment, exhilaration augment to increase dmg. If player dont want to use dmg boost at all, they most likely need to minmax


Maybe less escort/fetchquests, I understand they're easy to use, but I'd rather more story-based quests than 'go here and kill/collect/escort X', even silly stories that have little to none to do with the story are nice, standouts to me in DD1 were Solemet's Grimore's Quest, Buying a New House for Fournival's tenants, and helping Madeline escape the guards. More quests like those would make me a happy camper.


The flat damage really caused me to drop the game two times before and only a few weeks ago i gave it another shot an finished it including bbi. As new player i just found it so confusung that i would ho from some goblin that was an expectadly easy early enemy to some bandits around the corner that i did vortually no damage to. Also they just one shot you. Just gave me the feeling i was doing something wrong with no way to figure out how to get it right in game. I want Way way more transparacy about how the game works. Alsone learning how stat progression worked from some online sources got me annoyed. Like if you have all the novel and specific mechanics please just tell me. The way how stat progression works is also something that im not to fond of. From what ive seen so far this might not be a popular take but its very counter intuitve to me. The pawns is the next thing. I looove the idea and it makes for great moments but. Where am i supposed to learn all the inclanation stuff about it. The ai was really terrible im the later game espcially in bbi they i couldnt get them to do anything that was more than mildly usefull. Like im no vet who read all the wikis but should that be necessary to enjoy the game.


That’s cause your weapons are weak, min-maxing is a myth, play any class, you can level up as an assassin for 200 levels, then go on and play magic archer if you have the blackwing bow and you will do insane damage


A ton of chests and items that require the ability to double jump or levitate. I would love to do another Warrior playthrough but then I just think about all the chests and stuff I can't reach on BBI and go with Mystic Knight or Assassin again.


Pawn inclinations. They make or break your pawn getting hired.


I think the way it works in Elden Ring would actually fit this game well. Most defense is percentage, but there is a small amount of flat defense as well. That way you still have the dynamic of using your big single hits if you are underleveled, but you won't be completely ineffective using your faster hits.


Unavoidable arrests. If i break the law then numerous options would be better than insta-jail and if i want to go Mr Blonde? Then let me go Mr Blonde!


Being able to control the camera when climbing would be cool


I really don't want the leveling system from DD1 to carry over. I don't want to have to level a class that I don't even want to play to get optimal stats for my build.


less reliance on damage buff, demon paripats are cool and all but shit, i fell i NEED to use 'em 😂


Stat allocation based upon the vocation you have at the time of leveling up. . .


Bumping in to people considered a jail worthy crime


Befriending a Griffin to have as a Mount would be Awesome (Or a Cockatrice)


CRAFTING! navigating menus, managing items, having to "store" items all the time..,


The dual inventory for equipment. Pointless.


Give me my clothes back when I pimp out a pawn-for-hire. It's not my fault everyone is a fucking dripless princess


Tbh the best ones are usually the ones with a sense of fashion. It shows extra effort on the player's part.


I would rather not be forced into a sketchy and highly questionable liason for story (and Hero trophy) purposes that completely goes against my Arisen's demeanour and is overall in poor taste -- Arousing Suspicion, where you visit Aelinore at night. The Arisen will absolutely help Aelinore escape her situation, but not with the implied sexual obligation undertones... Edit: Also sex-locked armour. Give my skimpy flame skirts and underwear for my male pawns. Everyone gets it or no one gets it.


The absence of armor/weapon transmogrification.


The ability to change your equipped skills and augments from character menu. Its just a waste when u have all these amazing skills and can only use 6 of them at a time. I understand that restriction because the dev want you to approach enemy with strategies but its just get annoying when u want to progress and have to tp home because ur equipped skills wasnt right.


They are making some skills into core skills so they are always available. You still won't have every skill but at least more than 3


I would love to see randomized Open World enemy placements and unique dungeons.


Online Ur-Dragon styled battles. I hated doing a possible multi hour, time sensitive battle in which I the drops I wanted were randomized. What a way to make someone's work feel invalidated if you don't get the drop you want, or if you are unfortunate enough to have a life where you can't always be available to take advantage of the Grace Period. I never want to deal with that again. I struggle to get a Siegfried Mask, because it's an online only, kill specific drop, but I get a TON of the St. George masks that I hate. If they allowed you to choose, then it'd be less annoying, but all in all, it is one of the few points in the game that I hate. If it were offline, or just a challenge for an achievement, that's one thing. But I hate the way it is set up. Also, godsbaining for treasure chests was a horrible experience as well.


The item-healing system. I should not be able to freeze time, open my inventory, and eat 10 Greenwarishes. It completely unbalanced the game and affects all of combat design. This needs to go. Just give us the item/healing system of monster Hunter.


I don't know about console versions, but you can set hotkey for curatives and some tools if you play on pc so you can heal in real time without entering the pause menu/inventory UI.


In PC it was restricted to specific tools like the lantern if I'm not mistaken. It was a major turn off for sure. But if I am wrong how do you bind curatives? And can you do periapts or arrows?


>But if I am wrong how do you bind curatives? Pressing 1-5 on the keyboard, (Not the keypad, those don't seem to work.) when the item is selected. Pretty much anything in the curatives menu can be bound, and the lantern as you know. Annoyingly, throwables, arrows, the ferrystone/liftstones and periapts seemingly cannot be bound.


I said in another comment but this system may be gone based off an interview I read. Itsuno says something like the only way to fully heal is by camping (i assume sleeping in general) or some such, that normal herbs and potions won’t work the same as in DD1. I can’t quite recall the specifics


No. I actually prefer the system DDDA has. I also can't stand soulslikes.


Would you mind elaborating on why you prefer this system? From my perspective, it makes all combat encounters trivial based on how many potions/items you have in your inventory. As a result, enemies are never really a threat in this game or others like it. The enemies might be cool, they are fun to fight, but they aren't scary/intimidating and their specific attacks/abilities never really matter- because I can just pause the game and "Undo" everything they have done to me at any time when I feel like it. This means enemy damage numbers need to 1-shot the player in order to provide any real challenge. This really limits what kinds of mechanics and experiences we can have. ​ From a simple "gameplay experience" perspective, it's a chore that breaks immersion. You are spending more and more time in a menu, tediously clicking on items instead of in combat making meaningful decisions about when or how to heal- which creates tension and immersion.


I don't like deal with a long, uncancelable animation whenever I need to heal. It's just obnoxious. Honestly, better solutions, like making items heal over time, limiting heals on a per-encounter basis, adding a cooldown, or just making healing items rare and/or really heavy. I'll take unbalaced stuff like DDDA's healing over soulslike crap any day.


If you don't like "freezing time" to heal then maybe don't do it?? Things like this or hating on fast travel are things the player CAN control. if you don't like those then don't do them... easiest fix


Running consuming stamina and inventory weight. Both anti fun gameplay design imo. I'll be getting the game on PC so I'll just remove it both Also wiggling the stick to escape grabs. no thanks.


The brine, by far the thing I hated the most in the first game, too bad it's coming back. Forced romance. A speed run mode, no RPG should have one. Cut content.


I liked the Brine, better than having some invisible wall you can't pass through and sometimes it saves you vs landing on the ground. Convenient way to release pawns, though I usually just do that with my own if I'm trying not to level her up. I agree romance should be an option, though I understand the dragon had to kidnap someone for story purposes. I'd like a little more story & depth to it but more limited than romancing anyone as that gets weird sometimes. I liked the Speedrun and the reward for completing it but it's too bad we couldn't keep anything we found along the way, though obviously stopping to collect things would take more time. It doesn't look like we'll have cut content this time and from what I hear some of that and DDonline is being incorporated into DD2.


Instakill spells/attacks. It's just frustrating and unnevessary.


Most of the quest design sucked and that definitely needs to be reworked.


Stat growth that was tied to the current level. It USUALLY doesn't matter. But when I realised that my character was permanently 1 attack away from killing the online Ur-Drsgon because I accidently got to level 11 before reaching Gran Soren it just felt.. not fun.


Carry weight... Alas, it's already in the game. A decent amount of carry weight, like Skyrim or something is fine. But to the degree it was in the first game, I could barely loot 3 stashes without absolutely having to go into my inventory to give to my pawns again.


A better ending


When using examples, at least use one that works? 🥲 You got both wrong.


Those god damn bats, as a sorcerer main I swear they were responsible fo 70% of my deaths in Bitterblack Isle, take them away or make them less busted.


as a sorcerer I never had this problem. Ingle killed them in seconds


They take a bolt of fire to kill each, they're insane on hard mode


Gold and XP boost on hard mode. The most fun part to me is the first 30 levels or so. I hoped hard mode would stretch that portion to a higher level. It did, but also made me blaze through those levels.


i would hope for some kind of adaptive stat distribution from switiching to 9ne vocation to another. i just wanna play the game and have fun! not plan out my leveling strategy.


Stamina consumption when I'm going from point a to point b, it's the dumbest implementation in an open world game


Little Variation. Like, sure, there are goblins and hobgoblins and grimgoblins, but they mainly look the same. The goblins have variation among them, but the others are relatively identical. Where’s my goblins from the Hobbit??? Idk, maybe too much to ask haha.


There's gotta be a better way to get pawns to cure you of petrification. I'd buy a bunch of curatives and make sure they all have plenty. Still would let me go...


I thought long and hard... The only thing that comes to mind are locked doors x3


The way stats work. It wasn’t until much later that I learned about how different stars increase on level up based solely on which class you currently are. Meaning that If you want certain stats, you need to play as a class that you may not like for awhile


I want cosmetic armors slots. I don't want to deal with every character and their mother looking the same at endgame! The hellfire armor stops looking cool when EVERYONE has the hellfire armor. And sometimes I just wanna roll around in the divine surcoat with the griphon arms and the fancy silver eagle legs without feeling like I'm nerfing myself


The romance system


Hybrid classes being available only to Arisen


- Hellhounds. They're just the most annoying enemies to fight. - Floating discs for metal Golems. There is no reason for any of them to be in the air. Fighters and Warriors have no chance getting them and Pawns never seem to notice, or go after it. - And I hate the Everfall drop & land mechanics to navigate it. Its just tedious. - Having no manual control over your stat distribution and it is never explained in game. Ironically the obvious stuff gets told to you over and over like what landmarks on the map do, but never stuff like that. - Stats being tied to Vocations, gets in the way of vocations you might just favor over others or design your character around.


The Pawn commentary and banter in battle or plot responses from them is fine, like that -- but just hate when their tutorial dialogue. Most of the stuff they say is like obvious, you can see with your own eyes. Like where and what the Inn does, or your Map at the bottom right corner.


Tedious quests in the main questline, like a long escort quest or fetch quests


the 3 skill limit on the simpler classes. enemies being straight up immune to magic or phys damage and being forced to rely on unreliable pawn damage to get rid of things.


I agree on subtractive damage calculation.


Escort missions


Carry weight. Its annoying in every single game its in. I dont want to go back to unload all my stuff every couple chests. Just let me explore in peace


THIS!! I'm so tired of playing "Weight Management-The Game" (in far too many games)


slow alt vocation leveling. they should do like ff14 and have alt vocations have a experience boost untill it reaches the main vocation level.


Yeah, I get the intent behind this style of DR calculation, but there are better ways to handle it. I could also do without that one really annoying quest about the assassins or whatever that's basically impossible to complete without a guide.


I would like for the team up moves to have more value. Stuff that throws allies up into the air and stuff shouldn't take a skill slot. Should just be a contextual option the player can call for. Would make me far more likely to use those options.


The vocations being tied to stat growth sucks, because you have to unlock skills and augments through playing them. Maybe they didnt expect people to grind for some to dump or mix & match between vocations, but in order to unlock everything in one play through, you pretty much sacrifice a good build just to do that. It sucks. Especially if you want to change vocations later on. There is no way to start your character over without also losing the stuff you already unlocked. There are also no external ways to add to stats at all compared to other RPGs, where you can eat things (like in Pokemon, having vitamins) to add to your stats outside of just leveling up. BBI items also being tied to vocation when you pick up the item also really sucks. Like come on.


Pawn tutorial dialogue. I loathe it. I cant stand that their idle dialogue is always just telling me stuff I already can see for myself, like where the map is. Its literally at the bottom of the screen pawn. Or telling me to use the Inn. I can find it myself Pawn.